Was the NWA Wrestling to the WWE like how ABA B-Ball was to the NBA?

CM Steel

A REAL American
So the wrestling "Icon" Sting re-signed with TNA/Impact wrestling today. So it is now highly unlikely that Sting will ever sign with the WWE in the future.

Sting like the Undertaker in the WWE is now the last of a dying breed. We followed Stings epic career from NWA wrestling from the 80's. Where he was among future wrestling legends in Ric Flair, Dusty Rhodes, Harley Race, The Road Warriors, ECT. But by the early 90's most of those former NWA stars came to the WWF, and then went back down south to work in WCW. But later came back to the WWE.

All wrestlers from NWA to Jim Crockett Promotions to WCW came and worked for Vince McMahon at one point or another-except for Sting. The old NWA wrestling reminds me of the old ABA (American Basketball Assocation). Where future NBA hall of Famers in Wilt Chamberlin, "Dr.J" Julius Erving, ECT. would make a bigger name for themselves in the NBA. Much like how (some of) the former NWA stars did in the WWF.

Because promotions like a NWA or a AWA wrestling were breeding grounds for the WWF anyways much like how the ABA was to the NBA before both leagues were merged together back in the day.

So how can Sting be considered an "Icon" if he never had those classic matches and feuds with the likes of Shawn Michaels, the Undertaker, Stone Cold, Triple H, or even the Rock? Now those things will NEVER happen. Did the Stinger take the road not traveled looking back upon today when Sting re-signed with TNA/Impact?
Nah. It's more like the American League and National League, if they didn't have the World Series or interleague play. You can decide which is which.

When Sting was with WCW in the 90's, it was every bit an equal to the WWE. It was ahead of the WWE for a significant period of time, and Sting was a huge part of that. Not to mention when he started with the NWA, it was viewed by many as close to equal with WWE. He didn't need to feud with Undertaker, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, etc. because he feuded with Hulk Hogan, Kevin Nash, Randy Savage, Goldberg, etc.

Think about this fact. He was in the top wrestling company in the world just as long as Steve Austin was. Is Steve Austin an icon?
Obviously you must be a younger fan. Or maybe you are confusing NWA with WCW. I know it's confusing. Back in the NWA territory days, the NWA was bigger than the WWF/E. WWF/E was only in the northeast part of the country. NWA was midwest to a degree, East coast, south & Pacific Northwest. I used to watch Georgia Championship Wrestling every Saturday night. Then Vince bought that time slot & Georgia championship became World Championship Wrestling(WCW). Vince started buying up territories & WCW became just 1 big federation instead of several smaller ones. But a lot of legends came thru the NWA/WCW. It used to be in reverse, a lot of guys might go to WWF/E but they'd return to the NWA/WCW. Monday night wars were won by WCW for a long time. Before Stone Cold & the Rock & the atittude era WCW was the big federation. Sting may never have never faced Undertaker or some of WWE legends but he's been in the ring with a lot of WCW/NWA legends and has some classic matches with Ric Flair in his prime. So yeah, IMO he is an icon. To me, to say he isn't is like saying Cal Ripken shouldn't be in the HOF because he never played in the National League.
You can't really can't look at NWA and WWF like that. Both were major leagues in terms of wrestling. And yes, once upon a time NWA was the more popular promotion, particularly during the territory system. WWF didn't get on the same level until the early to mid 80's, and yet with the boom of Wrestlemania NWA was still able to hold on. Once the territory system was phasing out and WCW was started, traces of NWA were still infused, yet it became more national like WWF.
Well, Wilt Chamberlain never played in the ABA. He was a coach for a very short time. Not really relevant to the question, just pointing it out.

The NWA was really big at one time. The NWA champion was the recognized world champion of professional wrestling. He would go from promotion to promotion & face the best wrestlers they had. In many ways, he was the national face of pro wrestling. That's why it was such a big deal for someone to win the title. That's also why the title did not change hands nearly as much as they do now.

If you're talking about Jim Crockett Promotions/WCW, you really aren't giving them enough credit. The ABA, while fun and somewhat successful, never came close to putting the NBA out of business. WCW at their peak in the Monday Night Wars did that to WWE. In the 80s, while WWF was huge, Crockett was doing great business as well. Starrcade was a big money-maker for the company. In the south, where I grew up, we didn't really watch WWF.

The idea that Sting had to have matches with certain people to be considered an Icon is ridiculous as well. Guys wrestle in different companies & eras. That doesn't lessen their ability or importance.
I just dont understand why everyone is debating whether or not Sting can be considered an icon. Of course he can and he is an icon!

Look just because he never wrestled in the WWE doesn't make him any less of a man. Sure, we didnt get to see him take on the Undertaker and all that but the fact is when Vince bought out the WCW, ECW, etc. and all the libraries, it made it a WWE product. They have ALWAYS made Sting out to be the man in each and every dvd that features him. (While HHH doesn't seem to impressed from what I remember)

Plus Vince has put guys in the Hall of Fame who were never in the WWE such as Verne Gagne who Vince basically put out of business when he lured the likes of Hogan, Mean Gene, Bobby The Brain, The Rockers, Mr. Perfect, etc. to his brand simply out of respect for him and I guess to sort of mend the fences. Plus Abdullah the Butcher who was never in the WWE made it in..dont ask me why.

Sting will be in the HOF as soon as he retires and I know for sure he'll accept the offer. He's said himself that he was near signing with WWE many times over the years but just couldnt do it in the end because of pride, religion, loyalty to his company. I dont necessarily think he has any legit hard feelings against Vince or anyone there but he just likes TNA now and he is feeling too old to go like he used to. On top of that, I think it would be a waste for him to come to the WWE now that he cant go like he used to. Why would anyone want that now?

Its sad to come to the realization that guys like Taker and Sting are nearing the end of their careers and unless it was Taker vs Sting at a Wrestlemania in both of their last match, I see no reason for Sting to be there. Its unnecessary plain and simple. He has NOTHING to prove.
I think this is just one of those perception things. A lot of younger fans would have witnessed Sting not so much in his prime but when WCW was losing to the WWE followed by his stints in TNA. Which in all honesty the Victor writes the history so while WWE admits WCW was opening up a can on them for several years it's something you hear about and not actually see.

Also the NWA is not any higher than TNA is right now. So just looking at Sting in the most RECENT of perspectives and just reading about his other accomplishments it does not SEEM like that big of a deal because he has always worked for the "second rate" promotions even though the NWA, and WCW were both major players in the realm of wrestling at the time.

It's just sad that TNA is so downplayed/watered down in the perception that they are the #2 company in North America for wrestling that Sting looks like less of the I con that he truly is. And I'm not knocking TNA today I just think that should prove to them that they need to step up their game (I've even noticed some movement in the right direction) A lot of damage was done to their image over the past couple of years and repairing it is not just necessary for the product but for the legacy of the legends that work with the company. I say let Stings Icon status and the fact people can feel that it should be questioned as a testament to that statement...
Just because Sting didn't work with certain people doesn't make him less iconic. Sting's transcended eras in pro wrestling. He's an icon because of his character transformation from this California dude to one of the darker characters in pro wrestling.

Sting's icon status doesn't sway because he never fought Shawn Michaels or Undertaker or HHH or whomever. Sting was the face of a company that had the WWE on the brink of being extinct. Sting was leading that charge and wasn't doing anything except be the best character he could be.

So to say that the NWA/WCW was the ABA compared to the NBA is just absurd. It was more like the AFL/NFL scenario. Both leagues ended up combining and making the wrestling world much better for it. The NFL was much better once the merger took place. Without it, it wouldn't be the same.

But Sting's an icon no matter where he finishes his career.
Not sure how this deviated towards a discussion of Sting, but the OP's question is difficult to answer because there were so many changes in the WWFE / NWA dynamic. And across different territories, you would get a different response. In the Toronto territory, we only got WWF Superstars. NWA didn't exist on our TVs. So for me, NWA was not even on ABA status. More like the D-League.

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