Shawn Micheals/John Morrison feud?


It's Showtime!
With one kick I am sold. John Morrison and Shawn Micheals will have a big feud within the next few to 6 months. People have made the comparisons of John Morrison/Johnny Nitro gimmick/career and Shawn Micheals gimmick/career and it shares many similarities to Micheals early HeartBreakKid years. On RAW tonight Micheals and Mysterio were owning Miz and Morrison for most of the match and when Shawn tagged in he was invincible, countering everyone of their attacks. That was until the end, when Morrison used Shawn Micheals own Super Kick and kicked Shawn Micheals rite in the jaw to allow Miz to pin Micheals for the win. That is in more ways than one, Morrison taking a shot at Micheals and I see this thing between them growing after Survivor Series. Now, assuming said feud does occur in the next while, what are your guys thoughts on it?

Well I think a feud with Shawn Micheals is just what Morrison needs. I love Morrison and Miz, but lately its been Miz that's been carrying them. Morrison is stuck in a bad place between face and heel and his career is at a crossroads. A feud with Micheals will be a good way to get his singles career back on track and maybe back into the main event. As for Micheals, I really don't want to see him continue a feud with JBL so a feud with a younger Morrison I think would be better for him too. As stated, the two have their gimmick/career similarities and Morrison did just steal Micheals finisher and used it against him. With their similar styles, I think these two could pull off some amazing matches. So the question is how long should WWE play it? till Armageddon? till NWO or Wrestlemania? or play it till Armageddon and then again sometime after Wrestlemania?

I'm gonna give my dream scenario. Morrison and Micheals have a match at Armageddon, Micheals wins. Royal Rumble Micheals eliminates both Miz and Morrison for the Rumble. Miz during this time is berating Morrison over losing to Micheals and holding them back (essentially guaranteeing that Miz will be the heel when they break up). Morrison and Micheals have rematch at NWO where Miz hits Micheals with a chair, which would've allowed Morrison to win. Morrison instead is furious at Miz because Morrison wanted to do it own his own. They argue, ref gets Miz to leave, Morrison turns into sweet chin, pinned. Final match at Wrestlemania, Morrison wins, earns Shawn Micheals respect. Following RAW, Morrison and Miz are in the ring and they agree to put their past issues aside, they shake, raise hands... Morrison superkicks Miz just like Micheals did to Jannetty. Only this time, Morrison becomes a super face.

whoa, literally I don't know where that came from, but it sounded awesome in my head and had to get it out. Seriously though, I see Micheals and Morrison feuding some time soon and when they do I think it will be a pretty good one and hopefully it will help Morrison to reach the main event. So what does everyone else think of Micheals/Morrison feuding maybe?
Hell yeah. As both a HBK and Morrison fan I am pretty pumped at just the thought of this. Michaels is wearing down on his career. Morrison is being stuck in purgatory. Michaels even at this stage in his career he could deliver a big boost to John Morrison's career. The matches will not be epic. They shall be decent enough though Im guessing. It would give Morrison a nice rub though for his future.
this feud would suck. HBK is like 44 and way over the hill when it comes to the wrestling world, and John Morrison is atrocious. He has no character, and he lives off of his partners heat. Besides both "stars" are busy at the moment, and Michaels has better things to do than put over this nobody. Maybe a Miz and Michaels feud would be ok, Michaels would be the loving face, and Miz would be the heel, you know the role Morrison can't play. This would put the Miz over, and would this would benefit him greatly. This wouldn't work for Ol' Johnny boy because he can't play a heel or face.
In regards to actual matches, i can see Morrison and HBK putting on a couple of decent matches, but unfortuantely if they want to turn it into a 'heated rivalry' then HBK would end up doing most of the work trying to make the people to believe in it, whereas Morrison will just spew his lines with little to no emotion and will struggle to gain any actual heat, unless they book the fued to involve him attack HBK and screwing him over repeatedly and not just have wins and losses.

Just remember that Kennedy fueded with HBK in 2007 and it didn't benefit him at all, except to add yet another name to the list of former champs he's beat, so what makes everyone think that it'll do wonders for Morrison?
Oh hell yes. Shawn is amazing. Morrison is much on his way to being so. The compaisons between both have been made for a while now, and Morrison has what it takes to become big, just like Shawn did. And I can't think of many ways better than for him to become better than a feud with the icon himself.

Not only will the promos for these 2 rock, so will the matches. It'll be great for Raw , and even better for Morrisons career.
Oh hell yes. Shawn is amazing.

Is amazing? If he's amazing now what was he like when he cared and actually put forth some effort?

Morrison is much on his way to being so.

Really, I'm yet to see anything that suggests that. A couple of good matches here and there don't make him somebody to look out for.

I might go so far as to say that if he hadn't done a Moonsault at Mania that Morrison wouldn't be quite so popular.

The compaisons between both have been made for a while now,

Dull, bad hair. I totally get those comparisons.

and Morrison has what it takes to become big, just like Shawn did.

Morrison has a nice body, and he has hair women would die for. That's the only praise I can give him. Unless I say that he's very average, which I guess is better than saying he's shit.

And I can't think of many ways better than for him to become better than a feud with the icon himself.

A feud with MVP. Somebodt good on the mic so he can improve his verbal sparring. But MVP isn't big enough that if the feud fails both will be dragged down.

Or if they want a big star to put Morrison over I'd go with Cena, Undertaker, HHH. Obviously I'm joking, if that was suggested to any of those three then there would be laughter all round.

Not only will the promos for these 2 rock,

Depends if The Miz is involved and there's a bit of religion bashing to inspire HBK.

so will the matches.

Really? I predict they'll be pretty blah. After all HBK has been carried by the likes of Batista & Y2J this year. Morrison doesn't have the strength to do what Batista did, and he doesn't have the talent to do what Jericho did.

It'll be great for Raw ,

I'm gonna say that Raw will be just fine without it. What I will say that HBK should win the ECW title and then put over Morrison.

and even better for Morrisons career.

It won't hurt him. But it won't suddenly make him look like he's a true star of the company.
Is amazing? If he's amazing now what was he like when he cared and actually put forth some effort?

Shawn cares about the WWE more than most.

Really, I'm yet to see anything that suggests that. A couple of good matches here and there don't make him somebody to look out for.

He doesn't really have bad matches either though. Obviously, he's had a few. But few and far between. Someone like Shawn could really push him to show doubters he does have what it takes.

I might go so far as to say that if he hadn't done a Moonsault at Mania that Morrison wouldn't be quite so popular.

It's true in a way/ That's not the only reason people like him. But it did show a lot of people he was interesting.

Dull, bad hair. I totally get those comparisons.

Oh no you didn't. Shawns hair is amazing!

Morrison has a nice body, and he has hair women would die for. That's the only praise I can give him. Unless I say that he's very average, which I guess is better than saying he's shit.

He's better than average, something I'm sure you'd see after this feud.

A feud with MVP. Somebodt good on the mic so he can improve his verbal sparring. But MVP isn't big enough that if the feud fails both will be dragged down.

I hope you're not implying Shawn's bad on the mic.

Or if they want a big star to put Morrison over I'd go with Cena, Undertaker, HHH. Obviously I'm joking, if that was suggested to any of those three then there would be laughter all round.

Shawn & Morrison feud > Any of those 3 vs Morrison.

Depends if The Miz is involved and there's a bit of religion bashing to inspire HBK.

Relgion bashing would be fun. Feuds are always better when it's personal. I don't think the Miz should play a big part.

Really? I predict they'll be pretty blah. After all HBK has been carried by the likes of Batista & Y2J this year. Morrison doesn't have the strength to do what Batista did, and he doesn't have the talent to do what Jericho did.

Lmao, Batista has never carried anyone. It's impossible. The guy is awful.

I'm gonna say that Raw will be just fine without it. What I will say that HBK should win the ECW title and then put over Morrison.

If HBK doesn't want to be WWE champion, I don't think he'd want to be ECW champion. I'd mark out if he was though.

It won't hurt him. But it won't suddenly make him look like he's a true star of the company.

As you said, it won't hurt him. But it could really help him.
Shawn cares about the WWE more than most.

Did he tell you that through correspondents, a blog or in a scripted WWE promo?

He doesn't really have bad matches either though. Obviously, he's had a few. But few and far between.

No, you are right. He doesn't have bad matches, ever even. He just has average matches, frequently, weekly even.

Someone like Shawn could really push him to show doubters he does have what it takes.

Why would he suddenly improve against Morrison when he's not even going to give 100% in important matches at important shows?

It's true in a way/ That's not the only reason people like him. But it did show a lot of people he was interesting.

He's intresting because he can flip whilst holding a ladder? It was very impressive, but I'm sure most wrestlers could wheel it out on the biggest show of the year.

It is only a flip. What's more impressive is that several wrestlers stood undreneath him and caught him through a metal ladder.

Oh no you didn't. Shawns hair is amazing!

Even Rebecca Hickenbottom would tell you to shut up.

He's better than average, something I'm sure you'd see after this feud.

I've seen Morrison wrestle with Jeff Hardy (another wrestlers who is frequently compared with HBK), C.M. Punk, Shawn Michales and others numerous times. None of those matches have been worth watching more than once.

I hope you're not implying Shawn's bad on the mic.

So are you saying that HBK 2008 is as good on the mic as HBK 1992 - 1998?

Shawn & Morrison feud > Any of those 3 vs Morrison.

But all three of those are bigger stars that HBK, so if WWE wants to make Morrison into the next big thing. Then he's got to wrestle one of the current big things.

Relgion bashing would be fun. Feuds are always better when it's personal.

Yes, because HBK & Y2J really hate each other.

I don't think the Miz should play a big part.

Morrison is more than holding his own in the feud before The Miz get jelous. He costs him his blow off match with HBK. Newly face Morrison feuds with The Miz.


Lmao, Batista has never carried anyone. It's impossible. The guy is awful.

Batista literally carried HBK. I mean physically, over his shoulder.

There was none of that trademark overselling from Micahels in their matches. He acted out cold for most of them. So was Shawn Carrying those matches whilst lying on his back?

If HBK doesn't want to be WWE champion, I don't think he'd want to be ECW champion. I'd mark out if he was though.

So Shawn won't hold a mid card title so he can help put over a younger superstar? I though you said he cared about WWE?

As you said, it won't hurt him. But it could really help him.

Not with HBK being so lazy and Morrison being so.....crap.
Did he tell you that through correspondents, a blog or in a scripted WWE promo?

It's pretty obvious.

No, you are right. He doesn't have bad matches, ever even. He just has average matches, frequently, weekly even.

And maybe he needs someone such as Shawn to make those good. By not having bad matches, it leads me to think he could have potential, and needs someone to unlock that.

Why would he suddenly improve against Morrison when he's not even going to give 100% in important matches at important shows?

When hasn't he had a good match at an 'important' show?

He's intresting because he can flip whilst holding a ladder? It was very impressive, but I'm sure most wrestlers could wheel it out on the biggest show of the year.

It is only a flip. What's more impressive is that several wrestlers stood undreneath him and caught him through a metal ladder.

I'm sure they could. However it WAS interesting. People saw it and took note of him.

Even Rebecca Hickenbottom would tell you to shut up.

I'd answer by doing a repeat of what Jericho did.

I've seen Morrison wrestle with Jeff Hardy (another wrestlers who is frequently compared with HBK), C.M. Punk, Shawn Michales and others numerous times. None of those matches have been worth watching more than once.

What Morrison needs is a proper feud. With HBK.

So are you saying that HBK 2008 is as good on the mic as HBK 1992 - 1998?

No. But what I am saying is HBK 2008 is still better than most of WWE 2008.

But all three of those are bigger stars that HBK, so if WWE wants to make Morrison into the next big thing. Then he's got to wrestle one of the current big things.

You hit the nail on the head when you said this

Obviously I'm joking, if that was suggested to any of those three then there would be laughter all round.

Yes, because HBK & Y2J really hate each other.

You don't get much more personal than hurting a member of a their family.

Morrison is more than holding his own in the feud before The Miz get jelous. He costs him his blow off match with HBK. Newly face Morrison feuds with The Miz.


So HBK is the catalyst for a Morrison/Miz feud? Could work.

Batista literally carried HBK. I mean physically, over his shoulder.

There was none of that trademark overselling from Micahels in their matches. He acted out cold for most of them. So was Shawn Carrying those matches whilst lying on his back?

Batistas matches with Shawn and Cena > Any of Batistas other matches. Why? Because Batista NEEDS good opponents to have a good match.

So Shawn won't hold a mid card title so he can help put over a younger superstar? I though you said he cared about WWE?

Pretty sure it's more to do with the fact he doesn't have the full-time schedule a champion has. He rarely does house shows, for a start.

Not with HBK being so lazy and Morrison being so.....crap.

HBK isn't lazy and Morrison isn't crap.
It's pretty obvious.

Must be that twinkle in his eye. Although I suspect that might be a cataract.

And maybe he needs someone such as Shawn to make those good. By not having bad matches, it leads me to think he could have potential, and needs someone to unlock that.

Morrison has matches with everyone. Really he does. There isn't a wrestler on the whole roster who does as many Raw, Smackdown and ECW shows as he does. And in all those matches, weekly ECW main events, he never steals the show.

When hasn't he had a good match at an 'important' show?

WrestleMania XXIV

I'm sure they could. However it WAS interesting. People saw it and took note of him.

Im sure the real talking point of the Money In The Bank match was that Punk won it. Or that Jeff Hrdy would have won it. Morrison was there to make up the numbers.

No. But what I am saying is HBK 2008 is still better than most of WWE 2008.

I'll agree that HBK 2008 is better than both John Morrison and Kung Fu Naki.

You hit the nail on the head when you said this

Cena vs. Morrsion would work better than Morrison vs. HBK.

You don't get much more personal than hurting a member of a their family.

I meant legitimately.

So HBK is the catalyst for a Morrison/Miz feud? Could work.

HBK would be an easily replaceable element.

Batistas matches with Shawn and Cena > Any of Batistas other matches. Why? Because Batista NEEDS good opponents to have a good match.

How did Shawn carry this years matches when he played dead for most of them?

Pretty sure it's more to do with the fact he doesn't have the full-time schedule a champion has. He rarely does house shows, for a start.

Which is why I suggested a mid card title, for a brand that doesn't do it's own house shows. The ECW wouldn't be missed on house shows for a couple of months.

HBK isn't lazy

What's with the lack of effort then?

and Morrison isn't crap.

Hrdcore Holly > The Cheeky Girls > John Morrison.
I think any feud between these two guys would be great, they are both extremely similar. Their both highflying performers who know how to put on a show regardless of who they have to carry during a match. Shawn Michaels has done it plenty times and i'm sure Morrison has also done it in his short career. I can see what Showtime was saying about that kcik delivered to Michaels during the Tag match last night but i honestly can't see any feud building from that. The WWE will be doing these kind of matches up until Survivor Series just to build up a bit of tension between all the performers involved in their respective matches.

Morrison could feud with anyone to get his heel persona back on track but i suppose Michaels would be the best guy to feud with because he is similar to Morrison in all kinds of ways as much as Cena is similar to Hogan. In my opinion Miz has'nt been carrying them along, maybe its just that Morrison had a little injury and Miz had to take more of a in ring role during Tag matches. Any feud with Michaels is good regardless of the performer he is facing. As Showtime said this could get Morrison's single career back on track. In some ways it can and in others it would'nt really matter if he were to stay a Tag team with the Miz. Its obvous these two will have excellent matches, Michaels allways does, its very rarely he does have a poor match. They are both extraordinary athletes with excellent mic skills and wrestling skills that could possibly have a match at WrestleMania if the feud went that well. The WWE should wait until the feud has began until deciding where they want to go with it, if the build up is total crap then they may want to reconsider this feud and maybe carry on Michaels vs JBL. If this feud was really good and the fans liked it then i could see both performers taking this feud right up until WrestleMania or even beyond that. I can only see good matches coming from this as appose to rubbish ones which may not or may still be dished out with JBL involved.

This is my "dream scenario" at Survivor Series i could see HBk costing Morrison a pinfall during the team matches and then in the next PPV the same thing happens to Michaels. Michaels and whoever continue feuding with Morrison and the Miz and then they matches between HBK and Morrison carry on up until Royal Rumble. At Royal Rumlbe HBk and Morrison ar the last two competitors and Miz destracts HBK allowing Morrison to discharge HBK over the top rope meaning Morrison wins. Then there are all kinds of possibilities of how and where this feud could go......

If these two do ever feud i could see Morrison reaping the main benefits out of feuding with one of the greats of sports enetertainment. It could also push Morrison to the top and make him a contender for a title.
Twice now, Morrison has landed a SWEET (chin music) superkick whilst in an HBK match.

I've long said that HBK is my favorite and that Morrison has become one of my top 5 favorites out of the current WWE roster, as well as how I think there are tons of parallels between the two, and I have to agree with everyone that a proper JoMo/HBK feud would do wonders. Hopefully they're building towards this.

Personally, I'd love to see Morrison be the sole survivor of Team JBL after he defeats HBK. That'd be a big step towards a feud and it would help push him into the main event spot that he deserves to start attaining, as I think Morrison's got one of the brightest futures in the WWE right now.
I am a huge Morrison mark. He is one of the few wrestlers right now that I give to craps about(the others being Jeff Hardy, Orton, Melina, Santino). The thing is the fans just don't seem to react to him, as a heel. He got over as a heel in MNM because of Melina's effortless mic skills and ability to get heat. Morrison is to flashy to be a heel and should turn face, but if the WWE is stuck on a Morrison Vs. HBK feud then I'm all for it.

Numerous times Morrison has been compared to HBK, so who better for HBK to put over than Morrison. I think this feud is at the very least fresh and interesting and could finally make Morrison a singles star. HBK can still put on a good match and the fans love him so he could maybe help Morrison get more fan reaction(heat). I can't say this feud will be a huge sucess or draw, or if it will be great all I know it interests me and I look forward for it(if it happens). I guess Survivor Series will probably tell us if they are going to countinue this feud(anything is better than HBK Vs. JBL).
I can see how this fued play's out in my head right now. It's exactly the same as everyother HBK fued. They have a match which HBK wins cleanly, then a few weeks later they have a match which John Morrison wins by cheating. Then to finish it off they have a rubber match which will probably be won by HBK because Morrison's still a tag team wrestler.

They'll have a few more encounters like at the Royal Rumble but that's the end of their matches together. I think the promo's will suck though, HBK will do his usual routine with Kane's old voicebox and Morrison will fire off some one-liners some of which will be quite amusing. Unless The Miz is around to carry them both.

The matches will be watchable, I cant remember a really good Morrison match outside of Hardy and I cant remember a really good match with HBK outside of a Main-eventer so these two will come together to probably give us averageness at it's best.
It's time to see if Morrison can cut the mustard. He performed the superkick very well and Shawn sold it like a champ. I think HBK would be the perfect one to guide Morrison's "Coming Out Party."

Besides, I always love seeing a guy beaten with his own signature hold. (I waited for years to see Ted DiBiase Sr. get knocked out with a Million Dollar Dream. Oh, well.)
I think this feud would be perfect. For Morrison, it would be his push to the real main event level, cause as stated in the ECW thread I was reading earlier, ECW is a place for Vince to test out the younger guys and allow people to be world champions without ever holding the real world titles. So now that we've all seen how well Morrison can perform, why not give him that final push he needs to get to the main event level. Shawn Michaels is just the guy to put Morrison over. They indeed are very similar, in that, in Shawn's prime, he was as crazy as Morrison with all the aerial moves and all that. This could be one of the feuds that Shawn could say he'd be proud to of had in his career, cause Morrison, if this feud was to happen and was to go correctly, could easily be the HBK of the new generation. The only problem, as others have said, is that, the matches wouldn't be very spectacular, cause Shawn doesn't have too many good matches left in him, so hopefully they can get a few decent matches out of him. I'd be super pumped if this feud actually happened, and I really hope it does. And everyone needs to stop complaining about Morrison not being able to play a heel or face, it's called being a tweener, so just get over it, cause you all know Morrison is a part of the future of this company.
It's not just important how a Michaels / Morrison feud was carried out, but what the aftermath looked like.

I seem to remember a similar situation not too long ago where a legend put over a younger kid, and put him over by succumbing to the legend's own finishing move. Anyone remember?

Ken "Kenny Dykstra" Doane and Ric Flair.

I agree with most that Michaels could get a great deal out of Morrison, because Morrison has a lot to offer in terms of athleticism and skill. He sells pretty well, and his moves are fairly clean. If Michaels can work a feud with him and teach him how to work long, storytelling matches, then all Morrison will have to learn from there is how to draw.

But if they put Morrison over Michaels and then simply drop the ball with Morrison afterwards, then they'll do the same shit to Michaels that they did to Flair - make him look like the old man on his way out.
I don't think this feud would be good. Sure Morrison is good and Shawn is decent, but I think them having a feud together would not be good. Morrison needs to get a new gimmick before moving to the big brand, because I just don't see him being taken as a main eventer in this gimmick. I hope they don't do this feud as I don't see it being good, but if they do I hope they make it better then the Jericho/HBK feud.
This is what I was ranting about roughly 6 monthes ago. lol I've waited for this moment, and it may finally have arrived. The only question that needs to be asked is.. will it go anywhere?

When I wanted this feud, it was mainly to push John Morrison as a possible Heavyweight Championship contender. But let's step back and look at the cold, hard facts. I, a John Morrison fan, haven't seen anything out of him since he dropped the E.C.W. Championship to Punk a year back. As a result, he can't just have one feud with H.B.K. and be in the mix.

So my bigger question is.. is this just another meaningless feud for H.B.K. to wonder through, waiting until his Mania showdown with someone important? Like the Undertaker? I could easily see Morrison picking up the Pay per view style victory over H.B.K.. but I can also see it not doing anything for him, in the long run. He'll clutch to a win over H.B.K. about like Jericho has clutched to his Undisputed reign.

I want to see this, it'll be a spotfest highlight match for sure.. but more importantly, if it can happen at all, I want this to mean something for Morrison's future.. and Jake has almost sold me on believing Morrison doesn't have the full charisma or ability to be someone important. (or outside of a Tag team) I'll still hold out hope.. but it's draining.
This is a nice way to get Morrison away from the Giz and into the spotlight where he belongs. He can improve his mic skills in a feud with HBK too. That is what Michaels is good at these days, makign younger guys look good. He did the same thing with Kennedy. He could have done it with MVP if they were on the same brand. The feud with Jericho was great for a while. But back to the Morrison-HBK topic, Morrison trying to be like Shawn Michaels is a very good move because the character kinda resembles the early style HBK with his attitude and his actions. I truly believe the Miz is holding him down. Not that the Miz cannot be a solid midcarder but something needs to happen there and I believe that HBK is the one man (other than Undertaker) who can take a young star like Morrison to the next level.
I agree with most of the people in here, that HBK would be perfect to help Morrison break-out...

However...I don't want to see a long running past-the-torch type feud. I'm not saying HBK has a lot of career left, but it'd be better to help people get over then just merely give them his spot.

I can see it being a short feud (say the Rumble) with Morrison turning face before the feud is even over, or turn face during the match at RR, and have the whole shake hands in the middle thing at the end of the match. Show that he's earned HBK's respect, but still have good matches. Don't let the matches bomb, and all of a sudden we're supposed to believe he's the enxt big thing because HBK shook his hand.

I say Michaels wins one on RAW, Morrison wins at Armageddon after yelling at Miz to get away from the match, and when Miz tries to interfere during their match at RR, Morrison superkicks him out of the ring, turning him face, and ending their time as a tag team. Then, he can walk away from RR as a face, and with a feud set up helping push Miz, or Miz could walk away from RR with a feud ready-to-go against HBK...
With one kick I am sold. John Morrison and Shawn Micheals will have a big feud within the next few to 6 months. People have made the comparisons of John Morrison/Johnny Nitro gimmick/career and Shawn Micheals gimmick/career and it shares many similarities to Micheals early HeartBreakKid years. On RAW tonight Micheals and Mysterio were owning Miz and Morrison for most of the match and when Shawn tagged in he was invincible, countering everyone of their attacks. That was until the end, when Morrison used Shawn Micheals own Super Kick and kicked Shawn Micheals rite in the jaw to allow Miz to pin Micheals for the win. That is in more ways than one, Morrison taking a shot at Micheals and I see this thing between them growing after Survivor Series. Now, assuming said feud does occur in the next while, what are your guys thoughts on it?

Well I think a feud with Shawn Micheals is just what Morrison needs. I love Morrison and Miz, but lately its been Miz that's been carrying them. Morrison is stuck in a bad place between face and heel and his career is at a crossroads. A feud with Micheals will be a good way to get his singles career back on track and maybe back into the main event. As for Micheals, I really don't want to see him continue a feud with JBL so a feud with a younger Morrison I think would be better for him too. As stated, the two have their gimmick/career similarities and Morrison did just steal Micheals finisher and used it against him. With their similar styles, I think these two could pull off some amazing matches. So the question is how long should WWE play it? till Armageddon? till NWO or Wrestlemania? or play it till Armageddon and then again sometime after Wrestlemania?

I'm gonna give my dream scenario. Morrison and Micheals have a match at Armageddon, Micheals wins. Royal Rumble Micheals eliminates both Miz and Morrison for the Rumble. Miz during this time is berating Morrison over losing to Micheals and holding them back (essentially guaranteeing that Miz will be the heel when they break up). Morrison and Micheals have rematch at NWO where Miz hits Micheals with a chair, which would've allowed Morrison to win. Morrison instead is furious at Miz because Morrison wanted to do it own his own. They argue, ref gets Miz to leave, Morrison turns into sweet chin, pinned. Final match at Wrestlemania, Morrison wins, earns Shawn Micheals respect. Following RAW, Morrison and Miz are in the ring and they agree to put their past issues aside, they shake, raise hands... Morrison superkicks Miz just like Micheals did to Jannetty. Only this time, Morrison becomes a super face.

whoa, literally I don't know where that came from, but it sounded awesome in my head and had to get it out. Seriously though, I see Micheals and Morrison feuding some time soon and when they do I think it will be a pretty good one and hopefully it will help Morrison to reach the main event. So what does everyone else think of Micheals/Morrison feuding maybe?

hahaha im sorry miz carrying someone! joke of the day,morrison is a huge talent and a feud with hbk would be great he finally at a point where his mic skills dont suck,i always though morrison had a little hbk in him and hbk could jump his career,theres a reason hes a former 2 time i.c champ,ecw,tag champ,but the miz,i havent been on a forum in a while but there are aculy miz fans out there omg,whats there to like,his stupid look,his "im a heavy weight so i wont take any risks attitude,or his stupid dances,wow i cant believe theres miz fans :wtf:
I suppose this could still happen, but JBL would be involved somehow which would just bring this down. Shawn and Morrison could be what he and Shelton did a few years back, but a longer term ordeal. Morrison has been called a young HBK and that's a big compliment. He has the style of being the "superstar' down, and who better than Shawn to give him a great rub? These two could put on some great matches together no doubt. However there's the wild card called JBL. Wiht his offer to Shawn, it looks like Shawn will be semi heel, making the only way to really make the feud work to be Morrison go face, which just wouldn't work quite yet. Either way, would be great, but now would be more of a letdown.

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