Sorry Joe, but you're getting too fucking fat

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I don't know what it is with 95% of you Pro-Wrestling elitists....but it really seems like the number one reason WHY you guys watch WWE/TNA...ect to begin with is to see super toned men rubbed head to toe in grease to make them look all shiny and glossy so their muscles are all defined and im not even going to specualte on how much you probably enjoy them in those brief tights. Is that really what all of your main interests in wrestling are? If so, then thats fine. But just admit that your a homosexual and we can go on like none of this happened and have some real intelligent discussions.

Quite frankly, I enjoy the WWE because of the matches. Just because a performer is fat, does not mean they are not worthy to be in the business. Look at Mick Foley for example. If it werent for him, the Attitude era and hence the rest of WWE history to follow would not be the same. If you asked any wrestling fan thats been around for more than 15 years for top 10 pro-wrestling memories its hands down going to include Mankind being thrown off the top of that Hell In A Cell. Granted, that is the main reason why Foley is recognized today and why he went on to have more success, but it by no means indicates that he is not a talented performer.

Hell, Im probably considered to be on the fat side and I bet more than 90% of the people on this forum are as well. Have you ever been to a live event? Jesus man....some of them ladies and gents are HUGE. The second wrestling fans start complaining about wrestler's weight you know pro-wrestling has finally taken a turn for the worst.

It wasn't until this thread that I realized that "The D-Man" is right in his 'The unbiased, unbridled, naked truth about what's wrong with the WWE' , 100%.
the so-called smart marks of this forum show their true colours. it is all about the body to you. i dont see why you dont just forget watching wrestling and follow body building. the latent homosexual tones of this forums obsession with a good body is hilarious. it says alot about ronination that to him a champion is a toned body. i guess you thought chris masters should have been a champion? do you unzip your pants when triple h flexes his pecs? get over it. you are supposed to be a wrestling fan, not a homoerotic bodybuilding aficionado.
I don't know what it is with 95% of you Pro-Wrestling elitists....but it really seems like the number one reason WHY you guys watch WWE/TNA...ect to begin with is to see super toned men rubbed head to toe in grease to make them look all shiny and glossy so their muscles are all defined and im not even going to specualte on how much you probably enjoy them in those brief tights. Is that really what all of your main interests in wrestling are? If so, then thats fine. But just admit that your a homosexual and we can go on like none of this happened and have some real intelligent discussions.

Quite frankly, I enjoy the WWE because of the matches. Just because a performer is fat, does not mean they are not worthy to be in the business. Look at Mick Foley for example. If it werent for him, the Attitude era and hence the rest of WWE history to follow would not be the same. If you asked any wrestling fan thats been around for more than 15 years for top 10 pro-wrestling memories its hands down going to include Mankind being thrown off the top of that Hell In A Cell. Granted, that is the main reason why Foley is recognized today and why he went on to have more success, but it by no means indicates that he is not a talented performer.

Hell, Im probably considered to be on the fat side and I bet more than 90% of the people on this forum are as well. Have you ever been to a live event? Jesus man....some of them ladies and gents are HUGE. The second wrestling fans start complaining about wrestler's weight you know pro-wrestling has finally taken a turn for the worst.

It wasn't until this thread that I realized that "The D-Man" is right in his 'The unbiased, unbridled, naked truth about what's wrong with the WWE' , 100%.

good to see someone speaking sense. i, like yourself am a wrestling fan. and i care about seeing a wrestler who can......wait for it..........WRESTLE. Rather than see some overly muscular excuse for a wrestler.
I don't know what it is with 95% of you Pro-Wrestling elitists....but it really seems like the number one reason WHY you guys watch WWE/TNA...ect to begin with is to see super toned men rubbed head to toe in grease to make them look all shiny and glossy so their muscles are all defined and im not even going to specualte on how much you probably enjoy them in those brief tights. Is that really what all of your main interests in wrestling are? If so, then thats fine. But just admit that your a homosexual and we can go on like none of this happened and have some real intelligent discussions.

Quite frankly, I enjoy the WWE because of the matches. Just because a performer is fat, does not mean they are not worthy to be in the business. Look at Mick Foley for example. If it werent for him, the Attitude era and hence the rest of WWE history to follow would not be the same. If you asked any wrestling fan thats been around for more than 15 years for top 10 pro-wrestling memories its hands down going to include Mankind being thrown off the top of that Hell In A Cell. Granted, that is the main reason why Foley is recognized today and why he went on to have more success, but it by no means indicates that he is not a talented performer.

Hell, Im probably considered to be on the fat side and I bet more than 90% of the people on this forum are as well. Have you ever been to a live event? Jesus man....some of them ladies and gents are HUGE. The second wrestling fans start complaining about wrestler's weight you know pro-wrestling has finally taken a turn for the worst.

It wasn't until this thread that I realized that "The D-Man" is right in his 'The unbiased, unbridled, naked truth about what's wrong with the WWE' , 100%.

Did you read that thread fully? The D-Man wasn't complaining about the IWC because of there "elitism" or preference in appearance of wrestlers. He was complaining about the leaks, and rumors that ruin the surprise element of the shows.

Also, just because we don't like seeing topless overweight men using a gimmick/costume not suitable for them, makes us homosexual? I'm failing to see the logic here, please enlighten me.

You mention Mick Foley as an example. He's CLOTHED, he suits his gimmick. You don't see a fat person, you see a crazy hardcore legend.

Now, I see Joe as a topless out of shape wrestler with face paint that, to simply put it, makes him look like a joke.
I don't give a rat's ass if Samoa Joe is overweight. Hell, look at the majority of wrestlers from the seventies, early eighties. One of the all time greats, Harley Race, was not exactly svelte.

What I *do* care about is the fact that Joe can't cut a promo to save his life, and pretty much has to squash his opponent to look good in the ring.
I've never been a fan of Samoa Load. "joe is gonna eat you" -_-

and i dont understand why he has this new 'crazy asshole' gimmick and is still a face.


lose some weight jerk.
Thanks for calling me gay. But anyway, I just meant I don't like jiggling man boobs in my face. I just don't like the look of Samoa Joe. JBL I can stand, Joe I can't.
I disagree but with conditions. As long as Joe can still move and put on great matches it shouldn't matter what he looks like. This isn't the WWE where they care so much about appearance. Now, if Joe is slowing in the ring or if this is causing any genuine health issues (high blood pressure, etc.) then he absolutely should lose some weight.

It's not a great match when I'm squinting at the screen going, "What is that? What am I watching here? It looks like something's attempting to consume Scott Steiner".

It's a tad offensive that people are saying they're DISGUSTED with his appearance. Really? Then you must be offended really easily. Because for a man of Joe's size he carries his weight fairly well.

Did you look at the picture? Don't tell me he carries the weight well when it's pretty much dripping off of him. He's got a big frame, sure, but it's just drooping from him.

The guy could have a family history that makes him that big.

He's Samoan. It's a general Samoan trait that they're, I dunno, girthy. It's genetic. Joe, however, is just plain fat now. He's been jiggly for a while, but never has he looked so much like a walking marshmallow than he does now.

They guys is fairly big, yes, but he's build like a brick s-house and it works for him.

No, Hernandez is built like a brick shit house. Joe is built like a shit brick house.

People need to be a little more sensitive. And yes, this is all coming from a guy who is a former fatty and has since dropped down to the 250 pound level.

I'm of Ricky Gervais' school of thought. That being, you make fat people aware that they're fat and that there is a problem, and they'll change their ways.
I've always been against Samoa Joe's weight from day one. The fact he had to wear those ugly duotoned pants above his belly button was a huge turn off for me and it took a lot to get past it for me personally.
i liked samoa joe. but this new gimmick and face paint. its really lame.
is he trying to kill people?
and i guess he got fatter too.
but ive always thought he was a chubby guy.
Thanks for calling me gay. But anyway, I just meant I don't like jiggling man boobs in my face. I just don't like the look of Samoa Joe. JBL I can stand, Joe I can't.

The point im trying to make is what is REALLY the problem with Samoa Joe? I too, think he is extremely over-rated but I base that 100% on what he presents as a performer. Wrestling ability/mic skills/overall entertainment. Not on his waist line, not on his lack of underwear model attributes.

I honestly don't think Joe's problems are his weight. Does he have a weight problem....yes but so do 85% of the American poplation. His problem goes far beyond that. Really sit and think of what you hate most about Somoa Joe, write list and you'll see there are far more reasons why he sucks ahead of the fact that he is SLIGHTLY overweight.
Gotta agree with you on this but as long as he's still agile in the ring I don't think it's something that should be a real big focus. Hell if he starts slipping and looking like crap then it'll be time for him to take time off and shed some weight.
I think Samoa Joe is simply channeling some Mike Tyson. Fucked up tattoo on face? Check. Nonsensical, crazy actions that have no logic in their extremes? Check. Former Heavyweight champion? Check. It would be nice if Samoa Joe did a little something with his weight, he's never going to be trim and ripped but he could at least be a bit less obvious in the lack of care he takes in his weight. But I do think the issue's merely modern wrestling fans being brainwashed over the past several decades to being pre-programmed to see wrestlers in the stereotypical ways the WWE turned them into. People seem to forget back in the day when there were far more wrestlers that looked out of shape and packed lots of weight such as Dusty Rhodes the Every man!
What has TNA done to Samoa Joe? What do you guys think of his new look? Is that supposed to make him look tougher? I think he just looks flat out ******ed. I heard the look was TNA's idea. He's running around with a knife threatening people. His shaved head just makes him look fatter than he already is, and his tribal face paint, dont get me started, is it me or does it look like he has a tribal penis tattooed on the side of his head. I'd like to hear what everyone else thinks and see if you think its going to totally ruin him or not. I am a huge Joe fan but i just think he looks ridiculous and it disgusts me when I see him now.
He is a fat fuck no matter what. In a few years I see him as Rikishi, meaning he gets fired because his fat ass refuses to cut some weight.
I don't regurlaly watch TNA but when I started reading things about a new look I decided to check it out.

my response
3.Is this a joke
4.LOL he has a penis on his face
5.This is why TNA is the worst wrestling promotion on Television
I never noticed it until this post but yes he has become obese. :)
OMG i agreed with someone.

He was always stocky but never had rolls of fat

I guess it just goes to prove some comments by Voice Of Wrestling, the guys left in TNA don't seem to give a shit anymore.
his face paint looks like shit, he's fatter than all hell, his pants look like crap. i don't mind the knife or his whole nation of violence deal. if only he lost all the excess crap he's added on, than it wouldn't be so bad. i am just afraid that his in ring skills will drastically be effected because he is fat. my biggest and primary concern is how they are in the ring. whether or not tna notice's how fucking ******ed they're making joe look right now remains to be seen. i hope to god they do soon though.
Yeh never thought Joe could look worse then he did before, but ofcourse TNA makes it happen. Joe can only get worse, his in ring skills are average, his mic work has him looking like a carrots stuck up his ass, and what do you know the obese paint wearing penis face samoan eating machine gains more weight yay :)
the design on his face is actually somoan unlike umaga's. lets just spit in an entire cultures face and just go for something that looks cool.
who really cares if it's ACTULLY samoan, and how do you know umaga's isnt??? + how is he spitting on his ENTIRE CULTURE by having paint on his face, he has samoa on his stomach as it is.
who really cares if it's ACTULLY samoan, and how do you know umaga's isnt??? + how is he spitting on his ENTIRE CULTURE by having paint on his face, he has samoa on his stomach as it is.

i meant peoples response on here to joe's face paint, saying it's shit and looks like a penis. i have had the pleasure of woking with alot of islanders (somoans, tongans, fijians and moaris) and one of them (he is a wwe fan) told me that umaga's face paint is bullshit and looks nothing like samoan tribal tatoos.
I too do not like Joe's new look. He also looks like he just sat on the couch the entire time he was away because he looks to be in worse shape than before. Here's to hoping things improve with Joe otherwise I don't see how they could even push him as legitimate when he looks like a joke. And this is coming from an actual TNA fan.
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