Santino Marella Fan-a-Club (SFAC)

Where will Santino / Santina land on Monday Night?

  • Staying on RAW

  • Drafted to SMACKDOWN

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*** Press Release ***
From the Desk of IrishCanadian25
SFAC Executive Treasurer

Fans of the Milan Miracle-

January 28th, 2008

It bears announcement that, in the wake of the awesome success of the Santino Marella Fan-a-Club, that every poster has since copied our idea and formed their own fan club for poster and wrestler alike. Some examples:

The Anti-Cena Club
The Cena Fan Club
The Edge Fan Club
The Jake Fan Club

Let it be known to all members and associates alike that the SFAC is fine with this, and that this message serves to acknowledge the respect through imitation you have all shown the SFAC. Membership remains open for the ORIGINAL, and still the BEST, Fan-a-Club!


Santino Fan-a-club > Jake Fan Club > Anti-Cena Fan Club > Edge Fan Club > All other Fan clubs > A dirty bandage > A Coco post > Cena Fan Club
this fan-a-club is still up and running, and it still is the best one going, :headbanger:

Santino should get his massive push soon
Santino would have got the rollup of doom on frank mir and forced him to tap... purely cos he'd never escape otherwise. but then he's better than brock so it's only to be expected.

in a marathon effort which has shown i have too much time on my hands lately, i have passed the 100 post mark and wish to become a card-carrying member of the fan-a-club dedicated to the milan miracle
I need to do a roster update, so I need all members to sign in. Wes (TP) is president, Brian is VP, I am Treasurer, Mr. Sam is Sec'y. Jback got banned and Gene Yuss disappeared, which sucks because he was Vice President in charge of sandwiches. And now I'm hungry.

Polley, you are now the VP of Sandwiches.
Hey, anyway I can join the fan club?

I really like Santino and I think him and Carlito can win the tag titles soon. But I hear that people think he's going to get realesed. Do you guys honestly think that will happen? He's great on the mic and his in ring skills are okay. I really want to see Santino go for the IC title. It would be funny if he goes to Smackdown and wins the U.S Title, he'll draw some major heat.
Can - ah - Iya Join the Santino Fan-a-Club?

The Future owner of The Tag Team Title witha Carlito
They are the hottest Tag Team going right now IMO, and it is only right to give them the title.

Ive always liked Carlito, and since Santino Turned Heel he has been incredible. Unfortunatly I hope Maria stays with them, but doubt she will. Its also cool both of them have a claim to Canada, joining the ranks of other up and commers in WWE of that background.
Hey, anyway I can join the fan club?

I really like Santino and I think him and Carlito can win the tag titles soon. But I hear that people think he's going to get realesed. Do you guys honestly think that will happen? He's great on the mic and his in ring skills are okay. I really want to see Santino go for the IC title. It would be funny if he goes to Smackdown and wins the U.S Title, he'll draw some major heat.

You need 100 posts. Good luck! :thumbsup:
This is why we imposed the 100-post requirement on the fan-a-club. It's much easier to sell the legitimacy of the group when members have to get 100 posts in the wrestling boards to just be accepted.

My 1st act in my official role. tired and my humour gets odd at this time
Hello. Sorry for not dropping by for so long guys, but it's good to be back. Any pointless jobs going? President of hot topless Italian girls, for example, as I have seen them mentioned once or twice :D
Oh, and I'm about to sign off, but can someone PM me a good picture of Santino with a funny facial expression? I have another 7 to use yet, but would like to fit Santino in at some point.

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