Will TNA Lose Sting to WWE This Year?

If there is ONE thing I've learned as a lifelong wrestling fan, it is to never say never. Mark my words, even if it's 10-20 years down the road. Hell, it might even be in the next year...but Sting will one day appear on WWE television in one form or another. NEVER say something will never happen in the wrestling business, especially WWE.
I Would like to see Sting in WWE for more of a retirement angle against Taker. Maybe a late 2012 build up to Mania. I would see Taker win and retire Sting. What better way to end such an awesome career. I dont see him being a person to end takers streak but a very good match coming out of the two for sure..
I'd love to see sting go to the WWE just once as a way to round out his career. As a long term thing with him on screen all the time I'm going to have to say no just because it would ruin the mystique that surrounds him. however maybe a Taker vs Sting match would be nice to see you know the staple of WCW vs the staple of WWE.
Personally, I have little interest in seeing Sting in WWE, and hope it never happens. If it does, I would like to think it would be to get in a mostly talking program against.....wazzzisname.....road warrior animal's little brother......John laurinitis. Sting could come in to end the reign of terror, culminating in a wrestlemania where if Sting beats laurinitis' champion (undertaker?) he gets the GM job. This could work without sting having more than two or three matches before WM, and would make a great storyline. Hell, Taker Cain even make it obvious that he threw the match to screw laurinitis, in case someone wants the streak to end without making mark look weak.
This is interesting, and once again it teases the WWE fans that perhaps...just maybe...we will get to see Sting in a WWE ring.

However, I don't think its happening. Sting being added to the alumni page is just one of the little things that was part of the deal for Ric Flair to appear on camera at WM, it is just a sign of respect for one of the true legends of the business, and a man Vince would love to have signed.

I do think that we will eventually see Sting on WWE TV, but just for a HOF induction. However, I would love to see him have just one match at a WM. He deserves that in my eyes, and could have it whenever he wants. But, I think he likes being the one guy McMahon could never buy, and seems happy in TNA.
Persnolly I think its on the cards - probably no longer than a years deal - if its going to happen and we are going to see Undertaker vs sting - got to be pretty soon
Honestly I think the time for the dream match between Taker and Sting has passed by. Neither is in their prime anymore and even though storyline and character wise it would be cool as soon as they got in the ring I feel it would really disappoint. People have this grand dream match in their mind but they also had the same in their minds for Rock vs Cena and most would agree it was one of the worst matches of the night that night.
I'm still trying to figure out why Sting has to go to The E, to be considered one of the greats of all time? And how does Sting jobbing to Taker, who only shows up for Mania, be considered a dream match?
I highly doubt it. Dixie announced about three weeks to a month ago that Sting had just signed a new contract. I really don't see him asking for his release.

after dixie said that several sites including this one confirmed that was just part of the storyline and the contract was still up at the end of the year.
Doesnt anyone believe Sting DESERVES at least one run with WWE? He was one of the biggest stars and I believe he should at least have one chance to be in a Mania match infront of that many people.

Sure TNA is nice for him, but he deserves better. Assuming Vince would allow him not to booked poorly
Doesnt anyone believe Sting DESERVES at least one run with WWE? He was one of the biggest stars and I believe he should at least have one chance to be in a Mania match infront of that many people.

Sure TNA is nice for him, but he deserves better. Assuming Vince would allow him not to booked poorly

Oh come off it.

He deserves to be able to choose where he wants to go. He chose TNA because of the light schedule. He gets to have a match when he feels like it. He is incredibly close with Dixie Carter and ANYONE, ANYONE suggesting he is going to WWE to compete in a ring is deluded. Deal is for him to be recognised as a former WCW (and by extension WWE) star, nothing more.
Strictly speaking as a wrestling fan, I'd love to see Sting go to WWE and have a Mania moment before he retires. That would kinda solidify his iconic status although he doesn't have to have it to validify his career. As a realist, I doubt it'll ever happen. Sting has openly criticized WWE's bad booking of WCW talent. I guess it's a wait-and-see situation.

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