Sons of Anarchy

I've been impressed with the overall better quality of season 4 of Sons. Season 3 seemed to drag way too much in the beginning and didn't live up to the past 2 seasons. They've taken the right direction with season 4 focusing more on John Teller and how damning the past is for Clay. You can tell the story they are trying to lead up to is that Clay murdered John and doesn't want Jax to find out. I'm intrigued to see how all of this shapes up because there are so many unknowns to contend with. Especially with Clay's word meaning nothing and the empty promises that he's seemingly made with Bobby and Jax. Even his makeshift alliance with the cartel guys seems only done out of greed and self-interest and not a true friendship alliance. It's all probably going to fall down around Clay before they kill his character off and really tear the club apart. The whole video preview for season 4 of SOA summed it up "this club is not about brotherhood anymore, it's about greed". You can see this in every aspect of the story this season and it makes for damn good television.
I actually really enjoyed last night's episode. I thought they did a lot of story line progression which I felt like was probably the only thing that had been lacking the previous few weeks. Not that there wasn't any before, I just felt like last night was probably the jumping off point for what's going to happen in the season. I could be wrong, though.

I was mainly intrigued by the whole Piney/Tara conversation in the hospital room. I've always really liked Piney and I'm glad he's been getting some significant screen time the last couple weeks. Can't wait to see how he and Tara play out the whole JT angle.

I think I'm starting to believe that Linc Potter is going to be the trouble this season and hopefully Gemma's new found "Friendship" with the sheriff's wife will lead to something positive with the sheriff.

I don't want to get into it too much, but the preview for next season made the episode look like all Hell is going to break loose.

By the way, no Opie this week? WTF?!
I actually really enjoyed last night's episode. I thought they did a lot of story line progression which I felt like was probably the only thing that had been lacking the previous few weeks. Not that there wasn't any before, I just felt like last night was probably the jumping off point for what's going to happen in the season. I could be wrong, though.

I was mainly intrigued by the whole Piney/Tara conversation in the hospital room. I've always really liked Piney and I'm glad he's been getting some significant screen time the last couple weeks. Can't wait to see how he and Tara play out the whole JT angle.

I think I'm starting to believe that Linc Potter is going to be the trouble this season and hopefully Gemma's new found "Friendship" with the sheriff's wife will lead to something positive with the sheriff.

I don't want to get into it too much, but the preview for next season made the episode look like all Hell is going to break loose.

By the way, no Opie this week? WTF?!

Yeah, where the hell was Opie?

Anyway, I liked the episode and see the storylines setting up quite nicely. I love that this show points you in one direction, then totally flips the script. Can't wait for next week.
I didn't even notice that, but, Opie was missing. I guess they felt he didn't do much to advance the story and didn't include him. With Clay threatening Bobby about telling Gemma about the cartel, it'll be interesting to see how Opie reacts if he finds out about that. I doubt it will sit well with Op and Clay will have yet another hostile in the club against him.
I can't help but say that I'm a little disappointed some of my regular boys haven't been posting as much in this thread lately. I think you know who you are. That being said, I know very well that life is crazy and it doesn't always allow for the Wrestlezone forums. On to my review from last night's episode of Sons...:

Personally, I thought this week's episode was awesome as we're getting deeper into the history of SAMCRO. Tara and Piney are getting in deep with the letters and Clay and it looks like he's going to drag Gemma and possibly Uncer along for the ride as well.

The whole situation with Juice makes me extremely nervous, but I think he'll come out of it ok.. We've seen it before with Chibbs and Bobby where they're about to get into bed with the feds and eventually change their mind. I'm not sure how to predict what's going to happen with the lost key of coke, though. I did find it tough to believe that no one realized that Juice took it, at least right away. The large prospect kid came across as kind of a weak character, could've just been the scene, though.

I still think the sheriff is going to be a good guy when push comes to shove. We saw a little more insight into Potter's mind as he lied to the sheriff about his involvement with Juice being stricken from the records.

The dirt came out to Otto about Bobby Elvis/Luanne and it should be interesting to see who actually killed her and what happens to Georgie.

Am I the only one that was excited to see David Hasslehoff on the show last night? Kind of hoping he sticks around as a recurring character. Maybe he killed Luanne?

Finally this week we got some more Opie and the hot porn star chick being dubbed on Facebook as "Jax's leftovers." Was it just me or was Lyla being a bitch in last night's episode? Maybe she was just really into getting to the bottom of Luanne's death, but normally I find her character to be so sweet.

I also couldn't help but wonder where/what Tigg has been up to recently.
Last night's episode was alright, some interesting new developments but not the greatest episode we've ever seen. Once again Gemma is saving Clay's ass by staying level headed, Clay let Piney's threats bother him way too much and it's a very good thing for him and the club that Gemma cooled him down. I don't really see the need for Unser to be the one to go in and get those letters if Gemma could have just done it but it did lead to us seeing some back and forth with Clay that was a little revealing of their past, I feel something big going down this season between Clay, Gemma and Unser.

Opie finding the birth control in Lyla's stuff was upsetting but honestly not that surprising, I really didnt see he here being someone who would jump at the idea of having a baby. As much as I like her and find her sweet usually I did get a weird vibe from her, and Ope hitting that bitch was bad, I mean he's in a shitty position but nothing justifies that.

Juice's situation is unsettling, I feel really bad for him because the color issue is so damn stupid and it sucks that such a good cool guy is being put in the position he's in. The coke thing is bad, his problem might lead to big trouble for the club because of this, and that one Mayan who say him coming out is probably going to say something to get him caught in the shit. If I were juice i'd tell Jax, he's always the most understanding, he has big weight in the club and can convince the guys to back him, plus they all love Juice, but it is a sticky spot because the club might be so upset about him hiding it that they might throw friendship out the mofuckin window.

Now for Bobby, Otto and Luanne shit, I'm glad Bobby didn't try to avoid talking to Otto and he went in and admitted he did screw Luanne. I would like to know who killed Luanne but I really like that they're using Georgie, I was gonna be happy with them killing him but they idea of having the land development looked at by the investors and then pullin out to make the whole thing flop is brilliant and will be great if it works out, then they can kill Georgie.

Am I the only one that was excited to see David Hasslehoff on the show last night?
You bet your ass I was! I was watching and then I realized the Hoff was on the show and I freaked out! So far I like his character and think he could be a fun side addition to the show. :)
Cmon guys, no feedback from last night's episode? :disappointed:

This episode was very very heavy and the actions that were taken are going to have major effects on the season for sure. First it seems as though Juice has saved himself for now from being found out as the guy who stole the coke from the storage locker, I hoped that Juice wouldn't let the prospects die just so he could keep from being found out, fortunatly that was avoided but at a very large cost, we lost a Son in but in turn Juice doesn't die. I am obviously happy that Juice didn't get caught but I was very interested in how the club would deal with it, I think the fact that they didn't even bother considering it was him that took the drugs might be a sign that they wouldn't have killed him, but you never know. What matters the most though is that the club recovered the cocaine, and because of that their business with the cartel can continue running smoothly.

Opie's situation with the porn star bitch and his wife went a different way than I expected, instead of Lyla getting very upset and them trying to resolve it they made it seem as though no attempt would be made to fix their marriage which is sad. But this was not before that **** pulled a gun on Lyla and said some horrible things to her before walking out after once again hurting the club. It's all Opie's fault for starting this whole situation by fucking a ****ty porn star instead of talking to his wife about their problems, and the highlight of the episode was definitely Piney sucker punching his son for being such a fool, I thought that would lead to him patching things up with Lyla but he's still being an idiot. Then in the end Jax definitely sent a hell of a message to that ****e and I'm betting that's the last time we see her.

The part that bothered me the most was ofcourse when Clay told Romeo that he wanted him to set up a hit on Tara. I mean firstoff you'd think he learned after the fuck up with Donna(plus Opie was set up) and most importantly it's his goddamn daughter in law and the VP's wife! This is going to end badly no matter what happens, I just pray that Tara doesn't get hurt or killed because that would really suck, hopefully Unser helps get her out of this situation so she and Jax can get out and get safe.
Awesome episode this week and it has been a great season too. I have never seen an opening season of SOA so full of tension and excitement. I don't know how long things can keep going the way they are without someone getting hurt. Juice, the sheriff, Unser, Piney, and especially Tara and Clay. It seems everything will be revealed this season unless they can stretch it out another season. It's the most exciting show on television in my opinion, and I can't wait for next week.
Sorry I haven't been in here much, been super busy, but I have stayed up to date with Sons and it has by far been the best season ever, and we are barely half way through. I don't really have a whole lot to say about the episode last night, but there were two things that stood out to me.

I hope to god Juice isn't dead and I don't think he is. If you listen during the end credits you can hear snapping and that leads me to believe the tree branch broke, thus allowing him to live. However, that just as well could have been him kicking around or his neck breaking. We won't know till next week, unless it was in the promo for next week which I did not see.

The second thing was Bobby asking for a change in leadership. This leads me to believe that there will be more blood shed in the club before the end of the season. Bobby and Clay are headed straight for a war between the two, which is ironic since Bobby played mediator when Jax and Clay were butting heads. I honestly believe one of them will die at the hands of the other by the end of the season, which sucks because it'll likely be Bobby and I enjoy his character a lot.

Good episode that left a lot of questions for next week. Can't wait to see the direction the show goes.
Yes, last night was definitely intense. I hope Juice isn't gone because I certainly can't handle both he and Bobby possibly dying this season. I have to agree INDY, that it looks like it's heading in that direction, but who knows, maybe they'll squash everything just like Jax and Clay [at least temporarily] have.

I do have one question though, and maybe I just missed this because the last two weeks I've been doing homework while watching, but did Clay tell Unser to put the note in Tara's car? Or did he do that just to keep her on her toes? I kind of missed the point on that.

Every week I'm starting to like the sheriff more and more. He is human and Potter, well Potter is an asshole whose character has above and beyond replaced Stahl's. If Juice dies and the club gets wind that it is more or less Potter's fault, well let's just say I hope this is what happens.
Good stuff INDY and Byrnside, I've gotta say last night's episode left me feeling sad. I really hope Juice is gonna be ok, when he had the chains I was a tad bit confused and when he put it around his beck and dropped I flipped out. I did get a little hope when I heard the snapping during the credits but that could have been the branch or his neck as INDY pointed out. I want to say that it was the branch but he's still going to be messed up and in the hospital, we'll see what happens though, it'd hate to lose Juice.

Bobby hasn't been happy with Clay and the direction of the club and we all know that but I must say I was surprised when he popped that shit on us. It's gonna cause major turmoil in the club but it really needed to be done, but I do see it killing Bobby in the end.

As for your question Byrnside, the way I interpreted it was Unser was doing it on his own to save Tara. He doesnt want her to get hurt and he figured she would find the note and leave Charming and or Jax, that's just how I read it though.

What I'm worried about is that woman dying when they were trying to get the last shooter, I definitely see that one coming back to bite the club in the ass, anyone else with me on that?

All in all it was a very good episode and a very important one, just hope that Juice turns out to be alright.
Last night's episode of Sons was intense for sure.This season is the best one yet in my opinion. I honestly think that Bobby will end up dead before the season is out. As far as Juice goes, I believe the branch broke. I cannot wait for next week's episode. This season has been full of plenty of twists and turns and I'm on the edge of my seat with every single episode.
I feel like I say this after every episode but goddammit I love this freakin show. Another excellent one delivered tonight with a ton of great moments, as well as one or two bad ones. As I was praying for at the end of last week it turns out that the branch broke and Juice did not succeed in hanging himself, Tig seemed to buy his story about getting caught in a fence but Chibs knows Juice well and I was glad that he caught onto it throughout the episode and gave him a little kick in the ass and some support in the end, that was exactly what he needed someone to do for him.

The vote scene was interesting, when Opie told his dad he was siding with him I got really excited to see how everyone would feel. Obviously Clay and Tig went nay, and right as it was on Chibs who is about as in the middle as anybody the goddamn baddies from the other cartel storm the club and drop some heads(I loved when the prospect nailed the shooter in the truck). This shit is obviously getting very fucked up very fast and the club is definitely very much in over their heads.

Tara leaving doesn't really surprise me, I've always been split on how to feel about her because she does have her kickass moments but other times she's such a flake on the family/club and I don't care for her. Fortunatly she isn't leaving Jax or anything like that, but having her up in Oregon with the kids should be interesting.

I really liked Clay's speech at the garden benefit, it was one of those moments for me when I realized I really care what happens with everyone in the club and I want to see Clay able to end this shitty situation with the cartel and retire in his safe and and peaceful town of Charming, that's when you know a show is good is when you really care what happens and I fucking love this show. I like when Clay works with Ozwald and this was probably their best joint project together in raising the money for the gardens, part of me would like to see Clay lose the prez spot but continue as a regular on the show, but I can't imagine anyone else in that position, even Jax.

And the low part of the night was the end where Clay took care of his problem with Piney. I always liked Piney, I expected them to do alot more after the finale 2 seasons ago when he teamed up with Jax but unfortunatly they didn't and his part of the SOA journey is over. I knew that he was going out soon but honestly even with Clay going to his cabin, coming and going only to break down the door and tear everything apart in search of the letters, for some reason I didn't think he was going to pull the trigger, I was obviously wrong.

Anyway it was another great episode and obviously after the end I am very interested in seeing what happens next week.
I have been a few weeks behind on SOA while trying to keep up with school and stuff, so when I got sick and didn't go to class for the last couple days it was a nice opportunity to catch up on the show!

So since I've been so far behind, I'm just going to stick to the current week's episode, although I have one little thing first:

What I'm worried about is that woman dying when they were trying to get the last shooter, I definitely see that one coming back to bite the club in the ass, anyone else with me on that?

I don't think she was a significant enough character for that to come back to them, plus wasn't it one of the other guys that shot her, not a son? I think they're all good on that one.

Anyway back to Monday night's episode. I know I'm almost a week behind on this one, but I have a lot to say so here goes.

So I was really looking forward to the vote in of a new president and a little disappointed that they never got to finish that.

This cartel business is getting messy and I really don't see a clean way out of it. I wish Clay wasn't such a stubborn asshole and would just find a way to get them out because I feel this building up to something really really bad. I don't want to say it, but possibly Jax's death?

I have to say that I really liked Clay's speech also. I still can't stand his character and that's probably where I'd have to disagree with you JW. I don't care about Clay, I don't care what happens to him at all, I hope he dies, and I hope it's painful. I know he cares about Charming, but I think aside from that, he is an incredibly selfish person.

I'm glad that Tara finally got the balls to do what was best for her family and get the children out of there! I guess as a woman, I probably look at this show from a very different stand point than most of you, but all I could think about the whole episode was when Abel got kidnapped and then when that little boy got shot at Half Sack's funeral and all the damage that has been afflicted on innocent children because of the club and I really wanted Tara to get the fuck out. She's always been one of my favorite characters and while I think her support of the club has been iffy, she's always been there for Jax and their family.

Now Piney's death is interesting. I honestly thought that when Clay came back in and had his back to Piney, that Piney was going to grab the gun that he had hidden and shoot Clay, and I was pissed when it didn't, but I know that wouldn't have worked so well for the story line. Anyway, now that Piney's gone, there's no more strong voice of reason. I worry what's going to happen to Jax without Piney there.

Tara needs to show Jax those letters, because someone needs to bring Clay down. He's gone power mad and for the most part everyone is just blindly following him. I don't see Jax getting out any time soon. I think he's going to take over as prez soon though, but unless he reads those letters, I don't see that going much better then having Clay.

This has definitely been my favorite season so far and I can't wait to see where it goes!

RIP Brother.

A moment of silence for our fallen brother. I still can't believe that Piney is gone, that scene was incredibly done though. We really got a taste of just what Clay is capable of. We've heard the stories from the past but we still haven't seen him do anything of this magnitude. We were all worried about Juice and I was telling my girlfriend earlier that I would almost rather have lost Juice than Piney. Then again, as JW pointed out, it's hard not to love every member of the club and care about them as if they were our own family.

I thought Juice would've seen the branch breaking as a sign, but I guess I was wrong. How awesomely emotional was that scene where Chibbs busted Juice trying to do it again, though? Can't wait to see what happens.

Judging from the preview it looks like all hell is going to break loose. Will Jax come to his senses? Will Clay hurt Tara? What's going to happen with the other cartel? What's going to happen with Juice and Chibbs?
God. Piney dieing was so surreal. We haven't really lost a member of the crew yet. Of course Zach died, but that was so long ago. It was crazy how emotional that scene was, especially for a show that isn't even real. I love it and hate it all at the same time. DAMN YOU SUTTER FOR MAKING ME CARE!!!! Anyways, Piney's death was sad, upsetting, brilliant, and disturbing. Clay is a piece of shit, and we can all see it now. I really hope that Opie puts a bullet in Clay's head for what he has done to his family. Sad to see the ever constant voice of reason die, but he won't be forgotten.

Glad I was right about Juice and his scene with Chibbs was beautiful. I really hope he can open up to Chibbs about his problems, such as being part black, and that Chibbs will have his back. Chibbs has always been one of the more emotional characters and you can see just how much the club matters to him and the people in the club.

Another great episode from the single greatest season of SOA yet, and the second greatest season of any show I have ever seen. The Wire season 4 will never lose that top spot.
God. Piney dieing was so surreal. We haven't really lost a member of the crew yet. Of course Zach died, but that was so long ago.

Who is/was Zach? Was that Half-Sack? The saddest thing I can compare Piney's death too was when Half-Sack died in season 2. I still miss him and I find myself judging all the prospects because of him.
You gotta feel for Opie first Clay has Donna killed, albeit she wasn't meant to die, and now Clay kills Piney, Opies father. I can't help but feel that at some point Opie is gonna start piecing shit together, & if Jax's ever see's those letters, & learns that Clay put the hit out on Tara, Clay's fucked. There's clearly schism working it's way into the club, & I can't seeing anything but a full scale "civil war" happening within the club. Clay is losing control & he's getting very desperate, also seems as if Gemma could slowly be beginning to turn on him as well. Kurt Sutter posted in a blog that the final 5 episodes of this season are going to be some of the most important episodes in the shows history, so I'm very curious to see what he's got in store for us.
I wasn't expecting Piney to be killed... Clay now has killed 3 of the First 9 himself. This season has been great, easily the second best season (behind the first) Jax I believe is going to expect Clay had something to do with Piney in the same way that he did with Donna's death. The prospects have grown on me throughout the season... and Happy is still the best character on the show.. they should give him more lines, because he never fails to entertain.

I do believe that the Clay vs. Jax dynamic will continue throughout the series... possibly ending in the series finale with the death of Clay. At which time the club goes through major changes.. or Jax walks away for good. Perhaps Tara really will get the kids away from the club this time... because she has always annoyed me from the start of the series. I'm thinking there will be one more death in the club before the season is over.
SONS is my favorite show on TV. Already this year there's been several must see, shocking moments. Otto cutting his wrists in order to get in the infirmary and commit murder to get back at the Real IRA for stabbing Jax was about as wild as any swerve they've done. Juice hanging himself...oh man. And then last week with Piney being killed. And there's still so much to go. This show is stuck in 5th gear, balls to the wall every episode. In some ways it reminds me a bit of the Attitude Era. But with motorcycle outlaws instead of wrestlers.
Who is/was Zach? Was that Half-Sack? The saddest thing I can compare Piney's death too was when Half-Sack died in season 2. I still miss him and I find myself judging all the prospects because of him.

Yeah, Zach was Half Sack and I agree. I have been doing the same thing, and I wish he hadn't been killed off. I really enjoyed his character, but at least he went out like a badass somewhat. Piney just hits closer to home since he was an original and has been the voice of reason since season 1. Now who will mentor Jax and Opie? They have to go it on their own.
I actually like clay, but youi need him right now. He's a douche but great at it, the fact is that Jax needs to look clean right now which is impossible to do for an outlaw biker, so what you need is someone like Clay to offset him and be SO much worse. Jax comes off so well because Clay's an ass, it's the perfect dynamic imo.
For anyone who saw this week's episode, I have to say it's a shame to get the sense that the entire club is in shambles but it makes for such great television and continues to draw you in each week. It should be interesting to see where the show leads as the season is drawing to a close.

It was great to see the dissension between Jax and Clay come to the forefront yet again when he mentioned Tara in the clubhouse. I have a feeling that we are going to see Clay and Jax come to a head before the season is out with the club split down the middle for sides. I'm very intrigued and I cannot wait to see where this all goes.
I'm most intrigued by how the Juice story ends. I feel the photo of his black father is a lie, and somehow he will find out. Possibly with help from the black sheriff. That would be a way out for him and a way in for the rest of the club. They are doing a good job setting LP up as a guy you want to see go down in a burning flame. Similar to Stahl. Would be great to see Juice be the one to eventually take him out.
Last night was a pretty good episode, pretty interesting stuff going on and it's seems to be funneling out to a crazy ending to the season.

I'm a bit concerned with the way that Gemma and Unser are handling the situation with Clay, Unser was right about Clay being out of control and a wounded animal and he let the way he feels about Gemma get in the way of that.

The cartel sht is crazy as ever, I really expected the niners to get taken out at their meeting but fortunatly it didn't. What sucks is they were not able to take out the entire crew that came from Lobo, goddamn those guys brought some major fire power. This shit is getting out of control, and what I'm feeling here is since the niners were saved by the sons is that in the end the niners,mayans and sons will band together against the cartels.

The most concerning thing this episode for me the stuff with Otto, I honestly believe this one is going to put him over the edge and it's going to hit the club hard.

At the end of the episode Clay picks up the burn phone and dials the dumber, now even though though you would think he was calling to have them hit Tara, but I think he's gonna call and say that the hit is off. They did a similar thing by making us think Juice was gonna hang himself a while back and I really don't see him going through with it.

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