samoa vs umaga

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This is not even worth arguing. Samoa Joe is one of, if not the best wrestler in the ring today, while Umaga is just some lame failing attempt by Vince McMahon to copy Joe.
ek2222 said:
wait samoa joe is undefeated, didnt he become tna x champ then lose it to that weird guy senshi

Lost the title twice in three way dances but never was pinned.

Joe's opponents don't carry his matches. Scott Steiner carried Samoa Joe? Seriously?

Umaga is a decent big guy. I think in a match Joe wins.

Most over rated...Umaga. Its just Jamal from Three Minute Warning...I'm suposed to buy he is an unstopable beast?
This has to be one of the more funnier threads I've seen in awhile, but in all honesty Samoa Joe is a better wrestler than most of you think. He's done alot of things that no wrestlers today have done. Let's see hes the first person to receive a 5 star match from Dave Meltzer in the United States since 1997. He's received three 5 star matches in one years time. These three 5 star matches are 10/16/04 Ring Of Honor - Samoa Joe vs. CM Punk (ROH Joe vs Punk 2) which went for 60 minutes. 9/11/05 TNA - AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe vs. Christopher Daniels (Triple Threat match, TNA Unbreakable 2005; TNA X Division Championship), and 10/1/05 Ring Of Honor - Samoa Joe vs. Kenta Kobashi (ROH Joe vs Kobashi). He's been in numberous matches that lasted over 60 minutes. He holds the record for longest reigning ROH World Heavyweight Champion, holding the belt for 21 months. Although in TNA he has lost two triple threat matches, a four-way match, a battle royal and an Ultimate X match, none of these have ever been won by pinning Joe or by making Joe submit and thus Joe is still referred to as being undefeated in his TNA career. Joe made the ROH Championship a world title by defending it outside of the United States against The Zebra Kid at the ROH and FWA show "Frontiers of Honour", and established the ROH World Championship as one of the most prestigious titles in North America. Joe finally matched up with current Ring of Honor Champion, Bryan Danielson on August 5th in New Jersey for a shot at his title. The match ended in a 60 minute time limit draw. Joe had Danielson choked out in a choke hold but the time limit expired before Danielson's hand could drop three times. He's also held numerous titles in other promtions.

So to all who said Samoa Joe is overrated how is he overrated?
Joe is definetly the better performer. If you see some of his matches where he pulls sucide dives and corkscrews off the ropes its amazing for some his size. I'd like to see Umaga do something like that.
Well This is a hard one. I think Umaga is, He is fat ugly and stupid. So its Umaga.

Kapp nicely put arguement for why Joe is better i mean i would love to help you out but you said it all already and i couldnt have been bothered typing all that out so im glad u did. Umage is a piece a shit who screams and that is it lol wow He does a Headbut and the samoan Spike and thats it WOpdeedoo
joe is 10x better than umaga, everyone that says joe sucks have you even seen some of his better matches, or have u just seen him, and said oh he's fat he must suck.
ok when joe comes out there he has these look on his face as if he is going to eat someone oh and by the way to the guy who type a story this is fake so they cane give him any thing they want shoot they could even give him 10stars if they wanted but he would probly eat them to
ThE cErEbRaL aSsAsIn said:
ok when joe comes out there he has these look on his face as if he is going to eat someone oh and by the way to the guy who type a story this is fake so they cane give him any thing they want shoot they could even give him 10stars if they wanted but he would probly eat them to

LOL. Nicely said.
In a match Samoa Joe would kick Umaga's ass and Samoa Joe is a way better wrestler then Umaga. Lets look at their stats shall we. First Umaga the WWE marks savior, the guy that copys of Samoa Joe, the guy that is similar to Samoa Joe but when asked by a WWE mark which is better they say Umaga by alot. These are Umaga's moves:

-Samoan Spike (Thumb thrust into opponent's neck; occasionally preceded by a lifting single arm choke, or a feint short-arm lariat)
-Flying Sausage (Top rope splash)
-Wild Samoan Drop (Body press to a Samoan drop)
-Running hip attack to the head of a seated opponent leaning against the bottom turnbuckle
-Running headbutt drop to the head of an opponent held in the tree-of-woe position
-Second-rope diving headbutt
-Turnbuckle powerbomb, usually preceded by an elevated three-quarter double-arm choke
-Giant swing, occasionally into an object such as ring steps or a barricade
-Axe handle smash

For those of you counting at home that's 9 moves, something that my little brother can do. Now let's look at the greatest wrestler to hail from Samoa, Samoa Joe:

-The Choke (ROH) / Coquina Clutch (TNA) (Rear naked choke)
-Muscle Buster
-Avalanche (second rope) Muscle Buster
-Island Driver (Sitout side powerslam or side reverse piledriver)
-Avalanche Island Driver (Second rope sitout side powerslam)
-Chimeraplex (Combination German suplex, dragon suplex, and cross-arm -German suplex)
-Samoan Elbow (Feint leg drop to elbow drop)
-C.C.S. Enzuigiri (Enzuigiri)
-Olé Kick (Running yakuza kick to the face of an opponent seated on a chair next to a guardrail, while fans chant "Olé, Olé Olé, Olé, Olé, Olé")
-S.T.Joe (Standing one arm side slam, a counter to a running attack)
-Backhand chop to the back of a sitting opponent / Inverted atomic drop, followed by a football kick to the chest knocking the opponent down, then bouncing off the ropes and landing on the opponent with a running knee drop
-Powerbomb with prawn hold pin, using the opponent's kickout to turn the over in to an STF, from here Joe often converts it to a crossface hold
-Repeated open hand slaps and palm strikes to the face of an opponent followed by continuous knee lifts
-Single leg running front dropkick followed by bouncing off the ropes to perform a running senton on the downed opponent
-Scoop powerslam
-Thigh hold Boston crab
-Tope suicida forearm smash

For those of you counting at home I believe that is 18 moves half of more then what Umaga has. And if those stats don't show that Samoa Joe is a better wrestler I don't know how to convince you WWE marks
gamehead said:
In a match Samoa Joe would kick Umaga's ass and Samoa Joe is a way better wrestler then Umaga. Lets look at their stats shall we. First Umaga the WWE marks savior, the guy that copys of Samoa Joe, the guy that is similar to Samoa Joe but when asked by a WWE mark which is better they say Umaga by alot. These are Umaga's moves:

-Samoan Spike (Thumb thrust into opponent's neck; occasionally preceded by a lifting single arm choke, or a feint short-arm lariat)
-Flying Sausage (Top rope splash)
-Wild Samoan Drop (Body press to a Samoan drop)
-Running hip attack to the head of a seated opponent leaning against the bottom turnbuckle
-Running headbutt drop to the head of an opponent held in the tree-of-woe position
-Second-rope diving headbutt
-Turnbuckle powerbomb, usually preceded by an elevated three-quarter double-arm choke
-Giant swing, occasionally into an object such as ring steps or a barricade
-Axe handle smash

For those of you counting at home that's 9 moves, something that my little brother can do. Now let's look at the greatest wrestler to hail from Samoa, Samoa Joe:

-The Choke (ROH) / Coquina Clutch (TNA) (Rear naked choke)
-Muscle Buster
-Avalanche (second rope) Muscle Buster
-Island Driver (Sitout side powerslam or side reverse piledriver)
-Avalanche Island Driver (Second rope sitout side powerslam)
-Chimeraplex (Combination German suplex, dragon suplex, and cross-arm -German suplex)
-Samoan Elbow (Feint leg drop to elbow drop)
-C.C.S. Enzuigiri (Enzuigiri)
-Olé Kick (Running yakuza kick to the face of an opponent seated on a chair next to a guardrail, while fans chant "Olé, Olé Olé, Olé, Olé, Olé")
-S.T.Joe (Standing one arm side slam, a counter to a running attack)
-Backhand chop to the back of a sitting opponent / Inverted atomic drop, followed by a football kick to the chest knocking the opponent down, then bouncing off the ropes and landing on the opponent with a running knee drop
-Powerbomb with prawn hold pin, using the opponent's kickout to turn the over in to an STF, from here Joe often converts it to a crossface hold
-Repeated open hand slaps and palm strikes to the face of an opponent followed by continuous knee lifts
-Single leg running front dropkick followed by bouncing off the ropes to perform a running senton on the downed opponent
-Scoop powerslam
-Thigh hold Boston crab
-Tope suicida forearm smash

For those of you counting at home I believe that is 18 moves half of more then what Umaga has. And if those stats don't show that Samoa Joe is a better wrestler I don't know how to convince you WWE marks

I don't see any of you WWE marks countering this argument?
Jaycobo said:
yeah, except umaga has armando alejandro estrada, so thats enough for me to like umaga

WOW!!! You like a guy cause he has a manger! Does the maneger wrestle the matches NO!!! These WWE marks will find anything to like a guy just cause Vince likes them.
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