Santino Marella Fan-a-Club (SFAC)

Where will Santino / Santina land on Monday Night?

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Results are only viewable after voting. was a joke... I don't understand why you are so bitchy towards me. It sure doesn't help the group effort.
TM I have felt over the passed few weeks that you have been hostile towards me, ever since I "joked" about you not likin Santino, and then you vicously red repping me. I just think your love for Santino is all that should matter and no what people think.

Now let;s talk about Santino and his greatness.
Brothers whatever pent up anger we have. We should get out. We are a family/cult whatever you want to call it. Point is we need to have unity. MF if you have something you went to get out just tell us. We do not judge. Unless you say you don't like Santino.
TM I have felt over the passed few weeks that you have been hostile towards me, ever since I "joked" about you not likin Santino, and then you vicously red repping me. I just think your love for Santino is all that should matter and no what people think.

Well it was probably less than a week ago, that you said that, and it hurt. I don't think I have ever shown signs of not liking Santino, and there are few people on this forum who could equal my love for him. Sorry if I am touch on that subject, but I am, it is who I am. The same guy who was once the Vice President on this Great Fan Club. And to say "viciously", is a little over the edge. Red Rep doesn't mean much, I have probably green repped you 5-10 times over the past couple months. I do that, Ill go up and down the SFAC and green rep our members to show my love for you all. Its not like you red repped me immediately after wards. The fact is, I felt betrayed by you and decided to defend myself. My love for Santino is never dying, and will remain for as long as this club shall exist. And I will defend my love for him, against you, against the randoms who come in here to attack him, against anyone. It is what I do, and one of the reasons this Fan Club has stayed strong.
Wow all of a sudden I'm that bi-polar cousin who everyone has to walk on egg shells so he won't go off? There's nothing wrong, and to prove it....


I would like to thank Brian Becker(one of my favorite posters)for choosing me to be a part of the executive.

Show for helping me get in the club.

Tim & Rusty for being "priceless"

TM for being Canadian

48/7 for being himself

Thanks Everyone! Santino Bless!

Ps. It was MVP bad mouthing Melina, trying to put Santino over!

See ya's around!
I dont want you to quit the SFAC. I just want us to get this out of our way so we can refriend eachother and keep this club going.
I did not mean to offend you MF. If you took offense that i thought Santino can do the hand gesture better then Melina then sorry.
Again, we are currently voting for a new VP of MMA. Please PM your vote to our President The Brian Becker (soon to be Hail_2_Shady). The choices are...


One vote per person. That means you 48.7. and I saw what you wrote, where's the love for Show???
What about M.V.P? He's not even on the member list, and he gets my vote for MMA.

And guys, stop fighting. Seriously, it's worse than me and Rusty. Every day I come in and all I see is verybody arguing. And guess what? I'm sick of it.

I am leaving the SFAC.

TM, you've become a good friend of mine. Keep being yourself, and we'll see each other around.

Showtime, you're a really nice, great guy, hope you go far. Keep up everything you're doing.

M_F, one of the nicest guys i've ever known. Still managing to be nice when he's quitting the club. You'll go far on these forums.

Becker, I haven't really had much to do with you, ever. But it seems everybody else around here respects you. Keep doing whatever you're doing, cause it seems to work.

48.7, thanks for supporting me, even though I feel I didn't deserve it. Try to act a bit more mature, as you can sometimes get a bit annoying.

M.V.P, you're a good guy, still sort of starting out around here. But you've already proven how valuable you are, to both the club and the forum in general. Keep up the good work.

Thank you all for everything you've done for me. I'll still see you guys around, but I am getting sick of all the fighting in here. Its just getting stupid. Fix it up, and I might decide to come back.

Santino bless!
No! not Tim to. Anyone but Tim :(. Dammit the club is gonna die. 2 of our most prominent members have left. Brothers we need to stop bickering over stupid things. It will be the end of us if this keeps up. What tim says is true every time i check the SFAC i also see some form of arguing.

When i first laid eyes on this club it was a long time ago. Maybe even close to a year. The first thing i noticed about the club was the devotion and brotherhood it had going on. Friendly fans talking about their love for Santino is all i saw. No stupid fighting over meaningless positions or questioning ones faith in Santino. i had lurked in these forums for months just happly reading opinions of fans of wrestling(non of my friends are into wrestling). I could have stayed lurking. But you know what? I didn't since i decided i will finally contribute to the forum for one reason. To Join the SFAC. When i finally joined the SFAC it was the happiest day of my forum life. I thought finally i can be part of the Santino brotherhood.

But now look at us. What brotherhood is their left? Tim and TM left our most prominent members. The argument could be made that MF also belongs alongside Tim and TM when mentioning our prominent members. This is not the club i remember reading about or joining. I will not quit the club. I refuse to abandon it yet. But please Tim MF. Reconsider your decision. For i fear our end is coming soon if something is not done now.
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Wow all of a sudden I'm that bi-polar cousin who everyone has to walk on egg shells so he won't go off? There's nothing wrong, and to prove it....


I would like to thank Brian Becker(one of my favorite posters)for choosing me to be a part of the executive.

Show for helping me get in the club.

Tim & Rusty for being "priceless"

TM for being Canadian

48/7 for being himself

Thanks Everyone! Santino Bless!

Ps. It was MVP bad mouthing Melina, trying to put Santino over!

See ya's around!

No NO No No No No No No No No No No No No No.

Can't we all just get along? We worked hard in building this club. it started with like 5 members, now we have a lot. It's been active for over a year, thats a remarkable feat on an active message board. Don't let some silly argument pull us apart.

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