Santino Marella Fan-a-Club (SFAC)

Where will Santino / Santina land on Monday Night?

  • Staying on RAW

  • Drafted to SMACKDOWN

  • Going EXTREME

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As an officer, I offically nominate David Showtime Cougar for position of VP of Sandwiches. I ask now for a second from another officer.
Well I think we have enough people supporting David Showtime Cougar to be selected for VP of Sandwiches. Should we have a general election or an Officer pick, or a presidential pick on this issue?
As an officer, I offically nominate David Showtime Cougar for position of VP of Sandwiches. I ask now for a second from another officer.
I'll second it provided rusty gets promoted
I'll second it even if Rusty doesn't get promoted

Thank you all for your support. I will proudly accept the title of VP of Sandwiches if offically chosen, which seems likely at this point.
Juggalo, Mysterio_Fan has joined our SFAC Team for the upcoming Def tournament and would like to offically become a member. He has already surpassed the necessary qualifactions to join and eagerly awaits membership in the SFAC.
Santino Marella Fan-A-Club
Member List
September 2008

BrianBecker - President

PolleyWally - Vice President

TM Canada Bowles - Secretary

PeteRose'sHaircut - Treasurer

Juggalo4Life(VP Of Membership and Marketing Activities)

IrishCanadian25 (VP of ADMIN relations)

Sir Sparky(VP of Santino Relations)

Y2Jake (VP Int'l Relations)

Colamainia (VP Of Prisoner Relations)

Uncle Phatso (Designated Driver)

David_Showtime_Cougar(VP Of Sandwiches)

Santinois tight44 (Official SFAC Slave)

Forum Members
Freedom 35
Eternal Dragon
Mighty NorCal
Caias Ward
Steamboat Ricky
Tim Tam
Santino 48/7
Hardcore Kennedy

Celebrity Members
Denzel Washington
Jenna Jameson
Debra Marshall
James Earl Jones
Sylvester Stallone

Papa John’s Pizza
Molio’s sandwiches
Vic's Pizzaria and Italain Restaurant
Italian American Club of Sebastian
Mike's Pastry

Public Enemies 1-4

David is in. Fill this mans life with green.

Americanfire is the new PE.
Give him what he deserves.
pardon me? We fucking encouraged you to go get the nessesary post count, and would graciously let you into the club, before now.
your club was never a fair club so what are you saying. your other team members are jackasses and dont know squat about wrestling. othr then santino who only has good mic skills might i add. he is not improving in he ring at all. he has no decent feuds and has no crediable mid carders to feud with. your team members only make fun of the new guys. they dont know that we have watched wrestling longer then them or not. whatis this a teenagers jr high club
I don't make fun of newbs...:( I understand what your saying,, but just get 100 non spammy posts and they will probably let you in, and if not, it's not like it's the end of the world. You don't need this group to worship Santino!
your club was never a fair club so what are you saying.

We aren't fair? Get 100 posts, and have Santino in your heart and we let you in. Its that easy. How is that not fair?

your other team members are jackasses and dont know squat about wrestling.

Other team members? Do you mean the SFAC members? I think we know a fair bit about Wrestling, considering we have both Admins of the site as officers, as well as multiple Mods of this site in the Fan club. Our SFAC team is full of great posters, and I am very excited about mysterio_fan being in it, because he is a great knowledgeable fan. You on the other hand, have never moved any of our members, and have only 20 credible posts so far. Ir you had the required 100, or at least some rep points, you would probably be taken seriously.

othr then santino who only has good mic skills might i add. he is not improving in he ring at all. he has no decent feuds and has no crediable mid carders to feud with.

Then why did you want to join? Idiot

your team members only make fun of the new guys.

actually, if you had paid attention, the fan club is becoming incredibly young, with great new posters like David, 48/7, Tim, and mysterio_fan. All newer posters, all heavily liked here, all in the fan club. Notice the trend? Good new posters are in. You are...

they dont know that we have watched wrestling longer then them or not. whatis this a teenagers jr high club

who is we? My dad has been watching wrestling longer than I have, and I know a lot more than him. Tim is 14, and he probably knows a lot more than you. And yes, we are a Jr. High club. A Jr High club you wanted to join I guess.
I would like to congratulate David_Showtime_Cougar on his promotion. I know our members made the right choice and i know he will not let us down.
thats real mature. i highly dought you know more then i do ive watched wrestling since 1995. your club only seems to be the only one still here why is that. i dont know how you put the other clubs out. if you want give any wwe question my way i know alot of them. more then you clearly. and what are the two officers of this site that are in your forum because they are hopefully older then you are :worship:
Santino Marella Fan-A-Club
Member List
September 2008

BrianBecker - President

PolleyWally - Vice President

TM Canada Bowles - Secretary

PeteRose'sHaircut - Treasurer

Juggalo4Life(VP Of Membership and Marketing Activities)

IrishCanadian25 (VP of ADMIN relations)

Sir Sparky(VP of Santino Relations)

Y2Jake (VP Int'l Relations)

Colamainia (VP Of Prisoner Relations)

Uncle Phatso (Designated Driver)

David_Showtime_Cougar(VP Of Sandwiches)

Santinois tight44 (Official SFAC Slave)

Forum Members
Freedom 35
Eternal Dragon
Mighty NorCal
Caias Ward
Steamboat Ricky
Tim Tam
Santino 48/7
Hardcore Kennedy

Celebrity Members
Denzel Washington
Jenna Jameson
Debra Marshall
James Earl Jones
Sylvester Stallone

Papa John’s Pizza
Molio’s sandwiches
Vic's Pizzaria and Italain Restaurant
Italian American Club of Sebastian
Mike's Pastry

Public Enemies 1-4

David is in. Fill this mans life with green.

Americanfire is the new PE.
Give him what he deserves.
I would like to congratulate David_Showtime_Cougar on his promotion. I know our members made the right choice and i know he will not let us down.

Thanks King, and thank you SFAC members. I will uphold and honour my Sandwich duties. Now as my first suggestion as a VP, I would like to nominate Rusty as Sparky's replacement for VP of Santino Relations, at least his temporary replacement till Sparky comes back. Rusty is an outstanding poster and more deserving of a promotion than I myself.
hey pee brain your boring me with your words of so called wisdom. well to me you look like a 5 year old posting the same crap night in and out. why dont you stay here in thethe little boys club. im leaving but before i go i just have to words for you:suckit::devil: flame out!!!!

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