Sting Perhaps Not Headed to WWE; Back to TNA?

I personally was hoping Sting would come to the WWE. (Keep in mind it's still not impossible. How many of us could really confirm The Rock would be the Wrestlemania guest host...) My reasons are selfish, indeed, seeing as I haven't seen Sting do anything of note in years. I hate to discredit TNA, but the last great match Sting had was against A.J. Styles, and that's one I saw on Youtube since I didn't start watching TNA until October 2009. Since then, he was knee-deep in the Deception angle and wasting time with Jeff Jarrett. However, there's a bigger picture here that only Sting can decide.

Remember that WWE owns everything WCW now. They own the tapes and archives that was all of Sting's career until 2001. If Sting went back to TNA now, or retired and never signed with the WWE, his legacy would likely be relegated to old-school VHS tapes and Youtube until his death, in which the WWE would likely put out a tribute to his career. By signing with the WWE, he could be put into the Hall of Fame while he's alive and able to enjoy it, and they could finally put together a true DVD of Sting's total career like they did with Bret Hart in burying his grudge. Even though he would be set for life, it shouldn't be about making a shitload of money, as I'm sure Sting is doing well for himself. It's about cementing a great career and making sure the younger generation would know who he was and all he's done. Maybe not everyone views the Hall of Fame with as much reverence as I do, but why work for so long and be so great if you can't enjoyit in your golden years?

In addition, has anyone noticed that Vince McMahon has gone on a nostalgia kick? You think he'd really want to bury Sting, seeing as we've heard the rumors that he's trying to make a WCW themed show in the future, doing old-school and bringing old-school wrestlers? You think he's been waiting for years just to stick it to Sting and job him to Zack Ryder or put him in the old jackets he used to wear? Losing to The Undertaker isn't a burial, because we know the match would be amazing and would be ultra competitive. The streak has gotten way too big to throw any old washout into the match (out of the guys rumored to face Taker, Wade Barrett is the least of them, and he spent six months main-eventing nearly every PPV of 2010!). I could easily see Sting, had he signed, going to Smackdown and dominating for at least a year and holding "the big gold belt" one more time after Wrestlemania. I could even see him making legendary appearances for signings, special events and other occasions.

I just don't see a real spot for Sting right now in TNA. He'd be thrown into the mix of faces chasing Jeff Hardy, and Sting just hanging around feuding with guys like Jarrett or Angle would be re-hashes or feuding with guys The Pope or Robbie E. or whichever heel is lucky enough, while giving a huge rub to them, would add nothing to his legacy other than to build up more superstars. TNA has a chance to build up its young stars, and while the Main Event Mafia fell through, they have a chance to create something new, and I really don't know how Sting would fit in and have a feud to equal the credibility he has created for himself.

It's nothing against TNA, for anyone ready to blast me. It's nothing against Sting and it's nothing against Russo, Bischoff, and Hogan either. In my humble opinion, Sting has done everything he can for TNA, and I think it would benefit him more to spend just one year in the WWE before he retires, to truly solidify the legacy that is Sting.
I personally was hoping Sting would come to the WWE. (Keep in mind it's still not impossible. How many of us could really confirm The Rock would be the Wrestlemania guest host...) My reasons are selfish, indeed, seeing as I haven't seen Sting do anything of note in years. I hate to discredit TNA, but the last great match Sting had was against A.J. Styles, and that's one I saw on Youtube since I didn't start watching TNA until October 2009. Since then, he was knee-deep in the Deception angle and wasting time with Jeff Jarrett. However, there's a bigger picture here that only Sting can decide.

Remember that WWE owns everything WCW now. They own the tapes and archives that was all of Sting's career until 2001. If Sting went back to TNA now, or retired and never signed with the WWE, his legacy would likely be relegated to old-school VHS tapes and Youtube until his death, in which the WWE would likely put out a tribute to his career. By signing with the WWE, he could be put into the Hall of Fame while he's alive and able to enjoy it, and they could finally put together a true DVD of Sting's total career like they did with Bret Hart in burying his grudge. Even though he would be set for life, it shouldn't be about making a shitload of money, as I'm sure Sting is doing well for himself. It's about cementing a great career and making sure the younger generation would know who he was and all he's done. Maybe not everyone views the Hall of Fame with as much reverence as I do, but why work for so long and be so great if you can't enjoyit in your golden years?

In addition, has anyone noticed that Vince McMahon has gone on a nostalgia kick? You think he'd really want to bury Sting, seeing as we've heard the rumors that he's trying to make a WCW themed show in the future, doing old-school and bringing old-school wrestlers? You think he's been waiting for years just to stick it to Sting and job him to Zack Ryder or put him in the old jackets he used to wear? Losing to The Undertaker isn't a burial, because we know the match would be amazing and would be ultra competitive. The streak has gotten way too big to throw any old washout into the match (out of the guys rumored to face Taker, Wade Barrett is the least of them, and he spent six months main-eventing nearly every PPV of 2010!). I could easily see Sting, had he signed, going to Smackdown and dominating for at least a year and holding "the big gold belt" one more time after Wrestlemania. I could even see him making legendary appearances for signings, special events and other occasions.

I just don't see a real spot for Sting right now in TNA. He'd be thrown into the mix of faces chasing Jeff Hardy, and Sting just hanging around feuding with guys like Jarrett or Angle would be re-hashes or feuding with guys The Pope or Robbie E. or whichever heel is lucky enough, while giving a huge rub to them, would add nothing to his legacy other than to build up more superstars. TNA has a chance to build up its young stars, and while the Main Event Mafia fell through, they have a chance to create something new, and I really don't know how Sting would fit in and have a feud to equal the credibility he has created for himself.

It's nothing against TNA, for anyone ready to blast me. It's nothing against Sting and it's nothing against Russo, Bischoff, and Hogan either. In my humble opinion, Sting has done everything he can for TNA, and I think it would benefit him more to spend just one year in the WWE before he retires, to truly solidify the legacy that is Sting.

I wanna see a wCw themed show, but for that to happen the legendary wrestlers who made wCw what it was would have to show up. Hogan, Bishoff, Flair, Savage, Luger, Goldberg, Nash, Steiner, Hall, Booker T, Sting, Jericho, ect....and I do not see most of them guys showing. But if done right it could be one of the greatest wrestling programs ever.
I can't believe people are clamoring for Sting to go back to TNA when, just not too long ago, he was there and kind of "blah" when Hogan and Bischoff made the scene. He was in a bunch of lackluster storylines, and wasn't really gaining much notoriety for his legacy towards the end of his career.

He may have said those things years ago about his friends being buried, but what about now? Who's been left behind in TNA because of the current regime? And, if memory serves me correctly, isn't this the same regime that ruined his beloved WCW? Why would he hate Vince on one side, yet continue working for a different kind of "poison"?

Vince has been burying the hatchet (or trying to) with all sorts of past grudges. Bret came back when nobody thought he would ever be back again. And this man got screwed worse than the WCW guys, and as such had a lot more reason to stay away than Sting ever could.

And besides Hart, Vince has also started bringing Macho Man back into the picture, tried to make amends w/Warrior for a HOF induction, took Booker (good) and Nash (ugh) back w/open arms, and even plugged Mick Foley's book when he was working w/TNA. I think those kinds of actions would be hard to ignore.

Michaels worked for Vince after becoming born again. DiBiase Sr. is a devout Christian and religious speaker.

The era that Sting did not want to be a part of, the raunchier era, is over and they are now a PG, kid friendly market. Sting could reach out to scores of his older fans, and amaze scores of newer generation fans as well. The move to WWE would be epic and very fitting at this point in time.

Is Vince about money? Yeah, sure. But he also compensates his legends and talent well. Plus, if Sting wants to build a retirement nest egg for his family's future, this is definitely the way to go. What are the benefits of going back to TNA? To play second fiddle to Hulk and Eric again? To provide a secure future for his family after retirement through TNA's massive merchandising revenue? (snicker) Who's to say TNA won't end up in the salvage yard in a few years? It's not guaranteed by any means, but why risk it?

And what if, by some weird act of fate and irony, Vince buys TNA down the road? Sting's matches and material become Vince's yet again. Why not simply give the guy a chance this time around (they're both older after all) and see what he could do?

It's now or never for Sting. Whether the wrestling community made it that way with their speculation or not, this is the time. If it happened next year, I think the buzz would be lesser. Sure, it could still be there, but not on the level of this year. Same with any year after, even if he came in for simply a HOF nod and a send off. It just wouldn't be there like it is now.

Now is the time, and if it doesn't happen then the wrestling world just lost out on something special the likes of which we will probably never see again.
I can't believe people are clamoring for Sting to go back to TNA when, just not too long ago, he was there and kind of "blah" when Hogan and Bischoff made the scene. He was in a bunch of lackluster storylines, and wasn't really gaining much notoriety for his legacy towards the end of his career.

I don't ever remember the IWC putting Sting within that category strangely enough. Who says it's the end of his career? Every indication states he will be returning to TNA soon.

Why not atleast come out and talk about TNA's PPV in his honor at Bound For Glory 2009? Or did you purposely for get that one?

He may have said those things years ago about his friends being buried, but what about now? Who's been left behind in TNA because of the current regime? And, if memory serves me correctly, isn't this the same regime that ruined his beloved WCW? Why would he hate Vince on one side, yet continue working for a different kind of "poison"?

Where are you getting that from? He never had any beef with Hogan, Bischoff and Flair for whatever reasons.

Vince has been burying the hatchet (or trying to) with all sorts of past grudges. Bret came back when nobody thought he would ever be back again. And this man got screwed worse than the WCW guys, and as such had a lot more reason to stay away than Sting ever could.
Bret Hart took money that's all.

And besides Hart, Vince has also started bringing Macho Man back into the picture, tried to make amends w/Warrior for a HOF induction, took Booker (good) and Nash (ugh) back w/open arms, and even plugged Mick Foley's book when he was working w/TNA. I think those kinds of actions would be hard to ignore.

Shouldn't we hate WWE for talking about TNA talent? *Opens the IWC book of commandments against TNA*

Michaels worked for Vince after becoming born again. DiBiase Sr. is a devout Christian and religious speaker.

What does that have to do with anything?

The era that Sting did not want to be a part of, the raunchier era, is over and they are now a PG, kid friendly market. Sting could reach out to scores of his older fans, and amaze scores of newer generation fans as well. The move to WWE would be epic and very fitting at this point in time.

So kids can call him a "Undertaker rip off"? Since that's what everyone calls him that is not aware of his legacy on that WWE Universe forum a few years back.

Is Vince about money? Yeah, sure. But he also compensates his legends and talent well. Plus, if Sting wants to build a retirement nest egg for his family's future, this is definitely the way to go.
Vince also owns AARP? Who knew.
What are the benefits of going back to TNA? To play second fiddle to Hulk and Eric again? To provide a secure future for his family after retirement through TNA's massive merchandising revenue? (snicker) Who's to say TNA won't end up in the salvage yard in a few years? It's not guaranteed by any means, but why risk it?
Wow. Here are the benefits if your so blind to look at it.

He would still remain the top name in TNA's history. He is and always will be the first big name veteran to step foot within TNA and carry the no-name company into a company that ended up making waves within the wrestling industry.

I'm sure Sting is financially secure enough. I'm sure he is not Hogan or Flair wasting money around. I don't see why your making him sound like he's poor.

Sting will always remain the legend that never needed WWE to be a superstar. That is where he obviously wants to leave his legacy at until we see otherwise.

And what if, by some weird act of fate and irony, Vince buys TNA down the road? Sting's matches and material become Vince's yet again. Why not simply give the guy a chance this time around (they're both older after all) and see what he could do?


You would love that wouldn't you?

It's now or never for Sting. Whether the wrestling community made it that way with their speculation or not, this is the time. If it happened next year, I think the buzz would be lesser. Sure, it could still be there, but not on the level of this year. Same with any year after, even if he came in for simply a HOF nod and a send off. It just wouldn't be there like it is now.

No, It's not. You think he's losing sleep over that? I doubt it.

What is the WWE HOF? He gets a nice ring. So what? What has it done for Hulk Hogan? Does Vince give pension for his back surgery since he's a Hall of Famer and all?

Does Ric Flair get pension as an automatic Hall of Famer? I don't think so.

What about Benoit? Vince has ignored his legacy instead of giving him a rightful place within WWE's legacy. You think he will ever get a HOF spot?

Please just stop.

Sting was never in WWE. He never once wrestled there. There is no reason for him to be in the Hall of Fame when he is not a WWE legend. Vince bought WCW, he did not control it or create stars in it.
Now is the time, and if it doesn't happen then the wrestling world just lost out on something special the likes of which we will probably never see again.

You must be on some serious crack there. :lmao:

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