SummerSlam: Triple H vs. The Great Khali

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
You would have to specualte that we'll be seeing yet another Edge/HHH match. It's between two big stars and SummerSlam is supposed to be a big PPV. It'll be a gimmick match obviously. It really is just a question of what type of gimmick match. I see Undertaker returning at the end of this show so I'd rule out a Hell In A Cell. That's how their feud will culminate. So we'll probably just get a standard Street Fight.
I just don't see Edge getting a rematch. I think this will end up being what the Great American Bash should've been. Triple H. against a standard larger type athlete. Big Show, Umaga or the Great Khali.

I think a battle royal will end up being had on tonight's Smackdown taping, at which point it'll come down to either Big Show and Edge, or Khali and Edge. Vickie will cost Edge the battle royal, so they'll have their own match-up for the p.p.v., meanwhile a "Giant" will attempt defeating Triple H.

This will allow Triple H. to meaninglessly glide by into yet another month long title reign, building to what I assume could easily be Triple H. v. the Undertaker.

The outside possibilities that Triple H.'s Summerslam opponent could be Mr. Kennedy, M.V.P. or even Jeff Hardy are remote, but possible. I'd love to see any one of those match-ups, even though the Jeff Hardy against Triple H. one has been done to death, and no way Triple H. loses at the 2nd biggest p.p.v. of the year, since he didn't win at Wrestlemania, or Royal Rumble.
Not a street fight. I haven't been able to sit through one of those matches in a long while. The match we saw at the Bash wasn't bad. I expected better from supposedly 2 of the best in the business, but I suppose it just leaves a great match for them sometime soon.

I wouldn't be a surprised if it was a street fight though. Something in which Triple H can use his sledgehammer as at least a weapon to make Edge fear, even if he doesn't use it on him. After bringing out on Smackdown recently you'd think it was going to be a part of it. Knowing WWE, they'll probably make up a whole new gimmick match, which will never happen again after this one.

I'm willing to bet Vickie and that wedding planner woman (What the hell is her name anyway?) will get involved in this match, or even have their own. In fact, a mixed tag match could be on the cards. Vickie and Triple H Vs Edge and Wedding planner woman. It would be interesting to say the least. The match itself would be awful. But if it came to Vickie Vs Edge in the ring, I can see it being fun to watch, for the cheap laughs if anything.
You would have to specualte that we'll be seeing yet another Edge/HHH match. It's between two big stars and SummerSlam is supposed to be a big PPV. It'll be a gimmick match obviously. It really is just a question of what type of gimmick match. I see Undertaker returning at the end of this show so I'd rule out a Hell In A Cell. That's how their feud will culminate. So we'll probably just get a standard Street Fight.

I could see a Hell in The Cell if the Undertaker is going to return. Remember at Survivor last year Edge returned in Hell in the Cell to ruin Takers chance at the belt and know how they like use the what goes around comes around theme. Shit they can the Undertaker rip thru bottom of the ring ala vs Goldust. So I see that as a possibilty and we all know they HHH vs Undertaker until Wrestlemaina 25.
I also think that it will be Triple H vs Edge. Edge will probably say that he was distracted and the win wasn't clean so he'll challenge HHH again and he'll of course accept. The only thing I see changing this is if the GM (Vickie) doesn't let Edge get another title shot and gives it to someone else.
Well it will be Khali vs Triple H; I'm speechless about that one. There is no good reason to have Khali headline a huge PPV like Summerslam; wait a minute did last year against Batista so maybe his starpower in India is getting to Vince I just hope they don't make it a Pujabi Jail Cell Match.
Well it will be Khali vs Triple H; I'm speechless about that one. There is no good reason to have Khali headline a huge PPV like Summerslam; wait a minute did last year against Batista so maybe his starpower in India is getting to Vince I just hope they don't make it a Pujabi Jail Cell Match.

Whelp, I nailed that one. And who said The Great Khali wasn't capable of Main Eventing anymore. This will be the best match of the whol.. wait, no, no.. nevermind the other Smackdown announced match will take that. This will be second.

Triple H. against The Great Khali is going to be amazing. Triple H. isn't the best worker with big guys, but somehow carried the Big Show in a decent feud. Khali is better than the Big Show, because Khali hasn't jobbed to Rey Mysterio, cleanly, yet. So Khali will control roughly 85% of this match until the Game turns it up, and either drills Khali with a Sledgehammer, or nails him with the pedigree for the victory.

Either way, I can't wait for this match. ESPECIALLY if a pedigree on Khali is going to be had. That'll be so horrible you'll never be able to look away!
Whelp, I nailed that one. And who said The Great Khali wasn't capable of Main Eventing anymore. This will be the best match of the whol.. wait, no, no.. nevermind the other Smackdown announced match will take that. This will be second.

Triple H. against The Great Khali is going to be amazing. Triple H. isn't the best worker with big guys, but somehow carried the Big Show in a decent feud. Khali is better than the Big Show, because Khali hasn't jobbed to Rey Mysterio, cleanly, yet. So Khali will control roughly 85% of this match until the Game turns it up, and either drills Khali with a Sledgehammer, or nails him with the pedigree for the victory.

Either way, I can't wait for this match. ESPECIALLY if a pedigree on Khali is going to be had. That'll be so horrible you'll never be able to look away!

I don't care about the match as sorts. Although I'm confused whuy they wouldn't have Edge/HHH #2. I guess Edge is now going to become Smackdowns number 3 wrestler. Even though he's fresher and more intresting that their new number one. I also don't know why they aren't giving the shot to somebody like MVP. He might be in a feud with Kennedy. But that can wait for a couple of weeks. Or HHH could even have a rematch with Jeff Hardy. It's not like there's a place for him on the show anyway.

What I take offence with Will is the fact you said Triple H carried Big Show to a decent feud. That feud sucked. So if HHH did carry him it's a great representation of his minimal talents. How dare ye.
After what happened on smackdown with Khali winning the battle royal and getting a title match , I can now officially say that this match will suck , whos idea is it to give Khali another title match, There are more quality heels on smackdown that deserve to main event, plus its SummerSlam one of the bigger ppv's of the year, wwe fucked up on this one
Since Smackdown is over I guess it's safe to post without a spoiler tag. Well after tonight's Smackdown it's obvious as to what they are going to do with Khali... Have him go for the title against HHH. I honestly can see no way that Khali will win this fight. I keep hearing that Khali really is not in the best shape and that his knees are still giving him a hard time. Honestly I would not be at all surprised if during the match something happened causing HHH to bring out the hammer. Lately he has been made to look weak, even during the battle royal earlier tonight he didn't really do all that much. So we'll just have to wait in see what WWE has planned for him as far as action goes even leading up to Summerslam. The match itself I think is going to be borderline terrible, but like I said I would not be at all surprised if Khali is out for a while after this match is over...
So let me get this straight, WWE wasted a huge money feud in HHH/Edge on a crappy PPV and they give us HHH vs Khali on the 2nd biggest PPV of the year? I for one am uber pissed. I don't see why WWE chose Khali to go against Triple H on a huge PPV like Summerslam. All 5 other men in the battle royal were better choices for this match. Jeff Hardy got the biggest pop of the night, he should have been the winner.

Basically the entire match will be Khali dominating (with loud "you can't wrestle" chants in the background) and then Triple H will win in the end. I can't wait to see Khali's attempt at selling the Pedigree though :lmao:
This main event = a way to make HHH look very dominant. That's it.

Book him to go over against the biggest guy in the WWE, cleanly. If he flat out destroys him on top of it, and since its Summerslam, all this match accomplishes is that for the type of fan that follows exactly what the WWE tells them to do (laughs at Hornswoggle, boos every heel, etc), they'll just think HHH is amazing.

Boring. I can't see how this should be the main event. HHH has become stagnant and Khali was not entertaining in the first place. Lol. Still, it sort of makes sense, instead of having HHH just plow easily through someone like MVP/Kennedy/Hardy.
Cena, Taker, Batista have all gone over Khali so why cant Triple H?

Those guys are arguably the 4 Biggest stars in the WWE atm.

Im not that upset about this match, but i hope it doesnt go on last. Hopeuflly they will leave Edge vs. Taker to headline SummerSlam.

But surely HHH vs. Khali cant be as bad as Batista vs. Khali from last year's SummerSlam?
Horrible, just plain horrible. Summerslam is supposed to be the second biggest ppv of the year, so what match for the WWE Championship will we be seeing? Triple H vs.... The Great fricken Khali. When I was watching the 6 man Battle Royal on Smackdown, I was expecting Big Show or Jeff Hardy to win, but when Khali won I was downright shocked. I think Big Show vs Triple H had Summerslam written all over it. That match would be more easier to watch than what this one will be.

Nobody is expecting Khali to win this. The even worse thing is that this match isn't even a gimmick match which means it HAS to suck. I am expecting this to be even worse than the ECW title match. So Triple H will be defeating the Great Khali in a very boring 10 minute match. If Khali wins the title again, I will not cope with it this time around as there are more deserving wrestlers on Smackdown who should be in this match.
See I had a feeling that after what happened at the GAB that Khali would be the next person to challenge the game for the championship. Khali is a huge heel and he will do the job of making Triple H look stronger than ever as we all know the game will prolly spinebuster Khali and hit him for the pedigree for the win. Really is there any shot Khali wins this? Well maybe by DQ to spread the feud for another month, but who really wants to see that? Not me thats for sure.

I really doubt that this be the main event of the show as I feel Taker/Edge will be the main event as that match could sell many buys, but dont be surprised if it is the match before the actually main event. The shocker is to see Khali's mouthpiece back, but it makes since as they need someone to talk for Khali if they want a build up for match since the Edge/HHH had such a crappy build up.

In the end I see Triple H winning in a drastic fashion as him overcoming Khali's strength to retain the gold. Not one bit interested in this match.
Though I am not the least bit interested in this match, I do think it is a decent way to build Triple H up without him having to own MVP, Hardy, Umaga, or Kennedy. The match itself will be terrible, but will make HHH look dominant and ready for the next opponent. The Big Show could have been easily substituted and should have been, but thats ok. People diss The Great Khali, but you can't deny he does exactly what he is supposed to do. He looks dominant and people boo him to death, and that's all you can ask for. The match will be horrible, but here's to hoping MVP, Hardy, Umaga, or Kennedy are the next to fued with HHH and maybe, just maybe coming out on top.
in my opinion...I think this match is not going to happen a summerslam. I believe that in the weeks to come, jeff hardy is going to some how get into this match or some how challenge the great khali for the # 1 contendership. I don think wwe is going to stick with this horrible match at the 2nd best ppv of the year. Its just stupid and ridiculous. I know they wanna make hhh look dominate, but why??? Everybody knows he's freaking dominant already and he's been dominate for the past 10 years....well let's see what happens, I hope wwe does the right thing..
I think this match was done because folks like Cena and batista have defeated khali, and cleanly, so of course HHH wants to make sure that he's not left off that list too. Especially cena. It seems like ever since cena was out for a while, HHH has been trying to reestablish himself as as the most unstoppable force ever, and he wants everyone to know that he's better than cena and there's nothing that anyone (including cena) has done that he can't also do.

Like others have already said, the match will be mainly HHH getting dominated for most of the match, then pulling out a win at the end.
When I first saw Great Khali win the battle royal I was thinking that he would become only the 7th man to have won both the WWE and World Championship in their careers, with the others being Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Randy Orton, Kurt Angle, Undertaker, and Edge in that order. Now that I'm thinking about their Summerslam match and I'm changing my mind, but then again I'm thinking that Ranjin Singh (his translator) returning is a sign that he'll be a World Champion sooner or later. So I still think HHH will retain one way or another, and a DQ victory wouldn't surprise me either.
Again, as I said in my spoiler tag and even before I ever knew this was going to happen. I predicted it to happen. All the reasons are there.

Triple H. won't overshadow Edge against Taker inside Hell in a Cell, so instead Triple H. will want a free pass over a monster. The Great Khali doesn't need any build-up to be a credible contender. He's 7 foot fucking 2 inches. The guy is closing in on 500 lbs. and can squash your head like a grape. That's his credibility.

Sure, Big Show could've been an equal replacement, or even better. But Big Show is a face, and Triple H. won't do that. He's given enough support to opposing faces this year in pushing Jeff Hardy.

It's rumored that Stephanie McMahon is about to pop out the second child, or third? I don't know.. the fact is Triple H. would assumably take some time off for this. So next week on Smackdown, the Great Khali could attack Triple H. and apply that head-vice in which it could "cause internal injuries" that would shelf Triple H. until the final show before the p.p.v., or until the p.p.v. altogether.

Khali in the meantime can run rough-shot over the roster and guys like Big Show, Jeff Hardy, and Mr. Kennedy. It's not like they're being used anyways. And he'll add more momentum going into his squash match at Summerslam, in which Triple H. will completely destroy Khali and proclaim himself the King of King's over slaying the Giants. It'll happen.

Sure, the match would likely be crap, but again.. Khali is serving his purpose, which is more than what Hard, Kennedy or M.V.P. are doing right now just apparenty wandering around on another meaningless brand.

I had hope that Kennedy would continue to get his huge push, but it seems someone forgot to send his packaging papers with him. So he must of gotten lost in the move.
This make sno sense, well, becuase, fucking Big Show squashed this big bitch at Backlash. No one remembers this??? but Kahli just comes back for a title shot?? At fucking SUMMERSLAM no less??? Errr, what??

Which leads to the obvious, which is a Triple H squash to make him the kewlest guy evah. Oh well. no intrigue here at all whatsoever. Maybe to see a huge sick spinebuster spot, but thats all. Seems like they got the Main Events of the july PPV and the August PPV mixed up. This woulda been perfect for the "Great AMERICAN Bash"...but no. We get this at what is supposedly the second biggest PPV of the year?? yea right.
Not buying this match. Khali has been built into a jobber and HHH is HHH. There's next to no way the Nightmare wins the belt here. He hasn't won a big match in forever, but it'll be interesting to see HHH try to get a good match out of this guy. As Norcal said, this is what the main event is at the second biggest show of the year? Not making a lot of sense to me on this one. Khali is intimidating looking, but that's about all. SHow would make a lot more sense, but for some reason I'm not dreading this match as I thought I would. HHH is always good, and with a nice twist this could be passable. If they do an injury angle though, it's nap time during Summerslam.
This make sno sense, well, becuase, fucking Big Show squashed this big bitch at Backlash. No one remembers this??? but Kahli just comes back for a title shot?? At fucking SUMMERSLAM no less??? Errr, what??

Which leads to the obvious, which is a Triple H squash to make him the kewlest guy evah. Oh well. no intrigue here at all whatsoever. Maybe to see a huge sick spinebuster spot, but thats all. Seems like they got the Main Events of the july PPV and the August PPV mixed up. This woulda been perfect for the "Great AMERICAN Bash"...but no. We get this at what is supposedly the second biggest PPV of the year?? yea right.

I couldn't have said it better myself. My first thought was your last point. mixed up ppvs. how do we get this crap at SummerSlam of all ppvs. Edge/Triple H yes Khali/Triple H what the hell? Terrible job by the WWE. the RAW main event should be after this since that will be better regardless. Taker vs Edge HiaC is appealing but this is just plain awful terrible garbage. i'm still in shock that this is the WWE title match at Summer Slam! GAB ok but SS? AWFUL.
For all of those complaining that this is the Main Event of the second biggest show ... you simply are incorrect. The Smackdown! Main Event for Summerslam is the Hell in a Cell match! This is the top of the undercard and it serves its purpose.
This match is just good enough to scrape by. Let Trips go over and not look weak while not distracting in the slightest from the Undertaker vs. Edge culmination that we will all be looking forward to.
I guess they could have just stepping stoned Hardy/MVP/Kennedy/Big Show here, but why? Khali is already the perfect "legit" jobber and there is no reason to let any of the others get the loss on their belt ... at least not yet.
So, this match actually makes perfect sense ... the Hell in a Cell is the SD! Main Event and this is a perfect undercard match that does not distract.
Obviously this won't be a mat classic, but Khali is quite the luxury for the creative team as he can just be slotted in to main event matches with little build but because of his size there's sure going to be a pop when HHH pedigrees him.

Khali was a good choice because it wouldn't have been nice to see MVP or Umaga job to HHH most likely cleanly as it is supposedly the second best PPV of the year and a DQ finish would be a bit cheap. Khali will obviously lose but HHH will look better for it.

I'm not that optimistic about the match itself but even if they put on a decent match I'll be happy.

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