Shield Being Replaced by Wyatt Family


Tournament of Death Winner
I honestly do not think that the Shield is being replaced in terms of their spot in the company because of what reports have indicated. What the WWE should do is create a rivalry between both stables to showcase the new talent on the main roster. Let's face it, the members of the Shield are the best young wrestlers that the company has to offer. HHH knows this, so does Vince. These guys never really had to pay their dues in the company as they were pushed immediately from the start. They each have their own unique look and talents. The Shield isn't going anywhere for the forseeable future. In an industry where young talent with potential is at a premium, it would be completely illogical to bury these three guys when they possess the most talent of any young wrestlers in the WWE (guys under 30). They are all marketable in their own ways and they can make the company money. I think what we are seeing is that these three are finally paying their dues right now and having their real life egos broken down a little bit so as to keep the traditions in the locker room alive and well.

What do you guys think? Is the Shield really going to be buried and replaced with the Wyatt Family? Or is this something that will deflate their egos for the time being?
They are too different. The Wyatt family is basically a catalyst to elevate Bray, where as the Shield is being used to elevate all 3 members.
I doubt the WWE would be as short sighted as to fully diminish the push of something that has clearly been successful for something else when they could just as easily push both.

Honestly, once the Wyatts are built up a bit more I would love to see a Shield Vs Wyatt feud.

Continue to have the Wyatts more or less torture the WWE roster, possibly brainwashing new members, but in general just wreaking havoc. Then down the line, be it Survivor Series or even possibly in the lead up to Wrestlemania, have the Shield turn face.Have them come out to fight back against the Injustice caused by the Wyatt family.

The duels that Bray & Ambrose could have on the mic would be amazing as they are both phenomenal stick men and the matches themselves have the potential to be great.
I think it's just shit stirring from the news sites, they know negative stories about the IWC favourites will get plenty of hits and interest.

The WWE have invested way too much time and effort in The Shield to sideline them in favour of a group that only has one potential star in it rather than 3. They have 5 hours of TV with Raw and Smackdown, more than enough to push both and logic says that eventually the two trios cross paths, probably around WrestleMania time.
The Wyatt Family will replace The Sheild at some point. That's because The Shield will eventually turn face. I actually suspect in time for Mania when they'll face off against The Wyatt Family.

When I say face I mean more like tweeners so that post-Mania Ambrose can go off on his own as a heel whilst Reigns & Rollins can become lovable babyfaces.
Really Really....Really the shild r alful they r like a born agin sprit squad. im willing to bet in year or two they r all off tv. i c n talent with these guys look at the titles they hold. the tag titles were starting to gain prestage now they just propes the us title match cant even make it on real tv just pre show. i hope the wyetts r replacing them some one needs to because they r just usless.
Really Really....Really the shild r alful they r like a born agin sprit squad. im willing to bet in year or two they r all off tv. i c n talent with these guys look at the titles they hold. the tag titles were starting to gain prestage now they just propes the us title match cant even make it on real tv just pre show. i hope the wyetts r replacing them some one needs to because they r just usless.

Yeah I agree, with all the dancing, cheerleading and lack of talent the Shield are EXACTLY like the Spirit Squad!

Seriously, do you even watch wrestling? The Shield are very talented. Reigns is great for a big man, with alot of potential to get better, Rollins is a solid all around worker and Ambrose is a future world champion guaranteed who is phenomenal on the mic. They are not "awful" as you say, and please learn how to spell, your message was hard to read and understand.

Anyway, back to the question....

I hope The Shield aren't being "replaced" by The Wyatt Family. I am a big fan of Wyatt and his guys, I think the gimmick is fantastic and a breath of fresh air to the WWE, a big improvement on all the cookie cutter characters we have seen in recent years. They are something different, they look and talk differently and is refreshing to see.

However, I don't feel The Shield need to be sacrificed for The Wyatt's. Ambrose, Reigns and Rollins have been 3 of the big highlights in WWE over the past year and are improving all the time. I do think The Shield need to do something different than what they have been doing but with them all holding titles I hope they don't get jobbed out and forgotten about.

I understand WWE do change the focus of their shows to different wrestlers regularly, but I really belive Dean Ambrose has unlimited potential and I'm hoping for a long US title run with him, he can make the belt mean something again. Same with Reigns and Rollins- the tag titles have meant little over the past few years with only Team Hell No really doing anything with them, so I hope we get to see those guys having a decent run with the straps too.

I really rate The Wyatt Family, but it would be a shame for another new group to be fogrotten about to push a new act. If they want to make The Wyatt's the focus on Raw, move The Shield over the Smackdown and let them help that show out, just don't waste 3 great talents.
It's been a good ride for the Sheild but the moment they gave Ambrose the US belt rather than freebirding the tag belts the writing was on the wall.

The Shield are the same as the Wyatts in that the E wants Ambrose elevated, Reigns and Harper if they can and Rollins and Rowan will be bonuses... Indeed Harper and Reigns may end up fighting for one spot.

The phrase de-push is wrong, at some point the three have to pay some dues... Remember also Wyatt has been waiting a long time for his chance, it's right the Shield give up that spot, just as Ryback did for them.
I hope this is true. I find the shield gimmick so boring. Don't misunderstand, all three members are great. But let's be honest, all the shield does is attack people 3 on 1, do the powerbomb and go away. They cut some ok promos but the whole thing is just stale. I really hope that the "super group" gimmick isn't used for awhile once the shield goes away. Too little time has past since the nexus. I'm looking forward to the group disbanding

The Wyatts have a creepy hillbilly feel about them. it's fresh and I can say that I'm a big fan. The creepy music is great too. They give off the feel that they would kill someone just to watch him die.
I'd say that The Wyatt Family will take The Shield's place eventually, though I don't think it'll necessarily be anytime soon. WWE has invested a lot of time and effort into The Shield, time and effort that's paid off extremely well. The Shield is comprised of three young, fresh & talented wrestlers that've made a significant impact in WWE with major wins over the top stars on the roster. Some have complained that there isn't as much emphasis being placed on them but I simply see it as WWE settling The Shield into their current roles.

Ambrose, Rollins & Reigns are the US & tag team champs, it's the right spot for each of them at this time. As a result, they're not going to get the same level of attention as they're no longer taking on main eventers. You're not going to see Ambrose taking on John Cena or Randy Orton all that often, if at all, which is probably for the best. After all, do you really want to see Ambrose wrestling against them when odds are he'll wind up jobbing out to them because they're main eventers? I certainly don't because WWE did a good enough job of burying Cesaro & Barrett when they were the mid-card champs earlier this year.

When it comes to The Wyatt Family, I think WWE is still in the phase of introducing them to the audience. They took their time with The Shield and it paid off, so I see no reason why they won't take a similar approach with The Wyatt Family. There's positive buzz going on with them but rushing them into title feuds too soon before they've really established themselves could be a mistake, in my opinion. The Shield have credibility because they spent the first 5 or 6 months of their time in WWE scoring decisive wins and beatdowns of most of the top names on the roster before they won the gold.
It's been a good ride for the Sheild but the moment they gave Ambrose the US belt rather than freebirding the tag belts the writing was on the wall.

I can agree with that. After groups like Nexus, we've learned that as interesting as a vigilante squad can be, their shelf life is limited. There are only so many times we can get excited about Shield marching down the stairs, triple-teaming their victims while retreating in the face of superior forces. If these guys are as super-talented as the OP says, they're bound to go separate ways sooner rather than later. Either way, it's been a great ride.

Ironically, Shield might split up before the Wyatts get to the level needed to face them......not that I'd mind seeing a confrontation amongst the six. Under normal pro wrestling standards, one team would have to turn good before they could meet in the ring, or the parking lot.....or wherever. What I would enjoy, though, is to see 'em tangle as two teams of bad they are now.

If it happened, the fans would wind up rooting for one group or the other. Who would you get behind?
I'm thinking this report has more to do with the fact that right now the Wyatts are the hot commodity than The Shield being brought down a peg. I still think The Shield has plenty of shelf life and could go in many different directions in the future. Leaving them off Summerslam in favor of a mixed tag team match is....well it is what it is.

Ambrose, Rollins, and Reigns have done a wonderful job these past months in getting recognized as a strong unit. I'm a huge Shield supporter and if they were to feud with the Wyatts, I'm rooting for The Shield all the way.
I am kind of on the other side of the fence with the Shield and Wyatt family talk. I think the talk of them facing each other eventually is just for internet fodder and I don't believe the Shield will take any steps back as a result.

I truly don't believe, though, that The Shield was created to elevate all 3 members. I honestly think that it was created to see who would break out of pack first. Dean Ambrose's character is being watered down right now compared to his character in NXT specifically because they don't want him to outshine the rest of the group. If anyone has seen his NXT work, they know what I mean.

As soon as he is able to break away, trust me, he will be a major player. I think WWE just doesn't want to screw up the "pushing too fast" mistake that they made with Barrett, Swagger, Miz, etc. with Ambrose.
This is by far the dumbest post I have ever posted on but to hell with it let's go.

Has could anyone think the shield is be replaced. Quick without looking what are the name of the Shield members and now the Wyatt family.....Oooo I think someone got stumped. The fact is the average fan knows every member of the shield the Wyatt family is truly only Bray Wyatt, he is the focal point and will remain that way.

In time the Shield will remain intact and Bray will be all alone, maybe with a manager. If Paul Bearer was alive it would be him.
I honestly do not believe the sheild being replaced as they are ver talented. I believe triple h will shoot this rumor down. As for the Wyatt family, i believe they will get a push and win a few titles.
i simply say do this:

keep in mind we have one month basically till NoC.

Shield vs Wyatts ALL TITLES ON THE LINE with the losing team having to be disbanded. if thats too confusing for the casual fan, dont have the last part included and have the
Shield break up next night on Raw. i feel the Wyatts are gunna need the tag titles to really get over. Bray doesnt necessarily need the US title but it will help him too.

make the match next month a NO DQ match and you have a hit.
I am kind of on the other side of the fence with the Shield and Wyatt family talk. I think the talk of them facing each other eventually is just for internet fodder and I don't believe the Shield will take any steps back as a result.

I truly don't believe, though, that The Shield was created to elevate all 3 members. I honestly think that it was created to see who would break out of pack first. Dean Ambrose's character is being watered down right now compared to his character in NXT specifically because they don't want him to outshine the rest of the group. If anyone has seen his NXT work, they know what I mean.

As soon as he is able to break away, trust me, he will be a major player. I think WWE just doesn't want to screw up the "pushing too fast" mistake that they made with Barrett, Swagger, Miz, etc. with Ambrose.

Ambrose promo on Raw this week or last cant remember which was fucking great, even tho he only had like 30 seconds-1 minute.
Really Really....Really the shild r alful they r like a born agin sprit squad. im willing to bet in year or two they r all off tv. i c n talent with these guys look at the titles they hold. the tag titles were starting to gain prestage now they just propes the us title match cant even make it on real tv just pre show. i hope the wyetts r replacing them some one needs to because they r just usless.

Much like this post is. You will never achieve anything in life.

Anyways, this sounds like more of the usual, a lot being made of nothing, and Triple H being the scapegoat of that nothing.

The reality (and decidedly less sexy answer) is quite simply the WWE hasnt got a fucking clue what to do with guys long term, ESPECIALLY groups of guys, and, wow, low and behold, the Shield has lost direction since they debuted. Shit, im surprised its taken this long, given the fairly ambiguous motives they have had for quite some time anyway.

The Wyatts, on the other hand, were advertised for nearly two months before they debuted, and are n their first feud. Fucking of course they will be given a higher spot, simply on account of that, let alone anything else.

It appears anyone who buys this have not watched wrestling before.
The reality (and decidedly less sexy answer) is quite simply the WWE hasnt got a fucking clue what to do with guys long term, ESPECIALLY groups of guys, and, wow, low and behold, the Shield has lost direction since they debuted. Shit, im surprised its taken this long, given the fairly ambiguous motives they have had for quite some time anyway.

Agree with this bit, I found them entertaining and welcoming part of the roster however their gimmick and motives have never been entirely clear and for a group that's been in the WWE since October, that's pretty bad.
Sheild > The Wyatt Family

Seriously The Wyatt family are a flash in the pan, who would more than likely be here this time next year between the Sheild or the Wyatt Family , the Sheild.

Wyatt family are hot right now but by Survivor Series they will have faded into the background
The Shield are not being replaced. I have no clue where people are getting this. Guys from both groups will be around the WWE for a long time and you can't push everybody to the top at once. Just enjoy the fact that the future of the WWE looks bright instead of trying to have people replaced.
Sheild > The Wyatt Family

Seriously The Wyatt family are a flash in the pan, who would more than likely be here this time next year between the Sheild or the Wyatt Family , the Sheild.

Wyatt family are hot right now but by Survivor Series they will have faded into the background

Are you kidding? The Wyatt family was over big in NXT long before they got to the WWE. They are far from a flash in the pan. Bray has way too much charisma to fade.
Really? The Wyatt's are a flash in the pan? Bray has used this character for nigh on 18 months... WWE has invested time, energy and money into the right way to bring them up. Now look at the Shield... Ambrose in particular, for 8 months before he debuted, you got report after report, "they want to bring him up, just can't find the right thing", even aborted a feud with Foley... Rollins was similar, he was NXT champ but "how the hell do we bring him up". So they reverted to type, a faction (Reigns was the WTF of the group as we all expected Leo Kruger first) The SHIELD WAS NOT PLANNED!!!

There is no way Trips, Vince or anyone involved will let Wyatt fail, the character is gold to them cos it's the first different/unique one that's come down the pipe in a long time... at some point something has to replace or come close to the Undertaker in terms of mythology, Bray Wyatt could, he's no slouch in the ring, has the unique look and more to the point has a vibe that will ultimately work heel or face...

The hard truth is that like all factions they will have one they "must push", one they "want to" and one "meh" if it happens it's a bonus and that is Ambrose/Wyatt, Harper/Reigns and Rowan/Rollins.... disagree? They did this before... they had a dominant stable called Nation Of Domination... and created 3 more, Los Boriquas, DOA and Truth Commission within a year...
The Shield are not being replaced. I have no clue where people are getting this. Guys from both groups will be around the WWE for a long time and you can't push everybody to the top at once. Just enjoy the fact that the future of the WWE looks bright instead of trying to have people replaced.

Are you kidding? The Wyatt family was over big in NXT long before they got to the WWE. They are far from a flash in the pan. Bray has way too much charisma to fade.

Look i hope i'm wrong, I hope wwe do stick with them long term but wwe don't think about the next 6 months, they only book month to month, for the past 5 years (especially with the Nexus) they never had a long term booking plan so don't get your hopes up.
i simply say do this:

keep in mind we have one month basically till NoC.

Shield vs Wyatts ALL TITLES ON THE LINE with the losing team having to be disbanded. if thats too confusing for the casual fan, dont have the last part included and have the
Shield break up next night on Raw. i feel the Wyatts are gunna need the tag titles to really get over. Bray doesnt necessarily need the US title but it will help him too.

make the match next month a NO DQ match and you have a hit.

Titles should be used as rewards FOR getting over, not TO get people over. That's the reason all the belts have diminished in prestige for the past few years. That's why the title structure is so screwed up nowadays.

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