Santino Marella Fan-a-Club (SFAC)

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The latest from WZ Main Board SFAC member Eric Stein:

Eric Stein said:
As a former member of WWE creative, I can tell you there is only two ways that the Honk-A-Meter is going to end. Either A) a heavily pushed monster will burst onto the scene at some point to destroy Santino in less than 20 seconds (see Ultimate Warrior destroying Honkytonk Man) or B) 13 months from now we will be looking at the new longest running IC Champion of all-time. There's a good chance creative won't know which way the outcome will go until it happens too. With months of fluke victories, roll-up wins and countout/DQ losses upon us, it got me thinking - does a longevity equal quality when it comes to title runs? The research yielded mixed results.

Here are the 5 longest IC title runs of all-time:
Honkytonk Man - 14 Months
Randy Savage - 13 Months
Greg Valentine - 9.5 Months
Mr. Perfect - 9.25 Months
Shelton Benjamin - 8 Months

On first glance, this seems to support the thesis that longevity in an IC title reign does in fact equality excellence - after all, Savage, Perfect, and maybe even Valentine would probably all be considered in conversations regarding the top 5-10 IC champs of all-time. Of course, Shelton and Honkytonk...not so much. This does bring us to our first major point...long title runs are mostly a thing of the past...Benjamin is the only one of these in the past 18 years! With more shows to fill, more PPV's, and more demand for drama...title changes are simply far more frequent now than ever before.

Now let's look at all of the IC title reigns that lasted UNDER ONE MONTH. Initially, I found that some one the very worst IC champions of all-time made this I thought once again, it would support the claim that length of run does in fact correlate to quality of champion.

IC title runs falling into this category include...Test, Albert, Lance Storm, The Mountie, Marty Jannetty, Dean Douglas, Marc Mero, Road Dogg, D Lo, Rikishi, Golddust, Chyna, Billy Gunn, and Johnny Nitro. That is definitely a who's who of the least impressive IC champions ever to hold the gold. But here's where things get are the remaining wrestlers who held the IC title for under one month:

RVD (x3)
Jeff Jarrett
Jeff Hardy
Chris Benoit
Razor Ramon
Chris Jericho (x3)
Edge (x2)
Steve Austin
Triple H

And just like that the thesis is blown to smithereens. As it so turns out, several of the biggest superstars of in WWE history are also amongst those to possess the shortest IC title reigns in federation history. Expanding our search to other title belts only muddles the matter. Not factoring in belts that were dormant, defunct, or not defended, only three other belts in modern wrestling even possess long title runs in their history...

WWE Championship -
Hulk Hogan (4 years), Hulk Hogan (1 year), JBL (9 months)

Women's Championship -
Sherri Martel (15 months), Trish Stratus (15 months), Fabulous Moolah (1 year)

Tag Titles -
London & Kendrick (11 months)

This information supports that there is no conclusive correlation between length of title run and caliber of title holder. In looking at the all-time longest WWE title runs, sure there's Hogan...but one could argue that JBL was one of the weaker heavyweight champions ever. And London & Kendrick certainly were very low of the esteem totem pole - creative just didn't know what to do with them. Their title reign was one of convenience and booking complacency, whereas Hogan's was born out of demand and success.

After diving into this topic, its obvious you can be a top superstar with a short run or a not so star performer and still have a long run. Conclusion...Santino Marella is going to be the IC champion for the next 13 months. Hope you're entertained by this act, because it's not going anywhere, Actually, what would be funny is after all that if he gets within one week of breaking the record only to job big time and then have to pick up the pieces for the next 15 months. Either way, brace yourselves, because the HONK-A-METER is just beginning.
I say let wwefan49 back in. He's a good poster and besides, he called me a good friend. we need more members to be able to make a second SFAC team for derf tourny, he'll make a great addition to SFAC team 2
God that American Fire guy was an idiot . I have a question I was a member at one point. TM attacked the fact that I had an Orton avatar and called out my Santino fanhood...I dont know why he would just attack another fan-a-club member like that but he did. I'm not attacking TM I left on my own accord but I did so bc I felt I was being put in an unfair position by a fellow fan a club member. I'm good friends with david_showtime_cougar. Maybe you guys should let me back in the club. I have the 100 non spam posts and enjoy Santino alot. But I won't let someone else tell me I can't like another wrestler bc he dissed santino one time. If thats the case I dont eant in. What do u guys think? TM no hard feelings?
I say let him back in. Sounds like he did nothing wrong, TM was just in one of his Ïf he doesn't have something about Santino, he sucks," moods. :lmao:
I say let wwefan49 back in. He's a good poster and besides, he called me a good friend. we need more members to be able to make a second SFAC team for derf tourny, he'll make a great addition to SFAC team 2

yeah I'll be on the team...hey go look at what i posted in the greatest name ever thread...lmao
thnx tim i love how u go from simpsons to
as VP of Membership I'm gonna add your name back to the roster. It seems like you didn't do anything wrong and TM needs to chill just a tiny bit.

Santino Marella Fan-A-Club
Member List
September 2008

BrianBecker - President

PolleyWally - Vice President

TM Canada Bowles - Secretary

PeteRose'sHaircut - Treasurer

Juggalo4Life(VP Of Membership and Marketing Activities)

IrishCanadian25 (VP of ADMIN relations)

Sir Sparky(VP of Santino Relations)

Y2Jake (VP Int'l Relations)

Colamainia (VP Of Prisoner Relations)

Uncle Phatso (Designated Driver)

David_Showtime_Cougar(VP Of Sandwiches)

Santinois tight44 (Official SFAC Slave)

Forum Members
Freedom 35
Eternal Dragon
Mighty NorCal
Caias Ward
Steamboat Ricky
Tim Tam
Santino 48/7
Hardcore Kennedy

Celebrity Members
Denzel Washington
Jenna Jameson
Debra Marshall
James Earl Jones
Sylvester Stallone

Papa John’s Pizza
Molio’s sandwiches
Vic's Pizzaria and Italain Restaurant
Italian American Club of Sebastian
Mike's Pastry

Public Enemies 1-4
Undertaker's Urn-Controls the Undertaker whomever possesses it.

Michelle McCool- Undertaker's GF

Therefore: Michelle McCool's Vegina = Undertaker's Urn

I'll kick myself out I don't wanna hang out with a bunch of cult worshipping delusional Santino fans anyway...Are you even in this club Monkey???
You kicked yourself out of the fan club you do realize. You also said you didn't want to be in the SFAC

The new PWI 500 is out and Santino is ranked no.91

Do you know who no.1 is ...RANDY ORTON!!!!!!

Make fun of Santino?

Originally Posted by The_Shaman_Of_Monkey View Post
Santino for WHC.

Randy Orton should be World Heavyweight Champion soon enough...But Jericho is a good choice for champion...but Santino thats funny.

Santino is destined for the WHC

What does my avatar have to do with this anyway if you weren't so intimidated by me running against you you wouldn't be so concerned with silly things like my avatar. By the way

Randy Orton is the greatest Intercontinental Champion of all time...


Santino would beg to differ

he's just not as great as Orton in my book.

Yes he is.

I think this is up to Brian if he shall be let back in. Sure, I have seen some improvments out of him, but not much. He seems like hes on a hairtrigger to turn his back on the SFAC.
TM. Chill out. Take a chill pill.

WHy do people keep telling me to chill? I am pretty darn calm, drinking my orange crush, and warming up my toes. I just said Brian should be the one to judge.


But I wont.
You kicked yourself out of the fan club you do realize. You also said you didn't want to be in the SFAC

Make fun of Santino?

Santino is destined for the WHC

Santino would beg to differ

Yes he is.

I think this is up to Brian if he shall be let back in. Sure, I have seen some improvments out of him, but not much. He seems like hes on a hairtrigger to turn his back on the SFAC.

Dude I already said I left on my own accord and I explained why.Because you turned your back on a fellow member. My comments about Santino and the World title were valid because with his current character they would never put the top tier title on him. A midcard belt is one thing but not the heavyweight title. Maybe in a different gimmick but not this one.Orton may not be the greatest intercontinental champion ever. But I wouldn't say Santino is yet either. Although he has been a pretty good one. He entertains the crowd and thats all that matters at this point. But what accolades does a champion need to be the best ever? The fact that Orton is more diverse and gets proper heat and is over because of it proves hes better than Santino. Santino does his job which is look stupid and make people laugh and he does it to a tee. I like Santino I do. But you are borderline obsessed. Thats all fine and everything. I will state the truth regarding Santino. He is a comedy character he makes me laugh. I wanna be in the SFAC. Why would I turn my back? What would I obtain? Nothing a bunch of people would give me red rep bc I dissed Santino. Thats all that would happen. Its a forum nothing more. I agree becker should decide.

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