
You didn't tell me to go to prison. That gay text in the box said use your Dirty Spamchez account everytime I was banned, not prison. How the fuck was I supposed to know what prison was? I never came here, I was always in the WWE section. You fucking liar.
You didn't tell me to go to prison. That gay text in the box said use your Dirty Spamchez account everytime I was banned, not prison. How the fuck was I supposed to know what prison was? I never came here, I was always in the WWE section. You fucking liar.

Dirty Spamchez is a prison account. I told you to log into it. Therefore, I told you to log into your prison account.

Wow, that's just.....awful! Jesus, ST's MS Paint sigs were better. ST was the one doing that for a minute, right? Doc?

Also, you're obviously NOT permabanned if you're currently posting. Idiot...

Oh, because your disgusting sig is so beautiful. Fuck man, what the fuck is wrong with you? You should be banned for that stupid, disgusting, ugly piece of shit you call a signature. Theo Mays always liked my sigs.
That's because Theo is a great guy with no ill words towards anyone.

He also made Dewey's sig. It's a band.
Fuck that stupid ****** SlyFox. He abuses his fuckin power and bans me. That cock sucking ******. Oh, and spam.

Wow another prision bitching about a "power abusing admin", yeah fuck that Slyfox guy, dirty bastard is prolly a nazi, BAAAAAA!!!, that mother fucker!!!!:rolleyes:

Yeah, Fuck those cock suckers. They can't find anything more creative than Dirty Spamchez and ImAStupidCuntTWhoCantFollowRules. I've seen it before I was banned.

the guy bitching about a "power abusing admin" is calling "those ********ers" unoriginal?!?, really?!, I mean fucking really?!?!:rolleyes:

Btw, does anybody know the password for Long Live "The Cage" section??

You can't access the rest of the forum, yet you think you can still get into "the Cage" section, god you really are one dumb son of a bitch:disappointed:
I don't know shit about this prison/banned shit, I was never given details about this you fuckheads.

So, you never read the Forum rules, then?

And, this sig is not disgusting. It's a work of art, dedicated to one of my favorite bands. Name's Mayhem. Greatness.




Everyone liked those.
Anyone who needs to ask for the password to The Cage deserves to be hit in the head several times with a blunt object.
So, I wanted to see if I could make something like it. And I did. Cause I got the skills to make something like it. Skills that you do not possess.

Whoever called me a Nazi should get shot because I'M A JEW AND I'M BETTER THAN YOU!!!

And doc, who is on your sig?
So, I wanted to see if I could make something like it. And I did. Cause I got the skills to make something like it. Skills that you do not possess.

Whoever called me a Nazi should get shot because I'M A JEW AND I'M BETTER THAN YOU!!!

And doc, who is on your sig?

What, you're saying the Jewish can't be Nazis? What are you, racist?
Thought it looked familiar. Wouldn't be surprised if he didn't show up trying to pass all of TM's sigs off as his own...
What the fuck am I supposed to do to get in The Cage? When I click it, it says
"Your administrator has required a password to access this forum. Please enter this password now.
Note: This requires cookies!"
What the fuck am I supposed to do to get in The Cage? When I click it, it says
"Your administrator has required a password to access this forum. Please enter this password now.
Note: This requires cookies!"

First of all, you're in Prison now, you can't get in.

Second, THE PASSWORD IS IN THE DESCRIPTION YOU DUMBASS! For fuck's sake, if Ray Charles was still alive, HE COULD SEE IT!
Yes, your face is funny.

Gee that sounds familiar. It was the quote you had in your sig as your alt The Jew.

Because I'm the same person. Fuckhead.

Lady Gaga.

She should DIE.
My head hurts from the stupidity brought by the new guy. Seriously, calling people ********ers is just lazy. Be original.
No, how are Jews gonna be Nazis if Nazis hate Jews? That's a fuckin oximoron.

Don't you watch WKUK? Everyone knows the Nazi's now discriminate against jerks.

Also, the Klan hates Catholics, yet two of my brothers belong to said organization. Hate groups are willing to make exceptions these days.

And your sigs still suck.

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