I think MVP's problems are due to two factors; an over crowded midcard and a closed shop at the top. He seems to be stuck in between the two, as you can believe he can beat the likes of Kingston, Swagger and Carlito but get dicked all over by HHH, Cena and Batista. A perfect example is the recent beat the clock on RAW. Creative want you to believe MVP is one of the top guys by letting him compete yet he doesn't even post a win and then drops into what looks like a MVP/Masters feud for Summerslam.
I would turn him back heel as he's just plain boring as a face. When he dropped the US title to Kingston, he shook his hand and didn't even bother with a rematch or anything... he seemed uninterested. The heel MVP would have cut promos on being robbed of his title and would have kept that feud alive and helped produce some PPV quality matches between the two.
John Morrison is enjoying the better run of the two with 2 clean wins over the then WHC champ but where does this lead him? He isn't getting any PPV matches or more importantly, any feuds. He just shows up every friday and spews the same old rubbish promos about being the guru of greatness or whatever random crap creative give him. Prime example? That god awful interview backstage this SD! which only made sense if under the influence of LSD.
Again, i would turn him back heel. Or at least distinguish his character a bit. He comes across at times as a generic face who does a flip every so often. No character defining feuds or promos mean he has to rely on his entertaining moveset which creates another problem. A high-flying heel? Can it be done? Can we, the audience, boo JM whilst he does 'Starship Pain' and over moves? Traditionally, high fliers suggest bravery by attempting moves no one else could or would replicate... i believe this is why Rey gets over so well.
Overall, i believe MVP needs a heel turn to really break that glass ceiling and perhaps feud with HBK when he gets back. The cocky young upstart vs the seasoned vet. I know this seems like a repetative storyline but desperate times call for desperate measures. JM? I believe he needs a steady feud for the time being. Maybe against Rey for the IC title or maybe against Punk if SD! put a Y2J/Hardy feud together for the WHC title.
I would turn him back heel as he's just plain boring as a face. When he dropped the US title to Kingston, he shook his hand and didn't even bother with a rematch or anything... he seemed uninterested. The heel MVP would have cut promos on being robbed of his title and would have kept that feud alive and helped produce some PPV quality matches between the two.
John Morrison is enjoying the better run of the two with 2 clean wins over the then WHC champ but where does this lead him? He isn't getting any PPV matches or more importantly, any feuds. He just shows up every friday and spews the same old rubbish promos about being the guru of greatness or whatever random crap creative give him. Prime example? That god awful interview backstage this SD! which only made sense if under the influence of LSD.
Again, i would turn him back heel. Or at least distinguish his character a bit. He comes across at times as a generic face who does a flip every so often. No character defining feuds or promos mean he has to rely on his entertaining moveset which creates another problem. A high-flying heel? Can it be done? Can we, the audience, boo JM whilst he does 'Starship Pain' and over moves? Traditionally, high fliers suggest bravery by attempting moves no one else could or would replicate... i believe this is why Rey gets over so well.
Overall, i believe MVP needs a heel turn to really break that glass ceiling and perhaps feud with HBK when he gets back. The cocky young upstart vs the seasoned vet. I know this seems like a repetative storyline but desperate times call for desperate measures. JM? I believe he needs a steady feud for the time being. Maybe against Rey for the IC title or maybe against Punk if SD! put a Y2J/Hardy feud together for the WHC title.