ROH Sold

To be fair, the news reports I read never stated if Feinstein planned to top or bottom for his 14 year old boy.

Lamest trolling ever. Feinstein hasn't been involved with ROH in seven fucking years. Get the fuck over it, sexual abuse happened plenty of times in the WWE and WCW too you know.
So, what if those 10 people I mentioned think ROH is the greatest great thing ever. Are these 10 people going to shell out the thousands of dollars it takes to run ROH once a month or however many shows they do?

There are more than 10 people, first of all. I assume you would know that, but I can't be sure. ROH survives because it has a smaller pecentage of casual fans than WWE. Millions of people tune in for Raw, but a majority don't invest financially through live events, merchandise, or pay-per-view buys. ROH may not have millions of people watching its shows, but a larger percentage of its fans do go to live events, order DVDs or t-shirts, and buy the iPPVs.

ROH might of been nice for those who didn't care for the WWE's "bullshit" at the time. However, you need to appeal to more than just a small niche to be considered a success. If you want ROH to stay around, you might want to try to sell people on the product than be so damn defensive about it. It has nothing to do with me being a Wade Barrett mark or anti-indy spotfests. It is just common business sense.

ROH is much more than a place for people that hate WWE. The people I talk to here that watch indies and those in the real world I know watch Raw every week as well as order iPPVs and DVDs when they can.

I would sell you on the product, but since you seem to be narrow-minded enough to judge the product on one show, I'd rather save my energy for a more worthwhile cause, such as counting the sand on the beach.

And for the record, how many different head bookers/top has ROH gone through? I am curious because off the top of my head, I got 3 bookers and a list of "top" guys. Talk about instability.

How many different creative members has WWE gone through over the years? Changes on the creative team and/or changes in ownership do not always represent instability.
They have hundreds, and sometimes even over 1,000 people at live events have a successful DVD business, secured a TV deal, and secure enough Internet pay-per-view buys to continue and expand that aspect of their business.
And were on the brink of financial ruin. They got kicked off of that first TV deal because they couldn't get anyone to watch. Their PPV buys come from essentially the same people who go to the shows and buy the DVDs.

That's not growing "a ton".

A broadcast TV deal in cities outside of the usual touring cities is increased exposure.
Dish Network and DirecTV is in every city in this country, meaning HDNet is available in every city in the country. That's not increased exposure.

You can shit all over the time slot, outlets, and amount of stations as much as you want, but it will still be more accessible to most people because it is on broadcast rather than cable.
No, no it's not. "Accessible" means being put in a position where people can watch it without any significant changes to their lifestyle. ROH doesn't have that.

Add in the increased Internet presence of the TV show and the potential expansion of Sinclair and this will increase exposure.

This is why nobody takes ROH fans seriously. They oversell and exaggerate everything to the point where you just can't take their words for anything other than biased fandom. It's the same reason ROH fans will try to tell me Joe vs. Kobashi was a good match when it's a big steaming pile of shit.

ROH already has a significant Internet following. Putting their shows on a web site isn't going to increase their fan base, because Internet fans who want to watch already do. And the "potential expansion of Sinclair"...:lmao: C'mon, you're smart, surely you can understand why this makes me laugh.
Feinstein hasn't been involved with ROH in seven fucking years. Get the fuck over it, sexual abuse happened plenty of times in the WWE and WCW too you know.

And people shit on TNA for aping the big promotions. ;)
Lamest trolling ever. Feinstein hasn't been involved with ROH in seven fucking years. Get the fuck over it, sexual abuse happened plenty of times in the WWE and WCW too you know.

Wasn't trolling, was making a joke. You ROH fans sure are touchy...
For the record, I dont say anything in these discussions becuase, well, I could never be bothered to watch any ROH. However, these are always my favorite threads.
For the record, I dont say anything in these discussions becuase, well, I could never be bothered to watch any ROH.
I'm jealous. I have 4 or 5 DVDs, and not one of them is worth a damn. If I hadn't bought them for like $5 a piece, I'd really be pissed.
The ROH shows I've seen aren't bad. The main events completely miss the point of pro wrestling and finishing moves or selling offense at all but who cares about that right? We can do 10 of the same finishers in a row!
The ROH shows I've seen aren't bad. The main events completely miss the point of pro wrestling and finishing moves or selling offense at all but who cares about that right? We can do 10 of the same finishers in a row!
What's really funny is that ROH fans will rip Cena for selling, and yet the one ROH PPV I watched had some of the worst selling I've ever seen in my entire life. I guess it's okay though, because they don't have big muscles and people don't like them.
Dish Network and DirecTV is in every city in this country, meaning HDNet is available in every city in the country. That's not increased exposure.

This is true, but there is a catch. HDNet is only offered in select packages on Dish Network. So even if you have Dish Network, it doesn't necessarily mean you have HDNet. If you have an HD receiver with DirecTV, you will have HDNet. So while it may be available in every city, it does not mean everyone will be able to get it.

To say this deal doesn't have potential to help ROH grow is just crazy. Will this deal help them grow? I don't know. But it definitely has the potential to do that.
This is true, but there is a catch. HDNet is only offered in select packages on Dish Network. So even if you have Dish Network, it doesn't necessarily mean you have HDNet. If you have an HD receiver with DirecTV, you will have HDNet. So while it may be available in every city, it does not mean everyone will be able to get it.
But everyone has access to it, and if ROH had more fans, people would order HDNet package.

To say this deal doesn't have potential to help ROH grow is just crazy.
No, it's realistic. What about this deal makes you think it will make them grow? I've posted the limited cities Sinclair has stations in. Gelgarin has, on a couple of occasions, mentioned the financial situation Sinclair is in. Sinclair has only 22% intrusion into American homes, and they're going to broadcast ROH on a night and time when their target demographic won't even be home to watch.

I can understand the optimism, but I just don't think it will ever come to pass. Remember, when ROH got on HDNet people thought it would be a great deal for them as well. And in the end, it just didn't do very much at all for them.
What's really funny is that ROH fans will rip Cena for selling, and yet the one ROH PPV I watched had some of the worst selling I've ever seen in my entire life. I guess it's okay though, because they don't have big muscles and people don't like them.

And he makes a lot of money and is on ESPN. And because he doesn't apply the STF right or something like that.
There are more than 10 people, first of all. I assume you would know that, but I can't be sure.

Yeah. I know there is more than 10. However, grand scheme of it all.. It does feel like 10 people. This article said that they were the third largest wrestling company. Does that even really matter?

ROH survives because it has a smaller pecentage of casual fans than WWE. Millions of people tune in for Raw, but a majority don't invest financially through live events, merchandise, or pay-per-view buys. ROH may not have millions of people watching its shows, but a larger percentage of its fans do go to live events, order DVDs or t-shirts, and buy the iPPVs.

Correct me if I am wrong, which I have faith you will, isn't trying to be a DVD company stupid these days? You can go to any torrent site and find a DVD.. Or a forum and download it.. Or just look hard enough and find a download link. IWA-MS (?) shut down not too long ago and they were a DVD company.

ROH is much more than a place for people that hate WWE. The people I talk to here that watch indies and those in the real world I know watch Raw every week as well as order iPPVs and DVDs when they can.

I will give ROH some due. Have significantly cheaper PPVs than the WWE is a smart idea. TNA had that idea years ago. Only difference, TNA used to build a faithful fanbase in their early stages. ROH is using it stay afloat. So, yeah, about trying to sell the product to non-ROH fans might be a good idea after all.

I would sell you on the product, but since you seem to be narrow-minded enough to judge the product on one show, I'd rather save my energy for a more worthwhile cause, such as counting the sand on the beach.

Ok. So, you are pretty much saying that if you don't like and/or know nothing about the ROH product, "tough cookies"? How in the world has this company stayed around for so long with fans like that.

How many different creative members has WWE gone through over the years? Changes on the creative team and/or changes in ownership do not always represent instability.

Cena has been on top for 7-8 years now. The WWE has marketed and developed itself around this one guy for 7-8 year now. Sounds stupid on its head, but a majority of rasstlin' fans don't just want watch oily men in their underwear hit each other. They want to watch a TV show. That is why the WWE is successful.

Who has ROH based their universe around in any real long term manner?
I had HDnet because I have an HD package. I don't have the Sinclair stations that this is going to air on (allegedly), so they lost me as a potential viewer because of it. Also I'd bet there were a lot of people in New York and LA and Chicago that had it that aren't going on their website to see the show now.
And were on the brink of financial ruin. They got kicked off of that first TV deal because they couldn't get anyone to watch. Their PPV buys come from essentially the same people who go to the shows and buy the DVDs.

They may not have had the best ratings, but more people know about ROH now than they did before the HDNet deal.

Dish Network and DirecTV is in every city in this country, meaning HDNet is available in every city in the country. That's not increased exposure.

Not every house with Dish, DirecTV, Comcast, etc. has HDNet. You and I both live near St. Louis. I assume by the way you talk that you have HDNet. My house does not. With this new deal, however, we will both get the channel that ROH will be on. Everyone in between 50 and 60 markets ends up being more than a few people in every market, especially since broadcast channels have more viewers than cable channels.

No, no it's not. "Accessible" means being put in a position where people can watch it without any significant changes to their lifestyle. ROH doesn't have that.

Turning on the TV at a certain time or going online to watch a show doesn't take any sort of significant lifestyle change, since that is how a vast majority of free time in America is spent anyway.


This is why nobody takes ROH fans seriously. They oversell and exaggerate everything to the point where you just can't take their words for anything other than biased fandom. It's the same reason ROH fans will try to tell me Joe vs. Kobashi was a good match when it's a big steaming pile of shit.

ROH already has a significant Internet following. Putting their shows on a web site isn't going to increase their fan base, because Internet fans who want to watch already do. And the "potential expansion of Sinclair"...:lmao: C'mon, you're smart, surely you can understand why this makes me laugh.

It will easily increase the fan base. I can post links to the shows on my friends' Facebook walls or tweet the link. That way, people can be exposed to ROH without having to financially commit to something they aren't sure they will like.
Don't feed the trolls Bearded, they are mighty hungry tonight.
But everyone has access to it, and if ROH had more fans, people would order HDNet package.

No, it's realistic. What about this deal makes you think it will make them grow? I've posted the limited cities Sinclair has stations in. Gelgarin has, on a couple of occasions, mentioned the financial situation Sinclair is in. Sinclair has only 22% intrusion into American homes, and they're going to broadcast ROH on a night and time when their target demographic won't even be home to watch.

I can understand the optimism, but I just don't think it will ever come to pass. Remember, when ROH got on HDNet people thought it would be a great deal for them as well. And in the end, it just didn't do very much at all for them.

No, not everyone has access to it. If you don't buy the package then you don't have access to it. Hell, I have DirecTV and never even heard of the channel until I saw someone on here say that ROH has a TV deal with them. I had never seen an ROH match up to that point so I decided to check it out. So HDNet doesn't really have the best presence on DirecTV.

I have said several times that I'm cautiously optimistic about this. It does have the potential to help ROH grow and reach new markets. But it also has the potential to crash and burn. It's hard for a company to grow if it doesn't take risks, and this is a major risk.

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