Santino Marella Fan-a-Club (SFAC)

Where will Santino / Santina land on Monday Night?

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his sucks though i think his best moment was trying to get into the main event scene and then getting Batista bombed by Batista the Animal. that was funny as all hell i wish i would have taped it. oh well maybe it will be on RAWS 20th Antiverserey DVD

and that is exactly what Santino does, he makes you laugh, if it taking a Batista Bomb, or direction Kane where to find CM Punk.

If Santino came out and started locking the arm bar on everyone, then he wouldn't draw laughter. If WWE wanted a legit heel from Santino, that is what they would do. It is WWE who moderates Wrestlers. WWE is a family entertainment company, which is what prevents wrestlers from breaking light bulbs over each other.

Santino does his job, he makes people laugh every week. He is excellent on the mic, I can't think of another funny wrestler in WWE that is as good as Santino is now. I can also not think of another wrestler not in the main event who is as good on the mic as Santino. That makes him truly great. Open your eyes, think outside the box and see the genius of Santino.
haha, yeah man, please clean up your posts a little, they are comical, when you are trying to get over, but cannot spell "again"
Wow, so we have us a sexist, and a Santino hater all in one. I ask you... what is talent? if you can describe that, I will debate with you over Santino's importance.

Also, [*youtube]LINK[*/youtube], take out the "*"s

Also, PE Time!

Also, If anything can unite us, it is these people.

actually its [youtube*] what evers after the = sign

so [youtube]U_OUtAb8xt8[/youtube]
who says i was done yet. now i say he only won the tittle because at the time there was no one else to put him against that was good because they were all in story lines already. tell me why also why Santino gets buried against the upper mid carders and mid carders if he is a two time Champion. lets hear it buddy pal. what cat got your tounge.
20 years old, has the grammatical skills of a toddler. I bet he's also one of those fans who thinks wrestlings real.

not suppose to be good he is coming out every week now with the same act. the crowd is getting bored of it. there not booing because he gets heat its because he is boring.

Yes, the crowd is getting board. hmmm, that must be why they make more noise when Santino is out than any of the women or the middle card wrestlers you claimed were better than him. Looking at all your arguments, you haven't given us any reason or proved to us in any way that Santino isn't one of the WWE top talents. All you've showed us is that you actually are a fan of Santino as you enjoyed seeing Batista powerbomb him. Hello wrestling 101. Guy wins all his matches with little to no offense, how do you think the crowd will respond. They'll want to see someone destroy him. and did the crowd respond, hell yes, and believe me it wouldn't have mattered who did it, Batista, Cena, Punk, Undertaker, HHH, Micheals, the crowd would've still responded the same. Santino can draw and get reactions, period. Wrestlers who have been here longer still can't get reactions.
i know thats why i came hear to be comical. you like how i dis your pal Santino its real funny i agree. i don't know why there are so many people in this idiotic club.
no they don't cheer because he gets destroyed they cheer because we don't have to listen to his boring voice talk. i would cheer too. to get him off the screen. now name your wrestlers who are upper talent might i add that have not gone over with the crowed as a face or heel.
who says i was done yet. now i say he only won the tittle because at the time there was no one else to put him against that was good because they were all in story lines already. tell me why also why Santino gets buried against the upper mid carders and mid carders if he is a two time Champion. lets hear it buddy pal. what cat got your tounge.

Lol you did not even give us time to reply and your already saying "cat got your tounge" Please learn to spell. For the last time it is not his character to go and decimate the upper mid cards/mid carders. He is a comedy character. He puts people over while giving a good laugh. The WWE doesn't tell him. "Hey santino go out there and play a technically gifted wrestler who can over come all'. No they tell him to go out there put the opponent over and cut a funny promo.

If the WWE wanted him to play a serious character they would make him play one. The youtube video 48.7 posted is proof that he can play a serious character if needed. But it is not needed and he is very over with his current gimmick. I am starting to wonder if you even know wrestling is scripted.
Santino was given the title because it fits his character. He squirms his way to victory. The title was a prized possession of his, he carried it everywhere whether it was backstage or to the ring. It was a way to get people to notice the title. The title was irrelevant before Santino came around. It was a prop for Jericho and Hardy, but it was a prized possession for Santino. So whether you like him or not his reign did something. It brought something back to the title albeit something small . But he still did his job.

They gave it to Regal in England, only for him to not care about it.
no they don't cheer because he gets destroyed they cheer because we don't have to listen to his boring voice talk. i would cheer too. to get him off the screen. now name your wrestlers who are upper talent might i add that have not gone over with the crowed as a face or heel.

Fuckin shit man. First of all i hear more laughs then Boos or cheers. But lets just say they don't want to hear his voice and are happy when a face crushes him. You know what that means? He is doing his fuckin job. He plays a comedy Heel. He wants you to cheer when he gets attacked or squashed.
first i know wrestling is fake.2 Santino is not a comedy he is full of shit. no not shit Bullshit. now if you will excuse me i am going to watch my TV shows. until next time find something better for this flop i just want to go into the screen and beat his ass so bad that he is out a year. REMEMBER I AM THE PRINCE OF ALL SAYIANS ONCE AGAIN.
first i know wrestling is fake.2 Santino is not a comedy he is full of shit. no not shit Bullshit. now if you will excuse me i am going to watch my TV shows. until next time find something better for this flop i just want to go into the screen and beat his ass so bad that he is out a year. REMEMBER I AM THE PRINCE OF ALL SAYIANS ONCE AGAIN.

Today i have come to a conclusion. Most if not all DBZ fans are border line ******ed.
no they don't cheer because he gets destroyed they cheer because we don't have to listen to his boring voice talk. i would cheer too. to get him off the screen. now name your wrestlers who are upper talent might i add that have not gone over with the crowed as a face or heel.

I really don't understand any of you arguments, maybe because there only opinion. I don't even know where to start with this laughable jumble of words and mistruths. We've all, me, brian, TM, MVP, Richard, 48.7, PRHC, have all given you valuable piece of reasons as to why Santino is over, why he gets TV time, why he's talented and countered your claims about him falling against upper cards. He is playing a character that is supposed to come off as funny, that the crowd is supposed to dislike, and that is supposed to make people look good in the ring. You don't think he's funny, that's fine, 1 out of every 100 people don't, there missing that special gene that makes them normal. You dislike Santino, well Santino must be doing a good job then cause that is what he's supposed to do. And Santino makes everybody look good in the ring. When he was in the ring with Mickie, you think Kofi would've made her look good, what about Henry or Swagger. Neither of them could've done it, but Santino did.
The only thing I get out of what he is saying is he hates people who lose matches. Did AMERICANFIRE!!!!!! change his name? Make this boy see red.
Who is this Americanfire character i have never heard of him before. 2nd why are all DBZ fans ******s. 3rd Jeff is not my favorite wrestler its. Undertaker, HBK, Edge and Randy Orton. i never said he was bad on the mic work. all i am saying is why don't they give him some credit and let his matches go longer. like Orton and Edge they get DQ and cheat but don't lose in 5 minutes either. next he is funny sometimes. i know its his character but how long can they go with this angle. i know its good but like they say nothing last forever. thats my last point when will he get more credit. if wwe was so high on him then why did he not finish out the honky meter storyline. give me reasons for that besides that they were in England because thats lame. other wrestlers lost in there home towns on paper-view and in bigger matches.
Who is this Americanfire character i have never heard of him before.[\quote]
Your long lost brother

2nd why are all DBZ fans ******s.
WTF is DBZ. Wait, I no longer want to know. Wait, is it Dragon Ball Z? I think I figured it out, and lost an IQ point.

3rd Jeff is not my favorite wrestler its. Undertaker, HBK, Edge and Randy Orton.

One of them...

i never said he was bad on the mic work.
You attacked his character. His Mic work is his character. Just like Mic Foley's character is hm getting smashed into pieces.

all i am saying is why don't they give him some credit and let his matches go longer.

Gives more time to the big matches. Not everyone can get 30 minutes.

like Orton and Edge they get DQ and cheat but don't lose in 5 minutes either.

They are in the main event. Not everyone can be in the main event either.

next he is funny sometimes.

When he is in the ring... or in the back... whenever there is a camera pointed at him.

i know its his character but how long can they go with this angle.

What angle? Angle does not equal character. His last angle of the honk-a-meter is over. Now he will go onto his next. I proposed the European title character.

i know its good but like they say nothing last forever.
If it is good, why did you attack it?

thats my last point when will he get more credit. if wwe was so high on him then why did he not finish out the honky meter storyline.
Most angles dont last 4 months, let alone over a year, its time for a change.

give me reasons for that besides that they were in England because thats lame. other wrestlers lost in there home towns on paper-view and in bigger matches.

The fact that it was his home Country would be a better reason. Have to get the international fans excited.

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