*Spoilers* Somebody explain what's going on with Sin Cara


Mid-Card Championship Winner
WWE sources indicate that Luis Ignascio Urive Alvirde, the original Sin Cara, was sent home from Tuesday's SmackDown taping in Calgary, Alberta, Canada after meeting with company officials. He left the Scotiabank Saddledome before the event's conclusion.

Company sources say developmental talent Jorge Arias (a/k/a Hunico) will exclusively portray the Sin Cara character going forward. WWE wants to maintain the character since its been very popular among kids and in merchandise sales.

Many employees expect Alvirde to part ways with the organization, but that is not 100% confirmed.

WWE re-shot a match between Sin Cara and Heath Slater at Tuesday's taping since the initial bout featured numerous botched maneuvers. Aries portrayed Cara in both matches. Alvirde was dressed to compete, but management opted not to use him.
So now Hunico botched so badly that a match had to be done over but he's staying under the mask? No. That's not passing the smell test. That sounds like the replacement causing problems similar to the original but getting a promotion for it. So somebody who's seen SmackDown should do me a favor and let me know: Which Cara is under the mask on this week's show?
Man, FUCK Hunico. Mistico is awesome, I really hope they aren't stupid enough to send him back to Mexico. Hunico just moves wrong, looks wrong, and sucks.

Sin Cara without Mistico is barely Sin Cara at all.
Honestly I'm as confused as fuck with what they're doing with both Misticos. I get why they used Hunico briefly (merch sales > all) but if they're planning on keeping him as Sin Cara full time that's just plain stupid and slightly fraudulent seeing as how they made a massive hoo hah about signing Mistico. However, there were reports of the real Sin Cara working some house show matches, so make of that what you will.

Hunico's good in the ring and a regular workhorse in FCW, but he just doesn't work as Sin Cara. His signature spots are totally different and when he tries one of Cara's moves he makes it look wrong. If Sin Cara doesn't come back next week for an interruption or to make it clear that the man currently known as Sin Cara is a phony I'll be dumbfounded.
I would hate a Cara vs. Cara feud. Mistico isn't going to be able to tell his side of the story on the mic, so it's hard to say how that nonsense would come off. I certainly wouldn't do it.
No one seemed to really notice/mind when Hunico was under the mask the last couple of weeks. I doubt this'll amount to anything much in the long run. Sin Cara sales will still continue to be big stuff no doubt.
According to the WZ Homepage, Mistico fought the Match to be shown on Smackdown tonight and they're bringing Hunico in again from next week.
According to the WZ Homepage, Mistico fought the Match to be shown on Smackdown tonight and they're bringing Hunico in again from next week.

Wrestlezone isn't a credible source.

It sounds like Mistico was sent home before the taping and Hunico worked the match.
I would hate a Cara vs. Cara feud. Mistico isn't going to be able to tell his side of the story on the mic, so it's hard to say how that nonsense would come off. I certainly wouldn't do it.

Two options: screw it and let Sin Cara and Hunico just wrestle with the commentators/pretaped interviews explaining what's going on, or call up Shaul Gurrerro/Epico to act as Sin Cara's mouth piece and explain it. They could make it work if they tried, and if nothing else it gives Sin Cara an opponent who knows how to work Lucha Libre.

According to the WZ Homepage, Mistico fought the Match to be shown on Smackdown tonight and they're bringing Hunico in again from next week.

The main page is wrong. It's clearly Hunico from how he jumps the rope (legs closer together) to his spots (Sin Cara never did flying headbutts)
Mistico probably failed another drug test...

Didn't he say to a Mexican news/magazine whatever following his suspension that he didn't feel like he did anything wrong. I bet that didn't suit well with WWE.

I haven't watched SD in months so I can't comment on the 2 different Sin Cara's performances but if it was the Hunico who worked both matches for tonights show (the botch and the re-do) than the Sin Cara character is in deep trouble
Hunico is great, but it's true. He doesn't work well as Sin Cara. I don't want Mistico to leave though. I'm stuck in 2 minds.
Hunico is just dull. Terrible as Sin Cara, had dull matches in CHIKARA, I just don't like the guy. I'm willing to let him develop if they do keep him as Sin Cara, but it'll be an uphill battle.

But hey, I don't mind Drew McIntyre anymore, and I hated the guy, so there is hope.

...because whether I like a wrestler or not totally matters to them...
I'm struggling working up any outrage. Can a beaner explain it to me?

A Mexican's mask is his identity and a major tradition there. Basically, WWE is taking a total shit on that and saying "fuck it, we'll just slap the mask on someone else because we are WWE and are bigger than Mexico and their history". It surely doesn't help that WWE was so hellbent on signing Mistico and now they just seem to give up him. The Mexican demographic may likely get pissed, Mexican wrestlers may find WWE's actions disrespectful and WWE may lose favoring there. I know most american wrestling fans won't give a damn, but Jesus, how about a sense of respect for tradition WWE?
Yeah, I'm still not there. Maybe if Hunico took a dump on my porch or something.

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