Why is it That its Only Former WWE Guys?

I'm pretty sure the answer is pretty simple. TNA does not have the talent scouts to find great up and coming talent before the WWE does and if they did luck up and find them they don't have the creative department to get them over. I'm sure TNA would love it if one or two of their guys would catch on like wild fire, seeing how they're pushing talentless people like Crimson and Gunner I'd imagine they'd have no issue pushing someone who was actually good. But they don't have the people in place who can recognize what "Good" is. I mean hell, they turned CM Punk into a lacky and then let him slip right through their fingers.

Why is it that it matters? Do we need to look at the history of the WCW World Heavyweight Championship and point out that Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage, Lex Luger, Kevin Nash, Bret Hart, Sid Vicious, Jeff Jarrett, Scott Steiner, etc. all held it — all of whom being "WWF guys"?

I don't know how many times I have to say this — talent is talent, regardless of whether they worked prior to their current employment.

You consider Ric Flair a WWE guy?
This complaining about TNA using former WWE guys is ridiculous!!!! I'm no TNA fan by any means, but do we have that short of memories these days?

Fine then, WWE used ex-WCW guys and I'm going to start complaining about it.

Steve Austin
Triple H
Kevin Nash
Chris Benoit
Eddie Guerrero
Mick Foley
Chris Jericho

... You're right though. I shouldn't have watched some of the greatest stars of all time while they were in WWE because they were originally ECW/WCW guys. Blahhhhh!!!!

Look while I agree that they shouldn't simply give the strap to every guy that walks in to the company, most of these complaints are absolutely ridiculous. Certain guys are on a certain level, no offense to AJ Styles, but go ask someone on the street who he is... No one knows! While TNA is trying to reach a larger audience I think it's vital that the belt stays on someone people know and recognize. Do I think they could handle it better at times? Yes. However, acting as if this is some travesty and not a smart decision based on business is mind boggling!!!

The difference between what TNA is doing and what your list did is quite simple. Most of those guys were never main eventers in WCW. While they got their start in WCW, they made their name in WWE. Benoit is the closest because he held the strap in WCW. TNA signs guys who are no longer wanted by WWE and then tries to make them a main eventer from day one. Most of the time they are guys who have already made a name for themselves in WWE and TNA brings them in with the same persona and immediately puts them in the main event for the strap. See Jeff Hardy, RVD, Angle, Anderson.

Your list came in, got a push in the mid card, made their name, and worked their way up to the title. Y2J got a big push from the start going against Rock. TNA might be better served and make the homegrown guys seem bigger if they would put these guys in a mid card feud to begin with. Slow push them to the main event.

OR...Maybe they shouldn't sign every used up Main Eventer from WWE in a quick fix effort to grab ratings. Instead, maybe, they should go the Elijah Burke route. Sign a guy who clearly had talent in WWE, but was in the wrong character. Give him a fresh character like the Pope and not derail the push for no apparent reason. TNA pushed Pope. He was on the track to major star. Then they switched gears and tried to make him a face. He was over by being the thug preacher with attitude and then he started pandering to the crowd and became vanilla. However, they were on the right track. Find a guy like that, and maybe you hook on the right character and boom...major star.

Recently released guys like DH Smith might be able to catch fire with a gimmick in TNA...but shoving the TNA guys down immediately for a new hire from WWE makes your guys look weak and creates a poor attitude.
Joe & AJ both had long title reigns. If you count winning the NWA World Title in TNA as also winning the TNA World Title, Ron Killings/R Truth had the belt.

Most of the "TNA Originals" aren't up to par. Desmond Wolfe could have been champion. The Pope when he was face should have been champ but he isn't a TNA Original. Christopher Daniels could have been Champion at one point. Jerry Lynn isn't a TNA Original but he could have held the belt.
I will never understand the thought-process TNA management has of pushing former WWE talent, especially fairly quickly. And they allowed alot of former WWE talent to hold the strap, from RVD, Ken Anderson, Angle, Mick Foley, Christian, Raven, and a talentless Rhyno. Also add Ron Killings (in WWE as K-Kwik before going to TNA) and Jeff Jarret (which was awesome I must add)

Alot of people say "talent is talent," but the since RVD won the TNA Championship last year, every holder from that point on was either a former WCW star (Sting) or former WWE star (RVD, Anderson, Hardy, and Angle). Let's hope that Robert Roode wins the TNA Championship at Bound for Glory for TNA to move on from being the 2011 version of WCW.

Every holder of the TNA Championship that was from WWE was a flop, and the ratings could show that. Even after RVD won the TNA Championship, the rating next week was a 0.5. TNA keeps giving people that were built and established the Championship, but it hasn't been successful yet.
You consider Ric Flair a WWE guy?

I don't consider anyone an anything guy. I consider talent, talent.

This ridiculous nonsense about being an X guy is shit that only seems to have really developed in the internet era — e.g. post WCW collapse. Before Vince won Monopoly, there used to be these crazy things called territories, and in these territories, wrestlers worked until they moved onto a new territory as a means of making a buck in various areas of the world. No one was considered a "guy" in that era.
The difference between what TNA is doing and what your list did is quite simple. Most of those guys were never main eventers in WCW.

Pause. Booker T, Flair and others were actual champions in WCW and main eventers that translated to WWE.
TNA signs guys who are no longer wanted by WWE and then tries to make them a main eventer from day one.
Give me an example of that? Mr. Anderson took 1 year before he won a title in TNA. Jeff Hardy won his first World title in TNA in 2010, he never held it in 204.Yet, it still took 9 months for him to hold the belt. Matt Morgan took 2/3 years before he became a legit singles competitor.

Explain, how is that day one exactly?

Most of the time they are guys who have already made a name for themselves in WWE and TNA brings them in with the same persona and immediately puts them in the main event for the strap. See Jeff Hardy, RVD, Angle, Anderson.
Immediately? Again, It took them more than day one to get a title. RVD is you're best example and he wasn't seen in WWE for a long time.
Your list came in, got a push in the mid card, made their name, and worked their way up to the title. Y2J got a big push from the start going against Rock.
But you have no problem with WWE doing that with a WCW talent?
TNA might be better served and make the homegrown guys seem bigger if they would put these guys in a mid card feud to begin with. Slow push them to the main event.
See Bobby Roode? They already are doing that.
OR...Maybe they shouldn't sign every used up Main Eventer from WWE in a quick fix effort to grab ratings.
Every? Angle, Hardy are the only main eventers they actually used that way. They are top draws. They obviously should be used that way.
Instead, maybe, they should go the Elijah Burke route. Sign a guy who clearly had talent in WWE, but was in the wrong character.
Matt Morgan, Brian Kendrick? Hello?
Give him a fresh character like the Pope and not derail the push for no apparent reason.
For the last time, he is currently in a career of criminal justice. He isn't committed fully to wrestling which is why you cannot push him as a major star. Besides, he still is a star. Simply a midcard star.

TNA pushed Pope. He was on the track to major star. Then they switched gears and tried to make him a face. He was over by being the thug preacher with attitude and then he started pandering to the crowd and became vanilla. However, they were on the right track. Find a guy like that, and maybe you hook on the right character and boom...major star.
And they have used that concept with a guy who is committed to wrestling and that man is Austin Aries.

Anything else?
Recently released guys like DH Smith might be able to catch fire with a gimmick in TNA...but shoving the TNA guys down immediately for a new hire from WWE makes your guys look weak and creates a poor attitude.
Lol Who has been shoved down for a former hire? Nobody wants DH Smith anyways.

AJ Styles bombed ratings wise as a World Champion. He couldn't even sell merchandise which is why RVD took the title. Again, It took Jeff Hardy 9 months to become World Champion. How is that shoving someone IMMEDIATELY to become a main eventer?

Making your guys look weak is by having someone from another show cash in a briefcase and totally bury them in 5 seconds. It also adds the element of RECYCLED booking. Yet, It's acceptable. I don't see if that of all things is normal, how anything else is abnormal if TNA did push someone fast. Despite the fact they haven't besides Crimson who is homegrown.
why is it people insult tna where wwe doesnt know how to use wrestlers like anderson angle the hardys and the dudley boys if yet they go to tna and you can see thee best out of them and for people to say tna doing repeat story lines that whats the wwe is famous for isnt it they now doing real n fake sin cara and how many times has wwe used the faction route nextus the core, dx nation of domination so if people want to diss tna for being a very good up andf coming company who promte ALL aspects of wrestling high flying and tag team and even their knockouts get more air time than wwe divas all wwe care about is the main two world titles and thats it i mean they got rid of the crusiweight title and watching high flyers do wicked and insane moves is a highlight in any show and i think wwe fans need to realise that wwe isnt all its cracked up to be and i am a wwe and a tna fan but i rather watch tna as wwe isnt promting tag team and other aspect ofwrestling it just about guys like cena and ppl like reyrey but other great light heavyweights have either left as they had enough of wwe keep using the rock stone cold bret hart if wwe the bomb why do they need to keep bringing these people back?????
Pause. Booker T, Flair and others were actual champions in WCW and main eventers that translated to WWE.

You don't understand what the word "most" means?

Give me an example of that? Mr. Anderson took 1 year before he won a title in TNA. Jeff Hardy won his first World title in TNA in 2010, he never held it in 204.Yet, it still took 9 months for him to hold the belt. Matt Morgan took 2/3 years before he became a legit singles competitor.

Explain, how is that day one exactly?

Either you can't read, or you are acting dumb for the purpose of your post. "Main eventer" and "title holder" are not the same thing.

Immediately? Again, It took them more than day one to get a title. RVD is you're best example and he wasn't seen in WWE for a long time.

Again there is a big difference between "main eventer" and "title holder". And RVD hadn't been seen in the WWE in a long time because he decided not to sign with TNA as soon as his 90 days were over.

But you have no problem with WWE doing that with a WCW talent?

He was talking about the WWE

See Bobby Roode? They already are doing that.

Yea finally...

Every? Angle, Hardy are the only main eventers they actually used that way. They are top draws. They obviously should be used that way.

That's because WWE doesn't let go of their huge money drawing stars. Those particular two had drug issues.

Matt Morgan, Brian Kendrick? Hello?

You finally have a point...

AJ Styles bombed ratings wise as a World Champion. He couldn't even sell merchandise which is why RVD took the title. Again, It took Jeff Hardy 9 months to become World Champion. How is that shoving someone IMMEDIATELY to become a main eventer?

Apparently you haven't been watching wrestling for very long or are one of those typical IWC (I hate that term) or love everything underdog type people. For the third time winning the title is not a prerequisite to being a main eventer.

Making your guys look weak is by having someone from another show cash in a briefcase and totally bury them in 5 seconds. It also adds the element of RECYCLED booking. Yet, It's acceptable. I don't see if that of all things is normal, how anything else is abnormal if TNA did push someone fast. Despite the fact they haven't besides Crimson who is homegrown.

You are talking about something completely different here. Day and Night. Business vs. Storyline. Main Event building vs. Abusing an established name.

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