Samoa Joe To WWE?

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic

TNA favorite Samoa Joe is telling people close to him that he'd rather sign an entry level WWE contract, around $50,000 a year than re-sign with TNA with his current contract.

No doubt if he did go to WWE they'd either stick him in the lower ranks, totally repackage him or both.

Well I'd prefer him to go back to ROH. But wrestling wise TNA is dead. But financially he should probably stay there. I think he'd get paid more than 50 grand there. And WWE have already got a monster samoan.
I think it would be a good move for Joe's career. Joe has made a name for himsellf and will be making more money. He will get a fresh run in WWE and there are alot of potential feuds. What is there left for Joe in TNA.
Joe and Umaga would be pretty good together as a wild samoans kinda tag team although ive never seen joe or the wild samoans wrestle lol.

I dont really know anything about him but Id like to see another samoan monster as a tag team partner for umaga and since rosey is doing dark matches in his real name i doubt it will be him.
I have all the respect in the world for Joe, save for one thing - he is entirely too impatient. If this is about money/titles, he would have gotten more of both eventually. Then again, if Kurt Angle is really the Trips of TNA, Joe would be nothing but a jobber for the next 93262727237 months of Angle as champ. So what does he do?

Signs a deal with WWE? LOL. We saw what happened to the last Samoan that became part of WWE. Though I don't mind Umaga anymore, he's actually pretty decent and he's over. But it's not what I personally would like to see Joe as. Joe has the ability and the "right stuff" to be a real main eventer for titles (even mid card, if need be) without needing a ridiculous Samoan Monster gimmick or any repackaging. If this is the case of him signing WWE, I would hope to see him and Umaga team for a little while before Joe turning face or heel, the opposite of the team they are, and go to main event or IC title picture.

He could go back to ROH, but someone said what else is there to do in TNA, what else is there to do in ROH? He had that godly run and he's like the messiah of ROH, he needs to move on.

It still comes back to his impatience, if he could just wait a while and not throw a hissy fit because he had to job to Angle or if it's not enough money, it's still enough to get by, and TNA is not ******ed enough to bury him. He would/will get the title soon, but if he's not signing, we're not going to know.

Looks like WWE for Joe...I hope they use him right.
going back to ROH, like ive said b4, would just be a step back in his career, he already had like a 21 month reign as champ there, hes a god there, if he went back he would just make even less money

and i think joe has a much better future in TNA, no doubt he will be top dog soon, when TNA realizes that kurt doesnt help them much in terms of ratings, joe is huge in TNA right now, why would he go to WWE to be a low mid carder repackaged? cuz belive me, he will be repackaged.... oh come on, have soma joe be a wild somoan and waste his talent? ya GREAT idea WWE...

joe is just being stupid, in the future he will be huge in TNA and making lots of money, instead hes just greedy now and wants to jump to WWE to be nothing, he will be making more money there as a mid carder, but wont go anywhere in his career, lose his gimmick, and have his moves limited

money wise this is a good idea for joe, wrestling wise it couldnt be worse IMO, i would enjoy seeing joe anywhere, the guy is amazing, but i would be really pissed to see him be REALLY held back in WWE, and possibily ruin his whole gimmick to a stupid wild samoan...

and how can u say he has nothing left to do in TNA? he still has many things to do in TNA, he hasnt even had a long, deserved, reign as TNA champ, and it wont even help WWE getting joe wrestling wise, they dont know how to use good talent... this is just gonna suck for all wrestling fans, but whatever =/
I would love for Joe to go to WWE. The typical "WWE will ruin Joe" by giving him the legendary Samoan gimmick or something. I don't know if people are saying it just because some people are against the WWE and don't want them to have TNA's most valuable performer, but when Marcus Cor Von came into the WWE, they didn't ruin his character by giving him an "animal kingdom" gimmick like, he was just himself other than a new name. I seen many great talent enter the WWE just the way they were prior to entering the major leagues, including CM Punk, so what makes everyone think this won't happen with Joe? Why not give it a chance?

If Joe DOES go to the WWE, I would love to see him in ECW to feud with CM Punk for the ECW title. Almost no doubt there's dollar signs for Vince right there.
If Samoa Joe goes to WWE, I'd like to see him on SmackDown!. He could start with a US title reign. Teddy Long could announce a triple threat with MVP VS Matt Hardy VS a mystery new superstar, which would turn out to be Joe, who opportunistically wins by hitting Hardy with a Muscle-Buster just after MVP gets a Twist Of Fate. Khali could put Joe over after he's lost the WHC, and eventually Joe could get screwed out of the US title and win an over-the-top-rope battle royal for number one contendership to the WHC, and get screwed the first time by the same guy who screwed him out of the US title, but win the title the second time after beating both the champ and the guy who screwed him out of both his last title matches, who interferes after the ref gets knocked out. Joe could use a chair on the interfering superstar and give him a Muscle-Buster, then give the champ a Muscle-Buster onto a steel chair as the ref revives to finally win the world title and earn the respect of all WWE fans. Do you guys think this would be a good idea?
I would love for Joe to go to WWE. The typical "WWE will ruin Joe" by giving him the legendary Samoan gimmick or something. I don't know if people are saying it just because some people are against the WWE and don't want them to have TNA's most valuable performer, but when Marcus Cor Von came into the WWE, they didn't ruin his character by giving him an "animal kingdom" gimmick like, he was just himself other than a new name. I seen many great talent enter the WWE just the way they were prior to entering the major leagues, including CM Punk, so what makes everyone think this won't happen with Joe? Why not give it a chance?

If Joe DOES go to the WWE, I would love to see him in ECW to feud with CM Punk for the ECW title. Almost no doubt there's dollar signs for Vince right there.

if joe does go to WWE id like to see him as WWE champ lol, but ya, i think the best place for him to go first is ECW and feud with punk, 2 great ROH champs going for the ECW title? it would be amazing

now, im not against WWE, i like WWE more than TNA, but i have to admit it, WWE does not know how to book decent matches, and when they have guys with amazing talent they rarley use them well, and if they do use them well, its a 1 year thing and it never happens again.... WWE will limit joe a lot, im sure, damn CM punk was limited a lot, watch him back at ROH or other promotions, he was WAY better then what he is in WWE, hes been held back so much there, and for sure joe will be too

WWE doesnt know what to do with these indy guys, they book them all wrong, now maybe its true, maybe (and this is a big maybe) they dont change joes gimmick, but even if they dont joe still wont get anywhere and not be used well, id just think for wrestling fans its better for joe to stay in TNA, where he can really show his talent...
ECW thats what i was saying before id love to see Joe on ECW. ECW is about ability, extreme and new talent.
Extreme dosnt have to be hardcore it can be pure technical ability.

WWE could cash in mega time on Joes ability he could start at mid card straight away and maybe even fued for the ECW world title and get the World title Joes been wanting for years.

He practicaly done in TNA and ECW NEEDS guys like Joe to save it.

I love the Originals and maybe Joe coming in would bring in a wind of change were originals win matches and tag team matches happen, even you never know if Joe joined and things started to change then maybe guys like Rhino might come over and Dudlyz already wanted to come back to WWE id loveto see them make a return to ECW.

WWE needs this badly to shake everything up. After hes done on ECW logicaly he needs to go to Smackdown and challange for either US or WHC but id rather they send him to ECW to fix it and get him some build up this could be Joe big break!

He keeps his image in WWE im sure of it they will capitalise on his ability and then when things change IM SURE THEY WOULD ITS MONEY FOR WWE ALL OVER. they could steal indy fans and get ones who say its only storys due to fact that it had athleticism and technical ability.
A lot of this comes down to the impatience of Samoa Joe and his fans. I will say it until I am blue in the face, If I hate to wait 8 years for RVD to get a real world title reign, then why the hell is Joe bitching aout not being a world champion after what, barely two years in TNA.

Anyways, i think fans that are upset with this move have every right to be. The Stereotypical Samoan gimmick looks to be inevitable for Samoa Joe. Shumaga, the Samoan ShoeMaker, who went out of business, because if we all know the history of Samoa (according to the WWE), Samoans have never worn shoes. How silly of Shumaga Joe, shoes in Samoa?

Honestly, I would love to see Joe go to ECW, which would make ECW the only brand honestly worth a damn anymore. A Joe/Punk match for the ECW title at WM 24, in Orlando, damn, that's spiteful and right in TNA's backyard.
Joes best friends with John Cena they trained together back then and use the same catch phrase. This has got to count for Joe more that any TNA friends he has!

WWE would get new fans from Joe and the respectability it needs due to his technical ability and submission style wrestling. ECW would skyrocket in ratings or even have him on Smackdown although this is less of a good idea because he dosnt quite fit the Smackdown feel. ECW is about new talent and WWE could be the one to take Joe to main event i hope WWE reads these forums and makes the right choice contacts Joe and makes use of him.
Look its like its been said before Joe wanted the gold and we all know he feels that Kurt coming in stole his chance at gold, but oh well many guys have to wait years before they get the gold. i think he got into his own hype especially with the undefeated streak and he got a big head.

If he goes Vince Might keep persona some but you know he will modify it like he did Monty Brown. Joe on ECW be great and as Shocky said Joe Punk ECW title WM24 the be a damn fine match
A lot of this comes down to the impatience of Samoa Joe and his fans. I will say it until I am blue in the face, If I hate to wait 8 years for RVD to get a real world title reign, then why the hell is Joe bitching aout not being a world champion after what, barely two years in TNA.

Anyways, i think fans that are upset with this move have every right to be. The Stereotypical Samoan gimmick looks to be inevitable for Samoa Joe. Shumaga, the Samoan ShoeMaker, who went out of business, because if we all know the history of Samoa (according to the WWE), Samoans have never worn shoes. How silly of Shumaga Joe, shoes in Samoa?

Honestly, I would love to see Joe go to ECW, which would make ECW the only brand honestly worth a damn anymore. A Joe/Punk match for the ECW title at WM 24, in Orlando, damn, that's spiteful and right in TNA's backyard.
Actually, you forgot about 3 Minute Warning and Rikishi ;)

As previously mentioned, Joe is friends with Cena and this has to be a major upside for Joe which it's no secret that in wrestling promotions if you're ranked as their "number one", they [the WWE] can do you favors or do what you ask for them to do.

In the current spot TNA is at, Joe should have every reason to be upset that he is not champion. He worked with the promotion and gave more longer than Kurt Angle did and now look, TNA rewarded Angle every single title in their own promotion when TNA desperately need to push new talented superstars such as Joe, but I guess it's all about blasting Angle's ego to the moon for what reason? For being a former WWE champion, that simple. As long as we see Kurt Angle in TNA, you can wait 10 years (if TNA will even be around then) and Joe still wouldn't hold the TNA championship.
are u kidding? joe is huge in TNA, kurt isnt gonna be champ 4ever, geez im sure if the guy waited like 6 months he would be the new TNA champ, joe is gonna, or was gonna be the next TNA champ

he had awsome matches with kurt is it such a crime for some1 just as talented or more talented than joe being world champ? TNA made joe huge, the undefeted streak, the main events with kurt, they put joe on the map, and yet ppl say that they dont do anything for him or hes being underused and crap like that

the only reason why he doesnt re-sign is not because of how TNA is treating him, im 99% sure its because of money, hence why hes thinking of going to WWE where the big bucks are and not ROH or japan... its quite obvious that for joe to actually be something in WWE it will take him MUCH more than 2 years, being cenas friend or not, WWE will not push a TNA/ROH guy as being WHC or WWE champ, at least not for a few years, and if u consider being ECW champ bigger than TNA champ, will nowadays i would really have to disagree

ECW champ means nothing anymore..... the only person who could bring meaning to it would have been kurt or benoit, both gone...

TNA favorite Samoa Joe is telling people close to him that he'd rather sign an entry level WWE contract, around $50,000 a year than re-sign with TNA with his current contract.

No doubt if he did go to WWE they'd either stick him in the lower ranks, totally repackage him or both.

Well I'd prefer him to go back to ROH. But wrestling wise TNA is dead. But financially he should probably stay there. I think he'd get paid more than 50 grand there. And WWE have already got a monster samoan.

Bad move IMO. I'm a WWE guy that will watch TNA at times. Joe leaving TNA for WWE will end the same way Tazz leaving ECW for the WWE ended.....a waste. Joe is a good wrestler, I like the guy and the charecter...the fact of the amtter is that he doesnt fit the "type" of wrestler that Vince puts titles least not at the main even t level. He will be an IC/U.S. champ at best but nothing more...and that is IF the WWE uses him right. When Tazz left ECW I was pumped for him coming to the WWE but he was burried and his charecter lost credibility in my eyes at least. If the WWE does bring Joe in then he should be placed on the ECW brand. That is the only way I see him getting into main events....just my opinion though.

are u kidding? joe is huge in TNA, kurt isnt gonna be champ 4ever, geez im sure if the guy waited like 6 months he would be the new TNA champ, joe is gonna, or was gonna be the next TNA champ

he had awsome matches with kurt is it such a crime for some1 just as talented or more talented than joe being world champ? TNA made joe huge, the undefeted streak, the main events with kurt, they put joe on the map, and yet ppl say that they dont do anything for him or hes being underused and crap like that

the only reason why he doesnt re-sign is not because of how TNA is treating him, im 99% sure its because of money, hence why hes thinking of going to WWE where the big bucks are and not ROH or japan... its quite obvious that for joe to actually be something in WWE it will take him MUCH more than 2 years, being cenas friend or not, WWE will not push a TNA/ROH guy as being WHC or WWE champ, at least not for a few years, and if u consider being ECW champ bigger than TNA champ, will nowadays i would really have to disagree

ECW champ means nothing anymore..... the only person who could bring meaning to it would have been kurt or benoit, both gone...

you bring up good points...not to get too far off the topic here but I do agree that the Joe charecter could have been used differently/better....thats not TNA's fault though...I agree with you that they made him big but they only have an hour to work with and guys like Angle, Sting, and Christian Cage need their air time....TNA has difficulty cramming 2 hours of t.v. and storylines into 1 hour....once they move to two hours i would expect their storylines and charecters to grow.

money always brings the young guys in....but the schedule is what the old guys like.....funny how each promotion attracts different wrestlers.
well i think that if somoa joe were to move to WWECW it could be a great move for Joe and McMahon, ggreat for joe because it gives him that new start and a chance to be the biggest star in the new ECW, and great for McMahon because ECW needs more talent so i'd love to see him move to WWECW and become a mega star, i they let him........IF

Joe would be a great draw in ECW and the WWE in general. He would mostly bring in his TNA following as well as "smark" fans that would want to see a feud between him and CM Punk. The problems that occur with him signing a developmental contract are 1) they may wait maybe 6 or 7 months until they bring him on TV so he can learn the WWE "style" of wrestling, 2) they might repackage him terribly and hurt his in-ring style, 3) they might not even bring him on TV and release him because he doesn't have the WWE "look". I understand him being in the WWE as a big deal, but nothing has been set in stone yet. He told "a source" that he might leave TNA and sign a WWE contract. If he does move to WWE, TNA will really lose a good worker. But it is their fault because they really haven't handled his feud with Angle properly the last year. Instead of having him and Angle in a marque feud, they gave it away the first chance they could. People loved their first match but then it became the same match over and over again with different Russo stipulations. He can't be compared to Tazz when he left ECW for the WWE. If you look at what the WWE had built up in their main event department that year, he really did not have a chance. His career also ended early due to injury. Joe is different in the aspect that he could be a great main event performer in a slim down main event roster. McMahon would be smart to take him away and put him in a feud with someone like Umaga and have Joe play the heel. If built properly, he can also feud with is good friend Cena. They can't give away a feud between him and Punk just yet because it can draw a lot of money down the line for the company. A teasing of that feud would be perfect as opposed of giving the match away the first chance they can. If that happens, it'll become stale and old. They can easily build up a feud between Joe and Punk the same way they built up a feud between Austin and the Rock. Joe can be a mega-star , as with CM Punk and build up the new ECW, if his storylines are handled properly.
if for some miracle reason WWE lets joe just be joe, then i have no problem with him going do WWECW, he could work well there with burke, nitro, cor von, and any1 whos seen the joe/punk matches know they are a 7 star must see lol, but the thing is WWE will limit him, just like they did with punk, and since hes a fat samoan im sure WWE will wanna stick him with some stupid gimmick, cm punk there isnt much he can do for other gimmicks, but joe there are many ideas

but a joe/umaga feud IMO would suck, and the other problem with joe going to WWE is he will never make it big time, and if he does it will be a 1 year thing and he will drop to low mid carder 2 days later, the most he will acomplish is a ECW world tite, wich doesnt mean much anyway

if TNA offers joe more money, wich they probably will do, joe will not leave, this doesnt have to do with how they are using him, its all about the money!, i really hope TNA doesnt drop the ball and let him go...
If I were Samoa Joe, I would discuss talks about joining the WWE. It would create a concern at TNA and perhaps yes or not, they'd really want him back with probably a bigger salary. And besides, Samoa Joe speaks english correctly on the mic and that could do wonders for him in the WWE, unlike The Great Khali which is undoubtedly the most ridiculous champion in the history of the WWE.
Joe would be a great draw in ECW and the WWE in general. He would mostly bring in his TNA following as well as "smark" fans that would want to see a feud between him and CM Punk. The problems that occur with him signing a developmental contract are 1) they may wait maybe 6 or 7 months until they bring him on TV so he can learn the WWE "style" of wrestling, 2) they might repackage him terribly and hurt his in-ring style, 3) they might not even bring him on TV and release him because he doesn't have the WWE "look". I understand him being in the WWE as a big deal, but nothing has been set in stone yet. He told "a source" that he might leave TNA and sign a WWE contract. If he does move to WWE, TNA will really lose a good worker. But it is their fault because they really haven't handled his feud with Angle properly the last year. Instead of having him and Angle in a marque feud, they gave it away the first chance they could. People loved their first match but then it became the same match over and over again with different Russo stipulations. He can't be compared to Tazz when he left ECW for the WWE. If you look at what the WWE had built up in their main event department that year, he really did not have a chance. His career also ended early due to injury. Joe is different in the aspect that he could be a great main event performer in a slim down main event roster. McMahon would be smart to take him away and put him in a feud with someone like Umaga and have Joe play the heel. If built properly, he can also feud with is good friend Cena. They can't give away a feud between him and Punk just yet because it can draw a lot of money down the line for the company. A teasing of that feud would be perfect as opposed of giving the match away the first chance they can. If that happens, it'll become stale and old. They can easily build up a feud between Joe and Punk the same way they built up a feud between Austin and the Rock. Joe can be a mega-star , as with CM Punk and build up the new ECW, if his storylines are handled properly.

well, agree to disagree i suppose. Joe does not have a WWE champion "look" and beause of that I find it hard to believe that Vince would put anything more then the ECW/IC/US title around his waist......If you are telling me that Joe has a better chance of main eventing with the likes of HHH, Cena, Orton, Batista, Khali, and the Undertaker then Tazz did with the WWE roster back in the day then I want what you are on. Dont forget he will also have to contend with returning stars like HBK, Edge, and Bobby Lashley too. Joe, Like Tazz was is a big fish in a small pond...when you come to the WWE your past accomplishments dont mean anything. Look at the Sandman, Mike Awsome, Tajiri...all big players in ECW but we all know what their roles were in WWE. One thing that people need to understand is that a portion of WWE fans know who he is NOT the majority. His charecter is not known to most WWE fans.Please, you cant compare a Joe/Punk feud with Austin/Rock. The smart fan will love and look foreward to the Joe/Punk feud but in the WWE world that isnt a big draw.....the problem is that a lot of the people on the board are wanting the TNA Joe Charecter to come to WWE and feud with our guys....he wont come over as Samoa Joe and he wont be thrown into any type of storyline right off the bat, he will be repackaged and he will be built up...
For crying out loud whoever created this thread now better stop coz SAMOA JOE aien't heading to WWE CIRCUS at all! Just because he didn't sign a contract with TNA doesn't specualate rumors and gossips he is heading to WWE! Like Ron Truth Killings it was the same rumors that wrestling fans created and reporters alike Did Ron Truth Killings head to WWE?No
I see ,Jerry Lynn,Lance Hoyt ,Matt Bentley and The Basham Bros into WWE
Not SAMOA JOE but yet again they can get back Matt Bentley with TNA for a long time so I see Nickelback singer Jerry Lynn to WWE and Lance Hoyt as well! Now enough with Samoa Joe they ll offer him a contract and shut him up as they did to Ron Killings!
yeah but the difference is joe wants to go to WWE, killings didnt

so there is a big chance of him going there, also because i think WWE would love to pick him up and cena would help joe to be put under some sort of contract

not that its a good idea but if TNA doenst offer joe enough money hes probably gonna end up in WWE
I think a move to WWE would be the pinnacle of Joe's carer. Think about it: He was one of the biggest stars in ROH, then he was one of the biggest in TNA. A move to WWE would just be another step to the top for Joe. Although I don't think he'll ever win the WWE Championship or World Heavyweight Championship, but he'd be a good fit for the ECW title.
For crying out loud whoever created this thread now better stop coz SAMOA JOE aien't heading to WWE CIRCUS at all! Just because he didn't sign a contract with TNA doesn't specualate rumors and gossips he is heading to WWE! Like Ron Truth Killings it was the same rumors that wrestling fans created and reporters alike Did Ron Truth Killings head to WWE?No
I see ,Jerry Lynn,Lance Hoyt ,Matt Bentley and The Basham Bros into WWE
Not SAMOA JOE but yet again they can get back Matt Bentley with TNA for a long time so I see Nickelback singer Jerry Lynn to WWE and Lance Hoyt as well! Now enough with Samoa Joe they ll offer him a contract and shut him up as they did to Ron Killings!

lol...dont you remember that Lynn was originally rejected by the WWE and thats when you TNA picked him up?he might work in ECW but for the most part he isnt someone that people are tripping over to get. WWE a circus?, compared to TNA I'd say WWE is doing just fine. Any company with vince Russo at the helm is not a company I'm expecting big things from. This isnt a TNA bashing thread so I wont get into too much here but TNA IMO is falling into a bad habit of signing and pushing former WWE stars. They spent alot of time developing A.J. Styles and Samoa Joe and LAX and then proceed to give pushes to Cristian Cage, Kurt Angle, Sting, Tomko, Scott Stiener, and the Dudley Boys. A year ago TNA had a fresh approach with new faces but now it is a wasteland of former WWE talent. TNA will not be able to compete with the WWE until it gets two hours because the product and the charecters suffer due to not being able to develop cant cram 2 hours of wrestleing and development into a one hour time slot....
yeah but the difference is joe wants to go to WWE, killings didnt

so there is a big chance of him going there, also because i think WWE would love to pick him up and cena would help joe to be put under some sort of contract

not that its a good idea but if TNA doenst offer joe enough money hes probably gonna end up in WWE

I can see Vince throwing money and a contract at Joe just to hurt TNA....and believe would hurt TNA. He is one of the top guys tehre....although I'm not convinced that it would be any type of big boost to WWE would better the product. The fact of the matter is that Joe going to WWE would hurt TNA more then it would help WWE.

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