Santino Marella Fan-a-Club (SFAC)

Where will Santino / Santina land on Monday Night?

  • Staying on RAW

  • Drafted to SMACKDOWN

  • Going EXTREME

  • Freelance

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Get out. lol. jk bud, but seriously though

I'm gonna have to ask you to leave now, lol. That statement is just not possible.

well its ok bc becker kicked me out for starting a dibiase fan club which i think is unfair bc i thought we were allowed to be in 2 fan clubs but apparently not. TM must have used his triple h level politics to keep me out...oh well ur still my homeboy david

of course we are man, hey, I'll still see you outside the club, till then thou, we at war! Throws a molotov cocktail at wwefan49's direction, lol, die mother fucker, lol.
I'm thinking of changing my name to just an acronym, d_S_c, and then just try coming up with clever things that fit the acronym to put under it, got any funny acronym's for d_S_c? I got 'drunken scout chief' and 'dats so cool', I wanna like come up with a new one every week, like Haas, lol.
I'm thinking of changing my name to just an acronym, d_S_c, and then just try coming up with clever things that fit the acronym to put under it, got any funny acronym's for d_S_c? I got 'drunken scout chief' and 'dats so cool', I wanna like come up with a new one every week, like Haas, lol.
well its ok bc becker kicked me out for starting a dibiase fan club which i think is unfair bc i thought we were allowed to be in 2 fan clubs but apparently not. TM must have used his triple h level politics to keep me out...oh well ur still my homeboy david


I was able to use my political power while driving all day and helping my mother in law with handiwork? I am that good. GTFO
I was able to use my political power while driving all day and helping my mother in law with handiwork? I am that good. GTFO

Oh well I'm glad Mommy dearest appreciates your help...good for you TM. Again its a freakin forum fan club Get the fuck over it. It isn't a big deal dude. You want a fan club war fine at least those can be mildly entertaining as evidenced by the war between the SFAC and Morrison club. but if you wanna bitch at me for something I posted hours ago as a joke (and mainly more of a knock on Triple H than you) than you need a life dude.
What the hell are you getting at? Where are you getting you ideas? War with the Morrison fan club? What are you talking about? Getting a life? You seem to be the one who kept coming on here looking to start something because you are not in the fan club. I came on here once last night, wrote one thing while I was out living a life. Do you think I don't know its not a forum fan club? Of course I know this. Get over yourself.
I dunno, Wrestlezone is like going through a hurricane right now, nothin's working and I'm scared and huddled over in the corner of the SFAC. Guys, what happens if WZ doesn't get better, what will we do with the club?
What the hell are you getting at? Where are you getting you ideas? War with the Morrison fan club? What are you talking about? Getting a life? You seem to be the one who kept coming on here looking to start something because you are not in the fan club. I came on here once last night, wrote one thing while I was out living a life. Do you think I don't know its not a forum fan club? Of course I know this. Get over yourself.

Look im done drop it IDC its over and done with leave me alone and drop it because you keeep dragging it on. So here is me dropping it.
Look im done drop it IDC its over and done with leave me alone and drop it because you keeep dragging it on. So here is me dropping it.

Dropped* Uh, wwefan49, your gonna have to pick that up. We don't allow litering here at the SFAC. lol. Pick up the trash.
If you wer edone with it, you would have stopped posting in here by now. All I said two days ago was let Brian decide. You were the one that brought it up once again. Stay out before you are PEed.


Santino moved again on the Power 25 this week. He hit the covented spot number 14 up from #15.


The Intercontinental Champion came one step closer to the Honky Tonk Man's record this week, and also picked up a win over Deuce while he was at it. Too bad Batista had to put a damper on his evening.
Santino has been in my sig for quite a while now. Since I post everywhere, I am constantly advertising our fan club all over the forum.

Yet I am not allowed to get a promotion because the president says I have to like Big Wes.

Rusty feels sad and rejected. At least TM loves me.
apparently WrestleZone should be back up tomorrow to full strength! SFAC Will rule the world starting tomorrow... again

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