Santino Marella Fan-a-Club (SFAC)

Where will Santino / Santina land on Monday Night?

  • Staying on RAW

  • Drafted to SMACKDOWN

  • Going EXTREME

  • Freelance

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I don't know Showtime... I would never like to brag about my role in the Santino Fan-a-Club. But I just feel it is apart of me. I do feal that you are all part of it though. That is obvious. Brian is the brains of the Fan-A-Club, he makes all the decisions, He has the insight over all things. 48.7 remains te courage. He is our stiff upper lip. He is that little extra vim that will never stop the SFAC from dying. Tim is by far the legs of us. He keeps us running. MVP is the youth here. He is what reminds us that we are here for a purpose. We can never die with him here. M_F is the skeleton of us. He keeps us honest, he holds us up against the nay sayers. Everyone else in the Fan Club are our organs, they are our skin that hold us all together. I ask you all, what is TM in the SFAC? Before you answer that, I just want to say I love you all very much, and you make my life special. Not just my WrestleZone Life, my entire life is touched by all of you. You are all in my heart, am I in yours?
TM is the heart of the SFAC. That's what.

And yes you're in all our hearts. We're all like brothers in here. We might fight sometimes, however we still look out for each other. We always make sure eac other is k.
I don't know Showtime... I would never like to brag about my role in the Santino Fan-a-Club. But I just feel it is apart of me. I do feal that you are all part of it though. That is obvious. Brian is the brains of the Fan-A-Club, he makes all the decisions, He has the insight over all things. 48.7 remains te courage. He is our stiff upper lip. He is that little extra vim that will never stop the SFAC from dying. Tim is by far the legs of us. He keeps us running. MVP is the youth here. He is what reminds us that we are here for a purpose. We can never die with him here. M_F is the skeleton of us. He keeps us honest, he holds us up against the nay sayers. Everyone else in the Fan Club are our organs, they are our skin that hold us all together. I ask you all, what is TM in the SFAC? Before you answer that, I just want to say I love you all very much, and you make my life special. Not just my WrestleZone Life, my entire life is touched by all of you. You are all in my heart, am I in yours?

:( Sniff. TM actually brought a tear to the old eye, very well said.
TM is a very special part of this club and forever will be...

But it's going to be a shame when I beat you in the polls... lol, jk, man.
We don't need a vote for who the peoples champ around here is. It's each and everyone of us. This place functions so well because of each and everyone of us. You all make the SFAC strong and the SFAC helped bring us all together. That is why we post in here regularly and will continue to do so as friends, as brothers, as fans of the same wrestler, as one and the same.
I don't know Showtime... I would never like to brag about my role in the Santino Fan-a-Club. But I just feel it is apart of me. I do feal that you are all part of it though. That is obvious. Brian is the brains of the Fan-A-Club, he makes all the decisions, He has the insight over all things. 48.7 remains te courage. He is our stiff upper lip. He is that little extra vim that will never stop the SFAC from dying. Tim is by far the legs of us. He keeps us running. MVP is the youth here. He is what reminds us that we are here for a purpose. We can never die with him here. M_F is the skeleton of us. He keeps us honest, he holds us up against the nay sayers. Everyone else in the Fan Club are our organs, they are our skin that hold us all together. I ask you all, what is TM in the SFAC? Before you answer that, I just want to say I love you all very much, and you make my life special. Not just my WrestleZone Life, my entire life is touched by all of you. You are all in my heart, am I in yours?

Tm you made me cry. You even included me a nobody in the club. TM you are the heart and spirit of the SFAC. It is with your guidance we can keep on going each day.
remember you guys bickering over who was the people's champion... well that's what were voting on and I decided to include myself. So far, unofficially, I'm up 1 vote to none on both you guys.
:headscratch::lmao:Santino a masterpiece where did that picture come from. this guy makes women wrestlers look like god. i would put Melina or Mickie or even his own girlfriend Beth over him as far as talent goes.
:headscratch::lmao:Santino a masterpiece where did that picture come from. this guy makes women wrestlers look like god. i would put Melina or Mickie or even his own girlfriend Beth over him as far as talent goes.

Wow, so we have us a sexist, and a Santino hater all in one. I ask you... what is talent? if you can describe that, I will debate with you over Santino's importance.

Also, [*youtube]LINK[*/youtube], take out the "*"s

Also, PE Time!

Also, If anything can unite us, it is these people.
one i am far from a sexist. two this guy bores me. if he is so good why is the wwe holding his real "ring skills" back. there are better under carders then Santino. Jack Swagger, William Regal,Kingston,Punk,Rhodes,Ted,Manu, do i need to keep going. i accept your challenge over what talent is. to CM
The WWE are holding his ring skills back because he is NOT supposed to be a good wrestler. Not that hard to understand if you realised how he got to the WWE. He was a fan. Even though he could have good ring skills, he is a heel and the Santino type of heel doesnt bring out top rope frankensteiners, other flashy moves etc, they win by roll ups and DQs, sometimes getting a pinfall here and there.

If they had him doing crazy moves in the ring, more people would start to cheer, which is what they don't want.
0 charisma my ass. Melina is a pure true wrestler and can talk on the mic how do you think MNM ever made it as a tag team. Beth again can talk and wrestle to the top of ability where are these womens flaws i will hear to all.
not suppose to be good he is coming out every week now with the same act. the crowd is getting bored of it. there not booing because he gets heat its because he is boring.
one i am far from a sexist. two this guy bores me. if he is so good why is the wwe holding his real "ring skills" back. there are better under carders then Santino. Jack Swagger, William Regal,Kingston,Punk,Rhodes,Ted,Manu, do i need to keep going. i accept your challenge over what talent is. to CM

Holding his real skills back? He is on Tv every week cutting a promo. Anyone can learn to wrestle well. But few have enough charisma to actually play their role well. His character is not a technically gifted wrestler. He is a comedy character! Its not his job to fuckin go out there and wrestle like kurt angle.
0 charisma my ass. Melina is a pure true wrestler and can talk on the mic how do you think MNM ever made it as a tag team. Beth again can talk and wrestle to the top of ability where are these womens flaws i will hear to all.

A pure true wrestler would not botch so much. MNM got over cause of Nitro. Sure beth can wrestle. But she is very stale on the mic and has close to no charisma. She is supposed to be getting booed its her job. Doesn't do a very good job at it. Just now a personality is starting to appear for her. Why now though? O yea cause she is teamed up with santino.
Coming out every week with the same act is important to a wrestler so they can establish their character. If they do different stuff every week, they end up like Charlie Haas. Sure, it's funny, but where is Charlie Haas's character? It's not there anymore.

Wrestlers have to do the same act week in and week out.
his sucks though i think his best moment was trying to get into the main event scene and then getting Batista bombed by Batista the Animal. that was funny as all hell i wish i would have taped it. oh well maybe it will be on RAWS 20th Antiverserey DVD

Santino Marella Fan-A-Club
Member List
November 2008


THE Brian Becker - President

Showtime - Vice President

Santino 48/7 - General

Rusty - Secretary

PeteRose'sHaircut - Treasurer

??? (VP Of Membership and Marketing Activities)

IrishCanadian25 (VP of ADMIN relations)

Mysterio_Fan (VP of Santino Relations)

Y 2 Jake (VP Int'l Relations)

Jericolamania (VP Of Prisoner Relations)

Tim (VP Of Sandwiches)

Uncle Phatso (Designated Driver)

Santinoistight44 (Official SFAC Slave)

Forum Members
Freedom 35
Uncle Sam
Eternal Dragon
Mighty NorCal
The C.M.
Denny Crane
TM Canada Bowles
Papa Shango
Steamboat Ricky
Dead Kennedy
Shock Lesner
Italian MVP

Celebrity Members
Denzel Washington
Jenna Jameson
Debra Marshall
James Earl Jones
Sylvester Stallone

Papa John’s Pizza
Molio’s sandwiches
Vic's Pizzeria and Italian Restaurant
Italian American Club of Sebastian
Mike's Pastry

Public Enemies

New PE boys. You know what to do.

Now to end the argument. Santino is a two time IC champion in a year and a half. He is on RAW every week, whereas every wrestler you've mentioned, regal, kingston, punk, rhodes, dibiase, manu, have been absent on at least more than one occasion. If these people were truly better than Santino, then they would be the ones getting Santino's air time, but there not. And you want to know why...

Because Santino is an amazing talent. It takes more than just being a dominant wrestler or spewing out same old catch phrases to be a good wrestler. Santino is a god given talent because he can do what most wrestlers can't. Not only is he really an accomplished wrestler, he is also exceptional at putting over and making the opponent look good. Not everyone can play the dominant character. you need others who can make other people look good. Santino also has a fountain full of charisma as well as better mic skills than many of the wrestlers you mentioned, and just try to prove me wrong on that one. Santino is awesome, and until you realize that, ur just never going to make it here chump. Now bug off.

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