Sad day in the CA household...

I think I still have my old Hulk Hogan shirt. I should sport that bad boy out in public, if i still have it.

Mysterio is an old washed up cruiserweight that is injury prone. How many good matches has he had in the past 2 years?

Spot on, Mysterio sucks, I can't believe the same people who say Hardy is shit and a spot monkey, are the same people who like Rey. I mean seriously his wrestling is almost as bad as his mic skills.

Agreed but has his career been better? No. Don't kid yourself.
I don't know Hardy's matches as a tag team pretty much eclipse any match Rey has had. Rey probably wouldn't even be wrestling, or be on Heat if Eddie hadn't died.

And I don't think they actualy have mysterio T-shirts that fit anyone over the age of 8, or maybe it just that I haven't seen anyone over 8 wear one in public.
Spot on, Mysterio sucks, I can't believe the same people who say Hardy is shit and a spot monkey, are the same people who like Rey. I mean seriously his wrestling is almost as bad as his mic skills.

You've never seen pre-WWE Rey Mysterio. I'll fix that.

I don't know Hardy's matches as a tag team pretty much eclipse any match Rey has had. Rey probably wouldn't even be wrestling, or be on Heat if Eddie hadn't died.

See above. At least he's held a world title, even though he was almost as bad as the Great Khali.

And I don't think they actualy have mysterio T-shirts that fit anyone over the age of 8, or maybe it just that I haven't seen anyone over 8 wear one in public.

No-one wears wrestling shirts in public in England. They have self-respect.
Spot on, Mysterio sucks, I can't believe the same people who say Hardy is shit and a spot monkey, are the same people who like Rey. I mean seriously his wrestling is almost as bad as his mic skills.

I don't know Hardy's matches as a tag team pretty much eclipse any match Rey has had. Rey probably wouldn't even be wrestling, or be on Heat if Eddie hadn't died.

And I don't think they actualy have mysterio T-shirts that fit anyone over the age of 8, or maybe it just that I haven't seen anyone over 8 wear one in public.

Wow. Why do people give their opinion on something they know absolutely nothing about? Don't they know they'll sound idiotic?

Rey Mysterio has had more classic matches then Jeff Hardy has had different hair colors. Pretty much anything Rey Mysterio did prior to his WWE run (and even during that run) is amazing. His matches with Psicosis are among the most amazing matches I have ever seen in my life.

Stop reading, and go to YouTube. Look up something like Rey vs. Eddie Guerrero at Halloween Havoc 97, or Rey vs. Psicosis at November to Remember 1995. Classics.

Jeff Hardy has been improving lately though, I'll give him that.
Wow. Why do people give their opinion on something they know absolutely nothing about? Don't they know they'll sound idiotic?

Rey Mysterio has had more classic matches then Jeff Hardy has had different hair colors. Pretty much anything Rey Mysterio did prior to his WWE run (and even during that run) is amazing. His matches with Psicosis are among the most amazing matches I have ever seen in my life.
I can second that.
I can't help it damnit! Just knowing there are those out there blinded by the ignorance of Hardy > Mysterio, makes my blood boil.

I won't stand for it brother.
Mysterio in ECW was awesome. It's already been said, but his matched wit h Psicosis were awesome. I never watched him in WCW. and his WWE run has been Meh
I am not a DVD person but i liked it. The commentary was pretty bad, but some of the matches were good.
You've never seen pre-WWE Rey Mysterio. I'll fix that.
Yea I have and he was a decent crusierweight, surrounded by great cruiserweights. Mysterio was about as good as Alex Shelly is now, ion his prime. He was quick and agile, but not much else. He didnt do anything that acircus acrobat couldn't do. When it came to moving up from the bottom of the card Rey just simply wasn't good enough to do it. Thats why he failed in WWE, he had the push, he had the fans, and was crap. And although Mysterio's matches against Liger, Ultimo, Guerreo, and Jericho-all of them are better workers than Rey. Rey as a wrestler is average, he has always relied on spots more than Jeff Hardy, Rey was a cruiserweight for gods sake 8/10 cruiserweights are spot monkies. So how can someone who likes Rey then say Jeff sucks. At least Jeff didnt botch half of his moves at the Royal Rumble...

Also its important to mention that Rey was popular, and liked back then because he had some good matches; now he is liked because he was friends with Eddie Guerreo. His last good match coinsidently was against Eddie in that ladder match. Rey has always needed a good worker to carry him, his entire career he has been surrounded by some of the best wrestlers/workers ever. But put him in the ring against average workers and he puts on matches that arent nearly as good, see vs Booker T, vs JBL, vs Chavo. Both guys are pretty average in my opinion, but Mysterio just was never all that great. You can't compare even his good matches to the Hardy's vs E+C.

See above. At least he's held a world title, even though he was almost as bad as the Great Khali.
Rey doesn't have the wrestling skills, or the mic skills to be a main event wrestler. He suddenly became a draw after Eddie died, and WWE capitalised on it, he should never be let near a title again, let alone the second biggest title in Wrestling.

No-one wears wrestling shirts in public in England. They have self-respect.
I was talking about on TV.
Most WWE DVDs are shit. The only ones I've seen that were any good were the three original ECW DVD's, "The Rise and Fall", "Blood Sport", and "Extreme Rules". The Mick Foley DVD was pretty solid as well. The Ric Flair one is good too, though its almost impossible to collect a "Best-Of" Ric Flair without missing some classics.

The documentaries they've been doing for the last 2 years or so have been fantastic though. I especially enjoyed the Brian Pillman and Four Horsemen docs.
Yea I have and he was a decent crusierweight, surrounded by great cruiserweights. Mysterio was about as good as Alex Shelly is now, ion his prime. He was quick and agile, but not much else.

Mysterio and Shelley are nothing alike. They're cruiserweights, that's it.

He didnt do anything that acircus acrobat couldn't do.

And Jeff Hardy can? Are you fucking kidding me?

When it came to moving up from the bottom of the card Rey just simply wasn't good enough to do it. Thats why he failed in WWE, he had the push, he had the fans, and was crap.

Sorry. I thought you were talking about Hardy's pathetic career where he's been semi-over at best at certain points.

And although Mysterio's matches against Liger, Ultimo, Guerreo, and Jericho-all of them are better workers than Rey. Rey as a wrestler is average, he has always relied on spots more than Jeff Hardy, Rey was a cruiserweight for gods sake 8/10 cruiserweights are spot monkies.

Rey Mysterio can work a consistent match, something Jeff Hardy could never do.

Also its important to mention that Rey was popular, and liked back then because he had some good matches; now he is liked because he was friends with Eddie Guerreo.

Not by many he's not. I'm disgusted with him riding Eddie's death.

His last good match coinsidently was against Eddie in that ladder match. Rey has always needed a good worker to carry him, his entire career he has been surrounded by some of the best wrestlers/workers ever.

Talking about Jeff Hardy again?

But put him in the ring against average workers and he puts on matches that arent nearly as good, see vs Booker T, vs JBL, vs Chavo. Both guys are pretty average in my opinion, but Mysterio just was never all that great. You can't compare even his good matches to the Hardy's vs E+C.

Yes you can. You call Mysterio a spot monkey that needs to be carried and then you cite TLC matches with five other guys as proof that Hardy is better?

Rey doesn't have the wrestling skills, or the mic skills to be a main event wrestler.

Stop talking about Jeff Hardy!

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