Survivor Series LD - Who Will Survive? Not the Viewers

Didn't they learn their lesson about unifying World Titles on a December PPV?

On the brightside at least we can get the belt off Orton and onto Cena where it belongs. This also probably saves them the problem of what the Rumble winner does if they were going to unify the belts at Mania.
Can't understand how Brock Lesnar didn't show up at the PPV tonight. After all, he was spotted at Dunkin a Donuts in Boston tonight. Lesnar, Sable, and Andy Kaufman.
This wasn't the worst show ever and there were some good things going on, but we need to get to Wrestlemania season soon. That kick should put Big Show out for awhile, meaning we can get to something much more interesting in the main event.
klunderbunker said:
This wasn't the worst show ever and there were some good things going on, but we need to get to Wrestlemania season soon. That kick should put Big Show out for awhile, meaning we can get to something much more interesting in the main event.

Cena vs. Orton is interesting this time around....

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I'm not usually negative but that ppv was not good at all but considering I didn't think it was going to be, I'm not disappointed.
Cena vs. Orton? Am I supposed to be intrigued? Is it supposed to be exciting or something? Is this 2005? Is WWE creative proud they are some of the laziest fucks in the history of bookers?
@Big Nick Dudley - I agree, it should be interesting. I think they will have a match at TLC but I don't think it will be for the titles. I think it will just be for bragging rights on who is the face of the WWE. I also don't believe they have ever had a TLC match. Not many different stipulations left for them to have.
For those of you with short attention spans, Cena and Orton haven't had a singles match in 3 years and a world title singles match in over 4 years. They've fought one on one on PPV a total of 6 times.

Totally stale feud though right?
@Klunderbunker - People just like to complain all the time. There is nothing you can do. Their feuds were interesting too and they had some good matches but apparently it's the "cool" thing to hate both of them.
For those of you with short attention spans, Cena and Orton haven't had a singles match in 3 years and a world title singles match in over 4 years.

Totally stale feud though right?

It's fresh considering we've had to sit through ADR/Cena and Orton/Show/Bryan matches for three months. It's the only interesting scenario left due to their inability to push anyone else, not because that's their best option. As long as Cena wins it can't be too bad anway.
Its still 9-10 years with the same guys on top, who cares if it has been 4 years since their last feud? All it tells us is WWE is lazy, doesn't try and makes new stars in the most half assed way possible. Some fans just won't accept every little thing WWE does no matter how uninteresting it is.
They should go ahead and have Cena vs Orton, title vs title in a TLC match and the TLC PPV to crown the Undisputed Champion and Undisputed Face of the Company, if there was any doubt in anyones mind that that wasn't John Cena. Hell I would go so far as to have Cena join The Authority, I know thats long shot but it could be done, I mean he is the FACE of the Company so he would fit right in with them. Then have CM Punk when the Royal Rumble, since it's the only thing he hasn't done and have him go on to face Cena at WM 30 for the title. We all know they can have amazing matches together and it would be similar to Austin vs Rock whenever Rock was the Corporate Champion, with Punk playing Austins role.
For those of you with short attention spans, Cena and Orton haven't had a singles match in 3 years and a world title singles match in over 4 years. They've fought one on one on PPV a total of 6 times.

Totally stale feud though right?
I almost stopped watching wrestling when it was the top feud in 2009.

I want no part of this. And I'm sure the WWE understands how few people do want this, as they're probably going to unify the titles before Mania to avoid making this boring shit the main event.

Oh well. At least we're finally unifying them!
Its still 9-10 years with the same guys on top, who cares if it has been 4 years since their last feud? All it tells us is WWE is lazy, doesn't try and makes new stars in the most half assed way possible. Some fans just won't accept every little thing WWE does no matter how uninteresting it is.

So I take it we're supposed to ignore:

Jeff Hardy
The Miz
CM Punk
Rey Mysterio
Alberto Del Rio
The Rock
Daniel Bryan
Kurt Angle
Booker T
Great Khali
Chris Jericho
Dolph Ziggler
Jack Swagger
Mark Henry

Those would be people that have held world titles since Orton and Cena won their first. 20 people have held world titles since Cena and Orton rose to the top. Before Cena won his first title, there had been 32 different WWE Champions. Since then, there have been 20. More people are winning world titles since Cena and Orton took over than at any point in company history, meaning more people are being elevated, but it's just been those two the entire time right?

Did you ever think, just for a second, that maybe they keep going to the top because they make more money for the company than anyone else?

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