Sorry Joe, but you're getting too fucking fat

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that thread was similar, focusing on Joe's weight more than anything, we are talking about his new stupid look with the shaved head and the tribal penis tattoo on his face. We want the old Joe back right around the Angle feud time when he was a badass.

P.S. hopefully when Christoper Daniels comes back he's smart enough to leave the face paint at home too.
I don't watch TNA, like, at all, so I don't know if Joe's weight has gotten a little out of hand, but I'm sure if it has, it still wouldn't keep me from enjoying the guy's work if he was put in good situations. I mean, I've been a big fan of the guy since 2004, and I just think he's a fabulous worker. And his size was what made some of the shit he did so spectacular. Put the dude in an ROH ring against Danielson today and I’m sure I’ll enjoy it as much as I did in 2004. A little weight gain won’t make me focus away from Joe’s awesomeness.

Anyway, I'm sure his weight gain has a lot to do with the fact that he doesn't take nearly as many indy bookings as did in 2007 and before. I mean, I'm sure wrestling is where Joe gets most of his exercise from and on TNA's laxed schedule and the fact that he can get by with being overweight, you can't blame him for gaining a few pounds.
I don't watch TNA, like, at all, so I don't know if Joe's weight has gotten a little out of hand, but I'm sure if it has, it still wouldn't keep me from enjoying the guy's work if he was put in good situations. I mean, I've been a big fan of the guy since 2004, and I just think he's a fabulous worker. And his size was what made some of the shit he did so spectacular. Put the dude in an ROH ring against Danielson today and I’m sure I’ll enjoy it as much as I did in 2004. A little weight gain won’t make me focus away from Joe’s awesomeness.

Ignorance is bliss, my friend. Had you asked me before I saw this newly fattened up Joe, I'd have probably said the exact some thing. But you have not experienced the horror of those... those... breasts just jiggling up and down should Joe move in the slightest, spraying the air with beads of sweat. You haven't seen the stomach attempt to cave in on itself like there's a there layer of weak-willed dough there.

Anyway, I'm sure his weight gain has a lot to do with the fact that he doesn't take nearly as many indy bookings as did in 2007 and before.

I'm sure there's a gym near the 'IMPACT!' Zone. AJ Styles has cut down dramatically on the indie bookings, you don't see him getting fat.
Ignorance is bliss, my friend. Had you asked me before I saw this newly fattened up Joe, I'd have probably said the exact some thing. But you have not experienced the horror of those... those... breasts just jiggling up and down should Joe move in the slightest, spraying the air with beads of sweat. You haven't seen the stomach attempt to cave in on itself like there's a there layer of weak-willed dough there.

Lol! Okay, just because of this, I will tune into TNA tonight to see for myself, and if its as bad as you say it is, then I'll come back here and admit it. But I don't see that happening. As long as the weight doesn't affect his performance, then I just can't imagine it distracting me.

But let's say it's as bad as you say it is and it only continues to get worse, then you know sooner or later Joe will start to cover himself up. Bam Bam Bigelow was way fatter then Joe, but you just didn't notice it because he covered it up. Perhaps that's all Joe needs to do.

I'm sure there's a gym near the 'IMPACT!' Zone. AJ Styles has cut down dramatically on the indie bookings, you don't see him getting fat.

I get that, but some people aren't really gym rats. Joe probably just doesn't enjoy working out in a gym, and if he can get away with it, then more power to him.
I don't watch much of TNA either, but I have seen the "Evolution of Joe" and it is disheartening. I mean fat guys like Yokozuna and Big Daddy V worked the fat to their advantage. It is what their gimmick called for and they ran with it. Joe just looks like an out of shape fan that stumbled into the ring by accident. I mean, I'm 230 lbs myself but I am 6'4 so its evened out on me. He just looks like a that drunk college kid that slapped on war paint for the home coming game. I'm surprised he doesn't have a giant "D" painted on his chest for the shirtless "D-Fence" line up.
First post here, usually a lerker.. I gotta admit I don't watch TNA often. I watched tonight and WOW!!! Joe has REALLY let himself get away. He looks like Big Dick Johnson with pants and face paint.
TNA sould really put that fat fuck on a weight loss plan. As far as Joe not being a "gym rat", isn't that in his job description? WTF? lol. Lay off the cheese burgers fat ass. lol. And he does look like that fat college kid who paints his face for football games. lol. Joe doesn't even have much muscle mass either like some fat dudes have. Look at Mark Henry. Dude is fat but he also has quite a bit of muscle under that fat. Same with Umaga. He is fat but still looks built. Joe looks like he hasn't gone any where near a weight room in years. Lift some weights you fat fuck. lol. Try subway instead of Burger King. lol. Drink a protein shake instead of cookie dough. lol.
I don't watch TNA much, but I just watched the Destination X, and wow.

Joe looks disgusting.

I was always a fan, but seriously Joe? Seriously?

I'm just hoping he gets back in shape soon. Sometimes if a wrestler is given some time off to rethink their image or even through their injury, they'll put on some weight.

Case in point, Summerslam 2007 (I think). Featured the returns of both Triple H and Rey Mysterio. Triple H came back looking in fantastic shape, better than before his injury... Whereas Rey... well he was going for the pudgey midget look.
Ignorance is bliss, my friend. Had you asked me before I saw this newly fattened up Joe, I'd have probably said the exact some thing. But you have not experienced the horror of those... those... breasts just jiggling up and down should Joe move in the slightest, spraying the air with beads of sweat. You haven't seen the stomach attempt to cave in on itself like there's a there layer of weak-willed dough there.

I'm sure there's a gym near the 'IMPACT!' Zone. AJ Styles has cut down dramatically on the indie bookings, you don't see him getting fat.

I don't know why you started this vicious rumor, but Joe isn't fat, he's big boned. Ok, so he does have some big layers of fat on those big bones, but that's all clever marketing, next time you watch Impact, check out the audience, and see how many look like ripped roid abusers, and how many look like Joe, you'll be surprised ! Joe has what is now the average American physique, that helps him to connect with the audience. Of course, his knife and insane storyline doesn't...but that's another story.
i mean can u blame him , hes gotta not care after this incredibly lame angle TNA has put him into. I mean TNA clearly does not know what to do with him and he's depressed. What man wouldnt turn to chicken wings for solace?
I hate his attire, but I love the no care attitude. What he really should do is just go back to wearing shorts – just not those black & white cookie ones. They were horrible. Solid colors – black would do him well. Or a dark brown maybe. He could get Samoan artwork done on the sides or on the front and back of the trunks and be fine. Continue to use the face paint, and otherwise he's set.

I don't know what show you guys are watching but he was way over with Angle on iMPACT! the other week when he entered as the last man in the gauntlet. Angle put him over so well.
Samoa Joe eats Big Macs for protein. lol. What a fack fuck. Then he washes it down with a cookie dough milk shake for his daily carbs. lol. Whatever you do, do NOT go on the Samoa Joe diet. lol. I think Fat Joe is gonna sue Joe pretty soon for copyright infringement because Joe is such a fat fuck. lol. Joe is gonna EAT YOU!!
I bet ur one of those people who mark out for fat fucks like Joe and do your stupid ass "This is awesome" chants. Why don't you go off watching Samoa Joe's man boobs bounce around. This thread isn't about how over the fat fuck is its about how ridiculously disgusting he is to look at. Fat Joe's man boobs are the equivalent to Snitsky's brown teeth. I just can't bare to watch that shit because it is so disgusting.

Now then, I'm actually agreeing with you... To an extent. You're speaking of a purely aesthetic manner of Joe's look. Something understandable, you've been raised upon wrestling involving big, muscular individuals who are roided out to the fullest of extents. Purely a superficial argument, but an argument nevertheless.

I'm more concerned with the actual ring work of Joe. Will his conditioning be affected by this weight gain? How about his speed? Is he more likely to work stiff? To be honest, I'm not all too sure right now. All we've seen is 90 seconds of attempted homicide of Steiner, and about two minutes in a cage with Kurt Angle. Angle seemed to have a bit of an issue lifting Joe for the Angle Slam, but I think that was more of an issue of getting use to his weight. I'm sure as the wrestlers become more accustomed to working with this version of Joe, everything will be ok, from a work rate standpoint. The only other two concerning components is his cardio and storylines. Only one of those is something he can monitor.
Have you noticed how since his return, Joe seems not to get the chant "Joe is going to kill you!" anymore ? Last Impact, Foley announced Sting vs Joe, and normally, this would ensure a chant of said phrase, didn't happen. I wonder if the knife has anything to do with this, maybe the crowd doesn't want to give Joe any ideas?
the purpose of the knife is that after he kills you, he takes the knife cuts you up into filets , puts you on the grill and eats you!!!
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