Has Sting Actually Signed With WWE??

I've just watched the video and I've absolutely no doubt whatsoever that it's Sting, mainly because right at the end (and I can't believe no-one else has seen this) they actually show part of his face being illuminated. I'm going to screenshot it if I can catch it because once you see it, you won't have any doubt.
Added to that

1. The very clear outline of a man with short hair wielding a bat
2. The same man fromm behind
3. The scorpion
Did you see the original one that was on Raw or did you see the fan made one? The fan mad one had no man with a bat or any faces in it. I have seen it all week since I DVRed it and I have no doubt it's Sting. Also my friend pointed out the smoke when you look at it and it disappears is an S, T, I and the 11 at the end makes a lower case N. He also said he saw a scorpion on the steps but I have to look for that.
I feel bad if it's not sting there will be fans who boo whoever it is even if it's taker.. They will have great ratings that night and if it's not Sting the next week the rating will probably really decline..
I hope that Sting comes to the WWE because as it is right now, I won't be ordering 'Mania. As much as I like Wade Barrett, he simply isn't a threat to The Undertaker yet. It would be a waste of a match IMO. Sting Vs Taker- I'll order 'Mania for sure simply for that match.
I was VERY upset with the most recent promo for 2-21-11 on Raw, as soon as the Johnny Cash lyrics about "ain't no grave can keep me down" or something like that pretty much gave it away that the promo is not for Sting. I am still holding out hope that Sting will debut in the WWE, but not as much as I had before Monday.

With all the hype that was surrounding that video, it seems like a waste for WWE to have more or less gave it away it's taker. They had everyone buzzing about the potential for Sting, I can't believe they dropped the ball
Even though there are "reports" of him possibly going back to TNA, in my honest opinion, that would be a mistake. Why? Because he has nothing to bring to TNA. He'll be lost in the shuffle of Fortune vs. Immortal, Angle-Jarret, Joe-Pope, it'll be a waste. Sure, it's a lighter schedule, but going to WWE would do wonders for Steve Borden.

He can be inducted into the Hall of Fame, and be known as one of the biggest star's to ever never wrestle for Vince McMahon.

He may also have his retirement match at WrestleMania, in the hometown of WCW, Atlanta Georgia. Many fans will order the PPV because of the nogastical feel and Sting will finish his career in front of 50,000 people and not 1000 people. He also could have one of the most epic storyline's with an "internet hoped," WrestleMania opponent, The Undertaker.

Plus, WWE is now PG (he didn’t want to sign before because it's was to edgy and raunchy and Sting's a born again Christian) and two of his friend's, Booker T and Kevin Nash, are back with the company, maybe he'll realized how warm they were both welcomed back and the crowd reactions were and the overall WCW feel early this year, maybe he'll want to have a match at WrestleMania to cap off his career.

Or he goes back to TNA for a year, gets lost in the Immortal-Fortune storyline, gets in a feud with however they put him with, and he retires next year in front of 1000 cast-members and 1 million viewers.

Anyway, if I was Sting, I would think twice before resigning with TNA. He's 52 year's old and is a legend in this business. Going to WWE this year or 2/21/11, or next year would be a great way to end his career. He can just sign a legend's contract, much like Bret Hart's contract, wrestle maybe, one match in a WWE ring, and be have his likeness and merchandise be used by WWE. Imagine, Sting on Smackdown vs. RAW 2012. Hell, atleast be inducted into the Hall of Fame.
It is the Undertaker although I don't see the need for the hype! Sting is giving us all a giant facepalm right now. This is called Deception!
its not as if there is ANY confirm reports anywhere that Sting has even looked in the WWE direction. And thanks to this internet wrestling community spawned rumor over the 2 22 11 clip, maybe even TNA joined in on the spoof by taking Sting's name off their site.
I have Seen people comment on here that Sting wouldn't sign with WWE because he doesn't wanna work the riverine schedule that the WWE demands. My question is what sort of contract do you think Sting signed if he did or does in fact join the WWE. I would assume should he actually be in WWE that they have him signed to some sort of deal along the lines of what the Undertaker has that would limit his schedule to strictly tv appearances. I mean it isn't that hard to assume this would be the most logical idea to bring him into the company. He would be exempt from having to go on tours and do house shows so he would have the time to spend with his family that I'm sure is why he is so against working a full time schedule. But that's just my opinion now let's see yours.
Yeah without a doubt IF Sting has/does ever sign with the WWE he would want that kind of contract. I also believe he would want a big part of creative character control. Because let's be honest WWE has pushed the envelope with storylines before and if it's not in Sting's taste I'm sure he would want final say in what he does/doesn't take part in.

I could see him doing house shows or other events if they were something he may be in favor of (like supporting the troops, certain fundraisers to encourage voting/raising certain awareness for things like cancer and such).

IMO that is the only way Sting would sign.
The only way he would do it is it would have 2 instantly put him in the history books like endin the streak and 2 appear live onraw or just smackdown tapin thats the only way i really realy see it. HE WILL NOT I REPEAT WILL NOT COME JUST 2 LOSE 2 THE TAKER IT WILL HAVE 2 BE HISTORY MAKIN. Now go tell ya mama
Well, I think he will be offered a legend contract that's for sure. And seeing how he's in his 50's, I won't be surprised if he's offered part-time schedule as well, maybe similar like Hogan's second run in WWE from 2002 to 2003.
The only way he would do it is it would have 2 instantly put him in the history books like endin the streak and 2 appear live onraw or just smackdown tapin thats the only way i really realy see it. HE WILL NOT I REPEAT WILL NOT COME JUST 2 LOSE 2 THE TAKER IT WILL HAVE 2 BE HISTORY MAKIN. Now go tell ya mama

Slightly disagree with you here. I think winning the match isn't paramount to him signing, it's the amount of time the deal is for plus the schedule. I've said this in another thread, Sting will dance the WWE schedule for 5 weeks if Vince offers him Mayweather money. Plus look at the deal, 5 weeks in WWE, a surefire HOF spot, a huge match at mania, and a possible Raw send off on top of fistfuls of cash? Sounds like a phenomenal way to go out.
People keep talking about the WWE schedule like it's so rough. But the schedules vary from person to person. Like you guys are saying, people like The Undertaker, Bret Hart, and other part-time people probably have fairly light schedules. If Sting does indeed come back, I don't see him working more than 1 show a week: Monday night. Once a week is probably about what he was doing in TNA.

I doubt WWE would have any issues with giving him creative control, so long as he agrees to do the job to Undertaker. Sting is a professional, so I don't think he'd try to do anything that WWE wouldn't want.

But considering how he's been used in TNA the last year, I can't see WWE doing any worse. TNA tried to book him as a heel (when he was telling Dixie how Hogan and Bischoff couldn't be trusted) and I always sided with him, as I'm sure the majority of fans felt the same way. I don't know why TNA even bothered trying to make people not like Sting, especially over Hogan.
I have Seen people comment on here that Sting wouldn't sign with WWE because he doesn't wanna work the riverine schedule that the WWE demands. My question is what sort of contract do you think Sting signed if he did or does in fact join the WWE. I would assume should he actually be in WWE that they have him signed to some sort of deal along the lines of what the Undertaker has that would limit his schedule to strictly tv appearances. I mean it isn't that hard to assume this would be the most logical idea to bring him into the company. He would be exempt from having to go on tours and do house shows so he would have the time to spend with his family that I'm sure is why he is so against working a full time schedule. But that's just my opinion now let's see yours.

I hate to call you out, but this needs to be understood. I don't think people are seeing this. Sting will never sign to a WWE contract. Him and Vince hate each other. He has no intention now, or ever to be in WWE. It would be a surprise if he was doing that but he won't.
I hate to call you out, but this needs to be understood. I don't think people are seeing this. Sting will never sign to a WWE contract. Him and Vince hate each other. He has no intention now, or ever to be in WWE. It would be a surprise if he was doing that but he won't.

Why do you assume they hate each other? From what I understand they have NO relationship with each other, they have never done business with each other in the past. Their feelings toward each other are probably apathetic. Please dont make stupid comments like saying they hate each other when their is not one shred of evidence proving your foolish statement.
I agree that Sting would definitely benefit with such a schedule. Also, having control of his character is essential for Sting. It is not impossible for such a deal to transpire.
I've stayed out of this conversation for a while now. This isn't the only place it's been discussed or the only place I have been. Regardless, everywhere I have been this has obviously been a burning issue. I am not convinced one way or the other that Sting either has or hasn't signed with the WWE, and that those 2-21-11 promos aren't for both Sting and The Undertaker, didn't think of that one did ya?

I think that quite possibly when the promo aired, they assumed everyone would think it was The Undertaker, when in fact the fans were on their toes a bit and called this one. So in an effort to do some damage and spoiler control, they make it clear in the next videos that The Undertaker is coming back to save the spoiler. Keep in mind, it hasn't actually been confirmed whether or not anything you or I or anyone else has said is true, false, pipe dreams, or propaganda.

I don't need to go over why Sting should or should not do this, that horse is tired of being beaten I'd say. I am more interested in whether or not this is a grand swerve or not. I want to know why that news column came out stating that Sting signed a one year deal, if in fact he did not? How did that person get away with it, and why haven't we heard anymore about that? If this is all just internet buzz, than how come there has been no news about the guy who leaked this getting in trouble or having to retract what would be a bullshit story? Too much coincidence there. I am also curious as others have been as to why Steve "Sting" Borden hasn't simply denied all rumors if this is not the case, or why TNA hasn't confirmed that he is negotiating with them?

This is all too foggy, and there are too many inconsistencies. I think that it's quite possible that Sting has indeed signed with WWE, and that he and Taker will square off at WM. We will probably know for sure on Monday, the night after elimination chamber no matter what. Either Triple H returns to challenge Undertaker after The Undertaker himself returns, or Sting shows up, maybe the Undertaker himself reveals that Sting has come and thusly must face him, or whoever IS actually going to face him makes their impact. All I know for certain is that I am tired of the questions, tired of the anticipation and rumor mills, I want answers.
But there's like, only one legitimate source in the world who are saying Sting is set and ready to go in WWE. If he has WWE and their insiders have kept it secret very well.
Hell, maybe it isn't as hard. Rock returning that other night was a surprise and it wasn't leaked anywhere.
Slightly disagree with you here. I think winning the match isn't paramount to him signing, it's the amount of time the deal is for plus the schedule. I've said this in another thread, Sting will dance the WWE schedule for 5 weeks if Vince offers him Mayweather money. Plus look at the deal, 5 weeks in WWE, a surefire HOF spot, a huge match at mania, and a possible Raw send off on top of fistfuls of cash? Sounds like a phenomenal way to go out.

I see what you are sayin, but i feel the money will have 2 be right for him 2 even do it. But on the otherhand he will have 2 end the streak and after that they both retire. The reason i say that is because if he sign for a short time vince gotta bring somethin other then money, he gotta bring his history book and be willin 2 put him over the taker,cause if it was about money it wouldve happen along time ago
But there's like, only one legitimate source in the world who are saying Sting is set and ready to go in WWE. If he has WWE and their insiders have kept it secret very well.
Hell, maybe it isn't as hard. Rock returning that other night was a surprise and it wasn't leaked anywhere.

About The Rock: It wasnt necessarily leaked, but i recall seeing earlier in the day before Raw that The Rock said hes ready to go WWE-wise or something like that plus it was made known subtly that The Rock has been in talks with WWE for at least a few weeks or so. When Vince announced that he was gonna announce the WM guest host, i instantly thought it was The Rock cuz its pretty logical.

As for Sting signing with WWE, from what ive heard, the news report about Sting isnt usually untrustworthy or tabloid-like. We had someone report this possible signing now sources, not the actual officials & Sting himself, say Sting has had no contact with WWE? It could all be a deliberate cover up. If it is, gotta say congrats to WWE cuz this would be a huge surprise. We shall c.
At this stage of the game, I am still totally undecided about whether or not we will see Sting finally in a WWE ring on this Monday night. It is an absolute certainty we will see a return of the Undertaker. The only questions which remain are is there one mystery man or two, and if there are two, is the second one Sting or not.

Honestly at this stage, I am thinking no to Sting for 2/21/11, but it is still a distinct possibility. I have yet to see or read anything to categorically convince me that there is no way Sting is involved. I am surprised to see how many people on here have discounted it as totally impossible.

Don't forget, it was reported in the New York Times that he had signed a one year contract, and this is not some trivial wrestling dirt sheet. Every argument as to why Sting is not involved can be debated, whereas the reputation of this newspaper is pretty solid.
You do have a point Habs. This report was in the New York Times and we know that isn't your typical dirt sheet. If it is true I have to give WWE credit for keeping such a tight lid on the subject since everyone has practically ruled out Sting, saying he hasn't had any contact with WWE. It may not be anyone but Taker in that video, or we could see the return of Triple H to feud with Taker as some have claimed on here. We won't know for sure until tomorrow night.
We had someone report this possible signing now sources, not the actual officials & Sting himself, say Sting has had no contact with WWE? It could all be a deliberate cover up. If it is, gotta say congrats to WWE cuz this would be a huge surprise. We shall c.

We'd have to congratulate them for also keeping it a secret for so long, at first when people thought Taker, others thought Sting because he wasn't with TNA. He could, like I've said, be waiting for 2/21/11 before returning to WWE to let down lots of WWE fans for 'his' company, TNA.
I'm 99.9999% sure that he hasn't

If he had it would have leaked by now, he is not the kind of person to string TNA along and he he had signed with Vince he would have told them and they would have let it leak by now. He has nothing to prove so there is no reason for him to make even a short run in the WWE. If it was to face the Taker, it's not like it would be the first time these 2 have faced each other in the ring and I don't see him coming in just to be a notch in the belt of Taker

the .0000001 chance that I could see is the fact that NO ONE is talking, not sting, not tna, not wwe which is a little suspicious. If he had signed I can see keeping it a secret, they will get a ratings boost from people wanting to see if the Rock is there so they wouldn't have to advertise it for the ratings..

I would just say don't get your hopes up, and I fear the thought of taker getting booed when people find out it's just him.
I'm 99.9999% sure that he hasn't

If he had it would have leaked by now, he is not the kind of person to string TNA along and he he had signed with Vince he would have told them and they would have let it leak by now. He has nothing to prove so there is no reason for him to make even a short run in the WWE. If it was to face the Taker, it's not like it would be the first time these 2 have faced each other in the ring and I don't see him coming in just to be a notch in the belt of Taker

the .0000001 chance that I could see is the fact that NO ONE is talking, not sting, not tna, not wwe which is a little suspicious. If he had signed I can see keeping it a secret, they will get a ratings boost from people wanting to see if the Rock is there so they wouldn't have to advertise it for the ratings..

I would just say don't get your hopes up, and I fear the thought of taker getting booed when people find out it's just him.

What are you talking about? First of all, why would WWE have "leaked it by now"? If they were just going to leak it, what would be the point of the vignettes? You don't think they like to surprise us? The fact that you think WWE intentionally spoils their own surprises is ridiculous. I'm not saying nothing ever gets leaked, but I'm sure Vince isn't sitting in his office thinking, "Let's go ahead and tell them."

Second, what do you mean, "it's not like it would be the first time these 2 have faced each other in the ring"??? When have we seen Sting and Undertaker fight? If it did happen, it would've been 20 years ago when Mean Mark was in WCW. And I checked Youtube and didn't see anything like that. The Undertaker has been with WWE continuously since 1990. Sting has never been in WWE. If you're going to argue something, you can't just make shit up off the top of your head.

I will say it again. I don't really expect Sting to sign with the WWE. But to say that it's not a possibility is just ignorant.

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