SvR 2011 Create-An-.....Arena?!

I think it would be a great mode, and it seems like I remember having this mode in another game before, but I can't verify that and am too lazy to look it up. But it would be a great mode, depending upon how in-depth you could make it.

The best part about it is that you could finally add all the major venues that wrestling promotes at, and even the historic venues such as the Philadelphia Spectrum, the Greensboro Coliseum, hell you could even build the Impact Zone and Hammerstein Ballroom, if you so desired. The possibilities COULD be endless and fascinating.

WWF Attitude is the only WWF/E game I recall having an Create and Arena (I think the ECW games had them too. It allowed users to choose everything from the entrance way, ramp, lighting, ring apron, and even graphics on the canvas I think.

If a Create an Arena isn't the big upgrade for this year, but rather a secondary upgrade, then I'll be really happy. 2010 was their best game in forever, and a Create an Arena would add a lot of spice to the game.
Create an arena would be cool, but only if its properly intergrated into the GM mode, along with create a story.

If they combined the control tools of create a story with the calendar and continuity of GM mode from 08, they would have it down.
I never liked GM Mode, because there wasn't enough freedom to make the stories how you really wanted without actually playing the matches, and injuries popped up at terrible times. I had a great story going with Sandman and King Booker feuding until One Night Stand, with Sandman hopefully taking the title at ONS, but then he got injured one week before the PPV.
I gave up with the SvR games a long time ago. The loading times are awful and the roster is always out of date.
I dont see how you can bitch about injuries, the shit happens in real life. Its supposed to be a simulation, if a ME guy gets hurt, you have to figure out what to do and bite the bullet. Hello.
Wait, WWE actually lobbied to remove HHH being on the wrong side of an attack from all commercials and advertisements for one of the games? That pretty much seals his position as biggest douche in the industry. And no one try to say ''well maybe he tried to talk VKM into stopping the lobby'' because if VKM is that fired up about it, then he'd listen to Paul Mcmah...ahem, Levesque
I still find it surprising how I could star in a movie every day.

That was probably events and promos of the movie. Like commercials and the like. Or it was just an unrealistic oversight. Or they didn't give enough of a shit to change it. But just like people giving their guy the gore as a normal move and using it over and over online, it's up to you to decide how realistic you wanna play
Wait, WWE actually lobbied to remove HHH being on the wrong side of an attack from all commercials and advertisements for one of the games? That pretty much seals his position as biggest douche in the industry. And no one try to say ''well maybe he tried to talk VKM into stopping the lobby'' because if VKM is that fired up about it, then he'd listen to Paul Mcmah...ahem, Levesque

he was a face world champion at the time, and the WWE didnt want him in all the promotional stuff getting his ass whipped, just as they wouldnt have Cena or the Undertaker doing so.

I love when people just tell half the story in the name of blind hate mongering idiocy
he was a face world champion at the time, and the WWE didnt want him in all the promotional stuff getting his ass whipped, just as they wouldnt have Cena or the Undertaker doing so.

I love when people just tell half the story in the name of blind hate mongering idiocy

Even though I absolutely hate Cena, I can't see him, or Taker, allowing them to go to an extreme like that over some thing so trivial
It probably is just not connecting because I've been up WAY to long to think but, what is WZCW?
The resident E-Fed. Its on the forums list. How the hell did you miss it?
he was a face world champion at the time, and the WWE didnt want him in all the promotional stuff getting his ass whipped, just as they wouldnt have Cena or the Undertaker doing so.

I love when people just tell half the story in the name of blind hate mongering idiocy

I didn't write the articule, WZ's "reporters" did. But I gotta wonder. Just how the hell is having a computer knock off of a WWE superstar being beat make him look bad?
IMO that would be the same as them taking the pink off the colour chooser for HHH's thread option so people wouldn't make him look girlie or gay. My opinion, not fact. There may be another reason why they did it, and it may just be a happening of coincidence. But I don't believe in such.
I didn't write the articule, WZ's "reporters" did. But I gotta wonder. Just how the hell is having a computer knock off of a WWE superstar being beat make him look bad?

certainley doesnt look GOOD though, does it? Remember, its mostly children who get these games. It would be foolish to think that ANY of the top face superstars would have a bunch of promotional stuff for the game come out with them getting whipped pillar to post. Of course its logical, but people just want to get all fired up over it becuase its Triple H. Fucking silly, too.
IMO that would be the same as them taking the pink off the colour chooser for HHH's thread option so people wouldn't make him look girlie or gay. My opinion, not fact. There may be another reason why they did it, and it may just be a happening of coincidence. But I don't believe in such.

It wasnt a coincidence, I just fucking explained three damn times why they did it. Gosh damn, do people lose the ability to read when its a situation involving Triple H?
It's mostly children that get this game, and they don't want HHH to look bad in the commercial. But you can bash some one's head in with a steel chair, cause blood to not only be drawn but drip down their face, onto their chest, and on the mat, AND upload storylines with ANY THING in them? Doesn't sound kid friendly to me
It wasnt a coincidence, I just fucking explained three damn times why they did it. Gosh damn, do people lose the ability to read when its a situation involving Triple H?

Yes, you have. You've stated the same thing 3 times. He was a face and a champion and didn't want him to look bad. BUT it happened with HHH, VKM's son in law. It's kind of hard to ignore that huge fact.
And NorCal, what I meant by coincidence was it may be a coincidence that it was HHH and that he's related to Vince. IF it happened with Cena or any one else then it would be 100% because he's a huge face. But since it was Hunter, you have to look at all the facts
Here's the big question. If a big face/champion can lose matches on television why the hell would it matter in a VIDEO GAME commercial?

Just like with the Buzz Aldrin commercial: Mark Henry beats an old man in the back with a chair. No one cares.

Cena had a Gillette commercial where he smacked Vince with a chair. No one cared.

HHH has his computer generated character beat up in a commercial, all hell breaks lose and VKM goes on a war march.

We need Jesse Ventura! There's a conspiracy afoot!!!

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