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Sin Cara Sent Home: Is This The Beginning Of The End?


According to a report I read on another site, and what's on WZ's main page, Luis Ignascio Urive Alvirde, the "original" Sin Cara, was set home from the taping of SmackDown! in Calgary, Alberta, Canada this past Tuesday. Sources say that he left the arena before the event was over.

There's been a story making the rounds regarding something that happened at the SD! tapings. It's all over the net and there's hardly any way to avoid it. Since it's a spoiler, I can't say what it is but when you consider Sin Cara's history in WWE, it's not a huge shocker. No, it's not another Wellness Policy failure or anything like that.

The story says that, according to sources, the WWE intends to continue using the Sin Cara character as it's been over with younger fans and has had strong merchendise sales. According to said sources, whomever they are, Jorge Arias, also known as Hunico, is going to be portraying the Sin Cara character exclusively from here on in. He portrayed Sin Cara a few weeks ago during a match with Tyson Kidd and it's expected that the WWE & Alvirde are going to part ways.

Alvirde hasn't lived up to the high expectations the WWE had for him. He was given a major push and fails a drug test only months into his career in WWE. On top of that, the guy seems to botch more of his flashy moves than he manages to execute properly. Tough break for Triple H as this was the first guy that was brought in with Trips being in charge of the new development direction.
I've checked the story out on several sites and they're all reporting the same thing. But before some dumbass jumps the gun like we know well someone will, just to point out:

WWE re-shot a match between Sin Cara and Heath Slater at Tuesday's taping since the initial bout featured numerous botched maneuvers.

Aries portrayed Cara in both matches. Alvirde was dressed to compete, but management opted not to use him. Much like Alvirde, Aries received many faint looks once he returned to the back after both the initial match and the re-take.

So, the dude that doesn't even wrestle yet is dressed to compete is sent home when he comes to work to play the character which was built as initially his, based off his name and basically his entire Mistico character - doesn't work the match, watches his replacement work the match and is sent home?

How the fuck does that make sense? That's like you go to work and someone breaks a computer, and you're sent home for breaking the computer even though you weren't even involved! Honesty, I call bullshit on the part of the WWE Officials. No point in bringing the guy back to sit in the locker room and watch his replacement not get one attempt but TWO. Wouldn't the fair thing be to allow Mistico to go out the second time?
If what The Dragon Saga said he saw is true then i think that Mistico has been disrespected by the Officials.So Mistico does botch moves but when Hunico went out he botched so much moves that they have to RE-DO! the match? Atleast let Mistico go out for the second match instead of sending him home.This might though spell the end for Sin Cara (the Original one) but i think they should send him to FCW for about 6 months or so and let him learn the style of wrestling the WWE do and then he returns and reveals that there was a fake sin cara.Also according to reports mistico worked the match on SD tonight but when i watched the match,it is still Hunico because it dosen't look like Mistico one bit.
Forgive me for jumping in here, I've been taking a break from blogging about wrestling since January but the Sin Cara issue the WWE is creating is hard to ignore...

Mistico is one of the hardest working luchadors in Lucha Libre history. I have never heard a negative report about him until he came to the WWE (but that might just be me) and he's being sent home from SmackDown because of *WWE insert reason here*. Yes, he failed a drug test. But in other countries (i.e. Mexico) it is common place to treat pain or other wrestling symptoms with such things as steroids, HGH, etc. Now his WWE career is in question. The more proper thing to have done with Mistico was to have him serve his suspension then had him come back and continue his push. All the WWE would have to do at this point is make Mistico go to U.S. doctors to get treated for his knee. Headaches could have been avoided and the kids could continue enjoying the Sin Cara character.

However, the WWE figures they can bring in Hunico (who doesn't look like Mistico) to play Sin Cara and take over the character. Now WWE has to come up with a story of why Cara looks different, suddenly wrestles the WWE style, and acts different. Or they could bring Mistico back and continue the push of Sin Cara and like Hunted-RKO said, have him perform in FCW instead of the house shows so he can learn how to work the WWE style and improve. Because I don't like the new Hunico-Sin Cara at all.
I've checked the story out on several sites and they're all reporting the same thing. But before some dumbass jumps the gun like we know well someone will, just to point out:

So, the dude that doesn't even wrestle yet is dressed to compete is sent home when he comes to work to play the character which was built as initially his, based off his name and basically his entire Mistico character - doesn't work the match, watches his replacement work the match and is sent home?

How the fuck does that make sense? That's like you go to work and someone breaks a computer, and you're sent home for breaking the computer even though you weren't even involved! Honesty, I call bullshit on the part of the WWE Officials. No point in bringing the guy back to sit in the locker room and watch his replacement not get one attempt but TWO. Wouldn't the fair thing be to allow Mistico to go out the second time?

You're right. The WWE usually likes to chase after a wrestler for years, work extremely hard to sign a guy, give him (and his former promotion?) big bucks to do so, and then they're going to send him home/fire him for no good reason. Makes a lot of sense, right?

Or, perhaps, you don't have the first clue as to what you're talking about? Perhaps there were other issues going on between the WWE and Mistico? Or perhaps, the second guy has impressed the WWE more than the first, which is why the WWE created the Sin Cara character in the first place?

You know nothing about what happened, coincidentally, neither do I. But only one of us is acting like we do and making an ass out of themselves.
i think hunico is absolutely not even on the same level as mistico.mistico is very great in the ring,he's on top of his shit.his moves are great he can be red hot in wwe.i know the great is tossed around alot but looking at mistico in mexico and now in wwe he has stayed the same his work is tight wwe should reconsider there decision they're messing up on sending him home
Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but I can't help noticing that the reports keep saying he was "sent home," and not "released." Maybe I'm not aware of wrestling terminology, but isnt it possible that he's just being put back for a while after he talked about the drug test? Or deemed unnecessary while Hunico builds on the character, so he didnt need to tour with them? Fact is this new guy did so poorly they redid a match, when is the last time you heard of that? People keep blaming Mystico for botching moves when he's wrestling with guys that dont know his style, I just never saw it as a complete fault of either side. I'm hoping that he just spends some time in Mexico to decide what he wants to do, possibly with the option of being released or coming back with a mandatory period of FCW time.

Hell, maybe they just want him to learn ENGLISH first. Remember how this whole time he's known little to no english to work with his opponents?
I've said it many times on this board and I'll say it again. If the WWE decides to take Hunico to mexico they can expect a shit storm from not only the fans but from the media. Mexico takes their wrestling serious and pulling stunts like this will not go unnoticed.

Any botched moves in a Sin Cara match are because the WWE figured guys on the roster could work with him. Sin Cara the original is like many have said a hard worker but he also needs someone who is willing to work with him as hard and practice his moves. There is a reason why Averno was being brought in to work with Sin Cara, and thats because Averno and Sin Cara worked their asses off perfecting each others moves. Either way if Mistico is gone then fans worldwide should take to Facebook and twitter and out Hunico as the Fake Sin Cara. I get Hunico is only doing what is asked by is employer but this has to be tough on him as well. Its not fair to either guy. The Fake Razor and Diesel didn't work back in the day and neither will a Fake Sin Cara.
Really, WWE have themselves to blame. They brought in a guy who A. Didn't know english, B. wrestled a completely different style that 90% of their main roster was unaccustomed to, and bring him up to the main shows without any training in developmental, and it turns out that he just isn't ready yet. Big surprise.

Now granted, Mistico shot himself in the foot with the wellness policy and heavily botching his return match to the point where they had to reshoot it, along with a few other things, but WWE really are primarily to blame here.
You're right. The WWE usually likes to chase after a wrestler for years, work extremely hard to sign a guy, give him (and his former promotion?) big bucks to do so, and then they're going to send him home/fire him for no good reason. Makes a lot of sense, right?

Or, perhaps, you don't have the first clue as to what you're talking about? Perhaps there were other issues going on between the WWE and Mistico? Or perhaps, the second guy has impressed the WWE more than the first, which is why the WWE created the Sin Cara character in the first place?

You know nothing about what happened, coincidentally, neither do I. But only one of us is acting like we do and making an ass out of themselves.

:wtf: no comment on template post.

Anyway it doesn't really matter who is playing sin cara to me. What matters is that mistico is still with the WWE and will eventually return. I hope he returns to fueding with the new sin cara.
Reptile- Hunico worked both matches on smackdown. Ive seen the match and it is horrible Hunico is slow compared to Mistico. The dive onto slater on the outside was horrible Hunico just doesn't look right because he is trying to mimic misticos moves.

I am still holding out that Mistico will return. Perhaps to run in on the Del Rio vs Sin Cara match this Tuesday. That way Del Rio would be used as his mouthpiece until he gets English down.
I liked the original Sin Cara despite botching his finishers. His moveset was great. When he was replaced I felt that it was a level way beyond the original Sin Cara. And why they replaced Sin Cara's finisher to a sort of lionsault? Because they are afraid of botching with the new Sin Cara?
So far Sin Cara(I) isn't released. He is just sent home, maybe they'll let him go to FCW and work on the WWE style a bit more. Maybe they're considering releasing him but are not ready to pull the trigger. No one knows.

I am not a fan of Sin Cara(II) but as of now it looks like he's the guy. So be it, as far as the U.S. goes, no one knows about the switch (officially) except for the IWC and those who closely follow Lucha Libre. But to the "average" fan, he looks like the same guy enough that you can possibly be fooled.

As far as wrestling style, i wished the announcers addressed this as him being more conservative because he's back from an "injury". They could've used that as his excuse for the noticable poundage the new one adds, time off=one too many tacos! (kidding...a bit)

WE all know who is under the mask. But odds are the kids wearing the merchandise masks don't know. And thats all WWE cares about. Now when they get to Mexico, that's when the controversy will be apparent. If SC(II) is in, he will be booed like crazy with no explanation to the "average fan" as to why. if SC(I) is in, then they appease the Mexican crowd for the tour and hopefully he can use that ring time to improve a bit.

My idea: When Sin Cara(II) is in, along with the moveset, alter his attitude a bit. Have him not slap fans hands, not play to the crowd, make a few things noticably 'off'. Lean towards "heelish". IF WWE plans to bring back Mistico, have him come out one SD! to expose him. Stare off, have the announcers sell it on tv, and feud'em. IF WWE decides to not bring back Mistico, when Rey is healthy...have him feud with SC(II) to "set him straight", I think only Rey can pull that off.
i think that WWe screwed up with Sin Cara.How can you let a guy work so fast when he doesnt know the language and has a lucha libre style.They should have waited and let him train the WWE style.I blame WWE for this,nos Mistico,when he does a move he knows what he is doing.He did it before en Mexico,he isnt not for nothing the biggest star in Mexico.If they fire him i´m going to be pissed.They should make Hunico(sin Cara 2) a heel and built that up.And let the real one come back in a fiew months.And i even prefere that they take down the Mistico character then go on with Sin Cara...do they really think we are that stupid to liking the real Mistico to the fake one..
Maybe I'm not aware of wrestling terminology, but isnt it possible that he's just being put back for a while after he talked about the drug test?

It's possible, but then you wonder why they had him at the taping at all. I get the feeling something happened in the locker room that might have caused them to not use him. After all, showing up in a "Hardy-ized" condition might get him shoved aside. Or, it might not have involved Aries behavior at all.

On the other hand, maybe there's something more to the whole thing. Why would both Sin Caras' be at the taping? That seems odd, no? Could it be Triple H was trying to protect his hand-picked prospect, while the rest of management doesn't want the guy?

The reality is that we may never learn the truth (nor would it shake pro wrestling to the roots of it's foundation if we didn't). The company will eventually wind up with one of them.....and that'll be it.
I can sort of agree when people say that the WWE may have brought Sin Cara up to the roster too early. At the same time, I can also understand the "strike while the iron is hot" mentality since the WWE's hispanic audience is definitely growing.

At the same time, however, I think it's ridiculous to try and lay all the blame on WWE. If things with Sin Cara had been running as smooth as a prom queen's ass, then people would be praising WWE for bringing him up to the main roster so soon. However, Sin Cara consistently botches much of his flashy offense and shot himself in the foot with his Wellness Policy violation. I've even read a few posts in which people have tried to defend it, some even going so far as to say that the use of some drugs might be part of the norm among luchadores in Mexico. Last night on SD!, the match we saw between Sin Cara & Heath Slater was Hunico under the mask. I agree that he's not as fast as Sin Cara or doesn't seem to be as generally comfortable with the same move set. However, the match last night between Heath Slater & Sin Cara was a reshoot from a match earlier in the evening. Alvirde botched throughout his match last night and it was so bad that they decided to do the whole thing over.

All his shortcomings can't simply be written off as WWE's fault bringing him up to the main roster too quickly. It's just far too convenient and easy. Maybe he should have volunteered and insisted that he go to FCW for a while and bone up? Daniel Bryan did the same thing to take care of some ring rust because he wanted to be as good as he could be. If he did ask to go to FCW, then good for him and then that definitely puts a ton of blame on WWE's shoulders. If he didn't and thought he was good to go, then he's to blame for his own shortcomings inside the ring at this time.
I can sort of agree when people say that the WWE may have brought Sin Cara up to the roster too early. At the same time, I can also understand the "strike while the iron is hot" mentality since the WWE's hispanic audience is definitely growing.

At the same time, however, I think it's ridiculous to try and lay all the blame on WWE. If things with Sin Cara had been running as smooth as a prom queen's ass, then people would be praising WWE for bringing him up to the main roster so soon. However, Sin Cara consistently botches much of his flashy offense and shot himself in the foot with his Wellness Policy violation. I've even read a few posts in which people have tried to defend it, some even going so far as to say that the use of some drugs might be part of the norm among luchadores in Mexico. Last night on SD!, the match we saw between Sin Cara & Heath Slater was Hunico under the mask. I agree that he's not as fast as Sin Cara or doesn't seem to be as generally comfortable with the same move set. However, the match last night between Heath Slater & Sin Cara was a reshoot from a match earlier in the evening. Alvirde botched throughout his match last night and it was so bad that they decided to do the whole thing over.

All his shortcomings can't simply be written off as WWE's fault bringing him up to the main roster too quickly. It's just far too convenient and easy. Maybe he should have volunteered and insisted that he go to FCW for a while and bone up? Daniel Bryan did the same thing to take care of some ring rust because he wanted to be as good as he could be. If he did ask to go to FCW, then good for him and then that definitely puts a ton of blame on WWE's shoulders. If he didn't and thought he was good to go, then he's to blame for his own shortcomings inside the ring at this time.

Alvirde can be blamed about the drug test.But you cant say to me that a guy who is the biggest superstar en Mexico with the best moves and having great matches has forgotten to wreslte in the WWE.I think it has more to do that the WWE superstars that fought against him arent trained to do the moves Alvirde does.He does a different style,Alvirde need to learn the WWE style..simply as that.
I knew Sin Cara would never go anywhere in the WWE. I remember making a thread or some posts about this months ago, while everyone was all over Sin Cara's jock, I unlike many here dont just buy into the WWE hype machine. It didnt take me more than a few minutes to realize Sin Cara would fail in WWE. Why ? Well its quite obvious to anyone who's watched the program longer than 3-4 years. Lets see, exactly how many luchadore/masked wrestlers have been successful in WWE ? One ? WWE has had their chances with multiple international luchadore-type stars like Ultimo Dragon and dropped the ball with each one. They never took the lightweight division seriously. And in a sport where wrestling ability takes a back seat to charisma and the ability to work the microphone, how can a guy with a mask succeed ? The fact is the only reason Rey Mysterio has been employed by WWE as long as he has is because he is extremely marketable with children, thats about it. Why do you think he has rarely won the title and never holds it very long. Vince dosent give three craps if he can wrestle circles around the rest of the lockeroom, since Mysterio lacks any real presence on the mic, he will never be allowed to become as big of a star as he can be. Sin Cara is nit a WWE guy, he dosent fit their mold. He has his own style that is nothing like that of the WWE. Its been obvious from day 1, Vince has no idea how to use him. Really how many major programs has he been in thus far ? What are his PPV matches ? Sin Cara is a bust. He may be talented but WWE dosent know how work through guys that they didnt create in their lab. Why do you think WCW, ECW, TNA, and many big indy stars dont become succesful in WWE. Please people dont just buy into everything WWE hypes, the guy didnt do anything to warrant a push. He was a botching machine and could possibly get himself or someone else hurt. Sin Cara is better off being the star he was in Mexico or in other international wrestling promotions where his style better fits what they are promoting.
But you cant say to me that a guy who is the biggest superstar en Mexico with the best moves and having great matches has forgotten to wreslte in the WWE.I think it has more to do that the WWE superstars that fought against him arent trained to do the moves Alvirde does.He does a different style,Alvirde need to learn the WWE style..simply as that.

The WWE style is about making more than a few people care about you because the crowd has seen it all before. Which is why charisma and presence are so damn important. Sin Cara came in with the gift of not many of the WWE Universe having seen/been exposed to much lucha wrestling. He was put with guys who know or can at least fake the style (Primo, Chavo, DB, Kidd) and still found a way to screw up more than he should've.

It doesn't surprise me that this topic is coming up. His matches lost that "WOW!" factor months ago. However, the character itself isn't going to last much longer if they keep whoever is doing now as it. The guy doesn't project himself nearly as good as the original did.. And I ain't talking about movez.
The WWE style is about making more than a few people care about you because the crowd has seen it all before. Which is why charisma and presence are so damn important. Sin Cara came in with the gift of not many of the WWE Universe having seen/been exposed to much lucha wrestling. He was put with guys who know or can at least fake the style (Primo, Chavo, DB, Kidd) and still found a way to screw up more than he should've.

It doesn't surprise me that this topic is coming up. His matches lost that "WOW!" factor months ago. However, the character itself isn't going to last much longer if they keep whoever is doing now as it. The guy doesn't project himself nearly as good as the original did.. And I ain't talking about movez.

I agree with you,but thats why i blame the WWe.Mistico has the moves and skills,but he need to learn the language and train more with WWE supersars and learn how it goes in the WWE.WWE didnt give him time to do that,no what they did is after a week put him allready on RAW...that was stupid..
Well, i hope Mistico is sent to FCW so he can improve. Then he comes back and plays that Real Sin Cara vs Fake Sin Cara just in time for his Wrestlemania match against Rey Mysterio. To me, if Sin Cara is palyed by anybody else except Mistico at Wrestlemania, kills the magic behind his match with Rey.
I apologize if i had made any grammar or spelling mistakes. I'm not from the U.S or the UK
This is a shame to hear. I've kinda bashed Mistico since his debut, but he's a one-of-a-kind talent to have. The guy has a certain charismatic flow to his movements that's captivating. If he had learned how to work the WWE style (and to speak fluent English) he'd have been a massive star and a huge draw for them. Hunico is a solid worker from what I've seen in FCW, but he doesn't nearly have the same flair that Mistico does. At least he knows how to work in America; that part of his transition to the main roster is already done. As for Mistico, if this report's true, I expect him to be released. There's obviously some strain on his relationship with WWE, beyond just his work in the ring. Maybe it's how he responded to his suspension, not taking it that all seriously. If they feel they need to replace him in this character, then they likely have no use for him anymore and should cut him loose.
So... WWE Brings in Mystico, puts him right onto TV, gives him a ******ed enterance that relies on the crew placing the tampoline in the exact correct spot or Mystico wont be able to hit it. They mess it up on his first showing and he hits the ropes a little bit and gets blamed for that... Then Primo botches the finisher and while Cara tried to cover it up by "falling" he instead made it look worse, ok that one was kind of his fault but not fully.. They give him a finisher that pretty much only he can pull off and have him doing all of his high flyer fast paced moves with people who either don't know that style or haven't worked that style in a long time and are a lot slower now then when they used to...

Then replace him with Hunico who has been training in FCW getting used to the slower paced WWE style. They have him come in and give him a new finisher which is easier to pull off because he probably couldn't handle Mysticos old finisher (yet they expect Mystico to pull it off all the time). They have him work a much much slower pace match and put in less high flyer and less risky high flyer moves. Ya, no shit hes not going to botch as much as Mystico, they gave him an easier finisher and less risky moves to pull off he shouldn't be botching them.

Then Hunico works the last WWE taping in a match against Slater, he botches that one (using his less risky slower paced style) so much to the point where they need to re-shoot the thing. Mystico botched some moves but never to the point of needing to reshoot the whole thing. Now they send Mystico home....

They need to let Mystico go to FCW and train for 3-6 months and have Hunico keep playing the Cara character till then. Then he can come back (hopefully once hes learned some english) and say he was injured the whole time and the current Cara is a fake, they can then fued and end in Hunico getting his own character.

Also as others have said, the WWE can never let Hunico go to Mexico and wrestle as Sin Cara trying to pretend to be Mystico. The crowd will know its not Mystico and will not let it slide since they take their characters very seriously over there...
Sin Cara II works a slower style, which most of the IWC hates, but is a better style for the mainstream audience. You have to give your audience time to digest the moves. I think the SC2 sells a little better too.

I feel bad for Sin Cara I (Mistico). It seems like he really worked hard but probably should have been put in FCW. I guess WWE tried to see if his lucha style could work in front of the US audience.

I really don't think the majority of the audience cares/knows that it's a different guy. At the house show I was at a few hours ago, most people still chanted "Sin Car-a" and were behind him. You heard a few whispers of "I heard it's not the same guy" but most people can't really tell. You can tell he's a little bigger, but it's not like they said "hey Big Zeke, why don't you be Sin Cara for a while".

Kind of a shitty situation for everyone. Cara fucks up by violating the wellness policy. No it wasn't a language/culture barrier, he fucked up. The Mexican soccer team failed drug tests for CONCACAF, do we say "well they're Mexican, they do drugs, let's give them a pass"? It's kinda racist to say that it's a cultural thing. Cara has money and the WWE has resources, he knew what the rules were and he fucked up. That's his fault.

The WWE should have known he should have went to FCW. The WWE ring is a bump ring and feels different than lucah rings. Ask Mysterio about the adjustment it takes. That's WWE's fault.

Shitty situation all over really and as far as the backstage incident goes, we don't know the full story so it's way to early to jump to conclusions.
Whenever the WWE does something like that it's the end for that character.
Kane 2 was immediately rejected. Fake Diesel, Fake Razor Ramon, Underfaker - all got rejected by the fans.
Max Moon 2 didn't last very long. Neither did Doink 2.

Everyone was looking forward to Sin Cara facing Rey Mysterio at Wrestlemania. Well, not only is it questionable if Rey will be back by then, it remains to be seen if Sin Cara 2 will remain with the company until then, and if he does whether he will still be relevant enough and not a low-ranking jobber.

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