What if?


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What if Samoa Joe signed for WWE. Would we have had Umaga in the WWE right now, would Samoa Joe hav gotten a good push. What brand would he be on. Would he be as big a wrestlers as he is today.

I am jst wondering as what Vince McMaho n woulda done with him, would he hav given the unbeating run he has had in TNA. Would he be as over as he is currently or would WWE ruinin his character.

I personally think he would and could still be one of the biggest wrestler of this generation, whether he stays at TNA or if he was in WWE.
I think he would have definitely been a top heel today if he signed with WWE.
I doubt he would have had as long of winning streak as he did in TNA but he certainly could of won the I.C. title or U.S. title.

RAW would be the brand that Joe would most likely be on and he would probably be Cena's worst nightmare right now LOL.

I think he would have been a bigger star and even more well known today if he was a part of WWE. His character would have probably been similar to a heel Rock in the late 90's IMO.

As for Umaga, I think he would still be brought into WWE but he would have a slightly different gimmick and he would not be getting any huge pushes like right now in WWE.
I'd honestly think he'd just be another Gene Snitsky... just worse....i.e. come in with a huge push and then 6 months later, your like... is that Snitsky in that battle royal.
He would've came in the the Umaga gimmick. When they tried to sign him that was the gimmick they wanted to put on him but he turned it down and so they put it on Jamal.
I'd honestly think he'd just be another Gene Snitsky... just worse....i.e. come in with a huge push and then 6 months later, your like... is that Snitsky in that battle royal.

:lol: :lmao: that exactly what would've happened to Joe. WWE would let him do the things he's able to do. Remember with the restrictions on what you can do in the ring Joe wouldn't be have the star he is today.
man 4 get a Samoa Joe that fat fuck aint nothin i have no idea wat pple see in him he trys to put on that mean lookin face he does n it dont even look scary looks fake as hell i think he wouldnt b nothin if he was in the WWE on RAW EDGE , ORTON , MASTERS , HHH , UMAGA , plus sum would make him look like nothin , i agree with PornstXr
Hrmm what do people see in joe...

Well first thing i would guess is his excellent wrestling ability, his technical ability needs no improvement, he's extremely agile for a man his size and he is one of the wrestlers today who can ACTUALLY kill you. Joe is one of the best wrestlers today don't agree and you deserve cancer for not admitting it.
Hrmm what do people see in joe...

Well first thing i would guess is his excellent wrestling ability, his technical ability needs no improvement, he's extremely agile for a man his size and he is one of the wrestlers today who can ACTUALLY kill you. Joe is one of the best wrestlers today don't agree and you deserve cancer for not admitting it.

I admit that Joe is one of the best in the business right now, but I really don't care for him like that, but besides the point I think Vince would put him in some sort of an elvis gimmick seeing that Joe resembles "fat" elvis somewhat. I don't know why, but I could see WWE doing something like that.
WWE sadly has a habbit of putting respected wrestlers in horrible places. *flashbacks of Williams regal kissing mr mcmahon's ass*
I dont think WWE would have been intrested in signing Joe. I'm surprised they signed Punk. A good indy reputation mean's nothing in WWE. Also Joe would have had to alter his style. He's too stiff for WWE, most wrestler's on the roster would probably declare him as being dangerous.
Here is another What If.

What If RVD and Sabu never got caught with drugs? Would RVD still be our champ? Would Show not of had a large roll? Would Heyman still be there?

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