Who is this Americanfire character i have never heard of him before.[\quote]
Your long lost brother
2nd why are all DBZ fans ******s.
WTF is DBZ. Wait, I no longer want to know. Wait, is it Dragon Ball Z? I think I figured it out, and lost an IQ point.
3rd Jeff is not my favorite wrestler its. Undertaker, HBK, Edge and Randy Orton.
One of them...
i never said he was bad on the mic work.
You attacked his character. His Mic work is his character. Just like Mic Foley's character is hm getting smashed into pieces.
all i am saying is why don't they give him some credit and let his matches go longer.
Gives more time to the big matches. Not everyone can get 30 minutes.
like Orton and Edge they get DQ and cheat but don't lose in 5 minutes either.
They are in the main event. Not everyone can be in the main event either.
next he is funny sometimes.
When he is in the ring... or in the back... whenever there is a camera pointed at him.
i know its his character but how long can they go with this angle.
What angle? Angle does not equal character. His last angle of the honk-a-meter is over. Now he will go onto his next. I proposed the European title character.
i know its good but like they say nothing last forever.
If it is good, why did you attack it?
thats my last point when will he get more credit. if wwe was so high on him then why did he not finish out the honky meter storyline.
Most angles dont last 4 months, let alone over a year, its time for a change.
give me reasons for that besides that they were in England because thats lame. other wrestlers lost in there home towns on paper-view and in bigger matches.
The fact that it was his home Country would be a better reason. Have to get the international fans excited.