Road to Redemption and Rehabilitation Starts Here.

By the way

The Undertaker is 1,665-401-85 since debuting in WWE.
John Cena is 1,614-344-58 since debuting in WWE.
Cena is 135 matches away from reaching Undertaker's all-time match total.

You guys will probably defend this though. Why do i e ven bother
By the way

You guys will probably defend this though. Why do i e ven bother

I've got this one:

John Cena used backstage politics to make Back to the Future a real thing and made it so that a good chunk of Undertaker's career took place when there was an hour of Raw a week only and made sure that his own career took place when there were 4-5 hours of TV a week so he could easily catch Undertaker. The fact that Undertaker has only wrestled 50 matches since April 2009 is also completely inconsequential.
Show second rate character like Taker. Ignore Cena's record compared to money makers like Rock, Hogan, and Austin. Crocker logic.

And you bother because you're lonely.
KB I don't understand you sometimes.. you claim you're not a Cena mark but you consistently defend him

Anyone who wouldn't defend Cena with regards to that post you made about his win/loss record compared to the Undertaker is a fucking mark of epic proportions.
KB I don't understand you sometimes.. you claim you're not a Cena mark but you consistently defend him

I'm not a New England Patriots fan either but I know they're better than my team. There's a difference between respecting someone's accomplishments and being a mark for them. I never liked Dusty Rhodes but I know he's one of the most influential and important figures in wrestling history. To think otherwise because I don't like him is not only inaccurate but stupid and ignorant.

"After Lesnar began to bleed, Vince ordered a WWE doctor to go to the ring and tend to Lesnar, and as seen on camera, Lesnar shoved the doctor out of the way, and is reportedly what really angered Vince.

Lesnar shoving the WWE doctor was 100% a shoot, as Lesnar was reportedly upset that the doctor intervening interrupted the momentum of the match."

This is what i like about Lesnar. He isn't just there for the money. He has legit passion for wrestling and cares about the flow of his matches. He has balls too, he is definitely not one to suck up to Vince, unlike Cena.
I have it on good authority (Crocker) that Cena has backstage politicked every match he's ever been in. He used to do strip teases for Vince McMahon, but when Vince died 5 years ago Cena backstage politicked his way into inventing a way to reanimate Vince's lifeless corpse. It now does whatever Cena says and Now all booking for Cena is accomplished by "Vince McMahon" solely.
Lesnar has balls unlike Cena. He isn't afraid to speak his mind. How does that make me a troll for saying that
Lesnar has balls unlike Cena. He isn't afraid to speak his mind. How does that make me a troll for saying that

Not so much a troll. Rather stupid for not getting why what you said was stupid and proof that you don't pay as much attention to news as you claim to do.
Implying that Undertaker is not a money maker? Lol..

You know damn well Undertaker isn't a money maker akin to Rock, Hogan, Austin, or Cena. And he's my favorite superstar of all time. Only an idiot would think he is on their level.
What in trying to say is Brock is a legit Badass inside and outside of the ring. Cena isn't. He uses petty methods instead of standing up to Vince

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