i really don't think that the promo is for Undertaker. I feel like they usually reserve those promos for someone that making a debut or has been gone for a really long time. I feel like they wouldn't tease Undertaker returning from a few month break, they would just do what they always do and have the lights suddenly go out during a main event (possibly at Elimination Chamber) and have Taker appearing in the ring once the lights come back on and start kicking ass.
If i was a betting man, i'd bet on it being Sting that shows up on 2/21/11. I especially think that more so since Sting apparently didn't show up at the TNA TV taping to be apart of the MEM like everyone thought he might.
The possibility of Sting in the WWE also has become alot more likely since WWE switched to PG. Supposedly Sting never wanted to be in WWE because they conflicted with his Christian values. Now that they've toned down all the sex and violence, there's no reason Sting shouldn't be in WWE.
Now that i think about it, Sting doesn't really belong in TNA anymore. Where WWE went to PG and toned down the Sex and Violence, TNA has done the opposite. If the company Sting chooses to be in is influenced by his Christian values, he belongs in WWE more so than TNA these day.
I honestly won't hold my breath for it but I really really hope that if Sting is in WWE they have Sting vs. Undertaker at Wrestlemania. After the amazing Undertaker vs. HBK matches the past couple years anything else besides that would seem underwhelming.
Granted, there's no way that Taker could put on the kind of match with Sting that he did with HBK. But from a hype standpoint it would be amazing. What wrestling fan wouldn't want to order Wrestlemania for that match? I can imagine there being the same kind of electricity in the air that there was when The Rock wrestled Hulk Hogan at Wrestlemania.
If there is a wrestling god please let Undertaker/Sting happen instead of Barrett/Undertaker.