Sorry Joe, but you're getting too fucking fat

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Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
I'm sorry, but he really is. I'm not a big Joe detractor. Matter of fact, I'm a big Joe fan. I never used to think his weight problem was, well, a problem. I couldn't put it any better than it was put in Pulp Fiction:

Jules said:
I wouldn't go so far as to call the brother fat, I mean he got a weight problem. What's the ****** gonna do? He's Samoan.

Recently though, I've had to look away in disgust. If I actually did have any enjoyment of the TNA product - which I suppose I do, but only on rare occasions - this would probably ruin it. Had Joe put a shirt on for when he hung Davairi upside down and beat him with a stick, I'd have probably been entertained. The sight of Joe's man boobs and jiggly, soft, almost hypnotic stomach made me feel sick though. Allow me to illustrate:


Doesn't really show off the breasts, but look at that belly. Jesus Christ. You're a pro wrestler Joe. Would it kill you to lose a little weight? I mean, you're a chunky fucker by nature. I ain't got a problem with that. Lately you just look gross though.
I don't always agree with you on stuff ... but you hit this one on the head.
I am just disappointed with the whole Samoa Joe character in general. He was so hot and so good for a while ...
By the time they got him the World Title he was already a little stale ... then his reign left a lot to be desired. And then they write him off and bring this back?
A fat Samoan with face paint? Really? Isn't that just Umaga? Why the hell would they take a main eventer and turn him into Umaga?
He needs to lose the weight badly ... he needs to turn heel IMO ... and he needs to get back to doing what he does best ... putting on ridiculously strong matches.
i agree hes samoan so hes gonna be big but hes geting out of hand. hes got to remember he is a pro wrestler on t.v. so he should try to look his best or cover up. it work for rikishi cause it was his gimmick but damn this is bad
man i couldn't agree more with this post. its ok to be fat when its in the vein of freakishly huge, but christ joe is just a fat guy that can move, so basically yeah umaga, except that umaga has a gimmick that works with his weight. joe needs to be a size that backs up his gimmick, he can still be heavy but he needs to look like he's an intimidating daunting crazy bastard. now he just looks, well, dumb.
im glad to see in not alone in this . Besides the fact he is fat as hell his new gimmick makes no sense what so ever. I mean really ? we let guys carry knives around and sneak attack them up to someone's neck. Hes allowed to cut Scott Steiner so bad hes wearing a mask ? Every angle so far just embrasses the other wrestler and makes them look incredibly weak. You think Nash is going to let Joe do that to him when they renew theyre feud ? Joe needs to turn heel and should join the Mafia, he can turn heel start a program with A.J and they can have some classic matches. He is almost unwatchable right now I cant believe Tna is ruining this guy
I agree with this, but there's been a question I've been asking myself. Why was I okay with Big Daddy V wearing his suspenders, while having the universe on his chest? I do feel uncomfortable when I watch Joe because I feel that he's not aware that he's out of shape, and I kinda just want to tell him. But with Big Daddy V, it wasn't a train wreck I could've look away from, it was like a Picasso painting (a wall painting). I'm okay with the size of a superstar as long as it fits what they're about. Vader for instance. Big Daddy V. Even Umaga. But Joe represented the X Division. I don't understand how in a business that involves constant exercise, and when your style involves running and jumping, one is able to just let themselves go like that. I guess he's overall having some self esteem issues, in other places, displayed by his massively large machete.
I agree with you here. Joe is putting on weight, and it's not bidding well for him. I'm not sure what to make of his new gimmick yet. I think the face paint makes him look silly, and I can't take him seriously with it on. He's now meant to be this bad-ass who is really violent and doesn't care for the rules, but he has this ridiculous face paint on? What's the deal with that? He would look a lot meaner without the new face-paint. Couldn't they have just a gimmick change? I think it would have worked out in their favor. Oh well, I'm still interested to see how this character develops.
Joe is a fat fuck just like Steiner says. He needs to get some kind of definition going for fucks sake. Im not saying he has to look like Triple H but if he at least could get to a point resemblin Umaga then that would be good because Umaga is fat but also muscular and intimidating looking. Samoa Joe just looks like a pudgy frat boy who thinks hes a bad ass. Joe is basically Manu. lol.
I'm sorry, but he really is. I'm not a big Joe detractor. Matter of fact, I'm a big Joe fan. I never used to think his weight problem was, well, a problem. I couldn't put it any better than it was put in Pulp Fiction:

Recently though, I've had to look away in disgust. If I actually did have any enjoyment of the TNA product - which I suppose I do, but only on rare occasions - this would probably ruin it. Had Joe put a shirt on for when he hung Davairi upside down and beat him with a stick, I'd have probably been entertained. The sight of Joe's man boobs and jiggly, soft, almost hypnotic stomach made me feel sick though. Allow me to illustrate:


Doesn't really show off the breasts, but look at that belly. Jesus Christ. You're a pro wrestler Joe. Would it kill you to lose a little weight? I mean, you're a chunky fucker by nature. I ain't got a problem with that. Lately you just look gross though.

Damn I totally agree with you 100% on this. Joe either needs to start working out or put on a shirt to cover up those man tits & that stomach that just makes people sick. The real thing I wonder is if TNA has taken any type of notice on Joe's weight.
Thank you for putting it out there for discussion. Me an my friends always make fun of this guy. we refer to him as a "Load". He needs to make up his mind - be in shape or out of shape. Yokozuna was fat and Daddy V was fat - but the were supposed to be fat. Rikishi was supposed to be fat. it was part of thier characters. Joe isnt a tall guy or broad. he carries all the wieght in his fat gut. If he was supposed to be a big man like vader than no big deal but this guy is not fat because his character is fat - he is fat because he is a fat fuck
I disagree but with conditions. As long as Joe can still move and put on great matches it shouldn't matter what he looks like. This isn't the WWE where they care so much about appearance. Now, if Joe is slowing in the ring or if this is causing any genuine health issues (high blood pressure, etc.) then he absolutely should lose some weight.

It's a tad offensive that people are saying they're DISGUSTED with his appearance. Really? Then you must be offended really easily. Because for a man of Joe's size he carries his weight fairly well. The guy could have a family history that makes him that big. He could be so much worse off than he actually is. So to say you're disgusted is fairly insulting. It's not like he looks like Yokozuna or even Abdullah the Butcher. They guys is fairly big, yes, but he's build like a brick s-house and it works for him.

People need to be a little more sensitive. And yes, this is all coming from a guy who is a former fatty and has since dropped down to the 250 pound level.
That's some err, big bulge he has there. But to be honest, it's not the worst. There are worse off people, and and the end of the day it should be down to his ability, not his looks. I know it doesn't work like that but you know. I mean, for health reasons him putting on that weight isn't good for him at all, but until he sorts it out you can't do much. If it disgusts you, don't watch it. Many people don't watch TNA anyway. Bulge or no bulge.
It amazes me how pro wrestlers like Joe are fat. It takes a high level of conditioning to perform a match. Hes not Yoko or Mabel fat and he moves around the ring a lot. The guy must eat a lot a drink a lot of booze but i know if i looked like him i wouldnt want my shirt off
The fatness just doesn't help trying to sell the idea of Joe being really vicious. It was impossible to take the caning of Bashir work because all anyone noticed was first of all how fat Joe was as they watched his moobs sway, and secondly how he only tried to hit the guys back.

For those who have heard of Samoa Joe but haven't seen him (like some younger WWE fans) they will have heard all kinds of rumours about what a badass Samoa Joe is but when they see him they'll just think " What?? is he standing behind the fat bald guy in joggers". I never thought Joe had the right look. To me, he's just an overrated fat guy that can move abnormally fast for a larger person.
When I started watching TNA regularly (from about 2007) I never understood the big deal about Joe, then I watched him on dvd in 2005/6 and saw what a monster he was at one point. I think TNA is just trying to revive that fear factor he once had.

As for his fatness, yeah it's much worse than it was a few years ago. Could do with dropping at least 20-30 pounds. But samoans are always big and if he was muscular he'd lose what made him stand out from the crowd. Think his facepain etc isn't great but if he'd returned in his short tights and stuff he'd be as stagnant as ever...least he has something resembling a threat again.
i completely 3 and 60 disagree with the thread here...who cares if hes fat... what does that have to do with watching a wrestling match? or cutting a promo??? NOTHING. when i watched thursday's impact and saw joe come out to the ring, i didn't go scoping him out like most seem to do on here and say, "the man needs to lose weight". hell, I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW he gained weight. as long as hes agile, who the bloody hell freakin CARES?
he's gotten fat, yes.
but i ask, is this whole "Nation of Violence" crap going anywhere or gonna include anybody else?
i do think this is a way of turning him insane and then heel.
. Think his facepain etc isn't great but if he'd returned in his short tights and stuff he'd be as stagnant as ever...least he has something resembling a threat again.

I'm not seeing how the face paint resembles a threat? He might as well have a clown gimmick, because to me that's how much of a joke it looks. His wrestle skills are still in good form though, and that's good, but I really can't take him seriously now. They could have done something better to fit the gimmick. Wearing some clothes would have been a start. A costume that distinguishes him as a bad ass. For example: Austin's jacket.

i completely 3 and 60 disagree with the thread here...who cares if hes fat... what does that have to do with watching a wrestling match? or cutting a promo??? NOTHING. when i watched thursday's impact and saw joe come out to the ring, i didn't go scoping him out like most seem to do on here and say, "the man needs to lose weight". hell, I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW he gained weight. as long as hes agile, who the bloody hell freakin CARES?

You didn't notice the weight gain? I know wrestling is all about appearance but I'm also concerned for his health. I agree, he is still agile though, and as long as he is still that, it shouldn't matter.
TBH It Shouldn't Really Matter How "Fat" A Wrestler Is Becoming As long As They Can Actually Wrestle, Dnt Get Me Wrong.. Im Not A Fan Of Joe.. And I Do Think Hes Gotten Fatter But I Do Not Think He Needs To Loose Weight If Hes Wrestling Talent Is Up To Standard..
While yes he has gained weight all that it comes down to at the end of the day is what everyone else has said his wrestling ability.

I think it does matter a little bit that he has gained weight because someone times it takes away from the match,the focus is more on his gut then what he is actually doing in the ring.Also for first time viewers it can be a turn-off.

What i like about him being fat,and i am by no means a samoa joe fan,is that it shows equal oppurtunity for all wrestlers.It shows you dont have to be this muscular guy to win the top belt.And i think it helps TNA attract superstars when some fat wrestlers says well they wont allow me to main event in the wwe,but then they look at samoa joe and they say to themselves if he can do it i sure can do it too.Ya know what i mean?
What i like about him being fat,and i am by no means a samoa joe fan,is that it shows equal oppurtunity for all wrestlers.It shows you dont have to be this muscular guy to win the top belt.And i think it helps TNA attract superstars when some fat wrestlers says well they wont allow me to main event in the wwe,but then they look at samoa joe and they say to themselves if he can do it i sure can do it too.Ya know what i mean?

Are you saying this has a place in Wrestling?


Yes, Joe is looking a lot fatter. If he gets much bigger, I can see him loosing favour with the crowds and TNA Management. I think they should give him some time to drop some fat. Did wonders for Big Show.
Are you saying this has a place in Wrestling?


Yes, Joe is looking a lot fatter. If he gets much bigger, I can see him loosing favour with the crowds and TNA Management. I think they should give him some time to drop some fat. Did wonders for Big Show.

I never said big daddy V had a place in the main event.But i dont think you understood what i was saying.I'm not talking about amazingly large guys im saying a moderately fat guy shows equal oppurtunity.
Joe was given a lot of time off during the injury angle and could've taken it upon himself to lose weight, but he's been gaining weight at a rapid degree since losing the RoH Title in 2004. I don't get why he went from debuting as a bad ass Samoan who wore a pretty cool t-shirt and pants at around 250 to probably weighing in excess of 300 pounds now and thinks "Fuck it, I don't need a shirt!" It represents the business in a very bad way, especially for a company like TNA that puts so much time and emphasis on showcasing wrestlers as athletes and putting over their athletic ability and how they also train really hard... Then you got this pudgy bastard fucking it up, even with his wrestling talent. I think it's a case like Steve Corino, Raven, and so many others where Joe just doesn't want to hit the gym as much as he should. It isn't really a reflect on TNA... though the character sucking, that's all TNA.
You see, I'm the opposite thinking though, a Champion should be in shape, they should have trained themselves to the peak of perfection, not be a tubby lardarse. I just respect a champion who looks like a champion more. The fit look.
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