ROH Border Wars 2013 LD

Kevin Steen ‏@FightSteenFight 1m
Thank you, Toronto. I'll never forget that reception. And SCUM, celebrate tonight because you won't have much to be happy about soon. #KSK

Awesome from Steen. The reaction he got was like the ROH equivilant of if Austin appeared on Raw.
Really unique story being told here, Richards who is a face is playing a heel due to how Toronto treated him last year when he lost the World title. Don't really recall this happening before, sure it has though, but really creative booking.
Richards went for a Double Foot Stomp but connected with London's head, London is a bit concussed I think and because of it the match ended somewhat awkwardly following a Shooting Star, Davey blocked with his knees and got the pin.

After the match both guys show each other respect and London says hes happy to be back to reality.
Very good and different match thus far. Not as fast paced, just Cole working over Jay's leg so he can get the Figure Four. Adam looks really good though, makes me happier hes sticking with the company.
Corino tried interfering, but McGuinness stops him and hits him with London Dungeon!

Cole gets distracted, turns around and into the Jay Driller! Jay retains the ROH World title.
The first three matches were kinda meh, but overall solid show, worth the $15. London/Richards, Jay/Cole, & Steen were the highlights for me.
Overall another really good iPPV, certainly worth the price.

Opener was good, not what I expected at all, the fastest match of the evening. Cedric Alexander, ACH (especially!) and TaDarius Thomas are all guys for the future, all young, good looks, great in the ring and ACH has a ton of charisma. He can jive like Dusty Rhodes too which is kind of funny. Bennett versus Strong was solid but nothing great, Roderick should be face and Bennett should be put into TV title contention which seems to be his path.

"I Quit" match was the worst match of the night. Match itself was underwhelming, shouldn't have been "I Quit" but the ending was really smart booking and put over how much Titus believes in Steve Corino's "masterplan" to kill Ring of Honor. Tag team match following it was brilliantly worked, don't know if Jay's injury was legit but Kevin Steen's run-in and the way they did that was great, the pop he got was huge. SCUM picking up a clean win is good booking, what TNA should have been doing with Ace's and 8's in the beginning, making them legit threats.

After intermission I wanted to kill myself when RD Evans and QT Marshall came out but Tommaso Ciampa's return was very well done and the crowd gave him a really good response. Expect him and Marshall between now and Best In The World or at the event itself. Eddie Edwards versus Taiji Ishimori was the match of the night, phenomenal match from both guys, really love when the Japan talents come to ROH, gives a real special feel to what your watching.

Taven and Mark Briscoe had a solid match but I hate how Taven is being booked, Truth Martini is his manager and overshadowing him. That needs to stop. I will admit seeing two hot women make out on a wrestling show was a nice change from my usual PG viewing. Davey and London was a good match but I honestly expected better, the concussion/injury London suffered didn't help things but it was good, hope ROH are smart and try to bring London on full-time.

And the main event was good but nothing special. Happy Jay won and it seems Adam isn't done yet as post match he teased attacking Jay but didn't, instead rolling under the bottom rope. Adam is the future, that really is all there needs to be said, future of ROH, future of the WWE and wrestling overall. 24-years-old, great look, charismatic, can play an effective heel and face - guy has no fault.

Overall a really good iPPV. I recommend wrestling fans buy the replay, if you enjoy tons of talking and shit not really for you, but if you like fun wrestling then its perfect. Just get something to eat during Whitmer and Titus. Best In The World 2013 should be pretty fun as a) John Morrison is rumored to be in talks about appearing and b) a NJPW talent is rumored to appear. Really hoping for Prince Devitt.

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