Rollins joining Evolution = Bryan joining Wyatt Family?


King Of The Ring
Last night, Rollins turned on The Shield and seems to form an alliance with Orton/HHH.

Nobody saw it coming, especially after The Shield coming off a big victory against Evolution.

Coincidentally, Batista "quits" the WWE.

What if Rollins' turn is another swerve waiting to happen like Bryan when he turned on Wyatt after weeks from joining The Wyatt Family in the first place.

This could be an opportunity for Rollins' to come out a bigger star than before than being in the background of Reigns and Ambrose. Thoughts?
No, Seth is gone for good, what sense does it make to try and beat the guy who employs you? I'm sure Seth realized this. They went to war with evolution, they didn't win any titles. Wars shorten careers, how long were they suppose to fight the boss?....Seth, he made the right choice.
You never know, but it would be a little predictable. It would be kinda pointless him joining Evolution to beat them from within, so to speak, considering they've already beaten them twice while both have been full strength. What would be the point of this after Evolution lose Batista and theoretically become even weaker? I see lots of title shots for Rollins coming in the meantime, maybe even a shot at MITB, purely as a gift from the boss. :D I'm sure sooner or later Rollins will turn face again, but it wouldn't be to rejoin The Shield.
So who is the next member of the shied? cause noway will they keep it 2-3 . i am thinking sami zayn

Copying this from another thread I posted in:

The Shield don't need a new member though. No matter who they would bring in, it wouldn't feel the same. The spotlight should remain on the original guys. Reigns and Ambrose will be portrayed as hurt and stung that their brother turned on them. Throwing in a third member who had no previous affiliation with either faction makes no sense. I agree with whoever said HHH may take a step back from in-ring action until Summerslam now.
The problem with WWE turning Daniel Bryan heel and joining The Wyatt Family was due to Bryan being so over as a babyface, someone that fans truly & genuinely wanted to cheer for, that they wouldn't accept him. All members of The Shield are over, but nowhere near the level of Daniel Bryan. When you take into account Bryan's image, the type of person he's revealed to be, couple that with a storyline in which he's frequently screwed out of advancement by corporate executives with such condescending egos that it genuinely irks you, it's made for an epic storyline. WWE bungled their way along in the early goings, but eventually got it right. Bryan shouldn't have been turned heel, it was simply a piss poor booking idea. While Bryan turning babyface again a few weeks later and revealing that it was all a ploy to get Bray Wyatt alone, you could tell that it was extremely rushed. Still, the sight of Bryan perched on top of a cage while leading a MASSIVE Yes chant was pretty epic.

In the case of Rollins, it's a different story. As I said, The Shield isn't anywhere near as over as Bryan has been and Bryan's long since established his own personal identity. Rollins hasn't done that aside from being the best in-ring guy of the group. I don't see WWE quickly turning Rollins face once again, I ultimately see him getting a push. In a lot of ways, I don't think Rollins has gotten the amount of credit he's due as a lot of focus in various stories, articles & rumors have been on either Ambrose or Reigns. From an overall perspective, I like Rollins the most. While Reigns might have an overall better "look" about him and while Ambrose is more polished on the mic, Rollins has the best overall game of the three in my view.

The follow up to this could mean the difference between success and failure. Obviously, people want an explanation as to why Rollins turned on the men who've had his back since coming to WWE. That's especially true after being involved in two classic six man tag matches against Evolution, the second of which took place only 24 hours before his turn. What was the offer Triple H made to him? Did he come to Triple H? Was he sick of being the one in The Shield that wasn't talked about as much? Was he tired of being the glue that held them together?
No, Seth is gone for good, what sense does it make to try and beat the guy who employs you? I'm sure Seth realized this. They went to war with evolution, they didn't win any titles. Wars shorten careers, how long were they suppose to fight the boss?....Seth, he made the right choice.

Wasn't really a choice though was it? Just the way the story was written
Like everyone else, I thought it would be Ambrose to do it. But it makes more sense that it is Rollins. Everyone can see Reigns is set to be a top guy, wether you like him or not Vince and HHH do, and Ambrose definitely has a permanent place, he can talk, he's "eccentric" as they kept saying at Payback, he's gonna stay. Rollins was the one who was questionable about being a permanent contributing member of WWE without the Shield, so who better to stick with the veterans from Evolution than him, who can learn and, well "evolve" into a star. To me they will all be stars, but if one of the three of them could use the rub from teaming with HHH and Orton, it would be Rollins.
Rollins lack of expression while cementing the turn did have an odd air of him being forced, he just stared blankly, no smirks and no real reaction to Triple H's "We're buddies now!" arm around the shoulder stuff.

However I doubt there is anything complex at play here, it's an old fashioned heel turn that will be rubber stamped with a promo next week.
This seemed totally pointless. You beat a team once, you totally own them the second time, one of their members leave in frustration and they have clearly lost the war... and then you leave your team- the winners of the war, the hottest property in the WWE right now, the squad that nobody shits with- and join that team of losers. I just don't understand the logic.
no, i dont think this is like Bryan joining the Wyatt Family. Bryan was huge over and WWE (for some dumb reason) tried a heel turn, but it was an failure and WWE realized its mistake and did the turn back to face. Seth Rollins isnt as over as Bryan and while he's my favorite Shield member due to his move set and CM Punk-like look, he's not as over as Bryan and i dont see them turning him to face quickly. plus it doesnt make alot of sense. for Bryan it made sense as he was always getting beat up by them. turning heel for Rollins can work and i hope it leads to him being a main event player.
Similar to what someone else said, maybe Seth just realized that he's not getting anywhere constantly defeating Evolution. They were 2-0, yet HHH still wanted another match.
Top 5:
1 - CM Punk
2 - Seth Rollins
3 - Roman Reigns
4 - Cesaro
5 - Daniel Bryan
I think it's possible that this could bea short lived angle. HHH seemed very adamant that this "wouldn't be over" until The Shield were no more, and even though Batista left, we've seen 11-3 matches before so he obviously has resources.

Seth is "The Architect" so maybe he set up this plan to give HHH the sense of victory and to make him drop his gaurd. I wouldn't be surprised to see Ambrose and Reigns go their separate ways because of trust issues and anger. Then once it looks like The Shield is through for good and Rollins is squarely with Evolution, perhaps even a title holder, they return and punish the boss. This would be great if Rollins wins the vacated WWE WHC at MitB and then turns back to The Shield. HHH will have alienated Orton by picking Seth and then when he goes back to The Shield HHH will have no one.
I actually picked Rollins as the one to turn on the Shield first. I just picked it at the wrong time. When it looked like the Shield was going to break up before WM, and they were having there feuds with the Wyatts, I thought Rollins was going to turn on the Shield at that time. And my logic for that was, he seemed to be playing peacekeeper between Ambrose and Reigns, so I thought that was going to be the swerve, the guy playing peacekeeper would be the first to turn.

I actually like Rollins in evolution, it makes Evolution what it is suppose to be "The past in HHH, the present with Randy Orton and the Future with Rollins"
It is the best heel turn in years

Totally unexpected and totally swerves the universe as we all assume reigns is the rock in waiting and ambrose is tipped as a massive main event heel
Here's what I hope we get!

HHH takes a step back, Rollins & Orton are after a while, portrayed as the best tag team on the roster, and most dangerous. After a while of dominating the tag division, with the only real threat being the shield ( so far ), at some point, they come up against Rowan and Harper, which after a few matches, would hopefully lead to an evolution vs Wyatt's saga. Bray obviously singling out HHH for singles matches.
Considering Mason Ryan has been released, I don't think that's going to happen.

I know there was talk of adding a guy like Adrian Neville to Evolution, so I guess they could always add him to the Shield. But like others have said, I don't think the Shield needs anyone else. I think Triple H will go back to being more of an authority figure or a manager type role and it'll be Rollins/Orton vs Reigns/Ambrose going forward.
And it was a really stupid way to write it. Seth jumped off a screen and beat the hell out of Triple H and Randy and now suddenly, he's bros with them? It's just stupid and defies any sense of logic.

I get what you're saying but we all know "sports entertainment" likes to suspend disbelief. However, let's take a look back at Austin who terrorized Mr. McMahon for years only to align himself with the boss. Or Eric Bischoff who was the jackknifed through a table by The Outsiders only to be the one who is the head man of the nWo. Or The Rock beating the wholly hell out of Mankind with a chair in an I Quit match then later forming the Rock n Sock connection. I can give more examples but as Austin would say after a bunch of what? chants "I think you get the point"

It's "sports entertainment", common sense doesn't always apply. Let's just sit back and see where it goes. Hell, we might enjoy it.

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