MvP= smackdown


Pre-Show Stalwart
The main reason i watch smackdown. Really good on teh mic, love his music n his pyro, freaking hilaroious guy. everytime he walks out i can't stop laughing. Hasn't showed to much of his skill yet, but so far wwe is making him underfeated, like never being pinned. so i think this guy is gonna be hugh. -prediction Cena(heel) vs MVP at wrestlmania 24
MVP is currently one of my favourites too. I can't wait for them to allow him to show off some of his skills. I think he is one of their best new talents.
I dont mind him, I dont think he's shown what he can do yet. He's defonatley got the charisma to get over. I'm not sure what he's like in the ring because most of his matches so far have been gimmick matches. The first thing they need to do if they want to make him a big star is at least change his ring attire, it's awful.
You cannot be serious. First he looks terrible, sounds terrible and is terrible. I cannot understand how they can possibly let Kane, the MONSTER Kane, who has feuded with the big ones, lose to MV f-ing P, someone who they've just thrown in to make the numbers. How long has the guy been wrestling for? A month! That is far too early to garner a Wrestlemania feud with the most popular wrestler today. His gimmick is just making people realise it's fake. They say he is paid more than Cena, Undertaker, Triple H and Shawn Michaels, and is the highest paid wrestler in history or whatever. That is despite the fact he barely gets a reaction and wrestles low-mid card. Sure, we haven't seen much yet to get an opinion on his wrestling but to say that he is the next big thing is very short-sighted. And how could Cena be heel and the cocky ******** MVP ever be face. Just because he looks funny shouldn't make him a major wrestler. BTW, he has been beaten (tag match - BOD reunion.) The fact you started a thread about this guy is laughable. Wait half a year.
i havent seen much of this guy, because i really dont see Smackdown that much...but when i think of his gimmick, i think it shouldve gone to Shelton Benjamin...i would buy into the "MVP" gimmick so much if it was Shelton using it...he has established himself in WWE for a few years now, and most definately has the skills to warrant a so-called "bidding war" over his services, seeing that he is promoted as one of the best pure athletes in WWE...he could wear all the fancy clothes, diamonds, have an agent, act like a total cock because of his skills, man, that would be perfect for him and in my opinion, catapult him into the main event permanently...

but this guy with the quasi-Flash Funk unitard, that nobody has ever heard of or seen in the ring prior to his arrival going on and on about big money blah blah blah just wreaks of a lame gimmick
He's just a disapointment. He's wearing the fancy suits sitting with the girls and he has the whole "press confrence", but when we see him, he's wearing a stupid looking power ranger outfit.
The guy sucks..why do you "the poster" think hes great...After watching his two matches..MVP doesnt show any talents nor hardly wrestle. All he do is cheap gimick moves..Just to let you know..i went and took a look at the dude profiles at wwe..and notice that the guy has zero moves. Doesnt even have a finishing move.
It's pretty hard to rate him wrestling wise, when his only matches are a squash at the PPV in his debut match, a brawl with Kane the day after, Squashed by Taker/Kane his next match, then a Street fight and Cage match against Kane. You can't rate him off any of those. I need to see him in an actual back and forth match. Until then, I can't say anyting either way. I did however, enjoy his Street Fight and Cage Match. And his antics with Kennedy are very entertaining. All in all, I'm satisfied with him.
He's alrightish, I don't mind him now that he's this perposly over-hyped dueshbag, but personally I think Jimmy Wang Yang is much funnier, and better to watch inside the ring.
MVP so reminds me of when Rocky debuted. I get this feeling/itch that hes gonna be a big player in 07.
I haven't seen MVP on Smackdown, but it sounds like he is playing the same character he did in Deep South Wrestling. I watched him quite a bit on there, and he was definitely a stand-out. I'll have to check him out on Smackdown. He's pretty damn entertaining. But what's up with his outfit? He didn't wear that on DS.
MVP is going to be big with the loss of Hardy, Lashley. Besides Kennedy, Kane, Taker, Booker, and Batista, SD! lacks stars. I see MVP feuding with Kennedy after this Kane/Taker thing then feuding with Benoit for the US belt. Or they could team him with Kennedy and give the tag belts. BOD v Kennedy/MVP Tag Belts...that could be cool.
MVp will be big as i said before. Wwe is doing so much for him right nnow, that it makes sense for him to become 1 of the beggest names in the business. I mean the same thing was for master, how he came out n made his first appearance meeting flair. But he messed up because of his steroid uses. If mvp can stay clean, n do wtv wwe tells him to do, i see this guy becoming the next rocky. n he's got great mic skills
I knew MVP would be great the day when Vito called him into the ring for a fight and he took off his jacket and prepared to get in the ring but got on the mic and cut a great promo that ended with "No contract, no contact". Anyway everyone keeps downing the guy because we have yet to see what he can do in the ring but be for real. He's feuding with Kane. What is MVP suppose to do? "Powerbomb" Kane? "Suplex" Kane? "Toss" Kane around? We all have to remember MVP is a heel and if he does so much, that can make Kane look weak and soft, which is why Kane always come out looking dominant. Also I'm tired of people complaining about MVP's ring attire. Yes it's something different but get over it. Quit calling him a Power Ranger because I believe MVP has worked very far to get where he is at now and people still make fun of him. There has been more wrestlers with ridiculous ring attires. Anyone remember Giant Gonzalez? If not, watch Wrestlemania 9. Does anyone remember The Artist Formerly Known As Goldust? I could go on and on but you get the point. But I do see MVP main eventing sooner rather than later. He has what it takes but now he just needs the experience.
Thought some of you might be interested in knowing that MVP served 9 and a half years in a florida prison for bank robbery. Hmmmm. Heres a link to where i found that informatiion.-
Thought some of you might be interested in knowing that MVP served 9 and a half years in a florida prison for bank robbery. Hmmmm. Heres a link to where i found that informatiion.-

I checked that page out. Quite interesting. I think MVP could hit the big time very soon. He's already in some main events and he's competed in some gimmick matches. I just wonder who's next for MVP after Kane?
After last night promo, i think that mvp got a good chance to become the #1 contender for the world champion at the royal rumble. He probably wont win but i hink they will hype him up by doing so.
i like the way his gimmick is getting so much money, yet he debuted in 2003 after serving 9½ years in prison for robbery.

ironic, no?
I think MVP has a bright future. If he gets in better shape so he can lose that shitty ring attire, drops the burn gimmick, and gets put into a feud with Batista, I could see him going all the way.
He does have a bright future but he shouldn't be champ just yet. He's not that over yet. He needs to tone his skills more and build up his character more. He is certainly a future top heel of SD! He has talent. I like the way there buildng him up as well. Have him feud with guys like Benoit and etc. Give him the US title in the endng of the year. Then build him up as a good heel Champ. Then in 3 years or so from now he will be main eventing and etc. Just dont rush him as WHC material. Thats what they did with Cena and look at him now. There also doing it with Mr. Kennedy but Kennedy gets way over as a heelish character.

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