Santino Marella Fan-a-Club (SFAC)

Where will Santino / Santina land on Monday Night?

  • Staying on RAW

  • Drafted to SMACKDOWN

  • Going EXTREME

  • Freelance

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What about M.V.P? He's not even on the member list, and he gets my vote for MMA.

Marquis is M.V.P, just so were officially clear on that Tim. I would never leave off a quality member.

And guys, stop fighting. Seriously, it's worse than me and Rusty. Every day I come in and all I see is verybody arguing. And guess what? I'm sick of it.

I am leaving the SFAC.

Okay everyone, enough with the bickering, arguing and fighting. It seems many of us have become consumed with power and order in the SFAC. This club is never about the positions, it's about the love for one and other and Santino, and to prove that the positions mean jack all, I'll resign from my position as VP if need be. I'll still be a member because I love Santino, and I'll still do all the things that I do to run this club because someone's got to and I'd do it all to keep this club and you guys together, and I'll still post here regularly because I love all you guys. Playful banter is one thing and I see a few people reacting too negatively over it.

TM, M_F did not mean you didn't love Santino, we know your a huge fan of him, nobody could question that. M_F, your one of my favourites here and a fellow Canadian. I don't want to see you leave, but if you still choose, your always welcome back. Tim I don't want to see you leave either. Your a glue that helps keep this place so close together. The laid back Australians are people we could all learn from as you never see Tim, Rusty, Richard or MVP/Marquis get into anything more than fun playful squabbles. We are all friends here and we should start acting as such, not trying to figure out the greatest member, or the most powerful, or the best looking (yours truely, lol, jk). I think me and Brian may need to start figuring out about either eliminating or adding some positions. I personally feel the positions are leading to many of the squabbles. It shouldn't matter who has what position. We are all equals here in the SFAC, and if that's the case then we may eliminate all positions, save a couple so we can have some order here, i.e. someone to be in charge of new members, roster.
I think men, that we need to organize an actual event that we could all gather to and meet and hang one day. I vote that we begin turning the SFAC into a somewhat profitable organization somehow, and all get tickets to Wrestlemania in 2010. In a years time, Santino could finally be given that push to main event and we could witness our hero winning one of the big two titles. Either way, it would be an awesome event and I would love to experience it with you guys. What do you all say, SFAC to invade Wrestlemania in 2010.
o give me a break. All because of a little red rep and a little message inside.

I told M_F the same thing. I said ignore each other. Work it out. Everything can be fixed.
now this is funny. your own club members fighting this is to good to be true. oh by the way i got my new favorite Santino moment it was last night when the idiot tried to do
Melina's splits. he busted his balls now that was funny. then he had ice on what he calls balls. Goldust then starts giving him a massage. now talk about the perfect couple that was great and best raw moment in a while. two freaks together. have fun i hope the club becomes extinct. maybe i was the cause of all this
this married couple is going through some rough times.

trust me, you aren't the reason for our struggles. You're just fuel to our fire. something that kept us going. Our group was later destroyed by a group of egotists. People believing they are bigger than the club. I guess we should give in, and have them lock this thing forever.
So dark times hit the SFAC and we all just decide to give up? I thought the club was a lot stronger then this but i guess not. We are not even fighting over reasonable things. We are arguing over stupid things. Positions? who the fuck cares. The way i see it all we need is someone in charge to keep things straight and a 2nd in command in case the boss is gone. Questioning ones faith Santino? The way i see it if they actively post in here they still believe in Santino. Are we gonna let such things as this end us? After close to 600 pages of Santino worship this is how we meet our end?

TM if you leave then it is the end. You are arguably our most notable member. What ever Becker told you keep in mind he is in charge of this place. Sometimes he has to lay down law for its whats best for the SFAC. It is why he is our president. He understands sometimes tough love must be used. I have lost a lot of respect for you quitters. This is not the club i remember joining.

Showtime and Becker lots of props to you both. Even when things get tough for us you stay here and stick it threw. If Becker decides to give up i will not hold it against him or lose respect for him. For at this point it is starting to look hopeless.

Santino Bless.
MVP for Sandwhichs..

Richard for Int'l Relations..

Shock for Prisoner relations..

Phatso can stay. He posts once every blue moon.

I actually qualify for something? Lol.

And supersayian, seriously, you must have no life. Obviously you don't like Santino, which you don't have to, but if you don't like him why are you wasting your time here? Love him or hate him. It's still an obsession. :)
I have much respect for this man. (Marquis that is, though Richard's pretty awesome too)

I remember something along the lines..., it is always darkest right before the light comes out. We've survived numerous attacks from famous PE's Justinsayne, Americanfire, Beeyond_Good_and_Evil, and most recently, this supersayan noob, who we all aggressivly attacked back, strong and proudly at least 6 of us, and defended Santino's honour. We've survived thread mergers, name changes, frequent attempts by Justinsayne and Sly to move us into the Bar room, we've defended Santino when questions about him diminishing the IC title were brought up, when others blindly asserted that he couldn't wrestle, wasn't funny, or should be fired, we corrected those blind fools and continued to support our beloved Santino and defend his honour against anyone who challenged it. This is not how it should end, with us bickering amongst ourselves over childish matters. I love all you guys one and all, you are all like brothers to me on this forum. This club cannot survive without all of you here, so the future of this club is all up to you guys. I don't want to see this club die and you guys shouldn't either. Santino would never give up on a partner and neither should you guys.

If this is how it all ends, then let the record show that I have no regrets for the many, many fun hours I've been on here, sharing stories, swapping Santinoisms and remarks about Santino with all of you, getting to know a little about each and everyone of you and being able to turn to just about any page and find something said that will make me smile, make me laugh, make me cry a little.

Santino Bless
I know I'm an outsider, but perhaps a suggestion would help.

Get rid of the stupid positions. Seriously, what purpose do any of them serve? I went to 5 random pages in this thread, and ONE had any mention of Santino. Four were talking about who was in what position.
I agree with KB. We need a President/Leader person. That's all! Come on guys! Everyone is using the club thread for random talking about crap and arguing over positions! It's the Santino Fan-a-Club! Santino! Not the Position Fan-a-Club or Random Crap Fan-a-Club! People barely mention Santino anymore, and I'm getting tired of it! I mention Santino around the site, on other sites, and even on AIM and MSN. Barely anyone talks about him in his own fan club! Come on guys, get it together.

My short rant is over.
I am stepping down as General. Positions are stupid and have caused most of this. Normally, I act like a clown in here. I am egotistic, boastful, prideful, and immature. I've realised that egging people on to fight, defying authority, and being obsessed with position has caused a lot of drama. I'm sorry for that.

M_F - You are one quality member. You always remind us what we are here for.. Santino. You've been one to break up fights and keep us unified. Don't go. We need you.

Tim - Mate, you're the one that always gets us to relax in here. If I've had a bad day, you're normally the one that puts a smile on my face. Even though you act like you hate me most of the time, I'll always love you. :)

TM - Don't let whatever Brian said to you make you leave this club. You are hands down the most integral part of this fan club. You are our heart. You are our core. You keep us going. Without you, we will not live.

When we started out, you were my brother in here. We were so alike in so many ways. Out of everybody I've come to know in here, you are the one I hold in highest regard. If you leave, I'll miss you more than anyone else.

Think about it guys, please. <3
Santino was awesome on Raw this week. Me and my friend were rolling on the floor with laughter. Santino does an awesome Melina impression.
Yeah, the Melina impersonation was great. Goldust giving him a massage was priceless aswell. And he called Melina, Melanie :lmao:
I don't know if anyone has noticed, but I rarely post in this thread anymore. It's mainly due to the same reasons as Tim and Mysterio_Fan mentioned. This thread has just turned into arguments about positions and it's gotten ridiculous that I basically stopped posting in here. The thread used to have meaning. This thread should be about Santino and Santino only.

I am just fed up with all these drama queens "quitting" and then returning a few days later hoping they were missed. Seriously, grow up. The fact is, there are some posters in here that annoy me and have made me stop posting in here. I still enjoy watching Santino every single week on Raw, but this thread has become almost unbearable.

But there are many posters in here that I do like and feel that they shouldn't be dragged down because of all this pathetic controversy over fake positions. I'm talking about guys like M_F, Tim, Showtime and a few others. Those 3 in particular, are some of my favourite posters and are better than this. By "this" I mean being in arguments over fucking fake positions that nobody cares about.

Also, half of you only seem to care about rep and nothing else. Some of you don't even post outside of this thread. I'm not saying you should all leave the SFAC, I'm just merely pointing out you everyone should post in the non spam threads to keep discussion going elsewhere as well as this thread. This forum has many other places to post in, not just the SFAC. I still love Santino and I am not leaving the SFAC for now. I wish to keep my position as secretary.

So my objective was to post ways to improve this thread in general. I am also doing it to help all of you. Please realize that. Maybe KB was right in saying, deleting all positions would be beneficial to the fan club in general. Anyone who bitches about this post is just getting red repped from me. Because I know I have a point here and I know I am helping out the fan club that I actually care for.
Dude, you kids stop fighting now.

The positions were fun at the start, and they were my idea. Shit like "VP of Sandwiches," which was done very well by Gene Yuss. Outside of that, it was just to screw around. Sam was our Secretary / Director of PR for sigs. Big Ace ran the membership to keep us all updated on who was a member and such. But it's not meant to cause bickering.

Just remember - imagine how much would get accomplished if it didn't matter who got the credit?

Where are the delusions of grandeur? Why isn't someone trying to get an e-mail interview with Santino to post here?
well said Rusty. This club was about Santino from the start and it should've never been anything else, we've let ourselves become consumed with other matters here, positions, posts, power, status, all pointless and irrelevant. Hopefully one day Tim, M_F and TM will all return and none of this will ever be brought up again. I'm proud of our younger members, Marquis (MVP), Richard, and Shock, who have posted on here since and view the whole thing as ridiculous. They have not forgotten the purpose of this club and they give me hope that we'll make it to 600 pages and beyond. Like Rusty said, I will continue to post here because I am a fan of Santino and that's what I've been since day one here for me, a fan of Santino. I joined this club because of Santino, not its members. The fact that I've become friends with all of you has been a awesome blessing. Everyone here is a terrific poster and just looking at all the members we have, some are Wrestlezones finest posters, while others are future mods in the making. Santino is why I joined and Santino is why I'll stay.

Santino was awesome on RAW this week and should win every Slammy award there is.
I get to see Santino and the rest of RAW Jan 9, IC. It is my goal to get Santino to sign something relating to the SFAC that I will post proudly.

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