Shoot or Gimmick???

Gimmick, he was taking time off to prepare to be a color commentator on the new ECW brand.

Shane Douglas' promo rejecting the NWA, and harshly separating the new ECW from the NWA, shoot or gimmick ?
i dont no bout ur question but the joey styles question was a shoot he was pissed off and he quit not knowin he had a job at wwecw
You're quite mistaken on that one word-4life. Joey Styles was in no trouble when he did the firing promo, he was just estabishling his character to set up for the new ECW brand and One Night Stand, it was strictly gimmick on that one and its pretty well known.

As for the Shane Douglas question, It was a bit of both, but I'm going with overall a shoot. It was planned and what not from Paul Heyman when they were splitting from NWA, but all the harsh criticism and comments made were true about the general feelings in ECW at the time, who were pissed as hell at the NWA for doing things like charging them to be in regional areas and trying to get them to limit their match violence.

Shoot or Gimmick, Rob Van Dam's comments at One Night Stand '06? Do you think they were planned or what?
Great question, I was just about to post the same one.

Definitely a gimmick. Hyping his imminent return to action from his injury and establishing a return to "ECW RVD" rather than surfer-dude "WWE RVD." He had no particular beefs back then, he was ready for an extended run as ECW champion if he hadn't stupidly gotten arrested.

How about this one? Mick Foley currently and the supposed heat from the WWE brass in response to his newly-released book, causing him to not be part of WM23. Gimmick setting up a surprise appearance at WM23 or later, or real?
I'd say that was real that he got some heat cuz Foley doesn't tone down his thoughts, but then on Raw he was there basically saying that he says some controversial things in the book. If he had the heat why was he on Raw? I'm gonna go with gimmick for setting up a suprise appearance later but not at Mania.

How about Paul Heyman crying after the December to Dismember ppv. Shoot, cuz his child had been tarnished, or Gimmick.
Shoot On The Heyman Interview From D2d. I Think Heyman Knew Where Things Were Headed. Maybe Not As Fast, But He Knew.

Shoot Or Gimmic: Brian Pillman Loose Cannon
shoot. Thats my opinion personally because you here for the commercials of his dvd that the superstars really think he was the loose cannon.

Shoot/Gimmick: Mike Awesome going pver to wCW while still under contract with ECW.
Shoot. Bischoff did it before with Madusa throwing away the WWF's women's championship, he would have loved to have done it again. On that same notion, i would love for someone to throw the Women's title away again and just be rid of the damn thing.

Shoot Or Gimmick: Was the Matt Hardy, Edge, Lita love triangle real, or was it perhaps the greatest story to screw with the internet fanboys heads ever.
Shoot. The real life love triangle caused for the storyline to be put on WWE programming.

Ultimate Warrior being a "crazy person", making no sense at all when he used to cut promos. Gimmick or is Jim Hellwig just nuts ?
Shoot. He believed in his charcter so much he would speak what was on his minds that made him nust there for a shoot.

Ok, Bishoffs book on the BASH AT THE BEACH issue were Russo called Hogan a lieing Shit Shoot or work?
what is the msg incident?
the New Jack/Vic Grimes feud in ECW and XPW climaxing at Freefall when Jack nearly killed Grimes when he tossed him of a scaffold into the ropes of the ring. Shoot or Gimmick.
the Msg incident was when the clique came down and huged. and that was a shoot, that got Vince very angry.

and the new jack thing was shoot i think
Pure Shoot:
The MSG incident is when Hall and Nash, still as Ramon and Diesel, and Triple H and HBK, all had a group hug in their last WWF matches in 96. I believe it was HHH and Diesel vs. Ramon and HBK. Anwyay, they broke Kayfabe and Vince blew a gasket. He couldn't punish hall and nash, because they were ontheir way out the door, he could punish HBK because hew as the champ, so HHH took the fall. He was scheduled to win KOTR 96, but got pushed back to 97. W/o this we never would have had the wonderful Austin 3:16 line.

The Kliq Incident: It's in here throughout this video

Shoot: New Jack really wanted to kill Vic Grimes, New Jack supposedly lost a lot of Brain Fluid and he wasn't right in the head to begin with.

Shoot or gimmick: And this will test the attitude Era fans. Triple H's interviews with JR about the said MSG incident from 1999. Was that really coming from the heart, or very well scripted.
As a DX fan, I am disgraced to say that I haven't seen the HHH/JR interviews you speak of, and hence can't answer the question.

My question is the Vickie Guerrero/Rey Mysterio issues. Was this a typical wwe play on someone's loss by working Eddie's death into a gimmick, or was there legit heat between The Guerreros and Rey??

Also, was Rey's knee injury actually caused in the "I quit" match, or was that their way of taking him out??

Ok, I have a very strong opinion on this one but some people will argue:
Shane Douglas throwing down the NWA title and proclaiming the new era of the ECW??

Gordon was upset at Coralluzzo for his power plays so Gordon and Shane Douglas, who was booked to win the title against 2 Cold Scorpio, PLANNED to have Douglas throw the title down after he won it and break ECW from the NWA. In a now classic post-match speech, Shane Douglas said that he didn't want to be a part of an organization that "died" seven years earlier (presumably when Jim Crockett sold his NWA super territory to Turner Broadcasting in 1988).
i guess it was planned :p
As a DX fan, I am disgraced to say that I haven't seen the HHH/JR interviews you speak of, and hence can't answer the question.

My question is the Vickie Guerrero/Rey Mysterio issues. Was this a typical wwe play on someone's loss by working Eddie's death into a gimmick, or was there legit heat between The Guerreros and Rey??

Also, was Rey's knee injury actually caused in the "I quit" match, or was that their way of taking him out??

That would fall under the gimmick category. The Guerreros and Rey have a close real life relationship. In WCW, Eddie looked out for Rey and he has even stated that in the Monday Night Wars DVD.

What Hogan said at Starrcade after JJ laid on the mat and let Hogan pin him? Some people say it was a shoot but was it a gimmick?
no that was a shoot russso could not stand hogan and hogan could not stand russo it was really a gimmick and a shoot at the same time russo said things that weren't in the script so hogan ended up suing russo
OK, to answer the Austin vs Rock relationship, I'm guessing that it was partially a "shoot", but mostly a work. By that I mean that I'm sure there was a bit of bad blood as they were both competing for the top spot at one time, but at the same time, realized that they could use those feelings to create a great feud and make a load of cash. Even though they seemed to genuinely dislike each other at times, I always got the feeling that deep inside they each respected the other and realized they needed each other to succeed.

OK new "shoot" vs "gimmick" question. At the 2000 WCW "Bash At The Beach" PPV, Hogan got the belt from Jeff Jarrett when he just "lay down" in the ring as Vince Russo told Hogan to cover him. Hogan won, then berated Russo verbally and stormed out with the belt. Later that night, Russo gave his rebuttal to Hogan's tirade, and set up a match later where Booker T won the title vs Jarrett. At the time, it was thought of as a "shoot" since Hogan supposedly invoked his "creative control" clause. However, later on Russo claimed it was a "work". My theory is that is was a "shoot".

So, "shoot" or "work"?
OK, first off, this is about the 4th or 5th time that the Hogan/Russo story has been brought up...for the last was both!!!The title swerve was to elevate Booker T, but, what Russo said was a complete shoot. The only reason you can tell that the Jarrett part was worked is evienced by Scott Hudson damn near laughing as he talked afterwards.

Now, something prety new...well to the thread anyways. Owen Hart as the Black Hart after Survivor Series in 97. The way he attacked DX, threatened Vince, etc. Work or Shoot?
I think it was both. I think Vince made it that way in his script so it can be emotional but at the same time Owen mean't every word he said.

Ok, here is something new as well. The Paul Heyman shoot promo he made on Vince Mcmahon before Survivor Series during the invasion storyline. When he said the word ''wrestling'' is evil to Vince. I think it was a real shoot but I'm not too sure.
I think that was also a worked shoot. Heyman meant every word he said in those promos, but at the same time, Vince pretty much gave him carte blanc to say whatever he wanted to in those promos.

Stone Cold's "Stevester" gimmick in ECW...where he mocked hogan and all things WCW..I think this may have been referenced before, but Work or shoot?
Shoot made into a gimmick. Austin began his dislike for Hogan here as he saw Hogan being signed as one of the reasons why he was let go. The salaries cut to pay Hogan were pretty large.

Okay, here's one. The Shane Douglas/ Shawn Michaels incident where Shawn Michaels was forced the vacate the IC title after being beaten up ina bar by a group of thugs allegedly hired by Shane Douglas.

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