I real am unsure as to whether or not Sting is coming to the WWE or not. One would have to hope so. Those vignettes certainly would make it seem so, although I doubt the validity of the second one. It shows Sting too clearly and erases any mystery. If they were going to create a video to peak fan interest and getting the world wondering if it is or isn't Sting, why produce a video which clearly shows his face and shows him standing with bat in hand? The second video erases all the intrigue of the first.
All of that aside, I would love to hear people's opinions on one aspect of all of this. Assume for discussion sake that it is Sting, and that he is coming on 2/21/11. I remain skeptical of this, but let's assume it is the case. The question becomes why.
Sting has been on Vince's wish list for as long as I can remember. He has always refused to jump over and has not been shy about saying he would not compete in WWE. So what changed, if in fact this is all true?
Is it simply a question of money? Did Vince simple make him a monetary offer he absolutely could not refuse? Let's face it, wherever Sting ends up, I figure his days in the business are limited. If he has signed, it will likely be a year, maybe two, before he retires. Maybe the lure of the big payday in the twilight of his career was just too much to turn his back on. Especially when you would have to think that any offer TNA may have made likely paled in comparison to the alleged WWE offer.
Could he be pissed off with TNA, feeling under appreciated and disrespected, and said to himself, "screw you guys, I'll go elsewhere and stick it to you?
How about his morality/Christian values? The PG Era WWE versus the more risqué TNA. Less language, less sexuality, less violence and blood in WWE versus TNA. Maybe he prefers the current WWE environment over TNA?
Could it be professional curiosity? Rather than retiring after never competing in WWE, and wondering "what if," he finally decided to give it a shot? Maybe he wants a shot at Taker, or Cena, or Orton, or whoever, just to see how the fans will respond and just to see once and for all if he is as good as everyone thinks he is. Could the dream Sting/Undertaker match just be too enticing for him to turn down, especially if he is offered an opportunity to end "the streak," whether he would be successful in doing so or not. I for one would love to see the match, but I would not want Sting to end the streak, simply because I really believe that no one, absolutely no one, should do so.
Could the Hall of Fame be a factor? Maybe he really wants to be recognized in the WWE Hall of Fame upon retirement, and he realizes how ridiculous it would be for him to enter a WWE Hall of Fame, even if it is an unofficial professional wrestling Hall of Fame, without ever having wrestled there.
I don't know if he is coming or not. I guess we'll all know in a few weeks. I would love to hear people's thoughts, though, if he does come, as to why he finally had a change of heart.