Road to Redemption and Rehabilitation Starts Here.

The only one of those arguments that holds any odds of being correct is Nikki Bella, but you got that one wrong too. She's the one who backstage politicked her way to the title record, not Cena. She may have gotten him to help her argument, but that was Nikki's doing.

Is Dagger a Crocker alt of a different feather?
Cena has done over 500 Make-A-Wish wishes. If you think he does it just for the publicity, why doesn't he publicize every single one of them? Also how do you know Cena doesn't do charity that isn't publicized?
Lesnar isn't greedy? Really? His current WWE contract would prove otherwise.

I wouldn't call playing Vince against Dana to get the most money possible for the least amount of work out of one or the other greed. I'd call that being a smart businessman. I think Lesnar is quite a bit more intelligent than he's given credit for.
I feel like this Crocker thing has gone on for so long, that admitting to know he's trolling everyone would be admitting to having wasted all this time.

Don't mind me. This is just my casual observation.
His 500th I think. WZ had a story a week or so ago about him doing another though. Not sure if WWE even mentioned it.

I don't think they did either, but let's pretend they did cover it on TV. So they didn't mention his charity work in any capacity until he beat the record for most wishes asked for? In other words WWE hasn't shoved his charity work down our throats?

Huh. The more we know.
Does Cena play backstage politics? Possibly. He definitely has at least a little creative control.

-- He refused to put over Nexus.
-- He made fun of Alex Riley in front of other wrestlers backstage.
-- He went over Kevin Owens and Rusev multiple times in a row, destorying their momentum.
-- He was reportedly against Jack Swagger getting a push and winning the World Title.
-- Kenny Dykstra claimed he was selfish and bullied Carlito backstage.
-- His match against John Laurinaitis main evented over CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan at Over the Limit 2012.
-- Michael Tarver claimed he buried him.
-- Tyler Reks claimed he threatened to get him fired if he didn't stop using the "Burning Hammer" maneuver.
-- He went over Brock Lesnar in Lesnar's return match.

This is not to say Cena has backstage politicked his way into the main event scene.

He is talented, hard working, and charismatic. He's also a tremendous wrestler and talker.

However, these examples do provide the grounds for speculation and discussion about Cena using backstage politics to get ahead and stay on top.
Does Cena play backstage politics? Possibly. He definitely has at least a little creative control.

-- He refused to put over Nexus.
-- He made fun of Alex Riley in front of other wrestlers backstage.
-- He went over Kevin Owens and Rusev multiple times in a row, destorying their momentum.
-- He was reportedly against Jack Swagger getting a push and winning the World Title.
-- Kenny Dykstra claimed he was selfish and bullied Carlito backstage.
-- His match against John Laurinaitis main evented over CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan at Over the Limit 2012.
-- Michael Tarver claimed he buried him.
-- Tyler Reks claimed he threatened to get him fired if he didn't stop using the "Burning Hammer" maneuver.
-- He went over Brock Lesnar in Lesnar's return match.

This is not to say Cena has backstage politicked his way into the main event scene.

He is talented, hard working, and charismatic. He's also a tremendous wrestler and talker.

However, these examples do provide the grounds for speculation and discussion about Cena using backstage politics to get ahead and stay on top.

See, this is actually reasonable. I don't necessarily agree with it, but it's something I'd take seriously. Learn from this Crocky.
His 500th I think. WZ had a story a week or so ago about him doing another though. Not sure if WWE even mentioned it.

I vaguely remember seeing something on it around Summerslam. Didn't they do some sort of video on the preshow about the festivities in New York and that was mentioned. I might be mistaken though, but I'm sure I saw it on the Network not on the main page.
He wanted K-Fed to go over him so he could get more sympathy from the audience, obviously. Moral, honest community members like Batista, Jeff Hardy, or Invader #1 did jobs too, but they didn't do them for selfish reasons.
Crocker was like 8 back then so he was outraged and probably strangely arosed by Cena losing to K-Fed.
You know how every year, news outlets do the "Kids going to college this year have never......" lists?

You folks want to feel old? Crocker only has memories of Chris Jericho as a grizzled vet who's been around forever and held dozens of championships, and not as the feisty young up-and-comer who was being held back by Triple H's BACKSTAGE POLITICS.

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