ROH 11th Anniversary Show LD

Michael Elgin defeats Roderick Strong 2 falls to 1, very good wrestling match, not as good as I was expecting but you won't win them all.

Up next, Adam Cole versus Matt Taven for the ROH World TV Championship.

Matt Taven on his ROH iPPV debut has defeated Adam Cole with a modified DDT to become the new ROH World TV Champion. Solid wrestling match, big upset. THIS is what ROH used to be about, young guys coming in and being given something due to their talent. Thank you Lizard man.
I'm surprised the Briscoes are still alive, I imagine by this point in their lives, their bodies are just being held together by duct tape & dirt.
Up next is The Briscoes versus reDRagon, Kyle O'Reilly and Bobby Fish.

Still shocked after the last result but hopefully this match will be as good as I hope It'll be.
I like hearing Nigel on commentary, huge step up from having to listen to Matt Hardy's ******ed nonsense throughout the last match.

Wow, that might be the fist match of the night that has truly impressed me.

reDRagon have defeated The Briscoes to become the new ROH World Tag Team Champions. This is fantastic in the fact their pushing these young guys, but The Briscoes were having a really good reign. Another very good tag team match, every match aside Elgin/Roderick has delivered something tonight, the damage Cornette did may be nearing total recovery.
Fucking awesome match!

Can't believe Am-Fishin' are champs, maybe I'll have to switch my sig back.

The title belt shtick was pretty funny.
That ending was pretty awesome until Matt fucking Hardy came out...

After watching this show I'm thinking ROH is just really not my cup of tea, I enjoyed the last two matches & aftermath, but other than that I felt pretty indifferent toward everything else that happened tonight.
What happened?

Steen beat Lethal with Generico's brainbuster. Then Corino, Jacobs and Rhino beat down Lethal. Some wrestlers tried to make the save, but Jimmy Rave returned and joined S.C.U.M. Rhett Titus and BJ Whitmer came down, and Titus turned on Whitmer and joined S.C.U.M. Some more wrestlers tried to make the save, but Cliff Compton debuted joining S.C.U.M. Then Matt Hardy joined S.C.U.M. Steve Corino cut a promo saying how this is how ROH dies. Steen didn't do anything but stand in the corner and look on. It should be interesting to see where Steen goes with S.C.U.M. from here.

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