Santino Marella Fan-a-Club (SFAC)

Where will Santino / Santina land on Monday Night?

  • Staying on RAW

  • Drafted to SMACKDOWN

  • Going EXTREME

  • Freelance

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Mysterio Fan has officially resigned from his position. He thought it was best to move forward on WZ, and I can't fault him. David and I wish him the best on his future here at WZ.The VP of Santino Relations will remain vacated until David and I can find a suitable replacement.
48.7, Tim said this on MSN.

Tim says:
Tell him that I can't get on at the moment, I need to write a debate for tomorrow. I'll be on tonight, he probably won't. Tell him i'll send him a pm.
I've been talking to TM on MSN for a while now. Not making much progress though. Hopefully he comes to his senses and comes back to the SFAC.
yes there is. He is one of our most valuable members but we have to move forward if he doesn't come back.
That's what I've been saying for a while. We all know that Santino can wrestle, as well as pure gold on the mic. Now would be a good time for him to show the blind general public that he can wrestle. I say Santino's in need of a huge face push.
WWE needs to give him a chance to show what he's got in the ring first! not just let him be comedy gold then let him get squashed by Regal and Goldust! They need to build Santino's in-ring credibility so he can mega-over!


His comedy is pure gold, but they need to show him as a serious athlete also, then, he will be a huge superstar.
Santino is nominated for Damn! moment of the year. That's one Slammy I'm sure he'll get... along with best couple and the surprise winner of Wrestler of the year.
Showtime, I will reply to your PM as soon as I can see it.

somethings wrong with my computer. Every time I click on it nothing appears.
That is a disgrace KB.

Alright guys look, i'm all for coming back right now, you guys have stopped fighting. Becker, the positions caused the problem in the first place. Everybody needs to either calm down about them, or get rid of them fully.
Also, I am no longer giving rep to any Santino Fan A Club member, unless I think they deserve it. Rep should be earned, not given away.
Alright guys look, i'm all for coming back right now, you guys have stopped fighting. Becker, the positions caused the problem in the first place. Everybody needs to either calm down about them, or get rid of them fully.

Just get rid of all of them other than President. We do need a leader, but we're just members. Praise Santino!

And yes, welcome back Tim.
yes indeed, welcome back Tim. Its been dreary here without you. Now, me and Brian have been PM'ing each other and we will announce soon what we will be doing about the positions. Until then...

Praise Santino!

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