I have to say no but my biggest reason for saying no is simply that he's not done yet with wrestling, there is still a chance he can and might go to WWE. I'm sure that some day they will put Sting in the WWE Hall of Fame. Yes Sting might have missed some if the great matches he could have had with The Rock, Triple H, Stone Cold Steve Austin but think of some of the matches he could still have. WrestleMania Main even with The Undertaker, Im sure if the time is right Sting will grace the Show of Shows. Bound For Glory and Slamaversey might be the TNA version of WrestleMania but lets be honest. It's no where near what WWE does every year. Sting has made a name for himself and is an Icon of wrestling but he is not THE icon. He is up there with Hulk Hogan, Shawn Michaels and Rick Flair but Sting is not over any of these men. Sting might have thought against going to WWE when WCW went under but I think had he gone there his carrer might have hit a milestone that only comes with working with WWE. In the end I think Sting would have been shown the respect he has earned over the years.