
The guy "specialises" in the women wrestling areas, yet has no fucking clue what he's saying. If you suck at what you're best thing is, you're not worth living.
Nah, cousin-cousin is unlikely to rtesult in such severe ******ation.

It's more likely to be brother-sister.
I wanna say late December. It was the night before the AJ Styles / Chris Daniels / Samoa Joe triple-threat, after the Hogan signing but prior to the debut.

You talking about the Wayne show? That was a surprisingly good time. Plus meeting Billy Corgan there was one of the better/most random moments of my life.
Gail Kim isnt as bad as most of the "divas" in WWE
Like Maryse and Eve i love that woman. Not for her wrestling talent, but "other" things. Like her awesome body! She could be the worst wrestler ever and I still want to bang her three ways from next tuesday.
SaritaFan is a turd. They started some shitty "If you aren't a fan of CM Punk as a face then you aren't a real real real fan" thread, and got mad when they got shat on.

I'm sensing a problem with bitches like these in that most of them are too afraid to enter the Cage, or still haven't figured out how to. The likely best function of this area, and the best victims won't even enter it.

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