The MVP Losing Streak

This isn't good for MVP at all. Sure, they're allegedly building him up to turn face upon his first win, but it would have to be against someone on the level of Kung Fu Naki. It needs to be against someone whose loss won't affect them. Otherwise, how serious can anyone take the so-called high profile superstar that jobs to MVP's unbelievable upset? Now, I'm not discrediting MVP at all. I think the guy is a legit contender and he should be at the top of the company. But, since his losing streak is hurting him, it's apparent that it will only hurt his high caliber opponent much more. So, unless there's interference of some kind or the guy he beats is a local, MVP's revival state is hard to register at this point. If the WWE thinks this is working, then I don't know what to say. It's just pointless.
This isn't good for MVP at all. Sure, they're allegedly building him up to turn face upon his first win, but it would have to be against someone on the level of Kung Fu Naki. It needs to be against someone whose loss won't affect them. Otherwise, how serious can anyone take the so-called high profile superstar that jobs to MVP's unbelievable upset? Now, I'm not discrediting MVP at all. I think the guy is a legit contender and he should be at the top of the company. But, since his losing streak is hurting him, it's apparent that it will only hurt his high caliber opponent much more. So, unless there's interference of some kind or the guy he beats is a local, MVP's revival state is hard to register at this point. If the WWE thinks this is working, then I don't know what to say. It's just pointless.

You can't just have MVP come out and then get a win. We are getting ready for WM in a few months so there can be a story line behind it. I don't know, but it sounds like Vickie may have to be involved so that it can aide in his face turn. Vickie can turn anyone face right now. She may say something like, "If you don't win this match you're fired"....MVP says, "Who do I have to fight?", and she says in Vickie fashion "Vladimir Kozlov". Kozlov can abuse MVP leading up to the match and play mind games, to help develop his character and promo skills. The match can make Kozlov look unstoppable for some segments but the crowd will REALLY be behind MVP. The fans are just waiting for a REAL reason to hate Kozlov. If Kozlov is working with Vickie he will get super heat, and MVP will go right into legit babyface mode. Let's throw Vickie at ringside rooting AGAINST him for bigger measure. Against all odds with an MVP win will not make Kozlov look bad. It will put both of them over....WAY over. I don't know if these two could put on this kind of a match, but maybe to gimmick the match out with MVP's contract in a ladder match would be nice. But a regular match would do.

On a side note, no one truly gives a damn about Vladimir Kozlov, but he is here so we will work with him. He is not "great" in the ring, he can barely speak English, he is not in the best of shape, and he is 37 years old. There is nothing that I see in Kozlov that I haven't seen in many other wrestlers. Who gives a damn if Kozlov looks week? If he was released tomorrow, the WWE would recover in 1 week. He sells no merchandise, holds no title, is in no real feud, and doesn't even have a name for his finisher...who really gives two fucks about him? not me.
I have been waiting for a major title reign with MVP and i can see one coming very soon. But, this losing streak of MVP is just ridiculous. He's lost against Jeff and Kung Fu Naki and even MV"C" and it gets more worse every day. Hopefully this losing streak ends soon but unexpectedly with a title reign right above his head.

2009: MVP- WWE Champion. :thumbsup:
I Have Read That His Lossing Streak Is Due To The Fact That Wwe Wants Him To Be More Like Shelton Benjamin..... And I Can't Believe It When I Read It Because Mvp Is As Good As Shelton Or Better, So The Longest Reigning Us Champ Of All Time (in Wwe) Should Return To Winning Status But Please Let Him Wrestle In His Style He's Very Good!!! And Has The Talent Enough To Be A Main Eventer In The Coming Years!!!!!
This is a really dumb gimmick, How can someone hold the US title for months and then start to lose to jobbers? MVP needs to turn Face. Bad. And then feud with 'Taker. And then be the tag team of the decade with shelton.
You can't just have MVP come out and then get a win. We are getting ready for WM in a few months so there can be a story line behind it. I don't know, but it sounds like Vickie may have to be involved so that it can aide in his face turn. Vickie can turn anyone face right now. She may say something like, "If you don't win this match you're fired"....MVP says, "Who do I have to fight?", and she says in Vickie fashion "Vladimir Kozlov". Kozlov can abuse MVP leading up to the match and play mind games, to help develop his character and promo skills. The match can make Kozlov look unstoppable for some segments but the crowd will REALLY be behind MVP. The fans are just waiting for a REAL reason to hate Kozlov. If Kozlov is working with Vickie he will get super heat, and MVP will go right into legit babyface mode. Let's throw Vickie at ringside rooting AGAINST him for bigger measure. Against all odds with an MVP win will not make Kozlov look bad. It will put both of them over....WAY over. I don't know if these two could put on this kind of a match, but maybe to gimmick the match out with MVP's contract in a ladder match would be nice. But a regular match would do.

On a side note, no one truly gives a damn about Vladimir Kozlov, but he is here so we will work with him. He is not "great" in the ring, he can barely speak English, he is not in the best of shape, and he is 37 years old. There is nothing that I see in Kozlov that I haven't seen in many other wrestlers. Who gives a damn if Kozlov looks week? If he was released tomorrow, the WWE would recover in 1 week. He sells no merchandise, holds no title, is in no real feud, and doesn't even have a name for his finisher...who really gives two fucks about him? not me.

The WWE gives a damn about Kozlov, really. How many monsters in the past have fallen prey to the "beaten once and never able to revive" disease? Umaga, Great Khali, Gene Snitsky, Kane. They've all become joke artists. I can't take any of them seriously anymore, except Gene who is gone. So, to have Vladimir Kozlov lose to current jobber MVP would hurt him greatly. It would take away all of the legitimate threat that he had been posing. It would also be vastly unbelievable. We just saw MVP get beat by the lamest move ever in Kizarny. How do you rebound from that? The more matches MVP loses to the likes of these low caliber opponents, the more it's hard to take him seriously enough to get over a monster like Kozlov (unless there was some kind of interference?). Everyone knows that the people are slowly getting behind MVP. Hell, we can hear people chanting his name now. But, if Vickie Guerrero were to pull off the whole "one more loss and you're fired" threat, then MVP should beat someone of Kung Fu Naki's stature (or a mid-carder of no real significance), thus reviving his thirst for competition. Then, from there on he can continue defeating other low mid-carders so that he can build himself up again. If the bonus happened to be an entry into the Royal Rumble, more power to MVP who can finally have a chance at showing his worth. Although, that's only wishful thinking on my part.
The WWE gives a damn about Kozlov, really. How many monsters in the past have fallen prey to the "beaten once and never able to revive" disease? Umaga, Great Khali, Gene Snitsky, Kane. They've all become joke artists. I can't take any of them seriously anymore, except Gene who is gone. So, to have Vladimir Kozlov lose to current jobber MVP would hurt him greatly. It would take away all of the legitimate threat that he had been posing. It would also be vastly unbelievable. We just saw MVP get beat by the lamest move ever in Kizarny. How do you rebound from that? The more matches MVP loses to the likes of these low caliber opponents, the more it's hard to take him seriously enough to get over a monster like Kozlov (unless there was some kind of interference?). Everyone knows that the people are slowly getting behind MVP. Hell, we can hear people chanting his name now. But, if Vickie Guerrero were to pull off the whole "one more loss and you're fired" threat, then MVP should beat someone of Kung Fu Naki's stature (or a mid-carder of no real significance), thus reviving his thirst for competition. Then, from there on he can continue defeating other low mid-carders so that he can build himself up again. If the bonus happened to be an entry into the Royal Rumble, more power to MVP who can finally have a chance at showing his worth. Although, that's only wishful thinking on my part.
So is it Umaga, Kane, Khali, Snitsky, etc. fault that they lost one match and then didn't dominate, or is it creative's fault? If creative books them to not be as dominant anymore that's no ones fault but creative. HHH tapped out to Cena but he is as dominant as ever. Edge put CM Punk over, jobbed to HHH, and then got sent to hell by the UT...he is still as strong as he ever was. Losing doesn't hurt the star, it just depends on how they are booked.

Are you saying they should end a month long storyline by having him beat Funaki? How anti-climatic is that? It won't make MVP look like he's back to his winning ways, because Funaki is not a credible win. Plus, it has been hinted that MVP will turn face after this. How is he going to turn face against Funaki? He is obviously going to turn face against a heel (unless there is a double turn with Kennedy but that isn't likely), so Funaki or a jobber in general is an awful option. MVP has to end his losing streak at a PPV and only at a PPV for the storyline to have the desired ending, which is turning MVP face and having him over with the crowd. It has to be against someone who no one thinks he can beat. Kozlov is going to have to lose eventually, and MVP is the perfect candidate. Because if its not MVP it will be HHH or Hardy. They already pushed Kozlov too fast, so a feud with a desperate MVP will put them BOTH over with the crowd. Kozlov will get enourmous heat for wanted to end MVP's career and it will make for great TV. Monster heels are a dime a dozen. After Kozlov we have Ezekiel, a returning Umaga, and who knows who else the WWE will put out there. A Kozlov loss won't hurt him, it all depends on how creative books him AFTER his loss. Remember, MVP is on a losing streak and the story line is that he's down on his luck. We have to remember that he was US Champion and is a very good wrestler...his character just doesn't have confidence and expects to lose. When his back is to the wall we can assume that he can go at it with the best of them. MVP is apart of the future of the WWE, and even if its not Kozlov his first win will not come against a jobber. It will be a credible win on a PPV.
So is it Umaga, Kane, Khali, Snitsky, etc. fault that they lost one match and then didn't dominate, or is it creative's fault? If creative books them to not be as dominant anymore that's no ones fault but creative. HHH tapped out to Cena but he is as dominant as ever. Edge put CM Punk over, jobbed to HHH, and then got sent to hell by the UT...he is still as strong as he ever was. Losing doesn't hurt the star, it just depends on how they are booked.

Are you saying they should end a month long storyline by having him beat Funaki? How anti-climatic is that? It won't make MVP look like he's back to his winning ways, because Funaki is not a credible win. Plus, it has been hinted that MVP will turn face after this. How is he going to turn face against Funaki? He is obviously going to turn face against a heel (unless there is a double turn with Kennedy but that isn't likely), so Funaki or a jobber in general is an awful option. MVP has to end his losing streak at a PPV and only at a PPV for the storyline to have the desired ending, which is turning MVP face and having him over with the crowd. It has to be against someone who no one thinks he can beat. Kozlov is going to have to lose eventually, and MVP is the perfect candidate. Because if its not MVP it will be HHH or Hardy. They already pushed Kozlov too fast, so a feud with a desperate MVP will put them BOTH over with the crowd. Kozlov will get enourmous heat for wanted to end MVP's career and it will make for great TV. Monster heels are a dime a dozen. After Kozlov we have Ezekiel, a returning Umaga, and who knows who else the WWE will put out there. A Kozlov loss won't hurt him, it all depends on how creative books him AFTER his loss. Remember, MVP is on a losing streak and the story line is that he's down on his luck. We have to remember that he was US Champion and is a very good wrestler...his character just doesn't have confidence and expects to lose. When his back is to the wall we can assume that he can go at it with the best of them. MVP is apart of the future of the WWE, and even if its not Kozlov his first win will not come against a jobber. It will be a credible win on a PPV.

Of course it's creative's fault. But, that still doesn't change the fact that the pattern has left all of those "monster heels" a lot less intimidating and a lot more vulnerable. The reason why John Cena, Triple H and Edge still seem credible after losing matches is due to their own vast accomplishments, household names and star powers. Vladimir Kozlov is still new and the only thing he has going for him right now is his undefeated streak. For him, losing to someone like Triple H wouldn't hurt as much as losing to someone like MVP, a current jobber. That would be like Umaga losing to someone like Barry Horowitz before being able to earn any kind of accolade in the WWE. The only way Vladimir would suffer from a loss to Triple H is if he continued to lose to Triple H and then other stars while barely winning any match.

I don't see why a jobber winning over another jobber is such an awful option (it worked fine for Stevie Richards for a short while when he defeated Kevin Thorn). I didn't say MVP had to defeat Funaki. Rather, someone of Funaki's level. Seeing how Chavo Guerrero isn't exactly doing all that well himself, maybe he could lose to MVP if it's about MVP undergoing a face turn. MVP is already over with the crowd so one win would definitely tear the roof off. He has nothing to lose. It will also make things unpredictable and make people wonder if he can really defeat his next opponent. This could continue into the PPV for whatever creative decides to set him up for. There's that bonus, but he should have some time to redeem himself before he gets it. If it really had to come down to MVP facing off against Kozlov and defeating him, I still stand by with the possibility of an interference. Otherwise? Sorry, it will only make Vladimir Kozlov a blueprint for Ezekiel's probable demise in similar fashion. The pattern just doesn't seem to die.

But hey, let's just wait and see how it transpires.
IMO It wasn't a gimmick to start with. It was punishment.
But then they ran with it i guess, but it's all a mute point now cause he officailly had his first victory on Smackdown. and over Big Show of all people

Albeit with the help of Triple H, but a victory nonetheless
So, MVP can't get a fluke win to start going over so he needs to beat someone when you expect him not to do it, I said time and time again that my belief is that Jeff Hardy will win the Rumble after getting screwed by Edge & Christian at the WHC match at the same PPV, but if Hardy retains I would like a lot that MVP would win the match.

So, he gets the win, he doesn't need to start winning again, it depends on the fact if he will be heel or face, if he is heel he needs to win until Wrestlemania if he is face let him lose almost every single match and then at Wrestlemania give him is title win.

He hasn't screwed anything since coming to the WWE from what I heard and he is pretty much over by now even losing every match and says something, I hope, indeed that Wrestlemania XXV could be the turning point of his career, of course I'm not saying to him win against Undertaker, lol, he just needs to get over a little bit and he could be a good main-eventer, to headline SmackDown! even with Kennedy who needs someone that can be a tweener to feud with, I think everybody on the crowd that saw MVP and Matt Hardy winning the belts was enjoying the fact that for one single moment MVP was a face, even after he betrayed his partner and throw him to the outside, but they were happy not only to see Hardy champion but also MVP so let him get a chance...
I agree though it's time for him to turn face. He is an entertainer and as much as i hated his character initially. MVP is better than most, he should win the Rumble and then he can still lsoe every match til mania and go onto to win.

As for Hardy, well that would depend when the title match was contested wouldn't it. The Royal Rumble match isn't always the Main Event and i hope to god that he didn't win it, there are other people more deserving of the win.

Personally this whole Hardy business is stupid, He's is just a intermediatary champ. He is reckless and is all about high spots (perfect for TNA) as a singles wrestler he sucks.

I could forsee a 8th anniversary TLC Match at Mania. E&C vs the Hardy's one more time. That would be awesome, even if it was for the World Title.
...Is finally over. After a hard fought very entertaining last man standing match, MVP was victorious with a little help from Triple H. I think the face change is going to be quite successfull, as the crowd was ALREADY chantiing "MVP!! MVP!!" and truth be told, he has been a guy people who have been looking for an excuse to cheer for quite some time now, as evidenced by the crowd playing along with the "Baaallliiiii" elbow drop. MVP looked strong, and aggressive in ending his loosing streak, and things are looking up for him. The crowd reacted very very well to it
I am really digging this face turn for MVP. At last the losing streak is over and it served a great purpose of finally making the fans cheer for MVP. I think it can be very successful indeed, and hopefully Montel wins the Money in the Bank ladder match at Wrestlemania 25. But I also have a problem with this face turn. You see, Mr Kennedy is also a face, and we all know that eventually one of these men will receive a main event push to the top. It might not happen right now, but we all know that it's going to happen sometime within the next 2 years at least.

If they were on separate brands, then I wouldn't have a problem, but that's not the case here. Now that I think about it, Smackdown is in need on face mid-carders and face main eventers, so maybe this is a good move. I guess this guarantees that MVP isn't winning the Royal Rumble now, since he had more of a chance of shocking people by winning the Rumble when he was on that losing streak than what he does now. But the best thing about this entire MVP losing streak angle is this: It didn't harm MVP at all.

I don’t see MVP as a jobber because I still see him as a mid-carder with great potential. MVP has the unique type of character that connects with the crowd with ease, especially as a babyface. Hopefully the WWE is almost ready to push him to the top in the near future. An MVP vs Big Show feud can start him off, then he can feud with Vladimir Kozlov right before feuding with Edge, by then hopefully he will be a main eventer. No need to rush though, give him a slow but a very steady push to the WWE Championship.
I am really happy MVP won his first match (in a long time) before the actual Rumble PPV so now he can actually do succesful in the Rumble itself ( if he is in it). Because imagine if he jsut came in teh rumble at like number 7 and made it to the final 5. It would be like WTF how did he do this. But know he can have a long time in the rumble and make it to the final 8 or something and then he will go on to the chamber and then to WM. I am really liking the face turn. After 3 straight years of heel we can finally see how he is as a face and she what he can do. Lets hope he gets a winning streak now.
I hope this leads to an MVP winning streak. I will be very disappointed if they go back to losing with this guy. Like someone said I am surprised that the losing streak didn't hurt his credibility. He looked good against the Big Show and carried the match. I hope he is the MITB winner at Wrestlemania. He deserves it. He is over, and he just has the new modern look that we all like in our wrestlers. The crowd was behind him all throughout the match which I hope says a lot to creative. I still want him to end Koslov's streak on his way to the WWE Championship.
MVP's slap to the Big Show was a little mark-out moment for me, I was watching the match and at the end I was thinking "come on get up" knowing full well that he was going to.

Hopefully this will lead to better things for MVP, take for example the fact that he was more over in that one match than Kennedy has been since his return. Although I can see these two tagging up or fueding or something like that now.
Boy, haven't posted on the forums for a while. I've always somewhat liked MVP. He was one of the better all-around characters to me in the current somewhat stale WWE, in terms of wrestling, entertaining. I thought he had the potential to be the next breakout star like Rock/Austin and to lesser degrees like Cena/Batista. Maybe not on that level but up there, since there really hasn't been any WWE wrestlers that I can recall that have in the last 3 years or so. In fact I think around 2005 somewhere and around Eddie Guerrero's death, I think WWE and wrestling was not on the same level any more as it has been in the past. I thought his career was almost finished with this losing streak thing. Hopefully they will play this thing out right and make him a bigger star, but knowing the current WWE booking who knows...
The best thing about the face turn is he doesn't have to change his character much. he can keep his cocky attitude, and use it towards everyone (Austin and Rock were not just cocky to heels, whereas today heels seem to be friendly with heels, and faces with faces). MVP can have the arrogance and the cockyness and start beating everyone in sight. He has a lot of potential to be one of the faces of the brand. I hope they don't screw it up by, say, having him be too friendly with HHH and keeping in his shadows.

In fact, (I haven't read next weeks spoilers so this has either happened or not) I would love it if next week HHH goes to thank him, and MVP just brushes him off saying he did it for himself, and for his fans, and Hunter better look out for him in the Rumble.
*If you haven't watched this weeks Smackdown, contains things you may not want to see yet. And it's not against the rules for me to post this, because the show has been aired (for those of us who like to be picky).*

I'm guessing they still don't care enough about MVP to give him quality face turn booking. In other words, it could have been so much better.

The week before the Rumble, when it was a handicap against Triple H, Kozlov and Show should have continued to beat down Triple. MVP then should have come out, and saved the day, with the help of a recovered/recovering Triple H.

That cements his turn, and makes Triple H and MVP look strong - and for Triple H going into the rumble and coming second. MVP didn't need to be entered into the rumble. This week on Smackdown, when MVP face Chavo Guerrero, he still should have won (well, obviously). He should have kicked out of the Frog Splash though (Chavo's finisher). Why? Because it makes MVP look like he could lose again, then turn around and look strong by winning after he has been hit my a finisher.

If he does end up taking the US title, like he claimed, that would be better than killing him by making him start losing again (even if it is for the title).

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