Survivor Series 2013 Discussion

The 1-2-3 Killam

Mid-Card Championship Winner
Ok, so the names need work, but I feel like WWE is in a great place to build to an incredibly strong Survivor Series pay-per-view this year. Which the current main event program involving about two dozen people at the moment (give or take a dozen), I think they have an opportunity to finally do right by the Classic Survivor Series match.

So let's book it!

Some things to consider:
-I don't see Triple H getting in the ring for a 5v5 match. He's considered too big of a draw, at least in story, if not in reality.
-What will John Cena's involvement be, if anything?
-We CM Punk enter into the angle after dispatching of Paul Heyman?

Team Bryan
Daniel Bryan
CM Punk
Cody Rhodes
Big E Langston

Team Orton
Randy Orton
Seth Rollins
Roman Reigns
Dean Ambrose

It's not likely Bryan and Orton will fight over the title again, for the 4th PPV in a row. This story is all about them, so I see WWE making them the team captains. CM Punk will be finishing up his story with Paul Heyman, but I think Ryback is still a pretty strong pick for Team Orton just because there's history there with Punk. Also, Heyman being involved will guarantee the program is enjoyable.

Goldust and Cody Rhodes, still as the tag team champions, will likely join Team Bryan, making the logical pick for Team Orton all three members of The Shield. And, if my predictions are correct, Big E Langston will be winning the US title this weekend at Hell in a Cell. I would love a champion vs. champion program between Langston and Dean Ambrose.
For Team Bryan I think you have it right on the nose except for Punk. I think Punk isn't going to be in search of a World title this year or even next year. Probably Dolph will replace Punk though.

If Ambrose is injured or if any Shield member needs to take some time off (They have been working for over a year without a break) then Ryback and Axel can fit into it. I think the heel team will be harder to choose based upon injuries and vacation.

As for Cena, I don't see him getting involved.
What about the Big Show? If he's not in a match with Triple H @ SS than I see him in DB's corner. & based on the current storylines I'd say Brian's team would be:

Daniel Bryan
Big Show
Cody Rhodes

& the corporation:

Randy Orton
Seth Rollins
Roman Reigns
Dean Ambrose
Call me cynical but I don't see the WWE champion not defending their title cat your minds back to last year. So while I see either Orton or Bryan in their I don't see the other one. So instead of say Orton I'd think Axel and instead of Bryan I'd think Ziggler.
Call me cynical but I don't see the WWE champion not defending their title cat your minds back to last year. So while I see either Orton or Bryan in their I don't see the other one. So instead of say Orton I'd think Axel and instead of Bryan I'd think Ziggler.

This thread is the same trap we got ourselves in to last year with the Punk/Foley stuff. These Survivor Series matches are some nice nostalgia but at a time where the WWE Title doesn't get defended much on regular TV, it seems unlikely that it will get skipped over for a "major" PPV. It also seems likely that either DB or Orton will have that title and therefore unlikely to compete in a 5 v 5.

If Cena is a no go for Survivor Series my guess would be that DB holds the title and faces HHH while Show leads the face team. DB beats HHH and HHH takes a nice long Thanksgiving and X-Mas vacation with the wife and kids. If Cena is a full time "go" that will significantly change things. It's hard not to see him get involved.
This is not a spoiler or a rumour this is just a discussion on what you think the match card will be for Survivor Series. You have 1 pre show match and 8 matches on the main card. Explain how matches will develop aswell. My card would be:

Pre Show Match - Los Matadores vs Real Americans
Match 1 - Bray Wyatt vs Kane
Match 2 - Divas Title AJ Lee vs Natalya
Match 3 - Tag Titles - Cody and Goldust vs The Uso's
Match 4 - IC title match - Big E vs Ryback vs Axel
Match 5 - Randy Orton and Dean Ambrose vs Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns
Match 6 - For Big Shows job - Big Show vs Brock Lesnar
Match 7 - Non Title Match Daniel Bryan vs HHH
Match 8 - World Heavyweight Title Submission Match - Alberto Del Rio(c) vs John Cena

Preshow match - Obvious
Match 1 - Kane returns as a face looking for revenge
Match 2 - AJ beats Brie and continues the feud WWE tempted a few weeks ago
Match 3 - Uso's turn heel after being pinned at HIAC by Cody
Match 4 - Big E wins at HIAC. Ryback writes of Punk at HIAC letting that feud start after the Rumble. Axel turns on Ryback due to jealousy and a triple threat is set up
Match 5 - Rollins and Reigns turn on Ambrose and Orton and turn face as they feel they a pushed around and don't want someone to lead them as they feel like they should be equals in the Shield
Match 6 - HHH recruits Lesnar putting aside there difference because its best for business
Match 7 - Bryan wins at HIAC and challenges HHH who accepts but sets up a non title match
Match 8 - Their rivalry continues after ADR wins by sub at HIAC after going after Cena's arm. Its only in the main event position because it is the only major title on the line
It is slightly strange you haven't included any traditional 10 man tag matches. I think there is an obvious pairing for this given the current storylines. Orton, The Shield and X (maybe Wade Barrett) vs Bryan, The Rhodes, The Miz and Ziggler would be a great choice. The obvious problem is that the WWE Champion would be in it but so would the tag and US champ. I'm not necessarily saying they put all the belts on the line but that would be something unique. Other than that, we will probably have Cena/ADR in a rematch. I like the idea of a submission match but any gimmick would do. Another match I think will happen is Big Show vs Triple H (No DQ) If Big Show wins; he gets his job. This could be a very good match and it would end this particular angle before it becomes ridiculous.

What they do with Punk is interesting. The could hypothetically have him face Heyman one-one-on but that doesn't appeal. I would be somewhat interested in another 5 on 5 match. Maybe something like Punk, Big E, The Uso's and R-Truth/Rey Mysterio vs Ryback, Axel, The Real Americans and Fandango. Usually with the traditional tag-team matches there is very little story behind why each person is teaming with each other. I know people think Hell in a Cell should end the Punk/Heyman feud but they could add a stipulation. Even something like the winning captain gets a WWE Title shot.

My Card:

Orton, The Shield and Wade Barrett vs Bryan, Cody Rhodes, Goldust, The Miz and Dolph Ziggler.

Punk, Big E, The Uso's, R-Truth vs Ryback, Axel, The Real Americans, Fandnago
Triple H vs The Big Show (No DQ)
John Cena (C) vs Alberto Del Rio
Kane vs Bray Wyatt
Divas match

That is probably enough to fill a PPV. I think it is very difficult to predict Survivor Series but that is a reasonable prediction. I have no idea what they would do with regards to the WWE title because I don't want to see Orton/Bryan again and there isn't a logical challenger. I suppose they could have Punk challenge Orton but I think having him team with The Shied makes sense.
I think the 5 v 5 is a good option but I ruled it out because to many top stars have to be pinned/submitted in 1 match and WWE doesn't like doing that. I completely disagree with Miz being anywhere near the Authority angle anymore. How would he go from decimated by the Wyatt's to Number 1 storyline. It makes no sense but he could be a quick pin to get the faces a man down early but I think Kofi, Kane and Miz will feud with the Wyatt's for a bit
CM Punk being in Bryan's shadow... I'm not convinced. There is enough talent on the roster to have Punk, Big E, Ryback and Axel in a separate tag-team match. I quite like:

Orton, The Shield and someone (perhaps Wade Barrett, even Del Rio if they don't feel a rematch with Cena is necessary. Team Bryan would be: Daniel Bryan, Cody Rhodes, Goldust, The Miz and Dolph Ziggler. There is history between all of these guys and all ten are talented meaning we would get a phenomenal match.

It is interesting to see what they do with the WWE title. Having it defended makes sense but there isn't an obvious scenario for that to come around unless Vince returns. I would love if they also defended the US and tag-team titles but that is extremely unlikely. I don't think we HAVE to see the WWE title defended. If we have Orton and Bryan fighting it would add to the match but there are other draws (Cena, HHH, Punk) meaning this PPV will be fine and the value of the WWE title won't be diminished.
im fine with the card. Just two problems. Punk cant be written out of survivor series because hes the second top full time guy in the company.

Lesnar is not returning till early 2014 based on whats been reported here. Had lesnar contracted to compete one more match in 2013, it would have been against punk in the rematch tbh.

Despite of last monday promo, i still see wwe is going with hhh vs big show. Overall this entire feud has really been more about these two. I see hhh vs d bryan to happen at the rumble or hold it till mania.
Big E Langston wins Us Title to have champion vs. Champion U.S Champion vs. U.S Champion match. Yes. Its him winning Intercontinental Champion.
As of right now, I'm thinking the card might look something like this:

Survivor Series Kickoff Show - Los Matadores vs. The Real Americans

Survivor Series Main Card

Traditional Survivor Series Match - Daniel Bryan, CM Punk, Cody Rhodes, Goldust and Big E. Langston vs. Randy Orton, Ryback and The Shield

World Heavyweight Championship - Alberto Del Rio (c) vs. John Cena

WWE Intercontinental Championship - Curtis Axel (c) vs. Dolph Ziggler, Kofi Kingston or Rey Mysterio

WWE Divas Championship - AJ Lee (c) vs. Brie Bella

No Disqualification - Big Show vs. Triple H

#1 Contender's Match - The Usos vs. Harper & Rowan vs. The Prime Time Players

Possible Alternate Matches

The Miz vs. Bray Wyatt

Kane vs. Bray Wyatt

WWE is obviously building to a clash between Los Matadores & The Real Americans, so it's entirely possible they'll have their very first match at Survivor Series. I could see the match being added to the main card, possibly, with either the IC or Divas Title match or #1 contender's match taking its place on the kickoff show.

A traditional Survivor Series match with Bryan, the Rhodes brothers, Punk & Langston on one side while Orton, The Shield & Ryback are on the other just seems to make perfect sense to me. Langston is, allegedly, set to feud with Ryback next, this is a way to milk Bryan vs. Orton for a little more, Punk being on Bryan's team MIGHT provide a little hint of him ending up in the title picture before long and the Rhodes boys are into it with The Shield. I'm not saying this match will happen, nor will I jump up and down screaming my head off and threatening to hold my breath if WWE doesn't gimme it, but it's a logical match that I could see on the card.

As with the WWE Championship match at HIAC, a lot of people are split on what's gonna happen between Del Rio & Cena. A lot are predicting Cena to win because....well...he's John Cena. It's what he does. It's also expected since he's making his triumphant return in recovering from his torn triceps so miraculously and all that. At the same time, however, they keep playing up the possibility of Cena returning "too soon" and that he's really not ready. If that's the route they take, then Cena has an easy way out to justify losing to Del Rio. I'm predicting Del Rio will pull something of an upset. I don't see him making Cena tap, but I could see the ref deciding to stop the match out of "concern" for Cena. Cena is humiliated because he's never had to have a match stopped, feels he has something to prove and manages to land himself a rematch for Survivor Series.

It's possible that Axel could be on a proposed Survivor Series team. However, I went with Ambrose instead as he & the other Shield members are a true cohesive unit than Axel & Ryback. As of this moment, unless Big E. Langston wins at HIAC this Sunday, I could see WWE giving Axel a title feud for Survivor Series against a mid-card mainstay like Ziggler or Kofi. I added Rey Mysterio to the mix just on a whim. It's possible he could return by then and, if so, they could give him a title match as a means of adding some star power to the match. He recently worked a tag match with Sin Cara against Wade Barrett and, I think, Hunico and it's reported that he looked good and carried most of the match, though he's definitely protecting his knee.

As for AJ Lee vs. Brie Bella, I think Survivor Series will be the blow off to their feud. I don't expect Brie to win the Divas Championship at HIAC but I think it'll happen at Survivor Series. I imagine that, by that time, they'll be filming what will amount to the full season finale of Total Divas and Brie winning the strap will wind up being a centerpiece of the finale.

Big Show vs. Triple H is a match that's coming and it'll probably be no disqualification. If Vince returns to television in the role of a babyface and is revealed to be a supporter and benefactor of Show, then I could see either Show or Trips wanting this match to be no DQ. Show would want it as a means of goading Triple H into proving something while Triple H could want it in order to do just that, to prove himself and silence any doubters.

The Usos, PTPs & Harper & Rowan are probably the three top teams on the roster right now. WWE might surprise me and throw in Los Matadores & The Real Americans into this match, all depending on how things continue to shape up for their feud. If not, then I could see these other three teams going at it to see who gets the spot as #1 contenders.
My problem is that, there are no traditional SS matches on there. In fact the only matches that make senses besides the first 4(including pre-show) is the DB vs. HHH. Everything else is just a big what the hell?
Pre Show - Xavier Woods vs JBL.
Pre Show - Zeb Coulter vs El Torito.

PTP, Tons of Funk, and Los Matadors vs. Real Americans, 3MB and Fandango.

Kane, Kofi Kingston, The Miz, CM Punk and Big E Langston vs. Curtis Axel, Ryback, Bray Wyatt, Luke Harper and Eric Rowan.

Ziggler, Cody Rhodes, Goldust, and The Usos vs. The Shield, Sheamus and Brad Maddox.

Natalya, Kaitlyn, The Bellas, and The Funkadactyls vs. Layla, Alicia Fox, Rosa Mendes, Aksana, Tamina and AJ Lee.

Big Show vs Triple H - No DQ.

Alberto Del Rio vs John Cena - I Quit match for the WHC.

Daniel Bryan vs Randy Orton - Iron Man match for the WWE Championship.

I think there needs to be more than one survivor series style match on the card. The only person I'm not sure of is Sheamus but I didn't know who to plug in there.
1: Wyatt vs Kane

2: Team Punk (Punk,Rhodes Family,Big E and Ziggler) Vs Team Heyman (Ryback,Axel and The Shield makes sense they worked for Heyman in the past) Stipulations. If Punks team wins Heyman gets his head shaved.

3:Big Show vs HHH last man standing or some other hardcore match

4: World Title Match Cena (c) vs ADR submission match

5: Random Diva match

6: Prob another 5 vs 5 match

7: WWE Title Match HBK (c) vs Daniel Bryan 60 min Ironman ( I know i know not likely and but you never know with WWE these days. I could see him his sweet chin music and pinning Bryan and covering then counting the three himself. But yeah very very very unlikely)

The real 7: Real WWE title match Daniel Bryan (c) vs Randy Orton if Randy loses he is fired.
I can't see another Bryan vs Orton match happening or Punk facing a Heyman team if he puts him down at HIAC, as facing him again in a 10 man tag AFTER he's basically won the blow-off is anti-climactic. I think Punk will either take time off after HIAC or he'll be moved into something different.

I think there will be 2 or 3 Survivor Series matches with one of them being a big one.

Team Yes! vs The Authority
Bryan, Show, CM Punk & The Rhodes vs Triple H, Orton & The Shield

Team Langston vs Team Heyman
Big E, Los Matadores, Kofi & Rey vs Axel, Ryback, The Real Americans & Fandango

Total Divas vs Team AJ
Bellas, Funkadactyls & Nattie vs AJ, Tamina, Aksana, Layla & Foxy

On the singles front it's hard to see a truly huge match but I think Cena will follow up HIAC by continuing his chase for the WHC and subsequently it's elevation.

WHC 'I Quit' Match
Cena vs Del Rio

Casket Match
Kane vs Bray Wyatt

If Punk is written off after HIAC then just put Cena in his place and put Rey in the WHC match and either Miz or Ziggler on Team Langston.
I think George's Barber is right, it all hinges on if Cena is fully back, if he is then I can see a the WWE title not being on the line, but only if Triple H leads The Authority team.

This angle has had Triple H as the focal point as top heel, things have been brewing with him, Bryan and Big Show for months, if he's not involved then it feels like just another Shield vs faces tag team match that has headlined numerous TV shows. Triple H needs to be in the ring in my view.

If I am right then The Authority team is easy, it's Triple H, Orton & the Shield.

Team Bryan is also pretty easy with Bryan, Show and The Rhodes, the big question mark is over the 5th guy. Possibly Punk as he should be done with Heyman at HIAC, or maybe a return for one night of The Undertaker? That would certainly pop things but could overshadow the Bryan/Triple H/Show storyline. Of course the 5th spot could just be filled by Miz, Ziggler or Rey Myserio, who should be back by then.
Big Show vs. Triple H: Seems a lock to me. Which is unfortunate as I think that you could easily add them to a Survivor Series match along with Bryan & Orton and you could get a genuine traditional S.S. match main event for the first time in years. Then hold Big Show vs. Triple H at T.L.C. which should increase interest in that show.

I'd like to put both Orton & Bryan in a Survivor Series match, but I don't see it. The WWE Championship is firmly the top title in the company and I can't see the top match on one of WWE's big-4 Pay-Per-Views being a Cena vs. Del Rio rematch. I see Bryan being champion and facing a new challenger that's hand-picked by Triple H the next night on Raw. Who that is I have no concrete idea. Hey, maybe it'll be Cena. Seeing as Bryan isn't HHH's idea of what a champion should be like and Cena is genuinely WWE's top guy. If that happens I eagerly anticipate the Cena Turning Heel threads on the forum.

I'd like to see a team of The Shield, Ryback & Axel oppose a team of Punk, Langston, Goldust, Cody and somebody else. Not Ziggler though. Unless they tap into the heat he and Zangston should have as former friends.

I'd also like to see a 6-man match featuring Harper, Rowan & a reluctant Kane against Kofi, The Miz and somebody else who's unimportant to the WWE landscape.

It really is difficult to make a decent Big 4 card without the use of the WrestleMania part-timers involved, isn't it!
I would have the following card:
I thought it would be better to have 4 v 4 elimination matches for some matches then add useless people

1) Pre Show Match: PTP, Santino and Great Khali v 3MB and Fandango (Survivor Series Elimination Match)
I was tossing up whether to have this match at all, but I feel they need a SS Elimination match in the pre-show

2) Los Matadores v Real Americans

3) Big E (c) v Ryback for the IC title
I can see Big E winning on sunday, but Heyman rules that because he has Axel under contract, it is actually Heyman is owns the rematch clause and decides to pass it on to Ryback

4) Miz, Kofi, Rey and Sin Cara v Wyatt Family and Kane (Survivor Series Elimination Match)
In the build to the Miz/Bray Wyatt match, or Miz and Kofi v Wyatt Family match that they seem to be doing, I would have Miz and Kofi being dominated, when Kane's pyro goes off, only for him to have followed the buzzards and destroy the two. Miz and Kofi then recruit Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara to take on the four.

5) John Cena (c) v Alberto Del Rio v CM Punk for the WHC (Submission Match)
I dont know who wins on sunday, but I can still see this match happening, they clearly want to add power to WHC. Del Rio gets his rematch, and CM Punk complains how Cena keeps getting title shot after title shot, without doing anything to deserve it.

6) Cody Rhodes and Goldust (c), The Usos and Ziggler v The Shield and Randy Orton for the tag team championships (Survivor Series Elimination Match)
I would have Triple H so desperate to get the tag titles back on the Shield, that he demands Randy Orton helps them, after failing to win the WWE title. If the Shield wins the title, Orton gets another WWE title shot. He puts the Uso's in the match to make it look "fair", despite tensions between Usos and Rhodes.

7) Daniel Bryan v HHH for the WWE title
This one writes itself. Survivor Series is one of the big 4 PPV's, and if HHH v Bryan happens, it will have to be at SS or wait till Royal Rumble
I like the thinking, but in order for this to work, something has to be on the line. Since your proposal has both Bryan and Orton in the match, it won't be the WWE Championship. Bragging rights" these days simply aren't enough to hook the viewer to this match, that's for sure. However, the WWE Championship need not be on the line for this to work. But something else must.

Remember back to 2004, when the 5-5 match between Team Orton and Team HHH was not for the World Heavyweight Championship? Instead, for the winning team, Orton's in that case, each member got to be GM for a week. With all the discontent in the face camp regarding how Stephanie and HHH have run Raw, this would be the perfect chance for HHH to dare them to do better. It's a story that hasn't been done in 10 years, and some people may either not remember, or weren't watching wrestling at that time.

If you couple that with a healthy John Cena either defending or challenging once more for the WHC, you've got a lot of buys right there. The people involved sound pretty good as well, although I'm guessing we'll see HHH vs. Big Show one-on-one. My teams would look like this:

Team Bryan:
Daniel Bryan
Cody Rhodes
CM Punk
Dolph Ziggler

Team Orton:
Randy Orton
Dean Ambrose
Seth Rollins
Roman Reigns

Winner has each member running Raw for a week. Since my money is on Orton winning the WWE Title at HIAC, it would be amusing to have the face team run Raw and make Orton and the Authority's life miserable for awhile.
While i am not to sure WWE will put on a PPV without A WWE title match, Team Bryan vs Team corporation traditional survivor series match does sound quite good. As for who will make up the team's I think it will look a bit like this.

TEAM BRYAN. Daniel Bryan. Big Show. Golddust. Cody Rhodes. and possible a returning Mark Henry.

TEAM CORORATION. HHH. Randy Orton. Roman Reigns. Dean Ambrose. Seth Rollins.
So after tonight I am guessing Show vs Orton for the WWE title and Cena vs Bertie in a WHC match with the latter closing the show as it's in Boston and the whole point of Cena having the belt is to make it seem more important.

Can't say I have any interest in either match so I'll probably skip this PPV if they are booked.

Punk and Bryan vs The Wyatt's? I dunno, Bray is good on the stick but I'd rather see Bryan and Punk working singles matches and involved in something bigger.

The Real Americans vs The Rhodes seems possible but I could also see some sort of multi team match with The Shield and Uso's added, or maybe it will just be a 4 vs 4 Survivor Series match with Rhodes/Uso's vs The Shield/Real Americans.

Dean Ambrose vs Big E would be a likely US title match as Ambrose can't duck him forever. Not sure Axel will feature with Big E now Heyman seems to be taking time off.

The Bellas, Nattie and Kaityln vs AJ, Tamina, Summer Rae and one of the other filler Divas in a classic Survivor Series match would make sense as there's not really a challenger ready for AJ after she beat Brie two PPV's in a row.
One can only hope, but I hope that the Main Event for the Survivor Series 2013 is a traditional Survivor Series Elimination match, 6 – on – 6 instead of 5 – on – 5.
The Authority – WWE Champion, Randy Orton, Alberto Del Rio, Intercontinental Champion, Curtis Axel, United States Champion, Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, and Roman Reigns
The CeNation – World Champion, John Cena, Daniel Bryan, C. M. Punk, Big E. Langston, and Unified WWE World Tag Team Champions, Goldust, and Cody Rhodes
I say save the Championship matches for a T. L. C. the following month.

5 Face Divas
5 Heel Divas

20-Man Tag Team Survivor Series Elimination match (similar to the match from the 87 and 88 Survivor Series)
The Usos, The Prime Time Players, Tons Of Funk, Los Matadores, and The Great Khali and Santino Marella
The Wyatts (all 3 of them), 3 Man Band (all 3 of them), The Real Americans (all 3 of them, including Zeb), and Ryback

You can fill in the rest of the card. HAHA!!
Survivor Series 2013: Predicted/Hopeful Card

1) Team Corporation: Randy Orton, Triple H, Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose vs. Team WWE: Big Show, Undertaker, Cody Rhodes, Goldust & Dolph Ziggler

2) World Heavyweight Championship: John Cena (c) vs Alberto Del Rio vs Damien Sandow

3) Last Man Standing Match: CM Punk vs Ryback

4) Team Bray: Bray Wyatt, Luke Harper, Eric Rowan, Kane & Fandango vs Team Bryan: Daniel Bryan, The Miz, Kofi Kingston, Mark Henry & Great Khali

5) Tag Team Titles #1 Contenders Match: Prime Time Players vs. The Real Americans vs The Usos vs 3MB vs Tons of Funk vs Los Matadores

6) WWE Intercontinental Championship: Curtis Axel (c) vs Big E Langston

7) Team AJ: AJ Lee, Tamina Snuka, Aksana, Alicia Fox & Rosa Mendes vs Team Total Divas: Brie Bella, Nikki Bella, Kaitlyn, Cameron & Naomi
It will most likely be Big Show vs Orton for the Title. Looks like Bryan got his closure tonight attacking HBK and then moved into a storyline with the Wyatts. The Wyatts attacking Punk and Bryan is interesting....hopefully we could see a 5 on 5 match.

The Wyatt Family, Curtis Axel and Ryback vs CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, Miz, R-Truth and Big E Langston.

Randy Orton, Kane, The Shield vs Big Show, Cody Rhodes, Goldust, Dolph Ziggler, ????????

That could be another option but unlikely. I just hope WWE doesnt turn its back on the traditional matches like they usually do. Its nice to have a themed PPV.

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