He'd be no more "lost" in TNA than he would in WWE; in fact, he'd be even
more lost in WWE, because the very reason he never went to that shitty company in the first place was because of how fearful he was of what they'd do to his character. He watched WWE assassinate the characters of nearly every WCW star at the time in the "Invasion" angle, and never wanted his own to go through the same.
Character assassination is a
very powerful thing, and regardless of whether he would be accompanied by a [useless] HOF induction to a Hall he has no place being in (seeing as he's not a WWE superstar, nor was he ever — WWE just so happened to buy the "rights" to the company he built), signing on to compete in the main event at WrestleMania against the Undertaker in a match that Vince would undoubtedly have him lose (to continue the trend of having WWE Superstars beat WCW "nobodies", essentially), would be pointless for his career.
Congratulations Sting — take a bow before all these tens of thousands of fans, many of whom barely know who you are because they didn't watch the company you worked for and likely don't
really care about your induction as much as they care that you "stiffed" TNA for one last shot on your way out by not signing with them and signing with us instead. Hope you enjoyed losing to
our guy, who is obviously superior to you. Enjoy retirement!
You realize Sting said those thing's a decade ago, right. He would'nt be lost in WWE, infact, I think he'll do good in WWE, considering his contract and if he can still wrestle up to par. He could sign a Bret Hart like contract, have a few matches, and retire at Wrestlmania or Summerslam or something.
Time changes, people change. Do you think I expected to see Kevin Nash in WWE after all the trashing of the youth movement and current WWE superstars, hell no! Hell, even Vince McMahon gave his rival Eric Bischoff a contract, signed Ball Mahoney, and even bought back ECW. People change, He even resigned Hulk Hogan even though Hogan testified against him in the Steriods trial.
Sting could be thinking about his career and his age. He's a 52 year old man and might wanna try WWE for once. Going to WWE would'nt tarnish his legacy, in fact, it would add to it. Retiring in front of 50,000 people and millions of people around the world, plus being inducted into the Hall of Fame would be great.
It doesn't matter if you never wen't to WWE or not, was Verne Gagne in WWE, no. Was he inducted, yes. I'm pretty sure Ric Flair would be inducted even if he never went to WWE for 7 years, but wen't to TNA/NWA instead.
Sting is a legend in this business, and WWE have every right to induct him if he wanted to be inducted.
You mention the ''internet hoped," Undertaker/Sting match and how stupid it would be for him to just return and lose. Do you understand how awesoME a storyline and match it would be between those two. Even seeing Sting in a WWE ring would be great. Sting losing at WWE's Super Bowl would'nt be a hard thing to swallow, considering it is obvious that Undertaker has a undefeated streak at the PPV. And could be Sting's retirement match.
And also, Sting, if he returned to TNA, would be by all means, a hypocrite. Why? Because he said WWE was to raunchy and edgy for his Christian values, but TNA now have people being killed (RVD, Abyss). WWE is the better product right now for Sting, because of the PG rating. It's now a more empahsis on wrestling and storylines and not crude humor, "you took my wife, I want my wife back," rednecky stuff, and certainly not murder's.
In my honest opinion, Sting has every right to want to go to the biggest wrestling show in the world for one match and a Hall of Fame induction.
Going back to TNA would be a mistake, IMO.