Santino Marella Fan-a-Club (SFAC)

Where will Santino / Santina land on Monday Night?

  • Staying on RAW

  • Drafted to SMACKDOWN

  • Going EXTREME

  • Freelance

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First Punk and Morrison and Miz and Kingston and Everyone on smackdown get quality matches and airtime. next all he does is come out to do a comedy spoof. every week he does the same thing. i think he uses Beth as his comedy or he would have nothing. this guy can wrestle as you say then why not show it. the last time i looked this is still wrestling not Saturday night live. yes you need comedy but not from the same person. and don't give me that bullshit its part of his character come up with something new for a change.
First Punk and Morrison and Miz and Kingston and Everyone on smackdown get quality matches and airtime. next all he does is come out to do a comedy spoof. every week he does the same thing. i think he uses Beth as his comedy or he would have nothing. this guy can wrestle as you say then why not show it. the last time i looked this is still wrestling not Saturday night live. yes you need comedy but not from the same person. and don't give me that bullshit its part of his character come up with something new for a change.

This is the last time i will even bother answering you. Everything you just said can answered so simply even you can understand. Ready? ok......

THE WWE FUCKIN TELLS HIM TO. Why not show his wrestling abillity? Because the WWE tells him not to. What you expect a comedy character to wrestle Technical matches? So by your thinking hornswoggle should strive to put on 5 star matches? And you ever stop to think of the reason why we probably only get comedy from the same character is because he is the only one successful at it?

The character thing is not bullshit because its a fact. Fact his character is for comedy purposes. And we all gave you a bunch of other reasons but obviously you can't read at that level yet or you just said "wallz of TeXtz o Noz"
First Punk and Morrison and Miz and Kingston and Everyone on smackdown get quality matches and airtime.
Didn't Kingston lose the belt to Santino? Now arent they all in a tournament for Santino's old belt?

next all he does is come out to do a comedy spoof. every week he does the same thing.

and gets paid a lot to do it. What a job.

i think he uses Beth as his comedy or he would have nothing.

Beth is a Pepsi Machine?

this guy can wrestle as you say then why not show it.

Already explained. Not his character. If Mick Foley could do 450 splashes, I don't think he would. Would be awesome though.

the last time i looked this is still wrestling not Saturday night live. yes you need comedy but not from the same person.

Undertaker needs to start doing some stand up. Agreed.

and don't give me that bullshit its part of his character come up with something new for a change.

I give you the truth, all you have to do is open your eyes and see it.
Good work men, all of you. We all jumped on him at once and he floundered like a fish out of water. By the end we had him changing his tune from saying Santino sucks to saying Santino was funny and he can and should wrestle longer matches, which I'm not gonna lie, I would love to see more of too, but the time will come when Santino adorns the WHC, that time is not now though (maybe tomorrow, here's hoping). Special props are in order for MVP and Richard, two of our newer members who stepped up and strongly defended Santino's honor along side us regulars me, TM, 48.7, Brian and we got a very special appearance from PeteRosesHaircut on this thrashing. Congrats are in order all around.

Now on to business, me and Brian have been discussing about who will fill the vacant VP of MMA position and will be revealing our decision shortly. Till then, Praise Santino.
interesting ploy, a vote for Tim is a vote against 48.7. Tim's going to get all the 48.7 hater votes... that's like everyone. LOL. Just kidding man. But seriously, since I don't want to wait for Brian, here are the nominees...


PM your votes to Brian. Voting will end at the end of the week or sooner if everyone has voted already.
you were impressive this mourning, afternoon, evening, yesterday? whatever time it was when you defended Santino's honor, you deserve it.
I'm going to win. And it will be a landslide victory, too.

I vote for myself. Twice. And Tim votes for me. I win.

I got Tim's vote, look back and see

No. You're our new VP of Sandwhichs. That position has been held by legends such as Tim and Myself. You're on your way to stardom, laddie.

Me and Brian are the ones who make the final decisions, sry there General.

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