Morrison > MVP

MVP v Morrison

  • MVP

  • Morrison

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I think MVP's problems are due to two factors; an over crowded midcard and a closed shop at the top. He seems to be stuck in between the two, as you can believe he can beat the likes of Kingston, Swagger and Carlito but get dicked all over by HHH, Cena and Batista. A perfect example is the recent beat the clock on RAW. Creative want you to believe MVP is one of the top guys by letting him compete yet he doesn't even post a win and then drops into what looks like a MVP/Masters feud for Summerslam.
I would turn him back heel as he's just plain boring as a face. When he dropped the US title to Kingston, he shook his hand and didn't even bother with a rematch or anything... he seemed uninterested. The heel MVP would have cut promos on being robbed of his title and would have kept that feud alive and helped produce some PPV quality matches between the two.
John Morrison is enjoying the better run of the two with 2 clean wins over the then WHC champ but where does this lead him? He isn't getting any PPV matches or more importantly, any feuds. He just shows up every friday and spews the same old rubbish promos about being the guru of greatness or whatever random crap creative give him. Prime example? That god awful interview backstage this SD! which only made sense if under the influence of LSD.
Again, i would turn him back heel. Or at least distinguish his character a bit. He comes across at times as a generic face who does a flip every so often. No character defining feuds or promos mean he has to rely on his entertaining moveset which creates another problem. A high-flying heel? Can it be done? Can we, the audience, boo JM whilst he does 'Starship Pain' and over moves? Traditionally, high fliers suggest bravery by attempting moves no one else could or would replicate... i believe this is why Rey gets over so well.
Overall, i believe MVP needs a heel turn to really break that glass ceiling and perhaps feud with HBK when he gets back. The cocky young upstart vs the seasoned vet. I know this seems like a repetative storyline but desperate times call for desperate measures. JM? I believe he needs a steady feud for the time being. Maybe against Rey for the IC title or maybe against Punk if SD! put a Y2J/Hardy feud together for the WHC title.
I cant stand MVP, i've really tried to like him but i find him so f'n annoying, he reminds me of that mailman in the movie Jingle All The Way, keeps making corny jokes and comes off so stupid, I even hate his jumpsuit attire, on top of all that, from stories I've heard, he's a jerk backstage

Name the 'corny jokes' and stupid how?

You hate his jumpsuit,why? Cause he's not wearing common plain black undies?

I'm glad his gear is different and what reports said he was a jerk?

Don't believe everything you read.

Even if he is,so what?

HBK was a jerk and you probably suck him off like a cheerleading mark.

Yup Morrison is better, he's younger, more athletic, more fun to watch, better on the mic, and accomplished more 1x ECW Champ, 2x tag champ, and 3x IC champ. He is already in the main event IMO, other wise he wouldn't be contending for the World Title, which by the way he is. While MVP is stuck in a medi-ocre feud with Swagger were Swagger is gonna get the bigger push from in the end.

Morrison is nothing special on the mic.Dude was laughing for no reason
this past Smackdown and his voice SUCKS.

MVP > Morrison

Morrison is overpushed.This guy gets World Title shots but he never popped
a crowd hugely on TV EVER.
I'm going to take Morrison over MVP right now. Both were heels but MVP was better cut out for it than Morrison. Since they both turned face, Morrison has been tons better than MVP. He has been in better matches and is more featured on his brand than MVP is. I don't think Porter is cut out to be a face and RAW has enough faces as it is. Morrison is in the perfect position because you have Hardy, Undertaker, and Mysterio. Undertaker may not be around for long and Hardy may leave so it's all in the books for Morrison to be the top face.
MVP with his current non-push, is still doing more than John Morrison.

Morrison is having good matches on Smackdown, that's it. He can't even get on PPV, something that MVP can on occasion.

Making him face highlighted how bland his character is. This thread should be Ziggler ? MVP, as Dolph has made the most impact since his brand move.
At least they can somewhat change his gimmick. MVP, not so much, and I don't see his main eventing honestly. Morrison needs a good storyline, it's obvious he can pull off the ring-work.
MVP with his current non-push, is still doing more than John Morrison.

Morrison is having good matches on Smackdown, that's it. He can't even get on PPV, something that MVP can on occasion.

Really, now. Since the draft, Morrison is the only one who's had an actual one on one feud go to PPV. MVP has just been in matches with 4-6 people in them, where 3 concurrent feuds are shoe horned onto the card.

Morrison needs to ditch the Jim Morrison thing, because it is ridiculous. Apart from that, he is having good matches with the top stars on the brand and getting over quite nicely with the crowd. Meanwhile, MVP is pretty much stagnant. He wasn't progressing as a heel, so they turned him face, but unlike with Morrison, that hasn't come with a change in crowd popularity nor a significant change in ring.

Morrison is proving that he can have decent matches with the main eventers on Smackdown and win, MVP is being used as an enhancement talent for Swagger. He dropped the title to Kofi, who then essentially just faded into the Shelton Benjamin position of the first person of any worth someone being pushed faces.

Future plans for the two should be for MVP to end up on ECW somehow and become ECW champion and attempt to scramble up the ladder. Morrison should feud with Ziggler once Ziggler wins the IC title in the next month or two, and then go on and feud with Jericho probably.
Really, now. Since the draft, Morrison is the only one who's had an actual one on one feud go to PPV. MVP has just been in matches with 4-6 people in them, where 3 concurrent feuds are shoe horned onto the card.

True, but Morrisons match with Shelton was a nothing match. As were MVP's, but I'm of the opinion that two nothing matches and more exposure are better.

he is having good matches with the top stars on the brand and getting over quite nicely with the crowd.

I think a lot of his heat is artificial tbh.

Meanwhile, MVP is pretty much stagnant. He wasn't progressing as a heel,

He was progressing as a heel until that losing streak.

Morrison is proving that he can have decent matches with the main eventers on Smackdown and win,

Smackdown main eventers are Raw mid carders though. How would Morrison fare against Triple H & Randy Orton, similar to MVP would be my guess.
I voted Morrison. Hes alot better in the ring, hes younger and he has the athletic look of any profesional footballer or whatever. I like MVP, don't get me wrong, i think he has payed his dues and is a reely hardworking genuine pearson. Morrison is going to be huge through. If Morrison gets the right push at the right time without creative fucking it up then we are in for a rollercoaster of a carear because he is one heck of a talent and a future world champion. Not to say that MVP won't through.
yeah but Morrison is getting more face pops each and every week. MVP is going nowhere. Morrison has already beat CM Punk twice once when he was Champ. he beat Rey he beat Jeff as Champ. this should be great to watch who will win the Rumble in 2010. because it comes down to these two. one will rise to the top for good as the other will fall down the card again. while i think both will make it. Morrison has better shot. he has had better matches and more air time then MVP.
I recall quite a while back before JoMo even came to Smack Down telling all of you how talented this guy was, and in fact, how much like a young HBK this guy is(how it got around the world and into J.R.'s mouth is beyond me, but I am flattered), remember, I started it. I predicted his face turn, I predicted him going over which has obviously happened by the poll and post responses, I predicted he would be a great future talent, and I still predict that with the right mixture of ingredients he could be your next Shawn Michaels as I did originally. Maybe you should listen to me on this one, as I planted the seed that grew into a liking for JoMo, and I have been right all along about a great many things.

I like MVP ok, I've met him, got to talk to him myself, we both like imported beer, it's all good. However, I just do not see him going to the top. He is great on the mic if you ask me, and his ring work is...ok. There is just something missing with MVP and I think some of you hit it right on the head. He is stuck between the mid card, and the main event. Let's face it, I don't see him beating Batista, Triple H, Orton and so on. I just don't see it. His in ring style would have to change quite a bit for me to believe it, and I think his character could use an overhaul. I think most of you were right when you said he just doesn't seem believable as a face. It does seem forced, it does seem like a lot of ass kissing, and it really doesn't seem like him period. His character wasn't really drafted with the face character in mind. I like MVP a lot, but at this point I don't see where he has to go. Moving him to ECW wouldn't be right. He is bigger than an ECW guy, he's got more credentials than that. He should stay on Raw, and figure out this face thing for a while. I think if he get's into a natural groove of his own he will be fine, and with a little work in the ring, some relevant wins under his belt, and a decent push could eventually be in the top of the card. It would take a drastic overhaul, but it can be done. As of right now he is stuck spinning his wheels as far as I can see which is pretty fucking far. I wouldn't mind seeing a wardrobe change with something a little more serious looking, a new finisher or a more aggressive move set, more natural promos where it sounds like him talking rather than saying what he's told to say, and a big win somewhere to go along with all that. That I think would make him believable, and give him the ingredients to be a big main event star. Right now he seems more like a comedy act or something, he needs to be more serious, and driven from the viewpoint of the fans. If he doesn't take anything seriously, the fans won't take him seriously. A good feud would do him a lot of justice. I think there is the potential there, it just hasn't been tapped the way it needs to be.

OK, on to John Morrison. Here I think, is the next big main eventer if you do it right. He could easily be the reincarnation of the "Heart Break Kid, The Showstopper, The Main Event, Mr.Wrestlemania". His gimmick beckons it. What else should you do with someone they call "The Shaman of Sexy, The Friday Night Delight, The Guru of Greatness" He is built for this role. Like Shawn Michaels he isn't the biggest guy, but big enough to stand to a big guy and be believable to an extent(I wouldn't be looking for a power bomb or choke slam, but you get my point), He ha the high flying high intensity move set, the cocky persona, and the mouthpiece, to put it all together in a new package and sell the shit out of it!!!

Right now they are giving it a try and he's making way. I wouldn't expect him to be over so fast, give it time and he will grow on the people. Also, as someone else mentioned earlier, he has had some great competition, some big wins, and a lot of exposure. This is just the groundwork and the WWE testing the waters to see if he is going to sink or swim should they decide to mega push him into the top tier of competition. I will agree with some of you on another thing too. He is great in the ring, but needs some work outside of it, mainly on the mic. I think he is pretty good at it myself, and I get the way he talks, and the way he acts. Remember the name change from Nitro to Morrison? His character was originally supposed to take on sort of a rock star image, like saaay....Jim Morrison??? He is supposed to seem kind of far out, he is supposed to talk the way he does most of the time, and when he is supposed to show certain emotions and reaction I think he does well, but for the most part he is supposed to seem kind of out there in his own world, why? Because he is so high on himself, he isn't talking to you, you are just visiting him in "The Palace of Wisdom" for a moment, you are in JoMo land for that moment and he is granting you access, that's what the talk and action are about. However, I can see how easily someone might not get it, and how awkward it would seem to people, especially when they are thinking he is supposed to be more like a Shawn Michaels or something. His character is just a little different, where Shawn was going to tell you how great he was all the time and didn't care who knew it, John Morrison feels you should already know how cool he is, he is the embodiment of cool, he doesn't need to tell you ,he just acts as though you already know, that is where some of the wooden acting comes from I think. He is just supposed to personify it rather than explain it, he doesn't need words. Kind of like Fonzie or something, he doesn't try to act cool, he doesn't try to tell you he is cool, you just know it, you see it, he is.

I get how confusing that can be. I like how he acts, and how he speaks, I see nothing wrong with it personally, but to please the populous he could maybe be more eccentric, or use more expression, that would fix those problems in my view. The ring work is fine, I like it. It is very spotty but they are spectacular as well. He does shit I've never seen anyone do, and that is why your going to see a lot more of him in the future. Like MVP though I think his move set could be a little more aggressive. He hits you with a lot of high spots and stuff but those don't always look like they're going to do much damage, he need some stuff that just hurts! For example, the biggest response he get's besides his finish, is the running kick. Why? Because it looks like it hurts a lot. I heard someone else say they thought he wasn't much of a storyteller or something. I can't say I entirely agree or disagree. For right now I think he does fine, but I can understand what you mean by it.

Morrison needs to get into a storyline or a feud to get over more, which means he needs a good heel. Who is another topic, but that's what I think he needs to get the big support to go to the main event, and that is all. MVP on the other hand needs a lot more work than Morrison to get there in my honest opinion, and I like both guys. Maybe right now we are all jumping the gun a bit though. There are no guarantees that either guy will go anywhere at this point. It is still too early to tell. I would like to see both men get their shots but not so bad that it happens prematurely.

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