WWE '12 : Create Your Own Promotion

The Future Rises

Thinking Of A New Name..
So as we all know in WWE '12 there's a CAW(Create A Wrestler) mode, a pain tool mode where you can create your own logos, create a storyline mode, universe mode, and finally the brand new create an arena mode. I think you all get where I'm going with this. By using all of these modes you can create your own promotion.

And by promotion I don't mean a fantasy promotion with guys like Chris Benoit and Shawn Michaels in it. I mean a realistic promotion. You can download talents that are not employed by either WWE or TNA(the two biggest wrestling promotions) mixed them up with some of your original caws and you got a decent roster. Then all you have to do is make the logo and the arena. You got yourself a good wrestling promotion that you can even have instead of Superstars in universe mode.

Now for me the first names that come to my mind when I think my own promotion are Brock Lesnar(still has a chance of returning to wrestling), Bobby Lashley(same as Lesnar), and MVP. Also notable names are Carlito, Charlie Hass, Shelton Benjamin, Luke Gallows, and Vance Archer(really think the WWE dropped the ball with him).

It's worth to note that I got this idea when Bryan Williams from THQ mentioned how you can make an arena for your own promotion with create an arena mode.

Will You Make Your Own Wrestling Promotion In WWE '12?

If So What Would You Name The Promotion And Are You Going To Base It Off The Classic 90s WWF Or WCW Or Would You Prefer To Have An Original Style Or Would You Just Go With The Modern Day WWE/TNA Style?

What Unemployed Real Life Talent Would You Download/Make And Get In Your Promotion?
I don't have time to create a whole promotion, but if I did have at least an hour a day to play, I sure would. I think mine would be a cross between WWF/WCW and WWE/TNA.

The first Superstar I would create / download (if available) is Chris Jericho. I might even go as far as having 4 different version of Chris Jericho and make a stable out of them called…Jericho. You have the “Best In The World At What I Do” as the manager. Next, you have the “First Undisputed WWF / WCW Champion” as the leader. Then you have “Y2J” as the Mid-Card Superstar and “Lionheart” and “Corazón de León: as the Tag Team Superstars. Hey, it’s a video game.

The second Superstar I would create / download (if available) is Kurt Angle. Nuff said!!

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