I have to admit, every time I think of Sting going to the "E" I mark the fuck out. I can't help it. I know, he's said he would never go to the WWE, but come on. How many people thought Bret would ever return? There have been changes in WWE since Sting has said that, and I'm sure he wouldn't sign on for anything without having creative control of how he's used. He's a smart man, and I'm sure he knows he's the one w/the negotiating advantage.
I think this has been a marketing milestone for Vince. Let's say he's in negotiations with Sting, but it hasn't quite materialized fully. Say he wants to show Sting how many people would die to see him in a WWE ring. How would somebody do that w/out breaking some trust issues or boundaries? This very vignette. It could go either way. It's vague enough so that if Sting decided not to sign, you simply go with the obvious choice of the Undertaker and the vignette is still legit. If Sting does sign, it's already in place. Fucking genius.
And if that vignette is any indication of how they will utilize Sting, I am beyond convinced it will be a great run. That vignette is simply amazing, yet astoundingly simple. If they repackage Sting a bit to give him more of an edge, that eerie, supernatural feel, and he plays the role well, then... well, just... MY. GOD. You could have a movie quality storyline on WWE programming. And you would have to make it larger than life, totally beyond a "realistic" approach. You'd just have to. It would be... Epic.
And could you believe the buyrates for Mania if this happened? I think it would probably easily shatter some records. It would create mainstream buzz, kids that might not even know Sting's name would see the permanent Kool-Aid grin and adrenaline shakes from their parent(s) and just know something huge was coming. They would find out all they could about Sting. He would get such an iconic boost in popularity over his already iconic popularity. After thinking about it, how could Sting and Vince NOT do it? It's a win-win all around. Hell, it's not even official and it's already turning into the story of the decade.
Don't forget merchandising profit either. Fuck, both WWE and Sting could live 5 lifetimes on the merchandise they'd sell bringing Sting in. And you know WWE would make the best Sting t-shirt ever.
I hope it's Sting, I really do. And I hope they give this all the attention in the world and do it right. I mean, think about it. They wouldn't have to do much of anything to build this to the point of boiling over. You have them do what they do best. Taker in the ring, Sting popping out in the rafters or wherever, and do the stare downs. Utilize the lighting and have a little battle of "powers" with Taker making the lights come up and Sting fucking w/them. They wouldn't have to have any matches or even do any run-ins. It's perfect for them both. They could take all that time to prepare and condition themselves for a monumental match at Mania. It would be pure insanity not to do this at this point in time. Anything else would be a let down, and if it happened a year from now it would have the "boy that cried wolf" stigmata and would lose the initial feel of excitement this buzz is creating. I know that if it happened later I wouldn't be as excited as I am now. And to all the haters that want to call Sting a sell-out? Go sit in a closet somewhere while the other 99.9% of the world witness an epic, once in a lifetime event.