Santino Marella Fan-a-Club (SFAC)

Where will Santino / Santina land on Monday Night?

  • Staying on RAW

  • Drafted to SMACKDOWN

  • Going EXTREME

  • Freelance

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You know WWE is going to do a storyline were Santino dosn,t like-a the play-a boy.

You mean like the one they did in 2000 (I think) with Eddie Guerrero getting jealous of his Mamacita, Chyna, being in Playboy, god I hope your wrong, but know your not

BTW, this thing is still open, you guys are still blindly cheering for that jackass Santino, please people wake up, Santino is horriable, I mean he hasn't done shit in weeks, well other than get beat by RVD in all of 15 seconds, LOL:lmao:
RVD got a massive pop.

Maybe I was wrong about the guy.

Probably, RVD is one of the best to ever step in the squared circle, not the best but one of the best, remember this is the guy who beat Cena, but was never beaten by Cena in a big match situation

BTW, by best I mean entertaining;)
The current problem with Santino is that he hasn't done a whole lot of wrestling yet.

He's like the William Regal of 2007. He didn't do a whole lot of wrestling when he made his WWE debut, but he was always entertaining.

If he were to actually given a chance to wrestle, I think that would silence all the nay-sayers.....especially given his submission background.
You mean like the one they did in 2000 (I think) with Eddie Guerrero getting jealous of his Mamacita, Chyna, being in Playboy, god I hope your wrong, but know your not

BTW, this thing is still open, you guys are still blindly cheering for that jackass Santino, please people wake up, Santino is horriable, I mean he hasn't done shit in weeks, well other than get beat by RVD in all of 15 seconds, LOL:lmao:

Your face.

Your face is "horriable."


Yes, we cheer for the Milan Miracle. He's an up-and-comer. And the Santino / Carlito team will see tag team gold in NO TIME!
Your face.

Your face is "horriable."


Yes, we cheer for the Milan Miracle. He's an up-and-comer. And the Santino / Carlito team will see tag team gold in NO TIME!

Wow, Tag team gold in the WWE now there's an accomplishment, cause god knows the tag champs get all sorts of TV time, I mean just look at Cade & Murdochs tag title reign, it was classic, and so far Cody and Hardcore Holly, pfft..come on, does it get any better, and then go over to SD! and look at there tag champs, and all the great matches and exposure they get:icon_rolleyes:...please dude WWE don't give a shit about the tag belts, they'll stick them on anyone, they're practically worthless, only the CW title is more of a joke right now, and I think they just did away with that belt, LOL

so....Your Face!!!!!

Your stinky, Santino Loving Ugly Face!!!!!:p
I want to a join the Santino Marella fan-a-club. Be being another Italian i think we need more italians to dominate raw since no one else can wrestle. And if u dont let me join i will let loose a can of the ass whip.
Anyone wanna take bets on how long before he gets banned? ^^ :lmao:

Can I join the Santine Marella fan-a-club? I've been hooked ever since seeing him live. That dude is awesome =)
I want to a join the Santino Marella fan-a-club. Be being another Italian i think we need more italians to dominate raw since no one else can wrestle. And if u dont let me join i will let loose a can of the ass whip.

We all had a 100 non spammy post rule.
I want to a join the Santino Marella fan-a-club. Be being another Italian i think we need more italians to dominate raw since no one else can wrestle. And if u dont let me join i will let loose a can of the ass whip.

Yes, your new name will be "Mikey Spam" like that scene in the Godfather. You cannot open a can of the ass whip ON the fan-a-club. It'd be foolish to try. What you have to do is get to a post count of 100 posts, non-spammy, to be granted membership and given the all-powerful Santino Sig.

Brian Becker is our VP, I am the Treasurer. Dr. Sam is the Secretary, and Big Wes our President. That lump in the corner is Justin, he's a closet Santino freak.
Yes, your new name will be "Mikey Spam" like that scene in the Godfather. You cannot open a can of the ass whip ON the fan-a-club. It'd be foolish to try. What you have to do is get to a post count of 100 posts, non-spammy, to be granted membership and given the all-powerful Santino Sig.

Brian Becker is our VP, I am the Treasurer. Dr. Sam is the Secretary, and Big Wes our President. That lump in the corner is Justin, he's a closet Santino freak.

Hey!!!!,...don't be spreaded your lies, Santino sucks, it's a fact, hell IMO the only reason they put him with Carlito is because they needed another Jobber tag team to replace WGTT since they sent Shelton over to ECW (to showcase his true talent), and that left Raw with an open void since Haas Doesn't have another partner, though maybe they should stick him with Carlito & Santino, and the three of them could become the new JOB Squad, AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!:lmao:
Santino is so over. He is a bad ass mofo in real life too. He learned how to Shoot in Japan and WWE never lets him show his real jujitsu skillz. When he was Boris Alexi in OVW he used to own guys in the ring. He's also a really awesome and down to earth guy.

Cody Rhodes is quality too. him vs. orton one day will be a great feud.
wow its been a while since i have visited my fellow bretheren.

its a breath of a the air fresh

I feel the need to put in my two cents on the recent combination of two mega powers..Santino and Carlito.

that sneaky God obviously heard me praying for such an alliance to come to be.

OMG...the mentioning of ''mega powers'' must be...

The Mega Powers 2.0 !!!

well, i guess the Powers of Mega !!! as Santino would say

and uh...yeah
lol Mega Powers 2.0?? Nah, I don't like that name at all.

Italian Apples?

Caribbean Pizzas?

Crazy Haired Mofos?

The ICC (Italian/Caribbean Connection)?
Kyle Cobra, right now the Calzone and Carribean Connection is leading, though "Powers of Mega" is funny too.

A few other ideas:

Afro Alfredo
Spit n' Spaghetti

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